Sunday, January 16, 2005

World Hologram, Dark Energy & Vacuum Coherence
On Jan 15, 2005, at 10:17 PM, Carlos Castro wrote:

3- The geometric-mean expression of the observed
vacuum energy density in terms of an upper ( IR )
scale and lower ( UV ) scale was derived from first
principles ( without the Holographic hypothesis ) in

" Anti de Sitter Gravity from BF-CS-Higgs Theory "
Modern Physics. Letts A 17
( 2002 ) 2095-2103

I hope these papers may be useful to you.

Best wishes

Carlos Castro

Carlos, I am confused about your 3.

Basically the vacuum dark energy density is 0.73 of the critical density for a flat universe from inflation.
That is

Omega(dark energy) ~ 0.73

Omega(dark matter) ~ 0.23

Omega(ordinary stuff) ~ 0.04

This mean that Einstein's cosmological constant is

/\ ~ (10^28 cm)^-2

The dark vacuum energy density is then

too(vacuum) ~ (c^4/8piG)/\ ~ 10^-7 ergs/cc (from memory)

so where does UV scale come in?

In my theory, if UV scale ~ Lp ~ 10^-33 cm

/\ = Lp^-2(1 - Lp^2|Vacuum Coherence|^2)


/\ = (UV scale)(1 - (UV scale)|Vacuum Coherence|^2) = (IR scale)

here I use Susskind hologram model as well, i.e. I normalize the vacuum coherence on a 2D "screen" (de Sitter horizon?)

Entropy of universe/kB =(10^28 cm)^2/4Lp^2 = 10^122 BITS

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