Wednesday, March 31, 2004

re: Ch 9 of Nick Cook's book:

NASA is planning a trip to Alpha Centuri that will take 50 years. This is really not smart if the flying saucers are real. They do it in 50 minutes or less if they are real. The only way to do it is using Star Gate traversable wormholes using exotic vacuum zero point energy especially the dark energy phase with negative quantum pressure.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" (John A. Wheeler)

Mark Millis and his team have not even begun to ask the relevant questions because they are relying on the wrong physics of Haisch and Puthoff in this area - in my opinion. I met Mark and I know where his head is at and where it ain't.

Mark is afraid to acknowledge the reality of UFOs even though he took some of Joe Firmage's UFO money back in 1999 - 2000. Obviously, the reality of the flying saucers is the most important issue for the strategic planning of NASA as well as USAF, RAF et-al.

The 1999 discovery of anti-gravitating dark energy as the major "stuff" in the large-scale structure of the Universe completely changes the Baysean estimates of the probability that the saucers are real with time travel capability through star gates. I have been trying to alert Puthoff & Co to this fact since 2002 without any success. There is a big cognitive impedance mismatch without much penetration and a lot of back-scattering. ;-)

If the triangle ships exist (e.g. p. 97 "Aurora") discussed on the NIDS website then they are alien. They are not USAF "Black Ops." Not even Black Ops could keep such a breakthrough secret. The physics would leak out. The simple truth is that no human physicist prior to the discovery of the dark energy in 1999 from Type 1a supernovae would have had the slightest clue what the appropriate physical principles of metric engineering are. The physicists and engineers inside Black Ops, contrary to popular rumor, are not the best and the brightest. Now, that said, on the other hand, if the Black Ops really had retrieved alien flying saucers like Colonel Phillip J. Corso and others have said, and like is portrayed in Jacques Vallee's "novel" "Fastwalker" and in the movie "Independence Day" then they are like Mickey Mouse, The Sorceror's Apprentice, in Walt Disney's "Fantasia" playing with matches. They do not understand how the saucers really work they are simply pushing buttons, pure empirics. That is all about to change now that we have a handle on how it must all really work.

More on Nick Cook's interview of Mark Millis in Ch. 9 in the next installment.
On Mar 31, 2004, at 1:24 AM, Burinskii Alexander wrote:

This is clear if you read Bohm and Hiley's The Undivided Universe. The quantum potential formed from the BIT pilot wave of non-classical information does not generally fall off with distance like a radiation field for one example. That is, it is intensity-independent, though form-dependent, and it acts outside the light cone to which EM radiation is confined.
Dear Jack,
 I try to speak on the De Broglie wave-pilot idea - not on the Bohm wave-pilot theory which are not  equivalent,
apparently. Honestly speaking, I have read the Bohm theory long ago and is not expert at the moment.

No, they are equivalent mathematically because they both obey the Schrodinger equation, in the nonrelativistic case, not Maxwell's field equation. I do not think DeBroglie ever thought that his pilot wave in the double solution was a coherent electromagnetic wave. So, while I believe your classical mathematics that the EM waves you describe are there, I think it is a mistake to physically interpret those particular waves, both advanced and retarded, as quantum pilot waves for the electron micro-geon Bohm hidden variable (IT). As soon as you get to a Dirac equation, then those spinors are the quantum pilot waves for the relativistic electron. The EM waves only appear as Au in the gauge-covariant pieces of the action pu - (e/c)Au. Mark Davidson has been trying to derive quantum pilot waves from a classical model, which I do not think is possible as a matter of principle. I agree with Basil Hiley that quantum pilot BIT waves are "non-mechanical" qualitatively different from mechanical geometrodynamical and electromagnetic or any gauge force fields because of their form-dependence and intensity-independence and nonlocality responsible for all the weird non-classical quantum effects like one electron at a time passing two slits with fringes at the screen. In my theory of the "More is different" emergence of curved space-time, i.e. the c-number geometrodynamic local field guv(x) comes directly from the Goldstone phase ripples in the macro-quantum vacuum coherence local field. The residual exotic vacuum total random zero point energy densities of antigravity dark energy and strongly gravitating dark matter come from the intensity ripples in this same vacuum coherence field. This is in accord with Sakharov's idea on gravity. I have also solved the conceptual puzzles of why the cosmological constant is small and why the micro-geons (lepto-quarks) do not explode under their repulsive self-electric charge, i.e. what keeps the micro-geon solutions stable.
The considered by me stringy support of the wave function is a pp-wave which does not fall off like radiation and is intensity-independent, indeed.

OK, that is interesting. I do not yet understand the mathematics of this pp-wave. Which equations in your paper should I look at for that? If the pp wave is the quantum BIT pilot wave, then it should obey the Dirac equation in at least a point-like limit. If you can show that, then I would agree you have solved the problem. I think Mark Davidson would be interested in that.

The question with the light cone and super-luminal propagations is not so clear for me so far. There are some ideas, but they are still far from realization.
Yours, Alexander
----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Sarfatti
To: Jack Sarfatti
Cc: ; Mark Davidson ; Hal P ; Burinskii Ya. ; S-P Sirag ; Creon Levit ; simondaniel ; Philippe-Alexandre GAUGAIN (EuropeanUfoSurvey) ; carlos castro ; Tony Smith ; awret uziel ; Alex Poltorak ; Basil Hiley ; Geoffrey Hunter ; ; Waldyr Jr. ; Hagen Kleinert ; Milan Cirkovic
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Ibison, Davidson, Burinskii, Gaugain's work overlaps?

Thanks Alexander - sent to Ibison et-al. :-)

On Mar 30, 2004, at 2:35 AM, Burinskii Alexander wrote:

Dear Jack,
Thank you very much for so big attention to my paper.
The analogue with De Broglie clock is surprising for me.
Indeed, the Kerr ring is an e.m. generator playing the role of a pendulum.  
Also your discussion with Ibison is very  interesting.
I would like to comment the following  text by  Dr. Ibison:
``...The problem is basically this: the ZPF is a noise field, and therefore its role in the LAD equation is essentially diffusive. Consequently there is no hope of obtaining interference phenomena characteristic of a wave equation. I acknowledge that there are others who claim otherwise. However, to date, no one has provided a satisfactory explanation of how the ZPF can help produce a node in a classical probability distribution. The node is the signature of interference resulting from a wave equation. Diffusion processes never produce nodes in distributions. In brief, it is my belief that the (role of the) ZPF as characterized in SED will remain at odds with QM, and with observation. A possible reason for this over-exuberance is that the traditional Fourier decomposition of the vacuum EM field has led to the misconception that the field is coherent - or perhaps cohering in its influence on classical charges. But white noise can also be Fourier-analyzed; that property/ability says nothing about the underlying coherence of the field...''
My comment:  
It is assumed in the model of microgeon that  the Kerr ring, being the superconducting string, represents a resonator which is sunk into the zero point e.m. field.
The retarding coherent field (radiation) appears as a result of the resonance. It creates a coherent wave - the wave function.

However, a coherent classical EM field cannot be the quantum pilot wave BIT field of the electron. This is clear if you read Bohm and Hiley's The Undivided Universe. The quantum potential formed from the BIT pilot wave of non-classical information does not generally fall off with distance like a radiation field for one example. That is, it is intensity-independent, though form-dependent, and it acts outside the light cone to which EM radiation is confined.

In fact, the Kerr two-sheetedness describes this process of
resonance. The created coherent modes are selected and magnificated by resonance from the white noise.
It shows one more remarkable property of the Kerr model.
The stringy oscillations can be CLASSICAL without
dumping in ZPF. On the quantum level it acquires an
interpretation of the postulate on the absence of radiation for quantum excitations. This example shows in fact that
radiation exists, but it is fully compensated by the advanced ZPF.
Yours sincerely,
----- Original Message -----

From: Jack Sarfatti


Cc: Mark Davidson ; Hal P ; Burinskii Ya. ; S-P Sirag ; Creon Levit ; simondaniel ; Philippe-Alexandre GAUGAIN (EuropeanUfoSurvey) ; carlos castro ; Tony Smith ; awret uziel ; Alex Poltorak ; Basil Hiley ; Geoffrey Hunter ; ; Waldyr Jr. ; Hagen Kleinert ; Milan Cirkovic

Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:25 AM

Subject: Ibison, Davidson, Burinskii, Gaugain's work overlaps?

On Mar 29, 2004, at 4:22 PM, earthtech wrote:

Recall there are three terms in the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac (LAD) equation: the inertia term (m*a), the von Laue term (including the Schott term and the radiation reaction force), and the external force (e.g. the Lorentz force due to external fields).

This is the equation of motion of a point test charge in an EM field I assume? A classical one-body problem.

(The Coulomb part of the self-force giving rise to an infinite EM mass is swept under the inertial mass rug.)

Already this means the model is no good for much.

Also in QED one deals with operators for fermion charges and boson photons.

In the LAD equation, the vacuum is present as is the 'receptacle' for the radiation as decided by the von Laue term - it is exclusively a sink. SED adds another term: a vacuum source term - fields having classical statistics mirroring those (as closely as possible) of the EM ZPF of QED. This takes the LAD equation a step closed to QED. However, in SED the two vacuum terms are uncoupled - there is no hardwired mathematical relationship between the source and sink terms be related. Contrast this with QED, wherein the source and sink fields are the same, in the sense that the creation and annihilation operators on the vacuum appear symmetrically in the E-field. Thus in QED it is not possible to imagine a state of affairs whereby empty modes exist, whereas in SED that possibility exists, at least unless forbidden by some other means.

Huh? The QED vacuum has virtual photons and virtual electron-positron pairs.

Broadly, it is my opinion that SED is an improvement over the LAD equation. Not only is it closer to QED, but also it extends the domain of the classical conceptualization. The Casimir force calculations are a good example. Having sorted out the basic rules, one can dispense with the QFT formalism and work entirely classically.

I don't believe that you can get everything that way that you can in QED. Also no gravity here in principle.

As for the role of the ZPF in the origin of mass, I have my own ideas distinct from others in the SED community. They bear some relation to, but have moved on a lot from my earlier published work on the alleged ZPF origin of mass. An outstanding problem here is the origin of the mass scale (reciprocal length or time). 

That's Lp^2 = hG/c^3.

You need gravity for that.

A Fourier form-factor advocated by some to decide the bandwidth of ZPF interaction of an otherwise massless point charge, and therefore its mass, contains as much mystery as the problem it is trying to solve.

Agreed. One more reason that the Haisch-Rueda model of that is hogwash in my opinion.

Perhaps due to its successes, SED has been advertised by some as providing a classical explanation for QED in total. Here, however, I believe SED has been extended beyond its own supply line. The problem is basically this: the ZPF is a noise field, and therefore its role in the LAD equation is essentially diffusive. Consequently there is no hope of obtaining interference phenomena characteristic of a wave equation. I acknowledge that there are others who claim otherwise. However, to date, no one has provided a satisfactory explanation of how the ZPF can help produce a node in a classical probability distribution. The node is the signature of interference resulting from a wave equation. Diffusion processes never produce nodes in distributions. In brief, it is my belief that the (role of the) ZPF as characterized in SED will remain at odds with QM, and with observation. A possible reason for this over-exuberance is that the traditional Fourier decomposition of the vacuum EM field has led to the misconception that the field is coherent - or perhaps cohering in its influence on classical charges. But white noise can also be Fourier-analyzed; that property/ability says nothing about the underlying coherence of the field.

I presume you mean here the EM field.

In QED you need coherent Glauber states of real photons to get classical far fields and coherent states of virtual photons to get classical near inductions fields like from a solenoid or inside a capacitor.

Nonetheless, personally I am sympathetic to the broad aim of further extending classical physics and classical EM in particular. And I am broadly optimistic that a classical EM background may offer a classical explanation of mass and perhaps even of QM behavior. But it is my opinion that one or two important extra ingredients are missing from the mix, including time-symmetry of the field (equal mix of advanced and retarded fields) at zero Kelvin, and superluminal motion (of classical point charges). Work is in progress.
Michael Ibison

I certainly agree that advanced fields and superluminal particles need to be investigated. Mark Davidson is ahead of you on that approach I suspect. Alexander Burinskii has a geometrodynamic model of the extended charge.

In my theory it is the cohering of the random sea of virtual electron-positron pairs - not the virtual photons that gives emergent c-number curved space-time of gravity and the length scale, which is the arena on which Burinskii's Kerr-Newman micro-geons of mass without mass and charge without charge live!

Monday, March 29, 2004

re: book "Super Cosmos" under construction at ~ 8 meg file with photos. Needs DSL or faster to download.

Everything Nick Cook writes about Hal Puthoff and the paranormal RV work at SRI funded by CIA and DIA is accurate to the best of my knowledge both from my first-hand experience at the time and from extensive face-to-face discussions over many months with the late CIA Chief of Station, Harold Chipman, in the mid-1980s on the subject. For more details see my autobiography "Destiny Matrix." There were several witnesses to some of these discussions with Chipman including Creon Levit of NASA Ames and Kim Burrafato. Burrafato also met Ira Einhorn with me in Bolinas, California shortly before Ira jumped bail. Ira had come from a meeting with Jacques Vallee at the Institute for the Future on DARPA matters and had been staying at Esalen in Big Sur as Michael Murphy's guest for weeks after his indictment. Future Senator Arlen Specter was his lawyer at that time and his expenses were paid by the heiress to the Bronfman Seagram liquor fortune. No one believed he was guilty at that time.

I support the paranormal RV work by Puthoff and Targ. It is consistent with Rupert Sheldrake's data and with Dean Radin's and Dick Bierman's data and can be simply understood qualitatively as showing that micro-quantum theory breaks down for living matter. One needs post-quantum theory with signal-nonlocality to explain all the paranormal data as well as to explain how even ordinary inner consciousness is possible. The no-cloning theorem is violated in macro post-quantum theory that corresponds to what Antony Valentini calls "sub-quantum non-equilibrium."

Nick Cook relates how Ingo Swann came to SRI as fall out from Hal's biological tachyon paper and how Ingo caused a shielded magnetometer to move p. 112. Hal's story that CIA came to him because of this unexpected incident with Ingo Swann is generally consistent with what Harold Chipman told me. Puthoff had no idea of Chipman's role in his activities and Chipman had told me almost 20 years ago that that would be Hal's reaction. Chipman had worked closely with Pat Price. I also knew independently first-hand in the late 70's that FBI had a serious interest in Uri Geller's abilities.

"It turned out that the CIA had been tracking Soviet efforts to do the same thing for several years, but did not believe what they were seeing." p. 112 Nick Cook

This I think is true also based on what "ex DIA weird-desk spook" the late George Koopman (CEO of Insgroup and American Rocket Company) told me and Saul-Paul Sirag at PCRG 1155 Jones Street across the street from Grace Cathedral funded by Laurance Rockefeller's long-time friend Jean Lanier (widow of Chairman Stone & Webster Engineering) in 1976. No one had a physics explanation for all this high-strangeness. They do now. Mission accomplished. It took until 2003 to solve the problem George Koopman, Brendan O'Regan and others had given us to think about. O'Regan is already talking about all this in the 1973 tape with me, Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ et-al at Dean Brown's house that Jacques Vallee had allegedly set up though he never appeared at that time. The strange way I got to that meeting is described in some detail in "Destiny Matrix."

"And so the U.S.-controlled remote-viewing program was born, with Puthoff as its director. For the next decade and a half, U.S. 'psychic spies' roamed the Soviet Union ... they were able to roam not merely in three dimensions ... but in the fourth dimension, time as well. They could go back in time to review targets and they could look at them in the future as well." p. 113

Let me note for the record today March 29, 2004 that on March 15, 2004 Uri Geller in London told me and others at Simon Daniel's that "11-11" would be important. He did not know more than that.

"Puthoff showed me a picture of ... Semipalatinsk, which had been deeply involved in nuclear weapons work ... The two [pictures] were damn near identical." p. 113

Again this is corroborated by my extensive discussions with CIA's Harold Chipman who wrote episodes for the TV series "The Enforcer" as well as a treatment for a film "The Union" about a CIA rogue unit using RV in Soviet Cold War covert operations. "Chip" gave that document to me and Robert Jones.

"It all seemed a long way from zero-point energy, gravity and inertia, in which Puthoff had been busying himself even before he left the remote-viewing field. Or was it?"
p. 113

No it's not a long way from in my opinion. See my 1975 "Space-Time and Beyond" and more recently Roger Penrose's pop books suggesting a deep connection between quantum gravity and consciousness as well as Brian Josephson's ideas on zero point energy and consciousness. The common idea in both gravity and consciousness is the macro-quantum coherence field although the physical mechanisms in each application are different they may be able to interfere since the micro-dynamics essentially drops out of the emergent levels. Both gravity and consciousness are "emergent" in the sense of P.W. Anderson's idea that "More is different." Recall also Colonel Phillip J. Corso's allegation that the saucers are "mentally controlled." I heard this same story from Brendan O' Regan at SRI in 1973 and after that during the PCRG period at Esalen and with Werner Erhard ~ 1976 way before Corso wrote about it.

Now what about Podkletnov?

typo-corrected 2nd draft:

On Mar 29, 2004, at 1:22 PM, earthtech, Michael Ibison from Hal Puthoff's IAS in Austin mentioned by Nick Cook in his Ch. 10 of "The Hunt For Zero Point" wrote:

Jack: "Whilst the electromagnetic zpf drag forces you guys describe may be detectable they cannot be the real origin of inertia of the lepto-quarks if the standard model is correct. From Frank Wilzcek I understand that the origin of the small rest mass of the lepto-quarks is from a vacuum coherence condensate, i.e. Higgs mechanism. The much larger hadronic rest mass is from kinetic energy of confined quarks."

Mike: "I haven't decided where the ZPF drag-force idea fits into my perspective; I'm not defending it right now."

Jack: A wise decision. :-)
Jack earlier: Also in terms of "metric engineering" all this m = moK^3/2 stuff (I may misremember the exact PV formula numerator or denominator) is obvious hogwash not asking the right question at all! The issue here is Einstein's equivalence principle. We know since Paul Hill's "UFO acceleration fields", the "G-Engine" in Nick Cook's book, "negative matter propulsion" in Bondi's and Terletskii's speculations (from UFO data?) in late 1950's to early 1960's up to Alcubierre's weightless warp drive that tampering with the rest mass of the flying saucer is not relevant even if you could do it! The rest masses cancel out of the problem on the free float timelike geodesic!  
Mike: "I have discussed this with Hal, who I think agrees that tampering with rest mass is not a great help."

Jack; Hal should have been more forthcoming on that with me and simply written that he agreed with me rather than side-stepping. Also he should tell UFO researcher ex-USAF Intel Captain Robert M. Collins. With friends like Collins, Hal does not need enemies. :-)

Mike: It is no help in G-free space.

Jack: That is the only interesting case when it comes to metric engineering and the saucers.

Mike: However, under reasonable assumption, the  mass reduction IS some help however in getting rockets out of the Earth's G-field, because the maximum of the ratio pay-load_mass/fuel_mass tends to infinity as mass-> 0.

Jack: That ignores the e/m problem. I predict if you could do it, the rocket would explode. Fall apart. Maybe even cause a WMD catastrophe killing millins. In short don't go there is my strong hunch - even if you could. Again this is maybe only a psychic thing from my close recent contact with Uri Geller?

Mike: "That is, it costs nothing to get matter out of a G-field. As for Alcubierre's weightless warp drive, the advantage there, as I understood it, is in speed, not in a reduction in propulsion requirements."

Jack: That all depends on how one metric engineers the needed zero point dark energy/matter field configuration around the fuselage of the saucer. The actual evidence reported by Maccabee, Eric Davis et-al is that there is a huge reduction in propulsion requirements especially IF Colonel Corso is correct that the saucers are essentially empty inside! It's all nano-technology at low power inside the smart material of the fuselage. My theorizing is close to the incomplete data I have. I am making Baysean estimates based on my Sakharov type model of emergent gravity.
Jack earlier: Also if you could change m then you would change e/m ratios and all hell would break loose. It's like blowing up the car when the thief breaks in. The cure is worse than the disease! This should have been obvious to you and Hal. What are you guys thinking? ;-) 
Mike: This is a good point. I'm not sure offhand though if that makes a difference provided all length and time scales can be traced back to m. This would necessitate G and therefore the Planck length scaling accordingly.

Jack: If everything is like it was to start with, I mean if none of the important ratios of the control parameters change, then you have not changed anything physically. It's all a kind of gauge transformation or a general coordinate transformation - not real. A change in the map not the territory.

In any case, what is M? M must be the flying saucer.

M = Sum over a lot of little m's each with charges +e & -e such that M is electrically neutral.

Now M cannot be a passive test particle. It must overpower any external sources like M(Earth) for example. Now I have shown how to start thinking about how to do that with my local zero point energy density field ~ /\zpf

/\zpf = (Quantum of Area)^-1[(Quantum of Area)^3/2|Vacuum Coherence|^2 - 1]

start from = 0 with

|| = (Quantum of Area)^-3/4

Take a control superconductor as in the Podkletnov effect and make a Josephson weak link

| + |^2

to modulate /\zpf locally with EM fluxes and Berry phases via this generalized "Double Slit Experiment."

/\zpf > 0 is ~ anti-gravity dark energy density

/\zpf < 0 is ~ gravitating dark matter density

Just what Dr. Alcubierre ordered. Look at his computer solution for I think it's Trace K that must be related to my /\zpf via the vacuum field eq

Ruv - (1/2)Rguv + /\zpfguv = 0

"Were there already forms of aerospace travel out there - in the black world ... ?" Puthoff "I've certainly talked to people who claim that something is going on." ... "I would say the evidence is pretty solid." p. 114

Yes, if Hal means flying saucers of alien origin. No, if Hal mean stuff that USG engineers have been able to put together entirely on their own using physics as known in the past 50 years. Certainly none of the stuff Nick mentions in his book is even close to the truth of how the saucers really fly. They are all false leads. Nick mentions "five method" of the NASA BPP. Hal then makes a false distinction between ZPE and the "third" about "antigravity.: p. 114. On p. 113 Nick Cook says Hal was "too smart" to use the term "antigravity." The truth is just the opposite, Hal was at that point not smart enough. He should have used "anti-gravity" back then in what 2001. Today in 2004 all the mainstream Pundits and Pooh Bahs now use "anti-gravity" as a respectable idea because of the dark energy already discovered in 1999. Hal has been tardy in connecting those dots.
On Mar 29, 2004, at 1:22 PM, earthtech wrote:

Jack: "Whilst the electromagnetic zpf drag forces you guys describe may be detectable they cannot be the real origin of inertia of the lepto-quarks if the standard model is correct. From Frank Wilzcek I understand that the origin of the small rest mass of the lepto-quarks is from a vacuum coherence condensate, i.e. Higgs mechanism. The much larger hadronic rest mass is from kinetic energy of confined quarks."

Mike: "I haven't decided where the ZPF drag-force idea fits into my perspective; I'm not defending it right now."

Jack: A wise decision. :-)
Jack earlier: Also in terms of "metric engineering" all this m = moK^3/2 stuff (I may misremember the exact PV formula numerator or denominator) is obvious hogwash not asking the right question at all! The issue here is Einstein's equivalence principle. We know since Paul Hill's "UFO acceleration fields", the "G-Engine" in Nick Cook's book, "negative matter propulsion" in Bondi's and Terletskii's speculations (from UFO data?) in late 1950's to early 1960's up to Alcubierre's weightless warp drive that tampering with the rest mass of the flying saucer is not relevant even if you could do it! The rest masses cancel out of the problem on the free float timelike geodesic!  
Mike: "I have discussed this with Hal, who I think agrees that tampering with rest mass is not a great help."

Jack; Hal should have been more forthcoming on that with me and simply written that he agreed with me rather than side-stepping. Also he should tell UFO researcher ex-USAF Intel Captain Robert M. Collins. With friends like Collins, Hal does not need enemies. :-)

Mike: It is no help in G-free space.

Jack: That is the only interesting case when it comes to metric engineering and the saucers.

Mike: However, under reasonable assumption, the  mass reduction IS some help however in getting rockets out of the Earth's G-field, because the maximum of the ratio pay-load_mass/fuel_mass tends to infinity as mass-> 0.

Jack: That ignore the e/m problem. I predict if you could do it, the rocket would explode. Fall apart. Maybe even cause a WMD catastrophe killing millioons. In short don't go there is my strong hunch - even if you could. Again this is maybe only a psychic thing from my close recent contact with Uri Geller?

Mike: "That is, it costs nothing to get matter out of a G-field. As for Alcubierre's weightless warp drive, the advantage there, as I understood it, is in speed, not in a reduction in propulsion requirements."

Jack: That all depends on how one metric engineers the needed zero point dark energy/matter field configuration around the fuselage of the saucer. The actual evidence reported by Maccabee, Eric Davis et-al is that there is a huge reduction in propulsion requirements especially IF Colonel Corso is correct that the saucers are essentially empty inside! It's all nano-technology at low power inside the smart material of the fuselage. My theorizing is close to the incomplete data I have. I am making Baysean estimates based on my Sakharov type model of emergent gravity.
Jack earlier: Also if you could change m then you would change e/m ratios and all hell would break loose. It's like blowing up the car when the thief breaks in. The cure is worse than the disease! This should have been obvious to you and Hal. What are you guys thinking? ;-) 
Mike: This is a good point. I'm not sure offhand though if that makes a difference provided all length and time scales can be traced back to m. This would necessitate G and therefore the Planck length scaling accordingly.

Jack: If everything is like it was to start with, I mean if none of the important ratios of the control parameters change, then you have not changed anything physically. It's all a kind of gauge transformation or a general coordinate transformation - not real. A change in the map not the territory.

In any case, what is M? M must be the flying saucer.

M = Sum over a lot of little m's each with charges +e & -e such that M is electrically neutral.

Now M cannot be a passive test particle. It must overpower any external sources like M(Earth) for example. Now I have shown how to start thinking about how to do that with my local zero point energy density field ~ /\zpf

/\zpf = (Quantum of Area)^-1[(Quantum of Area)^3/2|Vacuum Coherence|^2 - 1]

start from = 0 with

|| = (Quantum of Area)^-3/4

Take a control superconductor as in the Podkletnov effect and make a Josephson weak link

| + |^2

to modulate /\zpf locally with EM fluxes and Berry phases via this generalized "Double Slit Experiment."

/\zpf > 0 is ~ anti-gravity dark energy density

/\zpf < 0 is ~ gravitating dark matter density

Just what Dr. Alcubierre ordered. Look at his computer solution for I think it's Trace K that must be related to my /\zpf via the vacuum field eq

Ruv - (1/2)Rguv + /\zpfguv = 0
Note #6

The 2% Solution

The great amazing discovery of the new "precision cosmology" is that at least 96% of physical reality is virtual reality.

In my theory ALL of physical reality is ultimately virtual reality since the on-mass-shell "real lepto-quarks" come from the coherent phase of the virtual vacuum condensate "inflation field" as the "mass without mass", "charge without charge" Kerr-Newman "micro-geons" that I first suggested in H. Frohlich's "Collective Phenomena" in 1973, that I worked on with Abdus Salam at ICTP (1973-4) and that both Alexander Burinskii and Phillippe Gaugain are taking forward today.
As I mentioned to Mark Davidson, Burinskii has shown how the "micro-geon" Bohm "hidden variables" have the DeBroglie "quantum heart beat" of

f = mc^2/h

where m is the rest Wheeler "Mass without mass." Hear the beat, beat, beat of the quantum tom tom.

This is precisely OPPOSITE to what Haisch, Rueda, and Puthoff HRP propose. They try to get m from the random noise static ZPF. In fact m comes from the oil on those turbulent waters. It comes from the cohering of the zpf static! HRP have a completely wrong picture of how the world works in their minds. What I say is the fulfillment of "Einstein's Vision" as explained by John Archibald Wheeler in his 1950's classic "Geometrodynamics."

Puthoff & Co have thrown the coherent Tar Baby out into the Briar Patch. This Brere Wabbit has brought it back. Take it from Uncle Remus singing The Blues. Play it again, Faithful Sam. :-)

"Dark matter" is virtual not real, i.e. w = -1. Dark matter detectors will never click with the right stuff as a matter of principle in my falsifiable theory.

Most of the papers on the Cornell LANL archive on string theory et-al are Cargo Cult pseudo-science in Feynman's sense as explained by Nobel Prize physicist Martinus Veltman.

Theoretical physics today has been hijacked in a Coup d' Etat by a Cabal of mathematicians pretending to be theoretical physicists. They have lost sight of the fact that physics is an experimental science and that contact with data, at least in principle, in the "gedankenexperiment" sense is necessary. This is not to say that some of the string theory ideas and loop quantum gravity ideas will not survive as real physics. That these same people in the "string mafia" also act like censors and blacklist papers that are closer to experiment or which have deviant views, even if wrong, is very bad for the health of all physics. Even wrong ideas should be aired so that they can be refuted. The fact is that not even wrong ideas now dominate the Cornell archive and wrong papers are not allowed to be refuted. This is a complete breakdown of intellectual honesty and real academic freedom in an Orwellian double-think appeal to academic freedom "filtering out the crackpots" from the physics information superhighway controlled by Mac Arthur Fellow official "Genius" Professor Paul Ginsparg and his clique. Ginsparg has erected a virtual Gulag on The Web. Growing numbers of physicists with good credentials and dissident, though intelligent and competent ideas, from India, Red China as well as America and elsewhere are now blacklisted. Nobel Prize physicist Brian Josephson is very concerned about this issue. I will be talking face to face with President Lehman of Cornell and some major alumni funders with deep pockets about this scandal shortly as I am Cornell Class 1960 and have been invited to an intimate pow wow with them on Cornell's future.

Notes #1 to #5 with typo corrections below

On Mar 28, 2004, at 10:41 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Unsolved Mysteries

1. Why can’t Donald Trump afford a decent hairpiece?
2. Why can’t Bill Gates, perhaps the richest man in the world with Microsoft the most powerful multi-national corporation in the world, find and stop the hacker cyber-terrorists using his logo and spamming us all in e-mail with virus executable files?

IQ Test

3. What did Donald Trump say to George W. Bush at the National Press Club Roast?

The above are all my original jokes BTW copyrighted in "Super Cosmos." My day job is with Jay Leno. :-)

Memorandum for the Record on the History of Metric Engineering of Star Gates, Warp Drive and Alleged Contacts with Advanced Alien Intelligences

Note #5
My complete London Electric Club lecture of March 17, 2004 with graphics and an animated explanation of the vacuum instability that causes Einstein's gravity with residual exotic vacuum zero point "dark energy/matter" to emerge is now online at:

as a Quicktime movie.

Connecting the dots between flying saucers and the paranormal: Is it a meaningless random coincidence that both Hal Puthoff and I met in 1973 and have both been working on these same two subjects for nigh on thirty years now? Obviously, there are no coincidences in Black Ops. Do you think that all scientific breakthroughs are to be made by seemingly respectable straight-laced academics, scrambling and back-stabbing each other for diminishing grants like hungry rats on a leaky lifeboat in a typhoon, inside prestige institutions or secret government laboratories? "God is subtle, but not malicious." (Einstein)

Hal Puthoff "developed the notion of the remote-viewing program for the CIA and the DIA. The RV work formed the hub of the 'heavily classified research' that he undertook at SRI for the next 13 years." Nick Cook, p. 111

See my book "Destiny Matrix" on "Harold Chipman" in the Index for example for more information on this part of the story.

"I asked how he made the jump ... 'I know it sounds weird ... In the early 1970's physicists were searching everywhere for evidence of tachyons -- particles that ... had the ability to travel faster than light." p. 112

Of course, we had an expert on tachyons at the London Electric Club meeting on March 17, 2004, Mark Davidson, Ph.D. whose papers on the subject are online. Hal was invited, but did not come. So was his sidekick Michael Ibison. Pity.

Of course, the problem here is that Hal, and everyone else back then including me, did not ask the right question and were off on a silly wild goose chase.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" John A. Wheeler

One can waste a career asking the wrong, indeed not even wrong question. Indeed, Hal has. However, he is not alone, but is part of a large crowd - indeed the majority of today's theoretical physicists have and are wasting their careers counting angels on the heads of pins - not so the experimental physicists however.

Tachyons are IT, but what Hal was really interested in was BIT and he did not understand Bohm well enough. Not even Bohm understood Bohm well enough in those ancient primitive times. Therefore, Hal may be forgiven. ;-)

"Someone had given Puthoff a book called 'Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain' ..." p. 112

Of course this was an obvious trashy piece of New Age KGB "disinformatzya" of National Enquirer quality as I am sure Hal realized. See the "Dennis Bardens" story in both "Destiny Matrix" and "Super Cosmos" for more background on this part of the story. Also look up "Special Tasks", "Sudoplatov" and "Terletskii" in the index of "Super Cosmos."

"It occurred to Puthoff that one of the few places that scientists hadn't looked for tachyons was in 'organic living systems.' He wrote up a proposal that aimed to verify if plants were 'tachyonically connected' ..." p. 112

How quaint! How confused! Again this is not to attack Hal since I also played with such goofy notions back then. Of course, the correct way to think of all this, is in terms of the Bohm BIT "quantum potential" suitably generalized beyond orthodox micro-quantum theory to post-quantum theory with "signal nonlocality" as Henry Stapp first did mathematically in Physical Review A (not using the Bohmian approach, but an equivalent one). Stapp was metaphorically burned at the stake for this paranormal paper by the Inquisitors in Physics Today even though the paper is impeccable. The real evidence for such BIT signal nonlocality violating the no-cloning theorem of micro-quantum theory is in Rupert Sheldrake's data, in Dick Bierman's data, in the RV data et-al. As was mentioned by Martin Gardner in MIT Technology Review, by Robert Anton Wilson in "Cosmic Trigger" et-al I had already formulated this nonlocal signaling idea without real on mass shell "tachyon" particles as pure non-classical information transfer back in 1975 although I had not yet realized that this meant a violation of quantum theory. No big deal since facts take precedence over theories and in this sense general relativity violates special relativity. That is, every larger "covering theory" of a theory allows things not allowed by the smaller theory. The theory is a limiting case of the covering theory. In our example you recover special relativity in the global sense only when the space-time curvature vanishes everywhere. That is, only when all traces of gravity are gone. Otherwise, special relativity is only approximately true in a local sense in space-time regions so small that curvature can be neglected and yet not so small that quantum vacuum fluctuations in the space-time fabric become large. This, of course, does not mean that real tachyons may not also exist. However, it does mean that Hal, and others, were asking "not even wrong" questions back then like making sunbeams from cucumbers in Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" in the Academy of Laputa. According to Martinus Veltman, a Nobel Prize theoretical physicist, Ed Witten, Gerard t'Hooft, Lenny Susskind, Brian Greene & Co are doing that today in string theory. However, I am not sure if Veltman is not being too hard on his student t'Hooft here. I use some key string theory ideas in a very natural way and my falsifiable model is closely tied to experimental facts.

to be continued:

Previous notes on Nick Cook's book for the record now re-edited:

Subject: "The Hunt For Zero Point" Book Review

Notes for a review

Note #1

Nick Cook, Aviation Editor of Jane's Defence Weekly, is a charming honest well-intentioned chap who I had the pleasure of meeting in London at the chic Electric Club Frontier Physics Workshop and elsewhere near the offices of MI5 and MI6 on the Ides of March, 2004 where a meeting of the minds happened. This review is constructive criticism for a second edition of his book and whatever else may emerge.

The major flaw in the book, and in the March 1, 2004 "Aviation Week" "To The Stars" by a colleague William B. Scott of Nick's in Austin, Texas, is the complete omission of the relevance of the amazing discovery of anti-gravitating zero point vacuum dark energy that is approximately 73% of the "large-scale" stuff of that part of the Universe in the past light cones of our telescopes throughout the range of electromagnetic frequencies we can detect. The second major flaw, common to all
popular discussions of the subject, is the deep misunderstanding of the role of the quantum electrodynamic Casimir force that should essentially be omitted except in passing. There is no way that the Casimir force can be used for practical over-unity energy production and/or propulsion of space vehicles. As Ian Peterson showed in his London talk at the Electric Club, the energy that can be "mined" from the zero point Casimir force is no greater than the very weak Van Der Waals electrostatic energy between induced electric multipoles in the electrically neutral metal plate impurities placed in the zero point vacuum energy field. There is, in principle, no direct tapping of the vacuum zero point energy between the plates via the pure Casimir force. See for example the misinformation by "Markus" on page 109. Also Nick's sentence

"Casimir reasoned, that there would be nothing between the plates."

Should be corrected to

“Casimir reasoned, that there would be fewer zero point vibrations between the plates than outside them."

There is, of course, still "something" between the plates. The idea here is that electromagnetic wavelengths longer than the separation between the neutral conducting plates where the electric field must drop to zero are excluded from the interior though not the exterior of the plates.

"Puthoff's reputation as a scientist of vast repute went a long way before him. His papers on gravity and inertia were viewed as seminal works by the science community."
p. 108 Ch 10 (paperback).

This sentence will not stand up to close examination. This is perhaps, Pot calling Kettle black, but the simple truth is that Hal, despite his high security clearances, is viewed as an eccentric odd ball on gravity and inertia theories and on zero point energy way off in left field far from the mainstream by first-rank university professors with the possible exception of one unidentified alleged Nobel Prize physicist cited by Kit Green, MD who is not a physicist. I do not think there is even one major theorist in relativity who would agree with the above sentence? Note I distinguish Hal's theoretical work from his experimental work. I do not mean to imply that this is necessarily a bad thing as there are several fashions, indeed extremist cults now in theoretical physics, which is undergoing a severe crisis of Balkanization and breakdown. For example:

Martinus Veltman, awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize for Physics, with G. t'Hooft - from his recent book "Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics"

"The reader may ask why in this book string theory and supersymmetry have not been discussed...The fact is that this book is about physics, and this implies that the theoretical ideas discussed must be supported by experimental facts. Neither super symmetry nor string theory satisfy this criterion. They are figments of the theoretical mind. To quote Pauli: they are not even wrong. They have no place here."

Cited by Gary Bekkum in e-mail to me on March, 24, 2004

"He also sat on something called the Advanced Deep Space Transport Group, ADST, a low-profile organization ... Staffed by select NASA, Air Force and industry representatives ... Soon after gaining his Master's degree at the University of Florida, he went on active duty as a Naval Intelligence Officer seconded to the National Security Agency. When he left the Navy, he converted to civilian status at the NSA, then went on sabbatical at Stanford University ... to get his Ph.D.” Nick Cook, p. 111

As already mentioned, Hal has held, and may continue to hold, high level USG security clearances. This is why it is important to get the physics right in this national security area of technological surprise relevant to the WMD issue and the issues raised by Sir Martin Rees in "Our Final Hour."

There is one thing, Hal and I agree on here:

"Of the 30-odd devices that have come through this door, none has passed the magic test yet: a demonstrable measurement of more energy flowing out than is flowing in."

Note #2 for high school and college physics students

Can we boil an egg with zero point energy?

Re: p. 110 in Nick Cook’s book: Agreed the zero point energy exists and we see it in the massive total amount of dark energy in the universe although that energy density is still small. The total mass M of all the stuff in the universe is now observed to be just the right amount to make 3D space flat to about 2% error at present. Therefore,

GM/c^2 ~ c/Ho ~ 10^28 cm

Ho is the present value of the Hubble constant.

Ho^ -1 = 13.7 billion years to 2% error.

(G/c^2)10^-5 gm = 10^-33 cm Planck scale


M/10^-5 gm = 10^28/10^-33 = 10^61

M ~ 10^56 gm

Zero point exotic vacuum dark energy is about 3/4 of that and actually 0.96 in my theory where dark matter is also zero point energy of positive rather than negative quantum pressure.

Therefore, the density of exotic vacuum zero point energy averaged over the largest scales of the Universe is

Mc^2/(Ho/c)^3 ~ 10^56 10^21 (10^-28)^3 ~ 10^77 10^-84 ~ 10^-7 ergs/cc

This is not a lot of energy density. The point here, however, is that one cannot conclude much from this calculation because it is only a very coarse-grained average over huge scales of distance. It tells us nothing about what we can metric engineer on short scales like 30 meters by tweaking the vacuum coherence on even smaller scales with analogs to the “weak link” Josephson effect.

"Markus concluded ... 'It comes down to a difference in people's calculations and interpretations. Some say there is enough energy in a shoe box to blow the world apart; others say that all the ZPE in the volume of the Earth couldn't boil you an egg... with Puthoff ... it's closer to the shoebox scenario..." p. 110

"Markus" is no fool. But who is this "Deep Throat" X-Files Spook "Markus" who is playing Nick Cook and other defense journalists? Is he from our cousins in British Intelligence or from somewhere else? What is the real hidden agenda here? Are we all on the same team or not? What is the Final Secret of the Super Illuminati? Never fear, boys and girls, Michael Savage’s older brother, Doc Savage is on the case. ;-)

Noble Lies?

Now I actually agree with Hal Puthoff here, but it is not enough to be right. One must be right for the right reasons. Puthoff is right for the wrong reasons. Since Puthoff has credibility in the world of Black Ops this is a very dangerous situation because it is "bad intelligence" just like the bad intelligence from my ex-Trotskyite neoconservative over-zealous naive friends working in the back offices, by-passing the CIA, for Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney that allegedly, in cahoots with American Christian Fundamentalists and the Likud Party in Israel, got us into Iraq for the wrong reasons actually weakening our security against Al Qaeda as long-time pros like Richard Clarke, Paul O’Neill others of seemingly more competence coming out of the Bushes are now claiming.

What are the right reasons? Well that’s what the physics in this book is all about. To paraphrase Einstein: Physics must be as simple as possible, but not simpler than is possible. Here are some of them:

What are the right reasons?

The missing links here are the ideas of "vacuum coherence" that controls the amount of random noise in the zero point exotic vacuum fluctuations and of scale dependence. A few key basic conceptual points that you will not find in any papers by Hal Puthoff & Co:

1. The ordinary "non-exotic" physical vacuum is optimally coherent at a given specified scale such that it neither gravitates nor anti-gravitates as our common sense notion of "vacuum" dictates.

2. The repulsive anti-gravitating "dark energy phase" of "exotic" physical vacuum is more coherent than the optimum at the specified scale giving a positive net zero point energy density from all quantum fields with an equal and opposite negative quantum pressure, i.e. w = pressure/(energy density) = - 1.

3. The attractive gravitating "dark matter phase" of "exotic" physical vacuum is less coherent than the optimum at the specified scale giving a negative net zero point energy density with an equal and opposite positive quantum pressure, i.e. w = -1.

4. It is the sign of the quantum pressure of the physical vacuum in a given region of curved space-time at a specified scale of coarse-graining that determines the direct gravitational properties of the zero point energy density completely independent of the quantum electrodynamic Casimir force, which plays no important role in "metric engineering" as is seen in the "flying saucers.". Note that the cover of Nick Cook's book has a picture of a flying saucer and that is really what the book is all about. Hal Puthoff has never properly formulated what the problem of metric engineering really is. He has been side-tracked in an eccentric “PV” fragmentary “dielectric” replacement of Einstein’s battle-tested theory of gravity, which is falsified by the facts and never had any chance of working in my opinion. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

5. The basic thesis of Nick Cook's book, when one throws away all the noise of false leads, e.g. Townsend Brown's "capacitor", as I shall do in subsequent notes, is that the flying saucers somehow use zero point vacuum energy to control their flight. This is true in my opinion. The issue is in the details.

The fact that Nick Cook works for Jane's Defence Weekly and that Hal Puthoff has held high secret clearances from USG and that Hal's real interest is in the flying saucers, and that misleading information on this topic has made its way to Aviation Week make this an urgent matter of national security. It’s time to blow the whistle and separate the wheat from the chaff, the signal from the noise.

"I reached Puthoff's offices ... Puthoff's link to NASA was bound up in theoretical work he had been conducting since the early 1970's into the zero point energy field. Before getting out of the car, I was beset with the rush of all the old doubts. Did I really want to declare my interest in antigravity to a man who had a clear connection to the intelligence community?" p. 108 Nick Cook

But of course Nick had already done that with his "Deep Throat" named "Markus." This whole thing is intelligence. Let's not pretend otherwise. The only issue is whether the intelligence is good, bad or bogus? Therefore, we must continue into our investigation into what may well be the greatest mystery true adventure story of all time.

It is also curious that Hal Puthoff's interest in zero point energy began at around the same time that he started his CIA-financed paranormal studies of Uri Geller and other psychics at SRI, which also coincided with my meeting him for the first time as preserved in a tape recording that Saul-Paul Sirag has.

Is there a connection between zero point energy and consciousness? Generally, the answer in my opinion is yes via the notion of "vacuum coherence." Does this connect to the late Colonel Phillip J. Corso's allegation of direct mental control of the flying saucers? Probably. What about "Q" in Star Trek? Gene Roddenberry was influenced by Andrija Puharich who bought Uri Geller to America. Is "Q" pure fiction or might some advanced intelligence with such God-like power be possible in fact? Is it random coincidence that I appear in Paramount Pictures "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" DVD "Special Collector's Edition" (Disk 2 "Time Travel The Art of the Possible") all too briefly touching on all these thrilling ideas?

Tune or "toon" in to the next episode:
We missed you in London. Make sure you and Hal come next time. :-)

Nick Cook can moderate a TV discussion.

I will definitely include what you say below in Super Cosmos lest there be no confusion.

What I meant of course was in a humorous vein since you are the younger man and work in the same building with Hal on a daily basis. You know like Batman and Robin.

See photos at

On Mar 29, 2004, at 9:40 AM, earthtech wrote:

I am not Hal Puthoff's sidekick. We share a common employer, and a common attitude to much of our physics; Hal and I spend much time in creative & vigorous exchanges. But I have complete autonomy to pursue ideas I believe relevant to the broad goals of the Institute. If you look at what I have published, I think you will find it hard to justify the sidekick characterization. Nor do I think Hal would agree with you. In fact the opposite is closer to the truth: The publications [1-5] could be regarded as attempts to steer a reluctant SED community onto a new - and I believe more promising - course.
[1] M. Ibison, Electrodynamics in the zero-point field: on the equilibrium spectral energy distribution and the origin of inertia, Found. Phys. Lett. Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 83-90, 2003.

Whilst the electromagnetic zpf drag forces you guys describe may be detectable they cannot be the real origin of inertia of the lepto-quarks if the standard model is correct. From Frank Wilzcek I understand that the origin of the small rest mass of the lepto-quarks is from a vacuum coherence condensate, i.e. Higgs mechanism. The much larger hadronic rest mass is from kinetic energy of confined quarks.

Also in terms of "metric engineering" all this m = moK^3/2 stuff (I may misremember the exact PV formula numerator or denominator) is obvious hogwash not asking the right question at all! The issue here is Einstein's equivalence principle. We know since Paul Hill's "UFO acceleration fields", the "G-Engine" in Nick Cook's book, "negative matter propulsion" in Bondi's and Terletskii's speculations (from UFO data?) in late 1950's to early 1960's up to Alcubierre's weightless warp drive that tampering with the rest mass of the flying saucer is not relevant even if you could do it! The rest masses cancel out of the problem on the free float timelike geodesic! Also if you could change m then you would change e/m ratios and all hell would break loose. It's like blowing up the car when the thief breaks in. The cure is worse than the disease! This should have been obvious to you and Hal. What are you guys thinking? ;-)

The real problem of metric engineering of course is how to control the timelike geodesic of the saucer's flight path from on-board. I have never seen anyone in the Puthoff Camp properly formulate that the way I did in my two books from 2002 "Destiny Matrix" and "Space-Time and Beyond II" copyrighted in Library of Congress so I claim priority there and I acknowledged in those books that Hal invented the term "metric engineering."

[2] M. Ibison, A massless classical electron, in Has the Last Word Been Said on Classical Electrodynamics? Eds. A. Chubykalo et al, Rinton Press, Paramus, NJ, 2004.

[3] M. Ibison, Massless classical electrodynamics, accepted for publication in Fizika A. Also on LANL.

[4] M. Ibison, A classical point charge spontaneously free of singular self action, in Has the Last Word Been Said on Classical Electrodynamics? Eds. A. Chubykalo et al, Rinton Press, Paramus, NJ, 2004.
[5] M. Ibison, An investigation of the PV cosmology. LANL
If you have evidence to the contrary please say explicitly what you think it is, else please do not keep lumping us all together.
I will write a few words that you can insert in your book on what I think SED has accomplished, and what its problems are.

Excellent! I look forward to that. Please refute my argument above from the equivalence principle if you can?
As Benjamin Franklin allegedly said to the Continental Congress in 1776:

"Either we shall all hang together or we shall all hang separately."

From the ET meat hooks as alien food perhaps? I see the situation as more like "Independence Day" than "ET", how about you? I could be wrong. I hope I am.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Sarfatti []
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:41 PM
Cc: SarfattiScienceSeminars@YahooGroups. com; ItalianPhysicsCenter
Subject: Re: "The Hunt For Zero Point" Book Review #5 REFORMATTED LARGER FONTS

Of course, we had an expert on tachyons at the London Electric Club meeting on March 17, 2004, Mark Davidson, Ph.D. whose papers on the subject are online. Hal was invited, but did not come. So was his sidekick Michael Ibison. Pity.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Unsolved Mysteries

1. Why can’t Donald Trump afford a decent hairpiece?
2. Why can’t Bill Gates, perhaps the richest man in the world with Microsoft the most powerful multi-national corporation in the world, find and stop the hacker cyber-terrorists using his logo and spamming us all in e-mail with virus executable files?

IQ Test

3. What did Donald Trump say to George W. Bush at the National Press Club Roast?

The above are all my original jokes BTW copyrighted in "Super Cosmos." My day job is with Jay Leno. :-)

Memorandum for the Record on the History of Metric Engineering of Star Gates, Warp Drive and Alleged Contacts with Advanced Alien Intelligences

Note #5
My complete London Electric Club lecture of March 17, 2004 with graphics and an animated explanation of the vacuum instability that causes Einstein's gravity with residual exotic vacuum zero point "dark energy/matter" to emerge is now online at:

as a Quicktime movie.

Connecting the dots between flying saucers and the paranormal. Is it a meaningless random coincidence that both Hal Puthoff and I met in 1973 and have both been working on these same two subjects for nigh on thirty years now? Obviously, there are no coincidences in Black Ops. Do you think that all scientific breakthroughs are to be made by seemingly respectable straight-laced academics, scrambling and back-stabbing each other for diminishing grants like hungry rats on a leaky lifeboat in a typhoon, inside prestige institutions or secret government laboratories? "God is subtle, but not malicious." (Einstein)

Hal Puthoff "developed the notion of the remote-viewing program for the CIA and the DIA. The RV work formed the hub the 'heavily classified research' that he undertook at SRI for the next 13 years." Nick Cook, p. 111

See my book "Destiny Matrix" on "Harold Chipman" in the Index for example for more information on this part of the story.

"I asked how he made the jump ... 'I know it sounds weird ... In the early 1970's physicists were searching everywhere for evidence of tachyons -- particles that ... had the ability to travel faster than light." p. 112

Of course, we had an expert on tachyons at the London Electric Club meeting on March 17, 2004, Mark Davidson, Ph.D. whose papers on the subject are online. Hal was invited, but did not come. So was his sidekick Michael Ibison. Pity.

Of course, the problem here is that Hal, and everyone else back then including me, did not ask the right question and were off on a silly wild goose chase.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" John A. Wheeler

One can waste a career asking the wrong, indeed not even wrong Question. Indeed, Hal has. However, he is not alone, but is part of a large crowd - indeed the majority of today's theoretical physicists have and are wasting their careers counting angels on the heads of pins - not so the experimental physicists however.

Tachyons are IT, but what Hal was really interested in was BIT and he did not understand Bohm well enough. Not even Bohm understood Bohm well enough in those ancient primitive times. Therefore, Hal may be forgiven. ;-)

"Someone had given Puthoff a book called 'Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain' ..." p. 112

Of course this was an obvious trashy piece of New Age KGB "disinformatzya" of National Enquirer quality as I am sure Hal realized. See the "Dennis Bardens" story in both "Destiny Matrix" and "Super Cosmos" for more background on this part of the story. Also look up "Special Tasks", "Sudoplatov" and "Terletskii" in the index of "Super Cosmos."

"It occurred to Puthoff that one of the few places that scientists hadn't looked for tachyons was in 'organic living systems.' He wrote up a proposal that aimed to verify if plants were 'tachyonically connected' ..." p. 112

How quaint! How confused! Again this is not to attack Hal since I also played with such goofy notions back then. Of course, the correct way to think of all this, is in terms of the Bohm BIT "quantum potential" suitably generalized beyond orthodox micro-quantum theory to post-quantum theory with "signal nonlocality" as Henry Stapp first did mathematically in Physical Review A (not using the Bohmian approach, but an equivalent one). Stapp was metaphorically burned at the stake for this paranormal paper by the Inquistors in Physics Today even though the paper is impeccable. The real evidence for such BIT signal nonlocality violating the no-cloning theorem of micro-quantum theory is in Rupert Sheldrake's data, in Dick Bierman's data, in the RV data et-al. As was mentioned by Martin Gardner in MIT Technology Review, by Robert Anton Wilson in "Cosmic Trigger" et-al I had already formulated this nonlocal signaling idea without real on mass shell "tachyon" particles as pure non-classical information transfer back in 1975 although I had not yet realized that this meant a violation of quantum theory. No big deal since facts take precedence over theories and in this sense general relativity violates special relativity. That is, every larger "covering theory" of a theory allows things not allowed by the smaller theory. The theory is a limiting case of the covering theory. In our example you recover special relativity in the global sense only when the space-time curvature vanishes everywhere. That is, only when all traces of gravity are gone. Otherwise, special relativity is only approximately true in a local sense in space-time regions so small that curvature can be neglected and yet not so small that quantum vacuum fluctuations in the space-time fabric become large. This, of course, does not mean that real tachyons may not also exist. However, it does mean that Hal, and others, were asking "not even wrong" questions back then like making sunbeams from cucumbers in Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" in the Academy of Laputa. According to M. Veltman, a Nobel Prize theoretical physicist, Ed Witten, t'Hooft, Lenny Susskind, Brian Greene & Co are doing that today in string theory. However, I am not sure if Veltman is not being too hard on his student t'Hooft here. I use some key string theory ideas in a very natural way and my falsifiable model is closely tied to experimental facts.

to be continued:

Previous notes on Nick Cook's book for the record now re-edited:

Subject: "The Hunt For Zero Point" Book Review

Notes for a review

Note #1

Nick Cook, Aviation Editor of Jane's Defence Weekly, is a charming honest well-intentioned chap who I had the pleasure of meeting in London at the chic Electric Club Frontier Physics Workshop and elsewhere near the offices of MI5 and MI6 on the Ides of March, 2004 where a meeting of the minds happened. This review is constructive criticism for a second edition of his book and whatever else may emerge.

The major flaw in the book, and in the March 1, 2004 "Aviation Week" "To The Stars" by a colleague William B. Scott of Nick's in Austin, Texas, is the complete omission of the relevance of the amazing discovery of anti-gravitating zero point vacuum dark energy that is approximately 73% of the "large-scale" stuff of that part of the Universe in the past light cones of our telescopes throughout the range of electromagnetic frequencies we can detect. The second major flaw, common to all
popular discussions of the subject, is the deep misunderstanding of the role of the quantum electrodynamic Casimir force that should essentially be omitted except in passing. There is no way that the Casimir force can be used for practical over-unity energy production and/or propulsion of space vehicles. As Ian Peterson showed in his London talk at the Electric Club, the energy that can be "mined" from the zero point Casimir force is no greater than the very weak Van Der Waals electrostatic energy between induced electric multipoles in the electrically neutral metal plate impurities placed in the zero point vacuum energy field. There is, in principle, no direct tapping of the vacuum zero point energy between the plates via the pure Casimir force. See for example the misinformation by "Markus" on page 109. Also Nick's sentence

"Casimir reasoned, that there would be nothing between the plates."

Should be corrected to

“Casimir reasoned, that there would be fewer zero point vibrations
between the plates than outside them."

There is, of course, still "something" between the plates. The idea here is that electromagnetic wavelengths longer than the separation between the neutral conducting plates where the electric field must drop to zero are excluded from the interior though not the exterior of the plates.

"Puthoff's reputation as a scientist of vast repute went a long way before him. His papers on gravity and inertia were viewed as seminal works by the science community."
p. 108 Ch 10 (paperback).

This sentence will not stand up to close examination. This is perhaps, Pot calling Kettle black, but the simple truth is that Hal, despite his high security clearances, is viewed as an eccentric odd ball on gravity and inertia theories and on zero point energy way off in left field far from the mainstream by first-rank university professors with the possible exception of one unidentified alleged Nobel Prize physicist cited by Kit Green, MD who is not a physicist. I do not think there is even one major theorist in relativity who would agree with the above sentence? Note I distinguish Hal's theoretical work from his experimental work. I do not mean to imply that this is necessarily a bad thing as there are several fashions, indeed extremist cults now in theoretical physics, which is undergoing a severe crisis of Balkanization and breakdown. For example:

Martinus Veltman, awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize for Physics, with G. t'Hooft - from his recent book "Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics"

"The reader may ask why in this book string theory and supersymmetry have not been discussed...The fact is that this book is about physics, and this implies that the theoretical ideas discussed must be supported by experimental facts. Neither super symmetry nor string theory satisfy this criterion. They are figments of the theoretical mind. To quote Pauli: they are not even wrong. They have no place here."

Cited by Gary Bekkum in e-mail to me on March, 24, 2004

"He also sat on something called the Advanced Deep Space Transport Group, ADST, a low-profile organization ... Staffed by select NASA, Air Force and industry representatives ... Soon after gaining his Master's degree at the University of Florida, he went on active duty as a Naval Intelligence Officer seconded to the National Security Agency. When he left the Navy, he converted to civilian status at the NSA, then went on
sabbatical at Stanford University ... to get his Ph.D.” Nick Cook, p. 111

As already mentioned, Hal has held, and may continue to hold, high level USG security clearances. This is why it is important to get the physics right in this national security area of technological surprise relevant to the WMD issue and the issues raised by Sir Martin Rees in "Our Final Hour."

There is one thing, Hal and I agree on here:

"Of the 30-odd devices that have come through this door, none has passed the magic test yet: a demonstrable measurement of more energy flowing out than is flowing in."

Note #2 for high school and college physics students

Can we boil an egg with zero point energy?

Re: p. 110 in Nick Cook’s book: Agreed the zero point energy exists and we see it in the massive total amount of dark energy in the universe although that energy density is still small. The total mass M of all the stuff in the universe is now observed to be just the right amount to make 3D space flat to about 2% error at present. Therefore,

GM/c2 ~ c/Ho ~ 1028 cm

Ho is the present value of the Hubble constant.

Ho -1 = 13.7 billion years to 2% error.

(G/c2)10-5 gm = 10-33 cm Planck scale


M/10-5 gm = 1028/10-33 = 1061

M ~ 1056 gm

Zero point exotic vacuum dark energy is about 3/4 of that and actually 0.96 in my theory where dark matter is also zero point energy of positive rather than negative quantum pressure.

Therefore, the density of exotic vacuum zero point energy averaged over the largest scales of the Universe is

Mc2/(Ho/c)3 ~ 1056 1021 (10-28)3 ~ 1077 10-84 ~ 10-7 ergs/cc

This is not a lot of energy density. The point here, however, is that one cannot conclude much from this calculation because it is only a very coarse-grained average over huge scales of distance. It tells us nothing about what we can metric engineer on short scales like 30 meters by tweaking the vacuum coherence on even smaller scales with analogs to the “weak link” Josephson effect.

"Markus concluded ... 'It comes down to a difference in people's calculations and interpretations. Some say there is enough energy in a shoe box to blow the world apart; others say that all the ZPE in the volume of the Earth couldn't boil you an egg... with Puthoff ... it's closer to the shoebox scenario..." p. 110

"Markus" is no fool. But who is this "Deep Throat" X-Files Spook "Markus" who is playing Nick Cook and other defense journalists? Is he from our cousins in British Intelligence or from somewhere else? What is the real hidden agenda here? Are we all on
the same team or not? What is the Final Secret of the Super Illuminati? Never fear, boys and girls, Michael Savage’s older brother, Doc Savage is on the case. ;-)

Noble Lies?

Now I actually agree with Puthoff here, but it is not enough to be right. One must be right for the right reasons. Puthoff is right for the wrong reasons. Since Puthoff has credibility in the world of Black Ops this is a very dangerous situation because it is "bad intelligence" just like the bad intelligence from my ex-Trotskyite neoconservative over-zealous naive friends working in the back offices, by-passing the CIA, for Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney that allegedly, in cahoots with American Christian Fundamentalists and the Likud Party in Israel, got us into Iraq for the wrong reasons actually weakening our security against Al Qaeda as long-time pros like Richard Clarke, Paul O’Neill others of seemingly more competence coming out of the Bushes are now claiming.

What are the right reasons? Well that’s what the physics in this book is all about. To paraphrase Einstein: Physics must be as simple as possible, but not simpler than is possible. Here are some of them:

What are the right reasons?

The missing links here are the ideas of "vacuum coherence" that controls the amount of random noise in the zero point exotic vacuum fluctuations and of scale dependence. A few key basic conceptual points that you will not find in any papers by Hal Puthoff & Co:

1. The ordinary "non-exotic" physical vacuum is optimally coherent at a given specified scale such that it neither gravitates nor anti-gravitates as our common sense notion of "vacuum" dictates.

2. The repulsive anti-gravitating "dark energy phase" of "exotic" physical vacuum is more coherent that the optimum at the specified scale giving a positive net zero point energy density from all quantum fields with an equal and opposite negative quantum pressure, i.e. w = pressure/(energy density) = - 1.

3. The attractive gravitating "dark matter phase" of "exotic" physical vacuum is less coherent that the optimum at the specified scale giving a negative net zero point energy density with an equal and opposite positive quantum pressure, i.e. w = -1.

4. It is the sign of the quantum pressure of the physical vacuum in a given region of curved space-time at a specified scale of coarse-graining that determines the direct gravitational properties of the zero point energy density completely independent of the quantum electrodynamic Casimir force, which plays no important role in "metric engineering" as is seen in the "flying saucers.". Note that the cover of Nick Cook's book has a picture of a flying saucer and that is really what the book is all about. Hal Puthoff has never properly formulated what the problem of metric engineering really is. He has been side tracked in an eccentric “PV” fragmentary “dielectric” replacement of Einstein’s battle-tested theory of gravity, which is falsified by the facts and never had any chance of working in my opinion. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

5. The basic thesis of Nick Cook's book, when one throws away all the noise of false leads, e.g. Townsend Brown's "capacitor", as I shall do in subsequent notes, is that the flying saucers somehow use zero point vacuum energy to control their flight. This is true in my opinion. The issue is in the details.

The fact that Nick Cook works for Jane's Defence Weekly and that Hal Puthoff has held high secret clearances from USG and that Hal's real interest is in the flying saucers, and that misleading information on this topic has made its way to Aviation Week make this an urgent matter of national security. It’s time to blow the whistle and separate the wheat from the chaff, the signal from the noise.

"I reached Puthoff's offices ... Puthoff's link to NASA was bound up in theoretical work he had been conducting since the early 1970's into the zero point energy field. Before getting out of the car, I was beset with the rush of all the old doubts. Did I really want to declare my interest in antigravity to a man who had a clear connection to the intelligence community?" p. 108 Nick Cook

But of course Nick had already done that with his "Deep Throat" named "Markus." This whole thing is intelligence. Let's not pretend otherwise. The only issue is whether the intelligence is good, bad or bogus? Therefore, we must continue into our investigation into what may well be the greatest mystery true adventure story of all time.

It is also curious that Hal Puthoff's interest in zero point energy began at around the same time that he started his CIA-financed paranormal studies of Uri Geller and other psychics at SRI, which also coincided with my meeting him for the first time as preserved in a tape recording that Saul-Paul Sirag has.

Is there a connection between zero point energy and consciousness? Generally, the answer in my opinion is yes via the notion of "vacuum coherence." Does this connect to the late Colonel Phillip J. Corso's allegation of direct mental control of the flying saucers? Probably. What about "Q" in Star Trek? Gene Roddenberry was influenced by Andrija Puharich who bought Uri Geller to America. Is "Q" pure fiction or might some advanced intelligence with such God-like power be possible in fact? Is it random coincidence that I appear in Paramount Pictures "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" DVD "Special Collector's Edition" (Disk 2 "Time Travel The Art of the Possible") all too briefly touching on all these thrilling ideas?

Tune or "toon" in to the next episode:

Saturday, March 27, 2004

On Mar 26, 2004, at 1:42 PM, Mark Davidson wrote:


One last point on Burinskii and solitons in general.

De Broglie pointed out that particles have an internal clock ticking at a frequency of hbar/mcc.  Most solitons that have been discovered are static, ie they have no internal oscillation.  If a soliton or black hole solution could be found which had an internal oscillation whose frequency was proportional to the mass, it would be a great discovery and bring us a lot closer to a derivation of quantum mechanics.  I think that soliton models of elementary particles should have this internal heartbeat.


Done on p. 16 of Burinski's paper on the Kerr-Newman micro-geon Bohm "hidden variable". He also gets a lot of Ed Witten's string theory. The paper is difficult mathematically of course.

Friday, March 26, 2004

On Mar 26, 2004, at 1:36 PM, Mark Davidson wrote:


Sounds interesting.  I want to take some time and try and read the Burinskii paper.  It's not my field really, but the results sound intriguing.  Without tachyons how will they explain nonlocal entanglement?  There must be something faster than the speed of light to agree with Aspect, Bell, and Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky.

Yes, I know. My own philosophy here is that:

1. At least in the sense of low energy effective field theory, there is an intrinsically mental or "thoughtlike" (Stapp) "pilot wave" of non-classical information as explained in Bohm and Hiley's book "The Undivided Universe" and in the first part of Basil Hiley's Electric Club London talk last week. See Hiley photo in This "pilot wave" is what Wheeler's "BIT" really is. It already has all the weird quantum "organic" "non-mechanical" properties of entanglement, nonlocality, form/context dependence, intensity independence that Basil mentioned in his talk.

2. There is also the "hidden variable" or "extra variable" particle or Wheeler "IT", which is an extended geometrodynamic exotic vacuum zero point energy stabilized structure in the sense of Wheeler's "Mass without mass", "Charge without charge" (i.e. trapped quantized gauge force fluxes like in superconductors) etc.

3. The "no cloning theorem" (AKA "passion at a distance" A. Shimony) needed for Lenny Susskind's solution of Hawking's blackhole information loss paradox, for quantum computing, cryptography and teleportation is only a very limited approximation of "action without reaction" in which the pilot BIT wave acts on the IT particle (or classical field configuration for gauge forces) without any direct reaction of IT back on BIT. In Bohm and Hiley's words, in this approximation the "wave function has no sources." This is precisely like globally-flat special relativity without gravitation. Therefore, there is a deep formal analogy, in the sense of category theory, between gravity and consciousness because, in my theory, consciousness happens when the thoughtlike pilot BIT wave has a direct IT source. In the same way, in Einstein's theory, gravity happens when the space-time geometry has a source, namely the matter stress-energy density currents.

4. The following ideas all have significant common overlaps of meaning

no cloning a quantum

wave function has no sources

passion at a distance

signal locality

no presponse (falsified by Dick Bierman's experiments et-al)

no consciousness and no remote viewing, no paranormal effects of any kind

sub-quantal heat death (Antony Valentini)


5. Negating everything in 4 is post-quantum theory.

Post-Quantum Theory is

IT FROM BIT + BIT FROM IT = Spontaneously Conscious Self-Organizing Creative Feedback Control Strange Loop

In sense of "complexity theory" (e.g. Murray Gell-Mann's "The Quark and The Jaguar") and Stuart Kauffman's "At Home in the Universe"

BIT = thoughtlike landscape

IT = rocklike system point

A conscious system is something like an adaptive genetic algorithm, but is more than that because the "wetware" matters. It must be "macro-quantum" where P.W. Anderson's "More is different" collective emergence from ground state spontaneous symmetry breaking happens. Generalized phase rigidity of a local holographic field coherent "order parameter" plays the key role. Minds are big non-classical things/ coherent self-organizing controlled processes not tiny micro-quantum irreducibly random uncontrollable things/processes. Von Neuman's quantum measurement theory of projection operators breaks down completely in the post-quantum domain!

6. Bohm's "quantum potential" generalized to include "signal nonlocality" or "sub-quantal non-equilibrium" (A. Valentini) where the pilot BIT wave now has a direct source dependence on its IT is, in my theory a necessary, though possibly not sufficient, condition for any physical system to be "conscious" i.e. to have an inner "stream of consciousness" in the sense of William James. That is all conscious systems will violate "quantum mechanics" that I will call "micro-quantum mechanics."

7. Bohm's generalized quantum potential with sources, i.e. with Bierman's "presponse" AKA "signal nonlocality" is precisely Rupert Sheldrake's "morphogenetic field" as described in Rupert's Electric Club London talk last week. The ground for this was set by Brian Josephson and Fontini Pallikari and later in more mathematical form by Antony Valentini and by me independently ~ 1994-6 in my series of "back-action" talks e.g. abstracts at Tucson II & III.

Now getting back more directly to Mark's problem:

8. Classical physics is based tensor math. Quantum physics is based on spinor math.

Tensors are IT

Spinors (square roots of tensors) are BIT

Roger Penrose showed how to make any tensor IT theory into something emergent from a BIT spinor substratum.

Once you have spinors you can entangle them. Spinors are strings of qubits.

9. EM theory is a tensor theory, but it has a deeper spinor formulation. You can think of spin 1 photons as pairs of spin 1/2 massless-fermions in the triplet state.

10. Space-time geometry is all from light cone structure. Penrose shows that light cones have a deeper spinor structure i.e. twistors, which are the spinors of the 15 parameter Conformal Group that includes the 10 parameter Poincare group as a sub-group. Dirac's 4-spinors are from the 6-parameter Lorentz sub-group of the Poincare group. Pauli's 2-spinors are from the 3-parameter rotation sub-group of the Lorentz group.

11. Local gauge invariance of the 4-parameter translation subgroup introduces Einstein's gravity field as the compensating field restoring the gauge symmetry that is now what Einstein called "generalized coordinate invariance" demanded by the "passive" local principle of equivalence. This gets sticky when generalized to active Diff(4) in the quantum gravity problem, which may be ill-posed. "Physics is simple when it is local." (Wheeler).

12. Local tidal curvature means shrinking a closed space-time loop to a point and this gives a local Lorentz transformation in the tangent vector fiber at that point but does not mean that the Lorentz group is locally gauged. The local curvature component is the limit of the change in the relative angle of a vector parallel transported around the closed loop divided by the area of the loop as the area of the loop shrinks to zero. This is a relative tilt in neighboring light cones corresponding to stringy disclination defect densities (H. Kleinert) in a 4D lattice in the large-scale continuum approximation This only works of course if one ignores the "quantum of area" discrete nature of space-time that perhaps obey Susskind's "hologram principle." My own macro-quantum theory of gravity seems to contain Susskind's hologram naturally. Note that Ed Witten and Co talk about "M Theory" without really being able to say what it is in any detail. TYPO was interrupted:

On Mar 26, 2004, at 3:38 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

They say they are still in search of an

should have been

They say they are still in search of an "organizing idea" (Susskind) like the equivalence principle for general relativity or the uncertainty principle of micro-quantum theory. Susskind offers the interesting "IR/UV Duality"

space uncertainty ~ h/(momentum uncertainty) + (Quantum of Area)(momentum uncertainty/h)

h = Planck's quantum of dynamical action


momentum uncertainty ~ h/(space uncertainty) + h(Quantum of Area)^-1(space uncertainty)

What are the corresponding relations for the number-phase relations of quantum optics?


(uncertainty in number)(uncertainty in phase) ~ 1/2

The basic idea in the former is that concentrating too much energy E into too small a volume makes a black hole whose event horizon is ~ 2GE/c^4.

So let only He who is without Sin cast the first stone. :-)

13. Locally gauging the full Poincare group give Einstein's gravity + a new torsion field that couples to spinning matter. Torsion is a stringy dislocation defect density (H. Kleinert) in which a closed loop in the curved space-time does not map to a closed loop in the tangent fiber space or vice versa.

14. What happens when one locally gauges the 4-special conformal boosts to uniformly accelerated hyperbolic "relativistic rocket" motion (with an Unruh-Hawking radiation effect) and the remaining 1-parameter dilation of the conformal group? What are these new gauge force fields?

15. In my present "toy model" macro-quantum theory, only the 4-parameter translation group is locally gauged. The compensating IT field is the spin 1 "world crystal lattice" (H. Kleinert) distortion field

World Crystal Distortion Field (Spin 1) = (Quantum of Area)(Partial Derivative of the Phase of the Local Macro-Quantum Coherent Vacuum Coherence Order Parameter)

This is analogous to Bohm's micro-quantum fluid "IT FROM BIT" guidance constraint:

velocity of IT particle = (h/m)Grad(phase of the pilot micro quantum BIT wave)

i.e. h/m the quantum of vortex circulation is replaced by the "Quantum of Area" in my emergent macro-quantum geometrodynamics.

16. The fundamental role of "Quantum of Area" in my theory is consistent with Susskind's "world hologram" that generalizes

Classical information inside a 3D volume V with boundary A cannot exceed A/4(Quantum of Area)

17. Loop Gravity Quantum of Area ~ Witten's "alpha'" of "M Theory ~ (String Tension)^-1 ~ Sakharov's "Metric Elasticity" ~ (P.W. Anderson's phase rigidity)^-1

18. "Metric engineering" is the control of the "phase rigidity" i.e. control of the "vacuum coherence."


At 09:26 AM 3/26/2004 -0800, you wrote:


You remember in London you talked about a "classical" Bohmian model for the quantum wave?
Burinskii seems to have something like that? (e.g. p. 3)
Also it connects to Philippe Gaugain's paper in London.
I do not see any connection to tachyon hidden variables here as yet?

On Mar 26, 2004, at 8:49 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote to Mark Davidson:

This may connect to your work?

Begin forwarded message:

From: " Burinskii Alexander" Date: March 26, 2004 1:31:55 AM PST
To: "Jack Sarfatti"
Subject: new paper

Dear Jack,

I am sending you a new paper written for the Russian journal
Grav&Cosmology - a jubilee issue to mark 100th
birthday of  Prof. Dmitrii Ivanenko, hep-th/0403212.

This paper overlaps partially the previous one, but
contains  the  essentially advanced treatment of the Dirac equation. It
contains also the extra
section on the Higgs condensate, superconductivity, and  the relations to
true and false vacua, which are based on the Witten field model for
superconducting strings.

I've pointed out that this paper was supported from ISEP.

I 've just looked the paper by Philippe Gaugain. He cited
the paper by Acros and Pereira. I know this paper and contacted Pereira. It
is interesting paper, but I told them
that my interpretation of the Dirac equation is very different.
In this my paper the relation of the Dirac equation to
the stringy carrier of wave function is shown explicitly..

My very best regards,
Yours, Alexander

Mark Davidson,  Ph.D.
Note #4

Nick, I deleted the private sensitive remark from your original below that I will deal with as you asked. I wanted some of the others on the inner "team" including Hal Puthoff & Co and also the "opposition" to see some of this so that we can get a constructive "ISSO" type forum up and running again! We do not have time to waste as you are well aware of. :-)

I will be working in next few days - perhaps as long as a few weeks on a careful read of your entire important book with a detailed set of constructive suggestions on the physics related issues only. I am not concerned with evaluating the historical facts you unearthed, fascinating though they are, because I am not competent in that field. I will also let you see what I plan to have in my book "Super Cosmos" that is related to your book before I send it in so that you can comment in my book if you like.

On Mar 26, 2004, at 8:36 AM, Nick Cook wrote:


Many thanks indeed for these helpful suggestions ... and let me reiterate
what a pleasure it was meeting you last week.

Same here. Your bon mot "Gandolph with a beret" is in "Super Cosmos." :-)

I look forward very much to our next meeting, be it in London or
California. I know you're going to be an invaluable source for the ... (deleted)

I will be back in London definitely on July 12 and will probably stay with Grant Stapleton at Belinda's house in High Gate for at least a few days. I will be in Dublin the week of July 17 for the big International General Relativity Conference. I may go to Ireland a few days before that. My plane returns to SF from London on July 31 so I will have a day or two at that end as well.

I found your presentation on dark energy fascinating. When we have more
time, I'd like to go through it again ... and maybe next time get a hold of
a copy.

It's online in directory

it's the Quicktime .mov file, I think it's

actually that is a shorter earlier version of what I showed you at your Club. I can send full longer version with more graphics later if you need it.

Note also the amusing animated cartoons in

click on .html files that can be used and expanded on.

Apart from your assessment that I was being strung along by Marckus, I think
your comments are bang-on. Had it occurred to you that Marckus might just be
plain wrong on some of the science ..? No-one is infallible ...

I would like to have a direct meeting with "Markus" maybe in London in July. I am by no means underestimating him. I wonder if he knew Herman Bondi?
Real knowledge of the zero-point energy UFO physics here is very incomplete and is still emerging. A real understanding of what we are all really after here was not possible before the 1999 astounding completely unanticipated (by the mainstream physicists who reject UFOs) empirical discovery of Type 1a supernovae data for the accelerating universe, i.e. a zero point "dark energy" anti-gravity cosmic field whose local control is what "metric engineering" (Hal Puthoff's term) of on-board self-controlled "free float" weightless "zero g-force" "time-like geodesics" really is. The fact that this anti-gravity zero point dark energy field density is very weak on the average over the huge cosmic distance scale is completely irrelevant to its short-scale behavior and control that we see in the flying saucers. That we may be in danger from whoever has control of those saucers seems to be very real.

Sensitive remarks by Nick deleted from original.

Looking forward to our next get-together.

Best wishes, Nick

Burinskii's "Fig 2" p.5 seems to correspond with Gaugain's "two universes" connected via the singular Kerr ring branch cut. Burinskii calls this "twofoldedness."
Note from Burinskii's eqs 1 & 2, in terms of my model of collective emergent gravity

hkukv = (1/2)(du,v + dv,u)

du = (Quantum of Area)(argVacuum Coherence),u

with additional possible spin 1 gauge potential corrections like (Quantum of Area)(2eAu/hc) if there is a Podkletnov type Josephson weak link coupling of a real superconductor condensate phase to the vacuum coherence phase.

h = (mr - e^2/2)/(r^2 + a^2cos^2theta)

ku is tangent field to twisting principal null "twistor" congruence in Burinskii's eq 2 that is null in BOTH flat space-time and Kerr-Newman exotic vacuum space-time.

The units for m, a, r are generally dependent on the shifting scale, i.e. not neccesarily based on Planck scale Lp^2 = hG(Newton)/c^3 but rather on a variable scale-dependent

Quantum of Area = hG*/c^3

which I reckon to be ~ 1 fermi^2 on the coarse-grained "effective field theory" scale of 1 fermi in order that Wheeler's "Mass without mass" micro-geon really works so that the electric self-charge repulsion and centrifugal repulsion can be dynamically balanced by the strong short-range "dark matter" attraction of positive zero point quantum exotic vacuum pressure that gives physical plausibility to the Burinskii-Gaugain type of "micro-geon" models of Bohm's "hidden" or "extra variables."

Wheeler's implementation of "Einstein's Vision" of "Mass without mass" and "Charge without charge" etc. failed in the 1950's precisely because no one envisioned strong short-scale gravity back then.

On Mar 26, 2004, at 9:26 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:


You remember in London you talked about a "classical" Bohmian model for the quantum wave?
Burinskii seems to have something like that? (e.g. p. 3)
Also it connects to Philippe Gaugain's paper in London.
I do not see any connection to tachyon hidden variables here as yet?

On Mar 26, 2004, at 8:49 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote to Mark Davidson:

This may connect to your work?

Begin forwarded message:

From: " Burinskii Alexander"
Date: March 26, 2004 1:31:55 AM PST
To: "Jack Sarfatti"
Subject: new paper

Dear Jack,

I am sending you a new paper written for the Russian journal
Grav&Cosmology - a jubilee issue to mark 100th
birthday of Prof. Dmitrii Ivanenko, hep-th/0403212.

This paper overlaps partially the previous one, but
contains the essentially advanced treatment of the Dirac equation. It
contains also the extra
section on the Higgs condensate, superconductivity, and the relations to
true and false vacua, which are based on the Witten field model for
superconducting strings.

I've pointed out that this paper was supported from ISEP.

I 've just looked the paper by Philippe Gaugain. He cited
the paper by Acros and Pereira. I know this paper and contacted Pereira. It
is interesting paper, but I told them
that my interpretation of the Dirac equation is very different.
In this my paper the relation of the Dirac equation to
the stringy carrier of wave function is shown explicitly..

My very best regards,
Yours, Alexander