Monday, January 31, 2005

"A beautiful theory is oft slayed by an ugly fact." T.H.Huxley

On Jan 31, 2005, at 3:18 PM, Gary S Bekkum / SSR wrote:


The Speed of Light and the Einstein Legacy: 1905-2005

Authors: Reginald T Cahill (Flinders University)
Comments: 22 pages, 10 figures. better graphics
Subj-class: General Physics

That the speed of light is always c=300,000km/s relative to any
observer in nonaccelerating motion is one of the foundational concepts
of physics. Experimentally this was supposed to have been first
revealed by the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment, and was made one of
Einstein's key postulates of Special Relativity in 1905.

However in 2002 the actual 1887 fringe shift data was analysed for
the first time with a theory for the Michelson interferometer that
used both the Fitzgerald-Lorentz contraction effect, as well as the
effect of the air in the interferometer on the speed of light.

That analysis showed that the data gave an absolute motion speed in
excess of 300km/s.

Isn't this the ~ speed of our solar system relative to the Hubble flow of the expanding space? If so that's probably how it should be according to general relativity where special relativity is only true LOCALLY! Since the curvature of space at surface of Earth from mass of Earth is about 1AU and since the MM measurements are made over periods of time when Earth has moved ~ 1AU in its orbital motion, it is not really all that surprising that this violation of SR is seen BECAUSE GR does violate SR as a GLOBAL theory. Now this is a quick and dirty response and I could be wrong about it. But I would guess that this is simply showing the validity of the tangent space structure of GR. The scale of the MM measurement L is of same order as scale of space curvature radius r*, and GR says SR can only be used when L/r* << 1, but in these measurements L/r ~ 1 so there should be a violation of SR on that scale! What is true in SR need not be true in GR. That is the case for every covering theory of a theory. For example, the speed of light is infinite in Galilean relativity. It is finite in special relativity. So, what is being detected here is L/r* ~ 1.

Note in the picture in that the Earth is pictured in two antipodal positions Spring and Fall. As I remember you cannot deduce the number 300 km/sec from a SINGLE local measurement of the fringe shift. You need to process the data from measurements separated by months I think i.e. L/r* ~ 1. Look at p. 5 of the paper you cite for example "four different months of the year". GR does not forbid absolute motion and absolute rest indeed in the case of the FRW metric it DEMANDS it! That is the FRW vacuum solution breaks GLOBAL LORENTZ INVARIANCE! This is merely still one more example of "MORE IS DIFFERENT" "SPONTANEOUS BREAKDOWN OF VACUUM SYMMETRY FOR THE EMERGENCE OF EINSTEIN'S GRAVITY.

FIG 3 on p. 18 is a LOCAL fringe shift measurement. But is it enough to extract the number ~ 300 km/sec? Look at figures on p. 19. That is can one get that smooth theory curve "best fit" from using data from ONLY a local measurement lasting a short time where L/r* << 1? Fig 4 p. 19 says you need the GLOBAL data to get "k" needed for the best fit.

*In any case this is an important paper needing careful study by many people over a long time and my off-the-top of-my-head apologetics above may be wrong. I don't know - but that is my instant response to the stimulus. :-)

Saul-Paul Sirag will know more about the details here than I do at the moment.

So far six other experiments have been shown to give the same result.

This implies that the foundations of physics require significant
revision. As well data shows that both Newtonian gravity and General
Relativity are also seriously flawed, and a new theory of gravity is
shown to explain various so-called gravitational `anomalies',
including the `dark matter' effect. Most importantly absolute motion
is now understood to be the cause of the various relativistic effects,
in accord with the earlier proposal by Lorentz.

Gary S Bekkum

Starstream Research
PO Box 1144
Maple Grove, MN 55311

Sunday, January 30, 2005

New cosmic anomalies reported

Just when we thought we had it right. :-)

This may be evidence for my /\zpf as a LOCAL field that in large scale is Einstein's cosmological constant of the DeSitter solution? I don't know yet of course - speculation. Any connection to NASA Pioneer anomaly

a_g = -cH

that I say is a hedgehog defect in vacuum coherence (Wilczek cosmic superconductor) centered at Sun and probably ALL stars?

Remember dark zero point energy of negative pressure makes an anomalous blue shift and dark zero point energy of positive pressure makes an anomalous red shift. Therefore, what is being seen here may be exotic vacuum harmonics in the hedgehog defect centered at the Sun starting out at 20AU?

On Jan 29, 2005, at 4:48 PM, wrote:

Cosmic oddity casts doubt on theory of universe

Saturday, January 29, 2005

A new analysis of the "echo" of the Big Bang has left cosmologists scratching
their heads and could throw a monkey wrench into efforts to understand how
the universe began.

U.S. and European scientists analyzed the distribution of "hot" and "cold"
regions -- areas that are putting out greater or less amounts of energy than the
average -- of the cosmic microwave background radiation (the so-called echo).
What they found was unexpected: an apparent correlation between those hot and
cold spots and the orientation and motion of our solar system.

"All of this is mysterious," says Glenn Starkman, a Canadian physicist based
at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and one of the authors of a
recent paper in Physical Review Letters that outlined the finding. "And the
strange thing is, the more you delve into it, the more mysteries you find."

The study, by Case Western scientists and the European Centre for Nuclear
Research in Geneva, is based on data from the WMAP satellite, the NASA spacecraft
that began mapping the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation in fine
detail in 2001.

The observed correlation is troubling on several fronts.

First of all, there is no reason to believe that the finding reflects any
physical connection between our local astronomical neighbourhood and the universe
at large.

As Dr. Starkman puts it: "None of us believe that the universe knows about
the solar system, or that the solar system knows about the universe."

Far more plausible, he says, is that something within our solar system is
producing or absorbing microwaves. That means that anyone doing cosmology would
have to take into account such "local" contamination.

(The correlation involves the largest-scale fluctuations of the CMB
radiation. If some of those fluctuations are a local rather than a cosmological
phenomenon, it would mean that the truly cosmological large-scale fluctuations are
even less intense than previously thought.)

There is, however, another possibility: The patterns seen by Dr. Starkman and
his colleagues might simply be a fluke -- an accidental alignment between the
solar system and patterns in the CMB radiation.

If the correlation is real, however, it could cast doubt on the popular
"inflation" model of the early universe. That model, which builds on the
well-established Big Bang theory, says the universe underwent a period of incredibly
rapid, exponential growth in the first split-second of its existence.

One of its predictions is that the universe should be nearly perfectly
"smooth," that the CMB fluctuations should be equally intense at all scales.

An analogy with a musical instrument can be helpful: If you hit a drum, you
hear many tones at the same time -- a primary tone as well as many overtones,
or "harmonics." The inflation model predicts that all the overtones in the CMB
should be equally intense, but instead "we're missing the bass," Dr. Starkman
says. "And what bass there is seems to be not generated by the universe, but
by something local."

Other physicists are responding with caution to the finding.

"There is no way to judge the real significance of such a result," says
Charles Bennett of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., the leader
of the WMAP team.

It all depends on how we perceive "chance," and how we evaluate
probabilities, Dr. Bennett says. The alignments seen in the CMB may seem unlikely, he says,
but that doesn't necessarily mean that they require new physics to explain

He points out that "improbable things happen frequently because there are
lots of opportunities for them to occur." In other words, he says, the newly
discovered CMB correlations are most likely the product of chance.

Dan Falk is a science journalist based in Toronto.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Wall of Dark Energy

PS I forgot to add the Vilenken problem.

How do we know if we are in a gravity field? (real or artificial no matter)
We use the rough HOVERING TEST. Focus on some reference place with your Doppler Radar.
Turn your rockets off. Are you moving relative to that chosen place?

If NO, then you are in flat spacetime most likely.

If YES, then switch on rockets and scan for a HOVER SETTING in which you remain at rest relative to the reference place you have chosen. If you find such a HOVERING SETTING then you are definitely in a gravitational field (real or artificial no matter).


Switch your rockets OFF. Use a liquid drop with small surface tension and measure the LOCAL RIEMANN CURVATURE TENSOR COMPONENTS Ruvwl in the RELATIVE COORDINATES usual text book way. Remember, the GEODESIC MOTION is ONLY FOR THE CENTER OF MASS of the EXTENDED TEST BODY. If you get non-zero results then that is SUFFICIENT to determined that you are in a REAL GRAVITY FIELD, but COUNTER-INTUITIVELY, IT AIN'T NECESSARILY SO!

You can PASS the HOVER TEST and FAIL the TIDAL TEST - that's seen in Vilenken's WALL OF DARK ENERGY.






The CLOSED NON-EXACT 1-FORM is there ONLY IF NON-TRIVIAL MULTIPLY-CONNECTED GLOBAL TOPOLOGY in the 1-Co-FORM LOOP Co-Homology i.e. closed loop ANHOLONOMIES that cannot be continuously shrunk down to zero in the space of the VACUUM COHERENCE ORDER PARAMETERS.

I think this is correct - but I will have to go back and double check. :-)

On Jan 29, 2005, at 2:34 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Memorandum For The Record
From: Jack Sarfatti (Ph.D. physics degree from UC)
Subject: Next Generation Metric Engineering Weapons Systems Threat Assessment

OK, in fact this has been a very fruitful discussion, including the comic theatrical banter with our staged personas. :-) You raised an interesting issue that is really not properly addressed in all the text books and, as it turns out, it's at the crux of the Russian allegations (Shipov & Akimov mostly) that torsion fields are real with technological application to, e.g. C^3 submarine warfare (also Richard Hammond's US claims).

Here is how I see the Big Picture at the moment in the light of the Brazilian torsion field paper that I think Art Wagner forwarded?

1. General coordinate transformations appear to introduce "curved metrics" when, in fact, the intrinsic properties of warped spacetime should be intrinsic tensor or spinor objects that transform homogeneously under the relevant symmetry groups of transformations of local frames of reference.

2. Not all local observables are homogeneous tensor (spinors) densities. The most important exception are the inertial forces (E.G. Coriolis, centrifugal) that are artifacts of the acceleration of a local frame that is, by definition, "non-inertial".

3. A common thread in the several forms of the local equivalence principle is that, in a sense that must be carefully defined operationally, one cannot LOCALLY distinguish a real gravitational field from an inertial field.

4. There is a creative tension between the Newtonian idea of a "gravity force" and Einstein's geometrodynamics where gravity force is eliminated. Landau & Lifshitz in "The Classical Theory of Fields" point out explicitly the bait and switch in the inertial/non-inertial frame distinction in the transformation from Newton's to Einstein's paradigms. In Newton's theory one can imagine a global inertial frame with a gravity force field just like an electric field. The local freely falling frame in Newton's theory is non-inertial. The little frame of reference falls because it is, like EVERYTHING, also subject to the universal force of gravity. Most NASA engineers still think this way and you can even send rockets to the moon, Mars and Titan using the Newtonian gravity force idea. Einstein turned Newton topsy-turvy upside-down, very much like what Marx did to Hegel. All inertial forces are eliminated in inertial frames for both Einstein and Newton. That is essentially a common definition in both Bohr complementary paradigms. For Einstein, LOCALLY

gravity force is equivalent to inertial force (LOCALLY means now at a SINGLE POINT EVENT)

You CAN tell the difference GLOBALLY. For example phony gravity fields like the centrifugal force get stronger with distance from a center instead of weaker like a legitimate gravity field from a compact source. See Landau & Lifshitz.

Inertial frames do not have any inertial forces. Since gravity is locally equivalent to an inertial force, the gravity "force" field VANISHES in a LOCAL INERTIAL FRAME, AKA "LIF". Roughly think of "gravity force" as "weight". Indeed, the Astronauts orbiting Earth in a closed elliptical orbit, with rockets off, are CONTINUOUSLY WEIGHTLESS in FREE FLOAT. They are passing through a sequence of LIFs. There is no LOCAL POINT-LIKE gravity force in LIFs. Indeed, what to Newton, is an accelerated curved motion in FLAT Euclidean 3D space is to Einstein the STRAIGHTEST POSSIBLE "GEODESIC MOTION" IN CURVED 4D SPACE-TIME.

What is reality really like? Is it Newtonian or is it Einsteinian? This, it turns out is a BOGUS QUESTION. It is not a good question.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" John Archibald Wheeler

We need to invoke Bohr's general philosophical or meta-theoretic "complementarity principle" that has been nicely formulated in a recent paper from Brazil forwarded to me by Art Wagner on Jan 12, 2005.

Within the context of the Cartan "tetrad" reformulation of Einstein's "tensor" geometrodynamics, Einstein's theory of gravity is unified conceptually and classically with all the other gauge force theories of the electro-weak-strong (sub-nuclear) forces. One can move at will between the two pictures like The Two Faces of Janus. They are equivalent more precisely, in fact, than the way different "string theories" are equivalent in the M Theory of the over-hyped Inelegant Multi-Verse. ;-) Essentially this is a Gestalt Shift like Old Woman/Young Woman
Gauge Force/Geometrodynamics - take you pick.

Now it turns out that the gauge force picture fits nicely with my "More is Different" Anderson/Sakharov emergence of Einstein's gravity with dark energy from the partial cohering of the random zero point energy vacuum fluctuations of the pre-inflationary false vacuum in the micro-quantum -> macro-quantum breaking of symmetry of the physical vacuum that leads Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004) to say that the multi-verse is permeated by a multi-layered multi-colored cosmic superconducting field (Nature, 20 Jan 2005 "In Search of Symmetry Lost"). My macro-quantum vacuum theory fits inside Wilczek's picture nicely, and the Brazilian paper shows how to make the mathematical morphing between Wilczek's post-Newtonianism and Einstein's geometrodynamics.

The two key battle-tested ideas are:

1. Locally gauge every continuous symmetry group in sight both inside spacetime and beyond it. This makes compensating gauge force fields in the post-Newtonian picture.

2. Look for physical vacuum instabilities that spontaneously break some of those symmetries. In particular, the exchange of a virtual photon between a virtual electron and a virtual positron inside the vacuum makes it unstable and out of that instability forming some of the multi-layered multi-colored superconducting Higgs-Goldstone cosmic field out of which beautifully emerges EINSTEIN'S GRAVITY, the REPULSIVE "DARK ENERGY" accelerating the universe along with the ATTRACTIVE "DARK MATTER HALOS". The observed anomaly of the NASA Pioneer 10&11 space probes out beyond 20 AU from the Sun with a tug a_g = -cH = 10^-7 cm/sec^2, H is the Hubble parameter, is simply a large-scale "hedgehog topological defect" in the multi-layered multi-colored cosmic superconducting field. These hedgehogs probably surround all stars and are universal remnants of their seed formation.

On Jan 29, 2005, at 12:36 PM, wrote:

Let's talk about this after I've had a closer look at tetrads.

Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Math typo-corrected 4th draft

The role of the Ricci coefficients is subtle. I corrected a few more math typos from late last night in the clarity of the morning.

Paul Zielinski has been trying to separate out the real intrinsic geometry from the appearance of coordinate transformations. He has failed to get anywhere specific for three or more years because he is not familiar with the Cartan tetrad way of doing Einstein's gravity theory. The problem becomes simple in the tetrad formalism below. The "gauge potential" is what Zielinski has been looking for, but he could not find it using old-fashioned tensor methods. It requires the Cartan tetrad technique introduced in the 1920s after Einstein did his 1915 work. Einstein, apparently was never really happy with tetrads (Einstein-Cartan letters) and got into a three-year tiff with Schrodinger about them in early thirties?

Bu = Lp^2Bu^aPa/h

from locally gauging T4 is the "intrinsic geometry" where the Cartan tetrad is

eu^a = (Kronecker Delta)u^a + Bu^a

When Bu = 0, i.e. when the Goldstone Phase = 0 in a spacetime region, then all the GCTs are simply different descriptions of globally flat Minkowski space-time seen from the POVs of arbitrary arrays of LNIF observers firing their rocket engines in empty deep space. The connection field is derived simply from the tetrads eu^a. Under GCTs, eu^a is a first rank GCT tensor in the u LNIF base space index, where a is the LIF tangent fiber space index. That is, for the Jacobian Matrix of the GCT

eu’^a = Xu'^ueu^a

Where the Levi-Civita connection field for parallel transport is

{LC}^wvu = ea^we^av,u + e^waA^abue^bv

A^abu is the spin connection that couples to the Lie algebra of the Lorentz symmetry group O(1,3) of the LIF tangent fiber. O(1,3) is not locally gauged here in 1916 GR only T4 is locally gauged to give the Bu gauge potential equivalent to geometrodynamic curvature under the proper map. A^abc are globally constant "phases" canonically conjugate to the Sab space-time rotation Lie algebra generators of O(1,3). When O(1,3) is locally gauged then the spin connection coefficients A^abc are arbitrary functions in which the torsion tensor field of Gennady Shipov is the compensating field. Of course, A^abu is an arbitrary variable function in spacetime because

A^abu(x) = eu^c(x)A^abc

and the variable spacetime dependence is in the tetrad eu^c(x). Locally gauging O(1,3) in addition to T4 is beyond 1916 GR. I am going further than Frank Wilczek here suggesting that Einstein's general relativity GR in the form of the exotic vacuum field equation

Guv + /\zpfguv = 0

where the dark zero point energy (matter) energy density

(c^4/8piG)/\zpf = (String Tension)(DeSitter Curvature)

plays a major role on the small-scale where the constant large-scale DeSitter Curvature /\zpf generalizes to a local scalar field.

Bu = Lp^2Bu^aPa/h = Lp^2(Macro-Quantum Vacuum World Hologram Goldstone Phase),u

Bu^a is dimensionless, where

Bu^aPa/h = (Macro-Quantum Vacuum World Hologram Goldstone Phase),u

eu^a = (Kronecker Delta)u^a + Bu^a = flat trivial piece + curved intrinsic piece

guv(LNIF) = nuv(Minkowski) + (1/2)[Bu,v + Bv,u] is dimensionless Einstein metric tensor for LNIFs

Lp^2 = hG/c^3 = quantum of area of World Hologram

eu^a = Cartan tetrad (dimensionless)

Bu = gauge potential compensating field from locally gauging the translation group T4 (dimension of length)

{Pa} = "Mom-energy" Lie algebra of T4

The Ricci rotation coefficients (spin-connection) Au^ab are not independent dynamical fields in this torsion-free plain vanilla 1916Einstein GR emergence theory.

The covariant derivative on spinors is

Psi;u = Psi,u + Au^abSabPsi

{Sab} is Lie algebra of Lorentz group O(1,3), which, when locally gauged, gives Gennady Shipov's torsion field theory that Akimov in Moscow says has practical WMD potential. Shipov BTW told me yesterday that he is currently in Bangkok.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Memorandum For The Record US NAVY C^3 & Russian WMD
From: Jack Sarfatti (Ph.D. physics degree from UC)
Subject: Next Generation Metric Engineering Weapons Systems Threat Assessment

OK, in fact this has been a very fruitful discussion, including the comic theatrical banter with our staged personas. :-) You raised an interesting issue that is really not properly addressed in all the text books and, as it turns out, it's at the crux of the Russian allegations (Shipov & Akimov mostly) that torsion fields are real with technological application to, e.g. C^3 submarine warfare (also Richard Hammond's US claims).

Here is how I see the Big Picture at the moment in the light of the Brazilian torsion field paper that I think Art Wagner forwarded?

1. General coordinate transformations appear to introduce "curved metrics" when, in fact, the intrinsic properties of warped spacetime should be intrinsic tensor or spinor objects that transform homogeneously under the relevant symmetry groups of transformations of local frames of reference.

2. Not all local observables are homogeneous tensor (spinors) densities. The most important exception are the inertial forces (E.G. Coriolis, centrifugal) that are artifacts of the acceleration of a local frame that is, by definition, "non-inertial".

3. A common thread in the several forms of the local equivalence principle is that, in a sense that must be carefully defined operationally, one cannot LOCALLY distinguish a real gravitational field from an inertial field.

4. There is a creative tension between the Newtonian idea of a "gravity force" and Einstein's geometrodynamics where gravity force is eliminated. Landau & Lifshitz in "The Classical Theory of Fields" point out explicitly the bait and switch in the inertial/non-inertial frame distinction in the transformation from Newton's to Einstein's paradigms. In Newton's theory one can imagine a global inertial frame with a gravity force field just like an electric field. The local freely falling frame in Newton's theory is non-inertial. The little frame of reference falls because it is, like EVERYTHING, also subject to the universal force of gravity. Most NASA engineers still think this way and you can even send rockets to the moon, Mars and Titan using the Newtonian gravity force idea. Einstein turned Newton topsy-turvy upside-down, very much like what Marx did to Hegel. All inertial forces are eliminated in inertial frames for both Einstein and Newton. That is essentially a common definition in both Bohr complementary paradigms. For Einstein, LOCALLY

gravity force is equivalent to inertial force (LOCALLY means now at a SINGLE POINT EVENT)

You CAN tell the difference GLOBALLY. For example phony gravity fields like the centrifugal force get stronger with distance from a center instead of weaker like a legitimate gravity field from a compact source. See Landau & Lifshitz.

Inertial frames do not have any inertial forces. Since gravity is locally equivalent to an inertial force, the gravity "force" field VANISHES in a LOCAL INERTIAL FRAME, AKA "LIF". Roughly think of "gravity force" as "weight". Indeed, the Astronauts orbiting Earth in a closed elliptical orbit, with rockets off, are CONTINUOUSLY WEIGHTLESS in FREE FLOAT. They are passing through a sequence of LIFs. There is no LOCAL POINT-LIKE gravity force in LIFs. Indeed, what to Newton, is an accelerated curved motion in FLAT Euclidean 3D space is to Einstein the STRAIGHTEST POSSIBLE "GEODESIC MOTION" IN CURVED 4D SPACE-TIME.

What is reality really like? Is it Newtonian or is it Einsteinian? This, it turns out is a BOGUS QUESTION. It is not a good question.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" John Archibald Wheeler

We need to invoke Bohr's general philosophical or meta-theoretic "complementarity principle" that has been nicely formulated in a recent paper from Brazil forwarded to me by Art Wagner on Jan 12, 2005.

Within the context of the Cartan "tetrad" reformulation of Einstein's "tensor" geometrodynamics, Einstein's theory of gravity is unified conceptually and classically with all the other gauge force theories of the electro-weak-strong (sub-nuclear) forces. One can move at will between the two pictures like The Two Faces of Janus. They are equivalent more precisely, in fact, than the way different "string theories" are equivalent in the M Theory of the over-hyped Inelegant Multi-Verse. ;-) Essentially this is a Gestalt Shift like Old Woman/Young Woman
Gauge Force/Geometrodynamics - take you pick.

Now it turns out that the gauge force picture fits nicely with my "More is Different" Anderson/Sakharov emergence of Einstein's gravity with dark energy from the partial cohering of the random zero point energy vacuum fluctuations of the pre-inflationary false vacuum in the micro-quantum -> macro-quantum breaking of symmetry of the physical vacuum that leads Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004) to say that the multi-verse is permeated by a multi-layered multi-colored cosmic superconducting field (Nature, 20 Jan 2005 "In Search of Symmetry Lost"). My macro-quantum vacuum theory fits inside Wilczek's picture nicely, and the Brazilian paper shows how to make the mathematical morphing between Wilczek's post-Newtonianism and Einstein's geometrodynamics.

The two key battle-tested ideas are:

1. Locally gauge every continuous symmetry group in sight both inside spacetime and beyond it. This makes compensating gauge force fields in the post-Newtonian picture.

2. Look for physical vacuum instabilities that spontaneously break some of those symmetries. In particular, the exchange of a virtual photon between a virtual electron and a virtual positron inside the vacuum makes it unstable and out of that instability forming some of the multi-layered multi-colored superconducting Higgs-Goldstone cosmic field out of which beautifully emerges EINSTEIN'S GRAVITY, the REPULSIVE "DARK ENERGY" accelerating the universe along with the ATTRACTIVE "DARK MATTER HALOS". The observed anomaly of the NASA Pioneer 10&11 space probes out beyond 20 AU from the Sun with a tug a_g = -cH = 10^-7 cm/sec^2, H is the Hubble parameter, is simply a large-scale "hedgehog topological defect" in the multi-layered multi-colored cosmic superconducting field. These hedgehogs probably surround all stars and are universal remnants of their seed formation.

On Jan 29, 2005, at 12:36 PM, wrote:

Let's talk about this after I've had a closer look at tetrads.

Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Math typo-corrected 4th draft

The role of the Ricci coefficients is subtle. I corrected a few more math typos from late last night in the clarity of the morning.

Paul Zielinski has been trying to separate out the real intrinsic geometry from the appearance of coordinate transformations. He has failed to get anywhere specific for three or more years because he is not familiar with the Cartan tetrad way of doing Einstein's gravity theory. The problem becomes simple in the tetrad formalism below. The "gauge potential" is what Zielinski has been looking for, but he could not find it using old-fashioned tensor methods. It requires the Cartan tetrad technique introduced in the 1920s after Einstein did his 1915 work. Einstein, apparently was never really happy with tetrads (Einstein-Cartan letters) and got into a three-year tiff with Schrodinger about them in early thirties?

Bu = Lp^2Bu^aPa/h

from locally gauging T4 is the "intrinsic geometry" where the Cartan tetrad is

eu^a = (Kronecker Delta)u^a + Bu^a

When Bu = 0, i.e. when the Goldstone Phase = 0 in a spacetime region, then all the GCTs are simply different descriptions of globally flat Minkowski space-time seen from the POVs of arbitrary arrays of LNIF observers firing their rocket engines in empty deep space. The connection field is derived simply from the tetrads eu^a. Under GCTs, eu^a is a first rank GCT tensor in the u LNIF base space index, where a is the LIF tangent fiber space index. That is, for the Jacobian Matrix of the GCT

eu’^a = Xu'^ueu^a

Where the Levi-Civita connection field for parallel transport is

{LC}^wvu = ea^we^av,u + e^waA^abue^bv

A^abu is the spin connection that couples to the Lie algebra of the Lorentz symmetry group O(1,3) of the LIF tangent fiber. O(1,3) is not locally gauged here in 1916 GR only T4 is locally gauged to give the Bu gauge potential equivalent to geometrodynamic curvature under the proper map. A^abc are globally constant "phases" canonically conjugate to the Sab space-time rotation Lie algebra generators of O(1,3). When O(1,3) is locally gauged then the spin connection coefficients A^abc are arbitrary functions in which the torsion tensor field of Gennady Shipov is the compensating field. Of course, A^abu is an arbitrary variable function in spacetime because

A^abu(x) = eu^c(x)A^abc

and the variable spacetime dependence is in the tetrad eu^c(x). Locally gauging O(1,3) in addition to T4 is beyond 1916 GR. I am going further than Frank Wilczek here suggesting that Einstein's general relativity GR in the form of the exotic vacuum field equation

Guv + /\zpfguv = 0

where the dark zero point energy (matter) energy density

(c^4/8piG)/\zpf = (String Tension)(DeSitter Curvature)

plays a major role on the small-scale where the constant large-scale DeSitter Curvature /\zpf generalizes to a local scalar field.

Bu = Lp^2Bu^aPa/h = Lp^2(Macro-Quantum Vacuum World Hologram Goldstone Phase),u

Bu^a is dimensionless, where

Bu^aPa/h = (Macro-Quantum Vacuum World Hologram Goldstone Phase),u

eu^a = (Kronecker Delta)u^a + Bu^a = flat trivial piece + curved intrinsic piece

guv(LNIF) = nuv(Minkowski) + (1/2)[Bu,v + Bv,u] is dimensionless Einstein metric tensor for LNIFs

Lp^2 = hG/c^3 = quantum of area of World Hologram

eu^a = Cartan tetrad (dimensionless)

Bu = gauge potential compensating field from locally gauging the translation group T4 (dimension of length)

{Pa} = "Mom-energy" Lie algebra of T4

The Ricci rotation coefficients (spin-connection) Au^ab are not independent dynamical fields in this torsion-free plain vanilla 1916Einstein GR emergence theory.

The covariant derivative on spinors is

Psi;u = Psi,u + Au^abSabPsi

{Sab} is Lie algebra of Lorentz group O(1,3), which, when locally gauged, gives Gennady Shipov's torsion field theory that Akimov in Moscow says has practical WMD potential. Shipov BTW told me yesterday that he is currently in Bangkok.

Frank Wilczek on Cosmic Superconductivity in Nature

On Jan 28, 2005, at 5:54 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

"In fact, as I will elaborate below, we vehemently suspect that the world is a multilayered, multicoloured, cosmic superconductor." Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize, 2004)

My macro-quantum theory for the emergence of Einstein's gravity with dark energy is a form of what Wilczek below calls "cosmic superconductivity" not only for electro-weak SU(2) but also for electromagnetic U(1) where real electron pairs of total charge 2e are replaced by virtual electron-positron pairs of total charge 0.

Note also:

Antigravity has feet of clay
26 January 2005
Nature on NASA BPP (more on that another day)

Dark haloes pepper the Universe
26 January 2005

This one also important. It agrees with my theory that the dark halos are exotic vacuum regions /\zpf =/= 0 with positive quantum pressure (w = -1 that at a distance mimics w = 0 CDM).

Published online: 19 January 2005; | doi:10.1038/nature03281
In search of symmetry lost
Frank Wilczek The Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA

"Powerful symmetry principles have guided physicists in their quest for nature's fundamental laws. The successful gauge theory of electroweak interactions postulates a more extensive symmetry for its equations than are manifest in the world. The discrepancy is ascribed to a pervasive symmetry-breaking field, which fills all space uniformly, rendering the Universe a sort of exotic superconductor. So far, the evidence for these bold ideas is indirect. But soon the theory will undergo a critical test depending on whether the quanta of this symmetry-breaking field, the so-called Higgs particles, are produced at the Large Hadron Collider (due to begin operation in 2007)."

Note my macro-quantum vacuum theory is a limiting case of what Wilczek is saying.

"It has been almost four decades since our current, wonderfully successful theory of the electroweak interaction was formulated1, 2, 3, 4. Central to that theory is the concept of spontaneously broken gauge symmetry 5, 6. According to this concept, the fundamental equations of physics have more symmetry than the actual physical world does. Although its specific use in electroweak theory involves exotic hypothetical substances and some sophisticated mathematics, the underlying theme of broken symmetry is quite old."

In my theory this exotic substance, at least in the large-scale is mostly virtual electron-positron condensate.

"It goes back at least to the dawn of modern physics, when Newton postulated that the basic laws of mechanics exhibit full symmetry in three dimensions of space — despite the fact that everyday experience clearly distinguishes 'up and down' from 'sideways' directions in our local environment. Newton, of course, traced this asymmetry to the influence of Earth's gravity. In the framework of electroweak theory, modern physicists similarly postulate that the physical world is described by a solution wherein all space, throughout the currently observed Universe, is permeated by one or more (quantum) fields that spoil the full symmetry of the primary equations. Thus, modern physicists hypothesize that what we perceive as empty space is actually a highly structured medium. In fact, as I will elaborate below, we vehemently suspect that the world is a multilayered, multicoloured, cosmic superconductor.

Fortunately this hypothesis, which might at first hearing sound quite extravagant, has testable implications. The symmetry-breaking fields, when suitably excited, must bring forth characteristic particles: their quanta. Using the most economical implementation of the required symmetry breaking, one predicts the existence of a remarkable new particle, the so-called Higgs particle. More ambitious speculations suggest that there should be not just a single Higgs particle, but rather a complex of related particles. The very popular and attractive idea of low-energy supersymmetry 7, 8, to be discussed further below, requires at least five 'Higgs particles'.

The primary goal of fundamental physics is to discover profound concepts that illuminate our understanding of nature. Discovering new particles, as such, is secondary. In recent times, however, physicists have often found that their most profound concepts, when implemented with rigorous logic, are reflected in the existence of new particles. This happens because both quantum mechanics and special relativity are important in the regime of short distances and high energies, where high-energy physics explores fundamental laws."

I am going further than Frank here suggesting that Einstein's general relativity GR in the form of the exotic vacuum field equation

Guv + /\zpfguv = 0

where the dark energy (matter) energy density is

(c^4/8piG)/\zpf = (String Tension)(DeSitter Curvature)

plays a major role on the small-scale where the constant large-scale DeSitter Curvature generalizes to a local scalar field.

Bu = Lp^2Bu^aPa/h = Lp^2(Macro-Quantum Vacuum World Hologram Goldstone Phase),u

eu^a = (Kronecker Delta)u^a + Bu^a

guv(LNIF) = nuv(Minkowski) + (1/2)[Bu,v + Bv,u] dimensionless

Lp^2 = hG/c^3 = quantum of area of World Hologram

eu^a = Cartan tetrad (dimensionless)

Bu = gauge potential compensating field from locally gauging the translation group T4
(dimension of length)

{Pa} = "Mom-energy" Lie algebra of T4

The Ricci rotation coefficients (spin-connection) Au^ab are not independent dynamical fields in this torsion-free plain vanilla 1916 Einstein GR emergence theory.

The covariant derivative on spinors is

Psi;u = Psi,u + Au^abSabPsi

{Sab} is Lie algebra of Lorentz group O(1,3), which when locally gauged gives Gennady Shipov's torsion field theory that Akimov in Moscow says has practical WMD potential.

"It is difficult to combine quantum mechanics and special relativity in a consistent way. The only way we know how to do it is by using quantum field theory, and the basic objects of quantum field theory are space-filling entities (quantum fields) whose excitations are what we perceive, concretely, as particles 9, 10. So, when our concepts are made consistent with quantum mechanics and relativity, they tend to be
reflected rather directly in predictions about particles.

The W and Z bosons, carriers of the weak nuclear force, and gluons, carriers of the strong nuclear force, are outstanding examples of ideas embodied as particles. These so-called gauge particles are physical embodiments of the symmetry of physical law (gauge invariance) 11, 12, 13 — not merely metaphorically but in a very precise sense. Indeed, as a fact of history, the existence of these particles and their detailed behaviour was predicted before their experimental observation, starting from the concept of gauge symmetry."

These forces are mediated by virtual quanta off-mass-shell, which means that they can have any energy E and any momentum p not constrained by E = Mc^2 in the form

E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2

m =/= M

m = rest mass

M = total mass

GR strong equivalence principle is

M(inertial) = M(gravitational)

"Harmony between mind and matter, in the form of mathematical abstractions conjuring up sensuous reality, has long figured in the dreams of mystics and the inspiration of visionaries — the 'music of the spheres'. Here it is realized in a form that is genuine, reproducible and precise.

Now we are faced with the opportunity for another synthesis. Ironically, the concept whose embodiment we now seek is a special, structured sort of symmetry breaking."

P.W. Anderson calls this "More is different" for the vacuum of virtual quanta and the ground states of real quanta. This is a general theory for the emergence of all complex systems.

"This concept is a necessary complement to what has come before; for our symmetry-based understanding of the W and Z bosons — that is, of the electroweak interaction — relies on postulating symmetries that are broken in a very specific way. They are supposed to be spoiled by a form of cosmic superconductivity, with newly hypothesized fields having the role performed by electrons in ordinary superconductors. It is these new quantum fields that are the progenitors of Higgs particles.

So far, no Higgs particle has been observed. As yet, this failure does not represent a crisis. Detection of Higgs particles that are sufficiently heavy — specifically, those whose mass exceeds 114 GeV, which is the current lower bound 14 — will have to await more powerful accelerators than are now available. But theory tells us that this evasion cannot be maintained indefinitely. If the Higgs particle, or an appropriate complex of Higgs particles, does not turn up at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a major revision of our thinking will be required. The LHC is now under construction at CERN (European Centre for Particle Physics) near Geneva. It is due to begin operation in late 2007.

There are already indirect but significant indications that at least one Higgs particle with a mass below 250 GeV does exist 15. If there is such a particle, it will certainly be observed at the LHC. That observation, if and when it occurs, will bring a glorious chapter in physics to a glorious conclusion. It will also provide a key to unlock new volumes that are currently sealed; for the circle of ideas around symmetry breaking and the Higgs particle includes, quite close to its elegant central core, some of the darkest and most forbidding zones of ignorance in the existing landscape of fundamental physics. That is exciting because it means we will have an opportunity to learn. Big ideas and speculations about the unification of forces, and the cosmology of the early Universe, as well as supersymmetry, are very much in play. Thus the Higgs sector is not only a destination, but also a portal.

There is a vast technical literature on most of the topics discussed here 16, 17 and quite a few popular and semipopular presentations. My goal here is to present a brief but substantial and critical review of the main concepts and prospects that is accessible to scientifically sophisticated non-experts, yet reflects the essence of present-day thinking."

Go to Nature On Line for the complete article.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Brazilian gauge potential Bu^a is the non-trivial part of the dimensionless TETRAD

eu^a = (Kronecker Delta)u^a + Bu^a

that I call

Bu ~ Lp^2(Goldstone Phase),u

Bu = Bu^aLp^2Pa/h

Bu^aPa/h = (Macro-Quantum Vacuum Coherent Goldstone Phase),u

{Pa} is the mom-energy Lie algebra generating the translation Lie group T4

Bu has dimensions of length.

The non-dynamical torsion-free 1916 GR Ricci Rotation coefficients are

A^abu = e^aweb^w;u

where ;u is the {LC} covariant derivative

The Lorentz group is not yet locally gauged in 1916 GR only T4 is locally gauged.

;u = ,u - i/2A^abuSab

Where ,u is ordinary partial derivative and {Sab} is the Lie algebra of the Lorentz Lie group.

Sab = (i/4)[&a,&b]

&a are the 4x4 Dirac gamma matrices that generate the Dirac Clifford Algebra

This GCT {LC} covariant derivative operates on Dirac spinor fields.

Bohr Complementarity between teleparallel gauge force and geometrodynamical curvature alternatives.

On Jan 26, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

"The Question is: What is The Question?" J.A. Wheeler

Meaning of the Brazilian paper below is the Gestalt Shift

Thanks Saul-Paul :-)

On Jan 25, 2005, at 10:30 PM, Saul-Paul Sirag wrote:


There is a good summary of tests of GR in Clifford M. Will's paper "Relativity at the Century", pp. 27-32, Physics World, Jan. 2005 (a special issue on Einstein). He does not mention the Mercury perihelion advance. [BTW this is covered in great detail in *Gravitation & Inertia* by Ciufolini & Wheeler (1995)]. But the many other tests leave GR looking very good. In particular the Lunar-Laser Ranging measurements (over the last two decades and more) have confirmed not only the weak equivalence principle, but also the strong equivalence principle. To quote from Will's paper:

"Lunar laser-ranging measurements actually test the strong equivalence principle because they are sensitive to both the mass and the gravitational self-energy of the Earth and the Moon. The bottom line of these experiments is that bodies fall with the same acceleration to a few parts in 10^13" (p. 29).

Will also points out that the Brans-Dicke "Scalar-Tensor" theory (and many other alternative theories) are ruled out by these measurements (p. 30).

Cliff told me personally at GR 17 Dublin that he thought Hal Puthoff's PV theory is a non-starter not of interest to serious physicists in the field. So did several others including Matt Visser and Bill Unruh and Professor X. Therefore, Eric Davis, Nick Cook et-al should stop trying to sell Hal's theory to USAF and Aerospace Companies as a serious contender for metric engineering unconventional propulsion systems. That only hurts the field.

BTW( to show the irrelevancy of Paul Zielinski's thesis (LC) = GCT non-tensor inertial force - GCT tensor real gravity force, i .e. inertial forces in inertial frames is the contradiction in Z's proposal!) for the record from Wheeler & Ciufolini "Gravitation and Inertia" Princeton 1995:

Weak equivalence principle "uniqueness of free fall" AKA Galilei equivalence principle "the motion of any freely falling test particle is independent of its composition and structure. A test particle is defined to be electrically neutral, to have negligible gravitational binding energy compared to its rest mass, to have negligible angular momentum, and to be small enough that inhomogeneities of the gravitational field within its volume have negligible effect on its motion. ... the ratio of the inertial mass to the gravitational - passive- mass is the same for all bodies ... in every local, nonrotating, freely falling frame the line followed by a freely falling test particle is a straight line in agreement with special relativity. Einstein generalized the weak equivalence principle to all the laws of special relativity .. that in no local freely falling frame can we detect the existence of a gravitational field, either from the motion of test particles, as in the weak equivalence principle, or from ANY OTHER SPECIAL RELATIVISTIC PHYSICAL PHENOMENON" p. 14

Note that a spinning gyro is not a test particle. Also note that geodesic deviation for TWO test particles is NOT a special relativistic physical phenomenon. *The LIF is taken so small that the geodesic deviation is below the resolution of the stretch-squeeze tidal tensor curvature detector! This restriction would seem to exclude the detection of gravity waves of course.

All viable theories of gravity obey this weak equivalence principle, AKA, "WEP".

Medium strong equivalence principle at the base of METRIC theories of gravity, AKA "EEP" or Einstein Equivalence Principle: "for every POINTLIKE event of spacetime, there exists a sufficiently small neighborhood such that in every local freely falling frame in that neighborhood, all the non-gravitational laws of physics obey the laws of special relativity."

Note EEP restricts itself to "non-gravitational laws of physics".

"If we replace all the nongravitational laws of physics with all the laws of physics we get the very strong equivalence principle" AKA, "SEP" "which is at the base of Einstein's electrodynamics. The medium strong and the very strong form of the equivalence principle differ: the former applies to all phenomena except gravitation itself whereas the latter applies to all phenomena of nature. This means that according to the medium strong form, the existence of a gravitational field might be detected in a freely falling frame by the influence of the gravitational field on local gravitational phenomena. For example, the gravitational binding energy of a body might be imagined to contribute differently to the inertial mass and to the passive gravitational mass ... This is ... the Nordtvedt effect ... However, Lunar Laser Ranging experiment has put strong limits on the existence of any such violation of the very strong equivalence principle."

The EEP (medium strong) with a "locally Minkowski space time" is the physical meaning of the tangent fiber of differential geometry. Therefore, you cannot do differential geometry and also claim to VIOLATE EEP. See Roger Penrose's "The Road to Reality" for more details on that idea. The LOCAL tetrad map

guv(LNIF) = eu^aeu^bnab(LIF)

is part of differential geometry formally AND of EEP informally i.e, interpretively or physically.

"First, the equivalence between a gravitational field and an accelerated frame in the absence of gravity, and the equivalence between a flat region of spacetime an a freely falling frame in a gravity field, has to be considered valid only locally and not globally."

Note that universal inertial forces (independent of mass) like the Coriolis and the centrifugal forces only are detected in NON-INERTIAL FRAMES.

It is meaningless in Einstein's GR to claim that in a Local Inertial Frame (LIF) that a real gravity force (a GCT tensor) is cancelled by an inertial force (GCT non-tensor). This is what Zielinski claims and it is false.

You CAN make such a claim in Newton's force picture because Newton's idea of "inertial frame" is not the same as Einstein's idea of "inertial frame".

In Newton's paradigm you CAN think of a gravity force field in a global inertial frame. This force is cancelled by an inertial force in the free-falling frame that is a NON-INERTIAL frame in Newton's picture! That is, the distinction "inertial/non-inertial" is SWITCHED in the transition from Newton to Einstein. This is Zielinski's error. He tries to force Newton's picture INTO Einstein's. The Brazilians have shown that there is a kind of Bohr complementarity between the two pictures so long as one does not try to force the square peg of one picture into the small round hole of the dual alternative picture.

Wheeler address's the issue of tidal curvature that Zielinski misinterprets as some kind of violation of Einstein's key idea for GR. Zielinski then gets conspiratorial and psychoceramic that Wheeler & Co are somehow trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Wheeler addresses the long line of wrong critics of Einstein of which Zielinski is the latest: (p. 15)

Note the EEP is immune from the spherical drop issue below. What is at stake is the SEP.

The SEP "has been the subject of ... criticisms over the years ... the content of the strong equivalence principle has been criticized even 'locally'/ It has been argued that if one puts a spherical drop of liquid in a gravity field, after some time one would observe a tidal deformation from sphericity of the drop. Of course, this deformation does not arise in a flat region of spacetime ... No matter if we are freely falling or not, the gradiometer will eventually detect the gravity field and thus allow us to distinguish between the freely falling cabin of a spacecraft in the gravity field of a central mass and the cabin of a spacedraft away from any mass, in a region of spacetime essentially flat. Then, may we still consider the STRONG EQUIVALENCE PRINCIPLE (SEP) to be valid?"

Wheeler then gives the Taylor expansion of the metric in the NEIGHBORHOOD {P'} of a spacetime event P that I have given many times before. The simple solution to the problem that Zielinski has magnified to excess is "The Riemann curvature tensor represents at each point, the INTRINSIC CURVATURE of the manifold, and, since it is a tensor, one cannon transform it to zero in one coordinate system if it is non-zero in some other coordinate system. ... The metric tensor can indeed be written using the Riemann tensor Rijkl, in a NEIGHBORHOOD of a spacetime event, in a freely falling, nonrotating, local inertial frame to SECOND ORDER in the separation" (P' - P)

goo ~ - 1 - R0i0j(P'-P)^i(P'-P)^j

Note that in the weak curvature slow speed Newtonian force limit of GR

goo ~ -[ 1 + V(Newton)/c^2]

V(Newton) = Universal Newtonian Gravity Potential Energy per unit mass of test particle)

Therefore in the LIF:

V(Newton)/c^2 ~ R0i0j(P'-P)^i(P'-P)^j

Note Rijkl has dimension 1/Area

(P' - P) has dimension Length

Furthermore, the post-Newtonian GRAVIMAGNETIC FIELD g0k of Lense-Thirring FRAME-DRAG not found in Puthoff's PV theory but found in NASA experiments and used by Ray Chiao of UCB in his "gravity radio" idea for submarine warfare C^3 and efficent superconducting gravity wave detectors, is in Fermi Normal Coordinates

g0k = -(2/3)Roikj(P'-P)^i(P'-P)^j

k = 1,2,3

with electro-gravitic coupling

~ g0kA^k

A^k is EM vector potential in

p = mv - (e/c)A (3-vector)

In NEAR FIELD this may allow a geodesic glider WEIGHTLESS WARP DRIVE for metric engineering! Ray Chiao only uses FAR FIELD.

And finally, i,j,k,l = 1,2,3

gkl = (Kronecker Delta)kl - (1/3)Rkilj(P'-P)^i(P'-P)^j

Zielinski ignores the levels of approximation of perturbation theory and, therefore, formulates a pseudo-problem.

On Jan 26, 2005, at 2:46 PM, wrote:

Jack Sarfatti wrote:

On Jan 25, 2005, at 3:08 PM, wrote:

They do point out that the gauge representation is able to handle theories in which certain aspects of EP are violated i.e. mg =/= mi,

[Z] That is not the point. They allude to the dissident literature on the equivalence principle in support of their teleparallel alternative to the standard theory. This amounts to a critical argument against the orthodox view. So you still don't understand what is meant by a mathematical decomposition of the LC connection into tensor and non-tensor parts?

[S] I understand what it means. It is false in Einstein's 1916 GR geometrodynamic representation where

{LC} = non-GCT tensor

It has no tensor part at all.

[Z] I have simply pointed out that the Einstein equivalence hypothesis, as classically stated by Einstein himself, is not necessary for Einstein geometrodynamics.

[S] Be specific. What words by Einstein?

[Z] I have given you direct quotes from Einstein any number of times.

[S] All you do is cite a possibly BAD English translation. You do not read the original German and you do not know what Einstein really said here at all! Have you checked with a German speaking physicist in the field? NO!
Your theory is based on quicksand.

[Z] Except that the Brazilian paper shows how, mathematically, you can do exactly what I have been proposing within the teleparallel framework.

[S] I deny that, nor do the Brazilians claim there is any conclusive experimental evidence for such theories that violate SEP.

[Z] But at least the differences are testable in principle.

[S] Yes, but they have all so far been falsified as mentioned by Sirag above. Puthoff's "PV" is such a theory and it does not agree with experiment beyond the 3 trivial weak field limit "classic tests". PV fails to predict gravimagnetism now observed, it has no event horizons pretty much now observed, it fails to give correct 1913-16 pulsar curve off by what 1/3? When 1916 GR is on target to 10^-14 for which a Nobel Prize was given. At least Hal has a real theory. It happens to be wrong and confused in its foundations, but at least it is definite enough to be falsified and it has. Hal can at least calculate as you so far have not been able to do.

[Z] So you wanted to talk about the Schwarzschild solution instead?

[S] Yes, until you can solve that you have nothing of interest. Vilenken's vacuum wall has nothing to do with your claims. It is an entirely different problem. It has to do with a NONLOCAL Bohm-Aharonov closed non-exact 1-form in the connection from non-trivial topology of the vacuum coherence order parameter that is the fabric of spacetime. This also explains the NASA Pioneer 10&11 anomaly a_g = - cH as a hedgehog defect centered on Sun (and maybe ALL STARS). What is important in the Brazilian model for me, so far, is that their gauge potential theory representation is close to my macro-quantum theory for emergence of gravity from the COHERING of the ZPF of the false pre-inflation vacuum. They map their gauge force freedom into GCTs, which is key to what I do.

[Z] This gauge freedom is intimately tied up with general covariance -- which is closely parallel to what I have been saying.

[S] Really? Where? Show your equations for that. They do not seem to claim a LOCAL gravity energy tensor in the geometrodynamic representation.

[Z] In the geometric model. They say only that there "seems" to be no such decomposition in the standard formalism, based on curvature. The reason they say this is because they are aware that there is no proof.

[S] It's like p & x in Heisenberg. A sharp local energy density in the gauge force Newtonian rep is NONLOCAL in the geometrodynamic rep - like wave packet Fourier transforms now we have, in analogy

[Z] That is not the Brazilians' theory -- it's your gloss.

[S] Yes.

[Z] You are trying to do complementarity -- but they are talking *replacement* of curved-vacuum geometrodynamics
with a Newtonian-type force described by contortion.

[S] Paul you do not seem to know that the Brazilians write

GCT tidal stretch-squeeze geometrodynamic 1916 GR curvature tensor ~ teleparallel contortion type term

which translates to teleparallel curvature = 0

The Brazilians do not claim that Riemann curvature is zero.

The Brazilian gauge potential Bu^a is the non-trivial part of the dimensionless TETRAD

eu^a = (Kronecker Delta)u^a + Bu^a

that I call

Bu ~ Lp^2(Goldstone Phase),u

Bu = Bu^adx^a

Bu has dimensions of length.

[Z] OK.

[S] But this is very important and very new. Indeed it's completely original. No one has done this before me I am pretty certain. Sakharov in 1967 did not realize that it is the cohering of the random ZPF that gives emergent gravity. PW Anderson was getting the needed idea of "More is different" simultaneously also in 1967 and they did not know of each other's work or how they might be connected.

Note that when Lp^2 = hG/c^3 -> 0 MACRO-QUANTUM GRAVITY VANISHES!

guv(LNIF) = eu^aeu^bnab

Note that guv(LNIF) is the Einstein geometrodynamic representation where nab is the metric in the gauge force rep.

[Z] OK.

[S] Bu^a is the Newtonian non-geometrical gauge force representation.

guv(LNIF) has ELASTIC terms LINEAR in Bu^a and PLASTIC terms NONLINEAR in Bu^a.

The VANISHING "gauge force" curvature is NOT the same as the geometrodynamic tidal stretch-squeeze GCT tensor curvature! You garbled that Paul by simply looking at the spelling of the same word with two different meanings in complementary contexts!

[Z] You are saying that they don't replace curvature with contortion? That they still need Riemann curvature to describe the tidal aspects of the gravitational field? I say this is FALSE. You are simply projecting your own prejudices into their paper. They say they use contortion to describe the gravitational field in its entirety, as an *alternative* to the usual geometric model.

[S] No Paul, you obviously have not understood their equation (49) on p.7

R* = R + Q = 0

R* is the teleparallel gauge force "curvature

R is Einstein's 1916 GR tidal stretch-squeeze (LC) geodesic deviation GCT tensor curvature

Q = teleparallel covariant curl of the teleparallel CONTORTION K.

R(Einstein Geometrodynamics) = - Q(Teleparallel Gauge Force) =/= 0

This is not Einstein-Cartan-Shipov type theory agreed. However, it is not contradictory to the latter which would be an extension. You can have an Einstein-Cartan-Shipov extension of this Brazilian-Weitzenbock theory.

[Z] No math that you were able to understand. :-)

[S] No math you were ever able to write down. I cannot understand what you cannot manifest in formal language.

[Z] What I gave you was formal:

(LC) = A_ - Q

Then you complained that it was too formal.

It's either too formal, or not formal enough.

What kind of a game is this?

[S] Paul you need to define A_ and Q. You have not done that. Also it's not good enough to say Alex does it.
You need to do it in TWO ways mathematical and physical. Otherwise it is too vague and useless.

[Z] In the Brazilian paper, the intrinsic geometry of the spacetime manifold is implicitly defined by the teleparallel connection, and it is therefore no longer the curved Riemannian manifold of standard GR. As I read the paper, there is no need for Riemann curvature in this teleparallel approach.

[S] That's not what eq. 49 p. 7 says.

[Z] If you don't see this then you haven't yet understood their thesis IMO.

I am just trying to find a way to do the same thing within the framework of standard GR.

[S] Exactly, which shows you do not understand at all what the Brazilians have done!

[Z] More likely that you haven't, since they actually spell it out:

"The definition of an energy-momentum density for the gravitational field is one of the oldest and most controversial problems of gravitation."

[S] So? That spells out nothing.

"As a true field, it would be natural to expect that gravity should have its own local energy-momentum density." (Brazilians)

[Z] Exactly.

[S] IN WHAT CONTEXT? In what representation! Relative to what connection? Measured how?

Loud silence by Zielinski on this key point.

"However, it is usually asserted that such a density cannot be locally defined because of the equivalence principle."

[Z] Note the phraseology: " is usually *asserted* that such a density cannot be locally defined...".

[S] So? What of it? What unwarranted inference do you make of that?

"As a consequence, any attempt to identify an energy-momentum density for the gravitational field leads to complexes that are not true tensors."

[Z] Uh huh.

[S] Hardly news Paul.

[Z] Right. But wait, there's more....

"The first of such attempt was made by Einstein who proposed an expression for the energy-momentum density of the gravitational field which was nothing but the canonical expression obtained from Noether’s theorem. Indeed, this quantity is a pseudotensor, an object that depends on the coordinate system. Several other attempts have been made, leading to different expressions for the energy-momentum pseudotensor for the gravitational field."

[Z] As I have been saying.

[S] As found in every text book. So far nothing has been solved.

[Z] This is all direct from Arcos and Pereira.

[S] So what? It's common knowledge defining The Question. It is not The Answer you yearn for Paul.

"Despite the existence of some controversial points related to the formulation of the equivalence principle, it seems true that, in the context of general relativity, no tensorial expression for the gravitational energy-momentum density can exist."

[Z] Note the phraseology: " *seems* true that...". Not "is true", but "seems true".

[S] And it IS true!

[Z] As they write, it is "usually asserted". I agree that this is simply an "assertion". There is no proof. And the Brazilians know that. That's why they write, "it *seems* true that...". Get it?

[S] I claim it is true. For example see Penrose "The Road to Reality" 19.8 "Gravitational Field Energy" there is no LOCAL pure gravity stress-energy density GCT tensor vacuum field apart from the trivial one

tuv(vacuum) = (c^4/8piG)(Guv + /\zpfguv)

Note, when the exotic dark energy vanishes, i.e. /\zpf = 0, then Guv -> Ruv = R = 0 and so

tuv(non-exotic vacuum) = 0

However, in the presence of either dark energy (negative pressure) or dark matter (positive pressure), both have w = -1 but positive pressure clumps look like w = 0 to distant observers (us),

tuv(exotic vacua) = (c^4/8piG)/\zpfguv =/= 0

Not in context of the geometrodynamic representation, but possibly in context of a Bohr complementary Newtonian gauge force representation! A VERY DIFFERENT STORY FROM YOURS PAUL!

[Z] That is merely your personal hallucination. That is not in their paper. What is in their paper is the statement that the teleparallel treatment is an "alternative" to the standard formal description of the
gravitational field in terms of spacetime curvature. You are trying to impose your own eccentric interpretation on their paper -- but your interpretation contradicts their actual remarks.

[S] I am imposing my interpretation on their eccentric paper that is true. I do not see the contradiction because you do not understand what "alternative" means.

[Z] I note that the Brazilians only say that there "seems" to be no such solution within the standard 1916 curved-manifold framework -- which they offer as a sales point for their flavor of teleparallelism (which effectively returns gravitational physics to a flat spacetime manifold and "forces").

[S] You completely misunderstand the paper! They never say that the 1916 GR tidal "curvature" is zero.

"As already discussed, in general relativity torsion is assumed to vanish from the very beginning, whereas in teleparallel gravity curvature is assumed to vanish." - p 2


Gauge force curvature = Geometrodynamic Einstein Curvature - Torsion type term = 0

[Z] But note that the intrinsic geometry of the manifold is now *defined* by the torsion connection. There is no longer any underlying curvature, and we are no longer dealing with the Riemannian manifold of standard GR. This is the subtlety that has evidently escaped you.

[S] False. Again eq. 49 p. 7 you have over-extrapolated.

"In the present work, we will separate the notions of space and connections. From a formal point of view, curvature and torsion are in fact properties of a connection."

[S] Yes.

"Strictly speaking, there is no such a thing as curvature or torsion of spacetime, but only curvature or torsion of connections. This becomes evident if we remember that many different connections are allowed to exist in the same spacetime. Of course, when restricted to the specific case of general relativity, universality of gravitation allows the Levi–Civita connection to be interpreted as part of the spacetime definition as all particles and fields feel this connection the same."

[S] Yes

"However, when considering several connections with different curvature and torsion, *it seems far wiser and convenient to take spacetime simply as a manifold*, and connections (with their curvatures and torsions) as additional structures."
- Arcos & Pereira, p 4

[S] Yes. Standard orthodox same as in Penrose's "The Road to Reality" so what?

"We may then say that the gravitational interaction can be described in terms of curvature, as is usually done in general relativity, or *alternatively* in terms of torsion, in which case we have the so called teleparallel gravity." - p 2

[S] YES EXACTLY! That simply means


in two qualitatively different pictures.

[Z] It means that the torsion formalism *completely replaces* the geometric model as an alternative exhaustive description of the gravitational field -- contrary to what you wrote.

[S] It means nothing of the sort. That's you over-interpreting again. Just look at eq. (49) p. 7

"...whereas in general relativity gravitation is described in terms of the curvature tensor, in teleparallel gravity it is described in terms of torsion." - p 20

[S] Yes, if

A ~ B - C

and if

A ~ 0


B ~ C

I use ~ not = in sense of a EQUIVALENCE RELATION that is the MAPPING between the TWO Bohr COMPLEMENTARITY pictures of teleparallelism with torsion* and zero curvature* ~ Einstein geometrodynamics without torsion but with curvature.

Note "curvature*" =/= "curvature"


"torsion*" =/= "torsion"

Paul you are confused by SURFACE LABELS! You have found FOOL'S GOLD and the END OF THE RAINBOW.

Again loud silence from Paul in this devastatingly accurate remark - checkmate, "As I end the refrain, thrust home." Cyrano De Bergerac (Rostand)

"...whereas in general relativity gravitation is described in terms of the curvature tensor, in teleparallel gravity it is described in terms of torsion." - p 20

[Z] Plain as day. Where is the "curvature" here?

[S] Eq. 49 p.7

Note, this is not same idea as Shipov's theory.

[Z] Duly noted.

"...the classical equivalence between teleparallel gravity and general relativity implies that curvature and torsion might be simply *alternative ways* of describing *the gravitational field*, and consequently related to the *same degrees of freedom of gravity*." - p 32.

"A further consequence that emerges from the conceptual differences between general relativity and teleparallel gravity is that, whereas in the former curvature is used to geometrize the gravitational interaction—spinless particles follow geodesics — in the latter torsion describes the gravitational interaction by acting as a force—trajectories are not given by geodesics, but by force equations.


You can write or and you can even write <> as a Wigner phase space density.

= Integral of <>dx etc

But you CANNOT write WHICH IS YOUR ERROR (by analogy).

According to the teleparallel approach, therefore, the role played by torsion is quite well defined: it appears as an *alternative* to curvature in the description of the gravitational field...". - p 32

But you DID NOT UNDERSTAND the paper's real meaning!

[Z] Either I'm hallucinating or you are.

[S] Agreed.

[Z] I think it's you.

[S] Which proves it's you! ;-)

"...the role played by torsion is quite well defined: it appears as an *alternative* to curvature in the description of the gravitational field..."

[Z] Jack, what part of "alternative" didn't you understand?

[S] I understand the math that they actually DO.

[Z] That wasn't the question. What do you think they mean here by "alternative"? Wave-particle duality?

[S] Yes, you can look at it EITHER WAY! Gestalt Shift!

You really understand NOTHING of what they do because you are stuck on the surface of the words like "curvature" and "torsion" without understanding their very different meanings in the two alternative pictures!

[Z] Really?

[S] Really.

You read the words not not the equations.

[Z] I read the words and looked at the equations.


[Z] Or perhaps I do understand the author's purposes and intentions, while you are hallucinating?

[S] Am I Jack Sarfatti thinking he is Robin Williams, or am I Robin Williams thinking he is Jack Sarfatti?

Let's leave Buddhism out of this.

The curvature that vanishes is a DIFFERENT curvature from Einstein's 1916 which is battle-tested based on geodesic deviation - all relative to the LC connection - not a bigger one!

[Z] You are trying to have your cake *and* eat it.

The authors are quite clear in this point:

"...theoretical speculations have since the early days of general relativity discussed the necessity of including torsion, in addition to curvature, in the description of the gravitational interaction."

[S] Again the words "torsion" and "curvature" are being used too sloppily EVEN BY THE BRAZILIANS.

[Z] Because their actual use of these terms in the paper doesn't support your eccentric "complementarity" gloss on their treatment?

{s} Look Paul given any connection C with a covariant derivative D


[Du,Dv]SCALAR = TORSIONuv^w(Scalar),w

,w is ordinary partial derivative


[Du,Dv]Aw = (CURVATURE)uvw^lAl

Where TORSION and CURVATURE are BOTH tensors relative to the given group e.g. GCT if we are doing 1916 GR.

[Z] They say that in GR, the gravitational field is described by a curvature tensor -- which obvious means the Riemann tensor R^u_vwl. They say that *this* curvature is absent in their treatment.

[S] Hogwash Paul. Again you have not understood their eq. 49 p. 7.

[Z] The point is that the intrinsic geometry of the manifold is now defined entirely by the teleparallel connection. Are you saying that this teleparallel connection must have non-vanishing Riemann curvature in their treatment?

[S] Yes, that's eq. 49 p. 7

Now in the Brazilian paper the gauge force connection C* is NOT same as the 1916 GR (LC) connection.

[Z] Right.

[S] Indeed Bu is the Gauge Force Connection

C* = Bu

Du* = ,u - Bu

Just like in EM!

[Z] Exactly.

[S] In contrast, in the geometrodynamic representation

C = (LC)

Du = ,u - (LC)

Therefore Paul you have been comparing apples with oranges. Your head is in the clouds, but your feet are not on the ground. You are a LUFTMENSCH right out of Thomas Mann's "Felix Krull" - or maybe I am? ;-)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Pre-emptive strike on Iran?

On Jan 25, 2005, at 9:39 AM, Rich Doyle wrote:

"Dear jack:

Excuse me, but you assert that the North Koreans and the Islamo-fascists are not rational, but this same argument was made
about the Soviets and the Chinese."

No, that is simply false. When, where, who? Evidence? The whole MAD strategy of Herman Kahn et-al, the use of von Neumann's Theory of Games (see "A Beautiful Mind" on that BTW) was, is predicated on rational opponents who do not glorify Kamikazie Suicide Attacks with 72 Virgins waiting for them in Allah's Paradise. They did not strap explosives to children and women. I forgot to comment on your mention of Pakistan and Israel. First of all it is absurd to classify even the Likudniks with Al Qaeda, Hamas, Chechnyans et-al. Although, I generally deplore many of the heavy-handed oppressive tactics of the Likud on the oppressed Palistinian people most of whom are innocents, who need their own state, nevertheless, until the Palestinians control Hamas and their other terrorists using bombs on civilians, they will never be free. No Israeli government will launch a nuclear missile attack on US soil, that is absurd. Of course, there was that Israeli attack on a US Navy ship in Med off Lybia when in 1966 - an error. Pakistan is a different story. If there were a coup in Pakistan then most definitely Islamo-fasicists would launch Apocalypse Now strikes on us from there if they could. However, we have forces in Pakistan, now an ally, that are working to prevent that - hopefully with continued success. In any case, we will attack Iran soon if they do not comply. That is certain in my estimation and, what is relevant here, is that I reluctantly support such a move. Just my two cents worth in our democratic process where I carry a Big Stick (Staff of Moses ;-)).

"Soon, it will be made about the French."

No, that is silly. The Neo Cons have many faults, but that kind of insanity is not one of them. Most of the Neo Cons have that Utopian Idealist Red Trotskyite World Revolutionary fervor from their toilet training as Red Diaper Babies. Politics makes strange bedfellows and all that. The GWB Bush foreign policy is the fusion of Wilsonian and Trotskyite Utopianism with Christian Right Evangelical Apocalyptic Crusader "Onward Christian Soldiers" fervor. Did you know that Woodrow Wilson was a racist who showed "Birth of a Nation" at the White House and agreed with the way the Ku Klux Klan was portrayed? See the Ken Burns film on Jack Johnson (dramatized as "The Great White Hope") So much for Woodrow as the Great Democrat!

"Von Neuman, I believe, argued for pre-emptive bombing of Moscow. Our precedent shows us that even "madmen" act rationally when they have nukes, and given the strength of this precedent - it is the only way we know how to survive nuclear competition - I believe that the risk of sustaining an attack is worth taking and always unavoidable."

I would like to see the real evidence for that. Of course Johnny, Leo and Eddie were from the Transylvania part of Budapest, so what do you expect? :-) Seriously, I doubt the accuracy of your allegation above.

"Given the history of our own ( and Nazi) rocketry, there is also enough contingency even in the launch to argue against
pre-emption. In short, you are assuming (rather than demonstrating) that these states will act irrationally when the historical record suggests that they will act rationally, and you are assuming that NK and Iran will be capable of reliable delivery of the nukes, which history also suggests is unlikely on the first go. Hence if there are madmen in this scenario, it will be those who order pre-emption on the basis of these premises."

The Rev Mod Phys report assumes the liklihood of such reliable delivery yes. That's good enough for me. BTW my own black magick without magic sources suggest that the decision to pre-empt has already been made - The Die Is Cast. Essentially we are fiddling on the roof of the Victoria Emmanuel as Rome burns. ;-)

"Your singling out of the North Koreans and the Iranians also again raises the question: If we accept your premises, shouldn't we apply this logic to Israel, whose foreign and domestic policy has hardly been "rational"?"

I disagree obviously. While I strongly dislike the Likud policy of hysterical over-reaction in general to compare them as a direct military threat to USA on a par with the Islamo-fascists is preposterous. I support the policy of the Itzak Rabin who I met personally with Ed Teller for several hours at the home of Rabbi Pincus Lipner back in 1990. Now I know that the American Left on our University Campuses does not make these kinds of distinctions, but here in Bohemian North Beach, San Francisco, we are closer to the Mean Streets than you cloistered in The Ivy Groves of Academe. :-)

"How about Pakistan, that hive of proliferation?"

"Yes, dealt with above.



On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:22:52 -0800, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:23 PM, Rich Doyle wrote:


Yes, I understand that it is seconds and not minutes, but you still seem to beg the question of pre-emption: Your analysis suggests an argument against ABM's - they will cause a mistaken MAD scenario - not an argument for pre-emption."

Think of this as a chess game. You are not thinking ahead to the next moves in the game. We absolutely cannot, under no circumstances, allow Iran to hold that Sword of Damocles over our heads. I am sure the Israelis see it that way. All physicists in the American Defense Community will see it that way. It is a certainty that we shall attack Iran to prevent such an intolerable situation. The Islamo-Fascists want to destroy us and if we allow Iran to develop and position the weapons
described in the Rev Mod Phys report we shall be destroyed - I guarantee it. I have no qualms, no doubts about this whatsoever and I am urging all my connections in USG and Israel to attack Iran quickly if they do not capitulate unconditionally to our ultimatum by a specified date. I do not know how influential my position might be with the powers that be (see my auto-biography "Destiny Matrix") but at least I am on record. If the numbers were different, I would, of
course, oppose such pre-emptive strikes. It's too bad we goofed on the WMD issue in Iraq so it's "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", nevertheless on the issue of Iran and North Korea I side with the Neo Cons. I generally favor Pat Buchanan's, Maureen Dowd's and Senator Barbara Boxer's views on foreign policy, but not in this instance. If they understood the physics of WMD in its fullness they would agree with me on this issue. It's simply a matter of the numbers.

"With the time tested strategy of deterrence, the US could enjoy the same or greater security as it does today if N. Korea or Iran possessed nukes. What reason would they have for launching if they understand in advance that the US would respond
with overwhelming nuclear force should they succeed in launching a single nuke? Finally, why doesn't your logic of pre-emption apply to other nascent nuclear powers such as Pakistan? Israel?


Very simple, the Islamo-fascists and that Madman in North Korea are not rational creatures like the Soviets were or the Russians today are, or the Chinese. The Islamo-fascists are essentially Kamikazi Suicide Bombers who want to destroy democracy. We must destroy them or they will destroy us. There is no middle ground here. George Walker Bush's simple view on this is, unfortunately, the correct view. Reluctantly, for whatever it may be worth, I swing my support to Wolfowitz's pre-emptive strategy on Iran and North Korea.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 13:55:29 -0800, Jack Sarfatti

On Jan 23, 2005, at 12:41 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote to Richard Doyle:

Richard read again what I wrote more slowly. I give adequate reasons.
Basically ONLY A MATTER OF TENS OF SECONDS and if we launch ABM
will launch MAD against USA!

On Jan 23, 2005, at 12:15 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Richard, would that it were ten minutes! It's TEN SECONDS! It would
take longer than that for President Bush to comprehend the decision
he had to make! I wrote "seconds" not "minutes". Your estimate is
by a factor of 60. Minutes is 1950's SAC Fail-Safe. Today it's
seconds - faster than we can think on deciding Apocalypse Now! To
or not to be?

"Defense of the entire United States against solid-propellant ICBMs
launched from Iran appears impractical; even a system with 10-km/s
interceptors based both in the Caspian Sea and in Turkmenistan or
Afghanistan would provide less than ten seconds of decision time,
which is unlikely to be adequate for an operational system." p.xxvii
Rev Mod Phys, July 2004, 76, 3, Part II

*Note this correction to my earlier hastily-written bad phrasing
may have given the false idea that the Iranian missiles would be
launched from the Caspian Sea. It's our ABMS that would be launched
from there in a "best case scenario" that is not good enough - hence
the legitimate case for pre-emptive strikes on Iran NOW i.e. ASAP by
the Israeli Air Force and USAF.

On Jan 23, 2005, at 11:10 AM, Rich Doyle wrote:

Forgive a character for appearing out of nowhere. Such is to be
expected in this Sarfatti hypertextual post modern scientific
I have only two requests that I ask in the urgent context provoked
by a claim for the necessity of pre-emptive action against Iran.

(1) Where can one find this discussion of "boost-phase intercept
systems" in the Review of Modern Physics?

Go to the Physics Library at your University. Or contact
Fax (206) 543-6782

The document is:

"Report of the American Physical Society Study Group on Boost-Phase
Intercept Systems for National Missile Defense: Scientific and
Technical Issues 12 authors from UCB, MIT, UI, Sandia, SLAC,
National Lab, LDM Menlo Park, RAND, Los Alamos National Lab,

No American physicist can oppose immediate pre-emptive air strike on
Iran targets after looking at this report - subject to a definite
date of a US Ultimatum to the Iranian Mullahs for unfettered
inspection by IAEA. Even if their facilities are underground we can
track truck traffic in and out via satellite and Special Forces
infiltration teams and we can bury their spider holes under tons of
rock if need be.

An online query yielded no
response. Perhaps I have not searched sufficiently, and, like
WMD, if will encounter continual claims for its existence.
would be helpful - I literally have no time for a bricks and mortar
library search - this "ten minute window" could be now! - and no
trusty assistant to whom I can outsource it.


(2) What exegesis of this discussion of "boost-phase intercept
systems" warrants the honorable Sarfatti's claim that pre-emptive
strikes are a necessity? This necessity is asserted rather than
argued, and such a rhetorical strategy is uncannily similar to the
strategy that enabled the unfounded and indefensible invasion of
Iraq. It was precisely the *absolute certainty* that weapons of
destruction were to be found in Iraq that warranted Powell et al's
dismissal of the UN's efforts: If Hans Blick didn't find them, it
wasn't because there were none to be found, b/c the administration
knew with certainty that WMD's were there. We now approach
in knowing that no WMD's were there. Given that this new assertion
certainty comes in the wake of a fictional argument for the war in
Iraq, ought we not wonder about any claims for such knowledge about
the capacity of other nation states?

Read the report. :-) Also I am not suggesting land invasion only
surgical strikes. Our Army is exhausted in Iraq. We could not launch
a land invasion against Iran for quite awhile. It would require a US
Army of several million men under arms at least Vietnam level if not
WWII and that means a draft. Our only immediate option is air power.

(3) Pre-emption therefore relies on an essentially imaginary
- it imagines that it can tell the future, and acts accordingly.
Deterrence also deployed such an imaginary techology, but it
seemed to prevent wars: A state such as Iran imagined the
consequences of launching a strike against another nuclear power,
concluded that it was not worth the risk of its imagination being
correct. What happened to that other character in the post modern
national security novel - deterrence?

I suspect that the decision to pre-empt has already been made by
Sharon in Israel with tacit compliance by Bush. In any case I would
not oppose it anymore because of the facts in the Rev Mod Phys
report. Were it "ten minutes" and not "ten seconds" it might be

Responses read with gratitude. RD

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 21:10:29 -0800, Jack Sarfatti

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jack Sarfatti
Date: January 22, 2005 8:48:19 PM PST
To: Doc Savage
Subject: Maureen Dowd & In Defense of Neocon "Wolfowitz"
Strike Policy on Iran and North Korea

On Jan 22, 2005, at 2:18 PM, Howard Fertman wrote:

Iranian nuke program is probably well bunkered and
you think we could really take it out from the air?

Yes, that's why we are developing those bunker busters that go
deep. In any case we can literally bury them alive if need be. If
read the Rev Mod Phys report you will see that we have no choice.
If I
were President I would not hesitate and I was not at all for the
invasion. I basically agree with Maureen Dowd on the
of the Bush II people as does Bush I's confidant General Brent
Scowcroft. We invaded the wrong country. The real WMD threat is
My position here is not at all ideological. As a physicist,
at CAP Brooklyn, USAF ROTC Cornell by the Los Alamos weaponeers
WWII Manhattan Project and Project Jason people at UCSD, I see no
other choice. Either Iran and North Korea surrender or we wipe
their military capability with pre-emptive strikes. It's us or
The facts are in Rev Mod Phys. We could not use ABM even if we
good one, which we do not, because Russia would be forced to
attack us
not knowing where our ABMs were really headed. The kicker is
not enough TIME ONLY TEN SECONDS window of opportunity for some
positions in Iran even if our interceptors were near the Caspian
Sea. That's the problem. I was really
shocked when I saw the Rev Mod Phys report. Before then I would
been against it. Unlike Condi I can do arithmetic. :-)

Note Maureen's reference to "spooky action at a distance" below.
Newton's third law etc. - and to Da Vinci Code! ;-)


"Don't Know Much About Algebra

Published: January 20, 2005

Columnist Page: Maureen Dowd

Forum: Discuss This Column


Lawrence Summers, the president of Harvard, has been pilloried
suggesting that women may be biologically unsuited to succeed at

He may have a point.

Just look at Condoleezza Rice.

She's clearly a well-educated, intelligent woman, versed in
and the Bolsheviks, who has just been rewarded for her loyalty
the most plum assignment in the second Bush cabinet.

Yet her math skills are woefully inadequate.

She can't do simple equations. She doesn't even know that X
zero equals zero. If you multiply 1,370 dead soldiers times zero
weapons of mass destruction, that equals zero achievement for
Rice, who helped the president and vice president bamboozle the
country into war.

Was Condi out doing figure eights at the ice skating rink when
should have been home learning her figures? She couldn't have
much time studying classic word problems: If two trains leave
at noon, one going south at 20 miles an hour and one going north
30 miles an hour, how far will each have gotten by midnight?

Otherwise, she might have realized that if two cars leave the
Baghdad airport at noon on the main highway into the capital of
neither one is going to get there with any living passengers.
months at war have not added up to that one major highway's

It's lucky for Ms. Rice that she's serving with men who are
lame at numbers as she is. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
couldn't be bothered to tally correctly the number of dead
when he testified before Congress. And his boss, Donald
didn't realize that using an autopen signature on more than
letters to the relatives of fallen troops added up to zero

Our new top diplomat has obviously not mastered fractions. When
asserted during her confirmation hearing that 120,000 Iraqi
had been trained, Senator Joe Biden corrected her, saying she
by a bit. His calculation of trained Iraqi troops was actually
- hers was 30 times that. Maybe she's confusing hyperbole and

Her geometry is skewed if she thinks she'll now be more
than Rummy and Dick Cheney. Doesn't she know that the Pentagon
more sides than her Crawford triangle with George and Laura?

She could at least have read "The Da Vinci Code." Then she
have learned about Fibonacci numbers, a recurring mathematical
pattern in nature. When you invade a country, you should expect
insurgency. Or, as Fibonacci might have calculated it, if you
one jihadist, two more arrive to take his place; if you kill
five more pop up; if you get five, eight more appear, and so on.

The incoming secretary of state and her colleagues are, alas,
lousy at economics. After Bush officials promised that the
expenses would be covered by Iraqi oil revenues, we find
spending $1 billion a week of our own money.

Ms. Rice and her fellow imperialists know so little about
that they arrogantly jumped into "spooky action at a distance,"
turning the country they had hoped to make into a model
into a training ground for international terrorists, a nucleus
for a
new generation of radioactively dangerous fanatics.

How could they forget Newton's third law: for every action,
an equal and opposite reaction?

The administration needs a lesson in subtraction. How do we
our troops and replace them with Iraqi troops while the
keep subtracting Iraqi troops with car bombs and

Condi may not know Einstein's theory of relativity, but she
has a
fine grasp of Cheney's theory of moral relativity. Because
the good guys, they can do anything: dissembling to get into
flattening Iraqi cities to save them; replacing the Geneva
Conventions with unconventional ways of making prisoners talk.
only equation the Bushies know is this one: Might = Right.

It is puzzling that if you add X (no exit strategy) to Y (Why
are we
there?) you get W²: George Bush's second inauguration.

At Condi's hearing, she justified the Bush administration's
misadventures by saying history would prove it right. "I know
about history to stand back and to recognize that you judge
not at the moment, but in how it all adds up," she told a
Senator Biden.

Problem is, she's calculating, but she can't add. For now, Sam
is right about the Bushies. They don't know much about history."


On Jan 22, 2005, at 1:05 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Memorandum For The Record

Advanced Intelligence Agency
The Invisible College of The Secret "Black Ops" Think Tank

Although I have had my doubts like everyone some new facts come
light. I received my copy of special issue of Reviews of Modern
Physics July 2004, Vol 76 No 3 Part II on Boost-Phase Intercept
Systems for National Defense: Scientific and Technical Issue. I
it only a few days ago - several months late.

One does not have to be a rocket scientist, though it helps, to

1. Either the Bush Administration creates regime change in both
Korea and Iran with native democratic forces from inside the
respective Axis of Evil Rogue Nations.


2. IAF and USAF do pre-emptive surgical cruise missile/air
strikes on
all targets in Iran & North Korea ASAP, sooner rather than

Why? We have no real alternative. No defense against missile
from North Korea and Iran, especially Iran, is practical with
technology. I have no hesitation, no uncertainty whatever, in
advising President George Walker Bush to launch pre-emptive
with Israeli & RAF allies against all targets in Iran and North
ASAP if they fail to meet a US Ultimatum by a definite date. I
reluctantly come to this conclusion from the facts. We have no
effective defense barring black ops reverse engineering of "dark
energy" alien ET super-technology, that I assume, for this
does not exist in any operational form we can rely on.

Major problem: our launch of interceptors against North Korea
Iran missile attacks would also look like our direct attacks on
Russia and China and would launch a Doomsday MAD response from
In likely cases the decision on both sides would have to be done
less than 10 seconds!

For example, from Rev Mod Phys: note "maybe" below i.e. we do
have such and are not likely to in time

"1. Boost-phase defense against ... ICBMs hinges on the burn
the attacking missile and the speed of the defending interceptor
rocket. Defense of the entire United States against
liquid-propelleant ICBM ... launched from ... North Korea and
may be technically feasible ... However, the interceptor rockets
would have to be substantially faster (and therefore necessarily
larger) than those usually proposed ...

2. Boost-phase defense of the entire United States against
solid-propellant ICBMs, which have shorter burn times .. is
to be practical when all factors are considered ... [even
North Korea [even if we can make high speed interceptors, which
currently do not have and are not likely to have they] could not
defend against solid-propellant ICBMs launched from Iran ...

3. If interceptor rockets were based in space ... With the
we judge could become available in the next fifteen years,
against a single ICBM would require a thousand or more
... Deploying such a system would require at least a five- to
increase over current US space-launch rates ...

4. The Airborne Laser ... would be ineffective against
solid-propellant ICBMs ...

5. The existing US Navy Aegis ... should be capable of
against short-or medium-range missiles launched from ships,
... off US coasrs. However, interceptor rockets would have to be
positioned within a few tens of kilometers of the launch
the attacking missile.

6. A key problem is ... munitions short fall ... a successful
intercept could cause live nuclear, chemical or biological
to fall on populated areas short of the target, in the United
or other countries"

*Other countries include Russia and Red China! Possibly Japan.
some cases we have only 10 seconds to decide! p.xxvii

"Timing intercepts accurately enough to avoid this problem would

On Jan 22, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

What accounts for the intelligence blunder on Iraqi WMD?

Here are, perhaps, some clues.

On Jan 21, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Green, Christopher, retired
of CIA Weird Desk, wrote:

Well, there are 72,100 hits on Google scholar for the
hits for Dyons, and 678 references in the NSF Physics
Lots of folks just don't know what Jack does.

To which I cite:

"Attempts to find monopoles

A number of attempts have been made to detect magnetic
ranging from simple experiments with large coils of wire
to catch passing monopoles to experiments involving the
analysis of
collisions in particle accelerators. Although there have been
tantalizing events recorded, none of these experiments have
produced reproducible evidence for the existence of magnetic

There are a number of possible explanations for these results:

▪ monopoles do not exist, or
▪ that they are very rare, or
▪ that they have some property that prevents them
detected by our current experimental designs, or
▪ that the experiments are flawed.


In particle theory, a magnetic monopole arises from a
glitch in the vacuum configuration of gauge fields in a Grand
Unified Theory or other gauge unification scenario. The length
scale over which this special vacuum configuration exists is
the correlation length of the system. A correlation length
be larger than causality would allow, therefore the
length for making magnetic monopoles must be at least as big
horizon size determined by the metric of the expanding

According to that logic, there should be at least one magnetic
monopole per horizon volume as it was when the symmetry
took place. This creates a problem, because it predicts that
monopole density today should be about 10^11 times the
density of our Universe, according to the Big Bang model. But
far, physicists have been unable to find even one. Also, the
Universe appears to be close to its critical density - for all
matter combined.

Non-inflationary Big Bang cosmology suggests that monopoles
be plentiful, and the failure to find magnetic monopoles is
the main problems that led to the creation of cosmic inflation
theory. In inflation, the visible universe was much smaller in
period before inflation, and despite the very short time
inflation, it would have been small enough for the whole
universe to have been within the horizon, and thus not
many monopoles. At the moment, versions of inflation seem to
most likely cosmological theories.

The idea of magnetic monopoles existing is an appealing one,
light of the very natural and elegant way they would fit into
number of theories that physicists find promising. For
Paul Dirac's conclusion (related to the Aharonov-Bohm effect)
the existence of magnetic monopoles implies that both electric
magnetic charge are quantized is unquestioned."

see also

On Jan 21, 2005, at 2:39 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

This is the same kind of clueless argument I got into with
other USG intelligence genius Paul Murad over at DIA & STAIF
did not know that inflation cosmology predicts flat space. The
subject of magnetic monopoles is a legitimate subject. I never
otherwise! The mystery or anomaly is why we do not see any
isolated ones. The speculative claims cited below are not
corroborated. That was what I was talking about. Kit's point
is a red herring. Kit do not take these polemical cheap shots
only blow up in your face. You cannot outsmart me in my field
anymore than I can outsmart you in your field. Indeed, I would
never even try to. :-)

some references

On Jan 21, 2005, at 2:33 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Of course there are many theory papers on the subject. There
no sustained credible claims that they actually exist in any
numbers in this universe! That was my point! You are being
simplistic here.

Indeed one of the triumphs of inflation cosmology is to
why we don't see them cosmically!

On Jan 21, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Green, Christopher wrote:

Well, there are 72,100 hits on Google scholar for the
hits for Dyons, and 678 references in the NSF Physics
Lots of folks just don't know what Jack does.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Sarfatti []
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:33 PM
To: Doc Savage
Subject: Cold fusion nano-tech, monopoles & "What about the
P. Werbos

On Jan 20, 2005, at 1:32 PM, Gary S. Bekkum wrote:

Jack wrote:

That utter nonsense! There are no magnetic monopole
BOGUS pseudoscience!


BTW it was ... from NSF re: the de Broglie 'double

"...if it turns out to be the critical clue that tells us
how to
manipulate magnetic monopoles or dyons... there is some
saying that could be used to catalyze baryon decay. Let me
Efficient, fast baryon decay would imply the ability to use
matter as a nuclear fuel, with 1,000 times as much energy
produced per

gram of nuclear fuel as we now have with fission or
fusion. I
think I
understand why there was some Russian interest in that,
back to


Also Lochak was a student of de Broglie ...

Chaotic inflation theory says only maybe ONE magnetic
monopole per
Hubble universe.
No evidence for dyons, but when I have time I will check. I
a lot
of Schwinger's papers.

Paul Werbos did ask "What about the neutrino?" echo of I.
ordered that?"

The context is my Wheeler-Bohm micro-geon model of the
the numbers 10^-18 cm, 10^-11 cm = h/mc & 10^-13 cm =
e^2/mc^2 all
connect together neatly in Schwarschild wormhole toy model:

C/R ~ (1 - (8pi/3)/\zpf(e^2/mc^2)^3p/h)^1/2

C = effective size of electron to virtual photon scattering

R = fixed physical radius e^2/mc^2

When p/h scattering momentum transfer corresponds to 10^-18
resolution of the Heisenberg microscope, you need the zero
density core to be

/\zpf ~ (mc/h)^2

i.e. the virtual electron-positron plasma cloud dressing of
electron extends out to h/mc exactly as it should! The
size of
the electron at 10^-18 cm resolution is effectively a POINT
i.e. C/R -> 0, R FIXED physically. Ditto for quarks inside
hadrons. Now
what about the neutrino? It has weak charge of course.
Data seems to say rest mass ~ 0.1 ev i.e. 10^-6 mc^2, which
for neutrino very large ~ 10^-6 cm ~ 10 nanometers.

Imagine an electro-weak resonance in the electron-neutrino
reaction cross section

~ 1/{[(E^2 - (mc^2)^2] + (h/T)^2}

E = energy transfer, mc^2 ~ 0.1 ev T = life time of the

Then use the Schwinger cold fusion idea with some kind of
molecular cage that traps the massive neutrino whose virtual
neutrino-antineutrino dressing cloud of 10 nanometers in
FITS into the cage! An electro-weak cold fusion resonant
chemical energy scale then perhaps begins to make some
Maybe. I
am simply brain-storming here from Paul Werbos's question.

"What is
is always a totality of ensembles,
all present together, in an orderly series of stages of
enfoldment and unfoldment, which intermingle and
inter-penetrate each other in principle throughout the whole
of space. " David Bohm

Richard Doyle
Science, Medicine, Technology & Culture
Director of Composition
Department of English
Penn State University

I do not know who this brilliant bizarro is - maybe Nick Herbert up to
his old TrickstoristicsOn Jan 24, 2005, at 2:47 AM, Koyaanisqatsi
Fahrvergnugen wrote:


---"Pontifex Maximus" wrote:

"If you really want to enslave people,
tell them that you're going to give
them total freedom."
--- L. Ron Hubbard

See also George Orwell, 1984, Animal Farm

To: "Pontifex Maximus"
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 08:42:36 -0330

Raymond E. Fowler:


Miller is professor of media studies at New York
University and author of The Bush Dyslexicon.
On an IPA release dated March 18, 2003
titled "White House Claims: A Pattern of Deceit,"
Miller stated: "The most successful lie is that
Iraq is tied to 9-11." He said today:

"The White House keeps hinting that Iraq was
implicated in the terrorist attacks. On Sunday,
Condoleezza Rice repeatedly implied that Islamic
terrorism had been aided by Saddam Hussein.
With him gone, she said, the Middle East no longer
has 'an atmosphere in which you have ideologies of
hatred spawning people who slam airplanes in the
World Trade Centers [sic].' That claim is groundless.
Before the war, there was no evidence of any such
connections -- and, in Iraq, no evidence has come to
light these last three months."

Bush and Freedom:

"Meria Heller"

The Bush Dyslexicon
Observations on a National Disorder
by Mark Crispin Miller
An excerpt, Part 1 of 4

"Thomas R. Ascher" wrote to: "AB"

Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:45 PM
Putin will spray rain clouds to guarantee sunshine for
U.S Patent 3,899,144 - U.S.NAVY Chemtrail dispenser -1975
download here (R101r Files)
Hughs Chemtrail Patent:
NOAA Form for Weather Modification
download here (R101r Files)
Project Cloverleaf
From a mechanic:
see also on same page:
Dyn-O-Drought & Dyn-O-Storm

EPA: Aircraft Regulations/Guidance Documents

Proposed Rule -- Control of Air Pollution from
Aircraft and Aircraft Engines; Emission Standards
and Test Procedures (Published September 30, 2003)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is
proposing to amend the existing emission standards
for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) for new commercial
aircraft engines. These new standards are
equivalent to the latest NOx emission standards
of the United Nations International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), and thereby would bring the
United States aircraft standards into alignment
with the international standards. These standards
would go into effect in 2004 and would apply to
new aircraft engines utilized on commercial
aircraft that include small regional jets,
single-aisle aircraft, twin-aisle aircraft,
and 747s and larger aircraft.

Federal Register Notice
(Published September 30, 2003) 612K PDF
Fact Sheet:
"Proposed Aircraft Engine Emission Standards"
(EPA420-F-03-029, September 2003) 117K PDF

"Aircraft Contrails Factsheet"
(EPA430-F-00-005, September 2000) 1.56M PDF
For further information or assistance about
this list, please contact Cheryl O'Neal;
phone: (734) 214-4269 or


Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Environment and Energy, AEE-300
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591
Emissions Division (AEE-300)

--- Jack Sarfatti ha scritto:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jack Sarfatti
Date: January 22, 2005 1:05:15 PM PST
To: Victor Martinez ,
Paul Werbos
Subject: In Defense of Neocon "Wolfowitz" Pre-emptive
Strike Policy on Iran and North Korea? A Modest Proposal
Memorandum For The Record
Advanced Intelligence Agency
The Invisible College of The Secret "Black Ops" Think Tank

re: Report of the American Physical Society Study Group on Boost-Phase
Intercept Systems for National Missile Defense: Scientific and
Technical Issues" published 13 October, 2004 Reviews of Modern
July 2004, Volume 76, No 3 PART II,
Fax (206) 543-6782
1. Either the Bush Administration creates regime change in
both North Korea and Iran with native democratic forces from
inside the respective Axis of Evil Rogue Nations.
2. IAF and USAF do pre-emptive surgical cruise missile/air
strikes on all targets in Iran & North Korea ASAP,
sooner rather than later.
January 23
China Plans Next Manned Space Shot


[ ] [ ] [ ]

Women's situation much worse than before the fall of Hussein.

"...America has put Iraqi women in this position, and as long
as profits are insured for western investors, change for them
is unlikely. A government like the one that has been imposed
is less threatening to western profits, with little regard
for the women and other people it is ruining."
Source: Covert Action Quarterly Spring 04
"Assault on Iraqi Women"
By Gregory Elich
Synopsis by Amanda Pyle
Oil and troubled waters
An explosion of demand, plus international rivalry,
will inevitably lead to confrontation.

By Gerry Van Wyngen
BRW. 20 January 2005

The fight in recent times to secure future oil and
gas supplies is likely to lead to international
confrontation within a few years. It is a danger
that most Western countries, including Australia,
have not grasped fully. Oil prices have receded from
their $US50-a-barrel spike before Christmas but seem
unable to fall below $US40, which most analysts
believe is the top of the appropriate trading range
at the present inventory levels. This surprise is
believed to be shared by Organisation of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (Opec) producers. But there are
other dynamics in train.

Perhaps the first shot in this acquisition contest
was the invasion of Iraq by the US-led "coalition of
the willing". Despite the stated moral and security
imperatives, there was also a large slice of business
pragmatism. Russia and France were heavily involved
in Iraq's oil industry, and America wanted in.
More importantly, George W. Bush's strategists
envisaged a doubling of oil production that would
lower oil prices and pay for the cost of post-war
reconstruction. At the time, Rupert Murdoch, [owner
of FoxNews], an enthusiastic Bush supporter, was
predicting that the increase in oil production would
push prices down to $US20 a barrel.

The invasion was one of this decade's biggest strategy
blunders, and did not work out as planned. Iraq's oil
production is now less than before the war, and exports
from the rich northern oil fields have ceased since
the pipeline to Turkey was sabotaged on December 18.

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Oil Rebounds, China's Crude Imports Surge
Fri Jan 21, 2005 05:17 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Oil rebounded from sharp recent
losses on Friday as China reported a fresh record
in crude imports and a U.S. cold snap was expected
to keep up demand for heating fuels.
U.S. light crude climbed 44 cents to $47.75 a barrel,
and London Brent crude was up 40 cents at $44.72.

Prices have eased from 7-week highs close to $50 a
barrel after U.S. government data showed a rise in
fuel supplies in the world's biggest consumer at a
time when inventories usually decline at the coldest
point of winter.

But worries over sabotage attacks on Iraq's oil
industry ahead of Jan. 30 elections, uncertainty over
the outcome of OPEC's ministerial meeting on the same
day, and persistent hitches to world supply have
limited losses.

"Short-term fundamentals are not strong in the United
States as evidenced by this week's stocks data, but
the Iraq election and OPEC's meeting at the end of
the month is keeping the market from selling off,"
said Tony Nunan at Mitsubishi Corp. in Tokyo.

Sharply higher oil demand in China, now the world's
second biggest consumer, was partly behind the surge
in oil prices last year to a record peak above
$55 a barrel.

"We should expect record import volumes from China
every month. Demand growth is slowing but is still
growing faster than domestic production,"
said Gordon Kwan, director of oil and gas research
at CLSA in Hong Kong. ...

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Military Solution to an Economic Crisis's%20Economy.htm

Military Solution to an Economic Crisis
Real Reasons for the US Invasion:

Indeed the US [...] plans to reverse ... various
trends ... by seizing the world's richest
oil-producing regions.

This it deems necessary for three related reasons.

1. Securing US supplies: First, the US itself is
increasingly dependent on oil imports--already a little
over half its daily consumption of 20 million barrels
is imported. It imports its oil from a variety of
sources--Canada, Venezuela, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia,
even Iraq. But its own production is falling, and will
continue to fall steadily, even as its consumption
continues to grow. In future, inevitably, it will
become increasingly dependent on oil from west
Asia-north Africa--a region where the masses of
ordinary people despise the US, where three of the
leading oil producers (Iraq, Iran and Libya) are
professedly anti-American, and the others
(Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates) are
in danger of being toppled by anti-American forces.
The US of course doing its best to tie up or seize
supplies from other regions--west Africa, northern
Latin America, the Caspian region. And yet the US
cannot escape the simple arithmetic.

2. Maintaining dollar hegemony: Secondly, if other
imperialist powers were able to displace US dominance
in the region, the dollar would be dealt a severe blow.
The pressure for switching to the euro would become
irresistible and would ring the death knell of dollar
supremacy. On the other hand, complete US control of
oil would preserve the rule of the dollar (not only
would oil producers continue to use the dollar for
their international trade, but the dollar's international
standing would rise) and hurt the credibility of the euro.

3. Oil as a weapon: Thirdly, direct American control
of oil would render potential challengers for world
or regional supremacy (Europe's imperialist powers,
Japan and China) dependent on the US. It is clear the
US is following this policy.

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government
(And You Know THEY Never Lie!)

Energy Information Administration, EI 30
The Early Release of the Annual Energy Outlook 2005
Tables with reference case results for all years
Tables with current futures case results for all
The Annual Energy Outlook 2004 Report has been archived
and is available at:
Annual Energy Outlook 2005 (Early Release) - Overview
Energy Production and Imports
Figure data
Total energy consumption is expected to increase more
rapidly than domestic energy supply through 2025.
As a result, net imports of energy are projected to
meet a growing share of energy demand...
Net imports are expected to constitute 38 percent of
total U.S. energy consumption in 2025, up from
27 percent in 2003.

Projected U.S. crude oil production increases from
5.7 million barrels per day in 2003 to a peak of
6.2 million barrels per day in 2009 as a result of
increased production offshore, predominantly from
the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Beginning in
2010, U.S. crude oil production begins to decline,
falling to 4.7 million barrels per day in 2025.

Total domestic petroleum supply (crude oil, natural
gas plant liquids, refinery processing gains, and
other refinery inputs) follows the same pattern as
crude oil production in the AEO2005 forecast,
increasing from 9.1 million barrels per day in
2003 to a peak of 9.8 million barrels per day in
2009, then declining to 8.8 million barrels per day
in 2025...

In 2025, net petroleum imports, including both crude
oil and refined products, are expected to account for
68 percent of demand (on the basis of barrels per day),
up from 56 percent in 2003. Despite an expected
increase in distillation capacity at domestic
refineries, net imports of refined petroleum products
account for a growing portion of total net imports,
increasing from 14 percent in 2003 to 16 percent
in 2025 (as compared with 20 percent in AEO2004).

The most significant change in the AEO2005 energy
supply projections is in the outlook for natural
gas, particularly domestic lower 48 onshore
production and LNG imports. Domestic natural gas
production increases from 19.1 trillion cubic feet
in 2003 to 21.8 trillion cubic feet in 2025 in the
AEO2005 forecast; AEO2004 projected 24.0 trillion
cubic feet of domestic natural gas pr oduction
in 2025. ...Continued at:
On Jan 22, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
What accounts for the intelligence blunder on Iraqi WMD?
Here are, perhaps, some clues.

On Jan 21, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Green, Christopher,
retired keeper of CIA Weird Desk, wrote:

Well, there are 72,100 hits on Google scholar
for the monopoles, 9,707 hits for Dyons, and 678
references in the NSF Physics literature link.
Lots of folks just don't know what Jack does.

[Christopher "Kit" Green, M.D., Ph.D.,
General Motors officer, former top UFO official at CIA,
former head of Robert T. Bigelow's NIDS Institute's
Scientific Advisory Board ]
702-639-4440 - FAX 702-639-0881

To which I cite:

Attempts to find monopoles:
A number of attempts have been made to detect magnetic
monopoles, ranging from simple experiments with large
coils of wire attempting to catch passing monopoles to
experiments involving the analysis of collisions in
particle accelerators. Although there have been
tantalizing events recorded, none of these experiments
have produced reproducible evidence for the existence
of magnetic monopoles.

There are a number of possible explanations
for these results:

monopoles do not exist, or

that they are very rare, or

that they have some property
that prevents them from being
detected by our current
experimental designs, or

that the experiments are flawed.

see also
some references [OPENS INTO PDFs]:

"Q u a z g a a" wrote:


"The chains that hold the Fenris Wolf are rent asunder,
and the Wolf courses about. Brothers shall fight and slay
one another; sisters' sons shall break the bonds of
kinship. It shall fare hard with the world: great
whoredom, an axe-age, a sword-age, shields shall be
cloven, a wind-age, a wolf-age, ere the world sinks in
ruin. No man shall spare the other."
-- Voluspa
A Note from Val:

"Fear comes when you identify with the body, its fear
of mortality and the genetic programming underlying
both. It means you are capable of being manipulated
by those whose task it is to re-stimulate body fears
for their own agenda in the battle of the polarities.
ARE, you will fear Nothing. You are here at this time
to experience, and to observe the unfolding of
The Game, while the polarities DO WHAT THEY MUST.

"Will you allow yourself to be manipulated by others,
or your own reactive emotions, or by body-induced
FEAR? What will you choose? Meanwhile the 'peace
movements' continue to unwittingly supply energy to
the dark side, which feeds off all the energy to
strengthen itself - to no avail in the end. Will you
choose to participate in the polarity drama, watch or
observe and learn? Your choice will influence the
result for you.

IN SPITE OF IT. You cannot stop any sequence of
events that are part of The Game, or the wild cards
that are introduced - nor would you want to (unless
you don't know who you are). It is what you chose
for experience. You will experience it and move on
to new experience, where you will make use of that
which you have learned here. So what's really the
big deal? There isn't one - it's just experience
for every incarnation concerned, uniquely flavored
for each, to be reflected upon afterward. Allow those
in mid and low-level incarnational perspectives to
do their thing, and observe.
See also What To Do During EndGame.

"...both sides are in error. Life is not supposed
to be a struggle, each against the other. It is an idea
that has its origin with Hobbes, and it has been
programmed into people's minds as defining the way life is.
It, too, is a lie. People have been lied to for so long
they believe it is all the truth. It isn't.
The whole planetary socio-cultural system is a lie.
If you are offered two choices, pick a third one yourself,
but make it reasonable, impeccable, and characteristic of
a non-polaric consciousness."
- Val Valerian

Future Based on the Studies of Robert Monroe
by Val Valerian

Robert Monroe is perhaps most famous for his books Journeys Out
of the Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey. A true pioneer
in terms of the evolution of human consciousness. The notable
work in terms of investigations into the future of man appeared
in Far Journeys. In that book, Monroe details his discovery that
the Earth is surrounded by "bands" in which individuals congregate
after physical death, for varying lengths of time, based on their
individual resonant vibration and belief systems. This idea is
also quite evident in the work War in Heaven, which details the
manipulative control structures related to religious belief
systems in some of these interdimensional bands. Monroe's
discoveries about these rings/bands are important because of
what he discovers later about them around the time period of
3,000 AD.
Now, this is the interesting part. They told Monroe that
entities newly arriving on Earth at that time period first
had to experience one human life cycle in a period of time
before the changes were made, and then they were allowed to
spend time there. Monroe was told that these one-time experiences
were going on in the 20th century for some of those destined to
return to occupy the dimensional area around Earth in 3000 AD+.
Those who graduated from the Earth environment in 3,000 AD did
not return to Earth. They no longer needed to experience Earth
and could take on physical forms in lessening degrees of density
and radiation patterns until they no longer felt the need to do
so....on their journey to the infinite growth patterns of
consciousness that were developing all the time. Happy Trails!


Meanwhile, way back in Persia:

I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by and by my soul return'd to me,
And answer'd "I Myself am Heav'n and Hell."
Omar Khayyam


...And, speaking of falling rocks...
... "In pre-Islamic days, called the Days of Ignorance,
the religious background of the Arabs was pagan, and
basically animistic." ...

"According to some (apparently different) sources such as

"... Muhammad's uncle was one of the resident priests of the
Shiv temple known as 'Kaaba'. ... this glorious Hindu temple
was made to symbolically represent a microcosm of the
universe. ... Right at the centre of the Kaaba
was the octogonal pedestal of Bramha the creator. ...
Muhammad destroyed all 360 idols,
but even he could not summon the courage to
completely obliterate the Shivling in the Kaaba. ...

"... Today it [the Shivling] lies broken at seven places
and held together by a silver band studded with silver
nails, bearing the name 'Sangey Aswad' which came from
the Sanskrit Ashwet meaning non-white or black stone.
[...] From the Hindu point of view, it is Shiva's lingham,
or phallic symbol. [...]

"... oral recitation of Vedic scriptures was always done in
a lyrical fashion, utilizing music ... Muhammad decided to
forbid Music. ...".
"The status of women was that of pride and equal respect.
How could it be otherwise with a people whose chief deity
was the goddess Durga (Alla). Women married men of their
choice and were financially independent. They were
entrepeneurs, artisans, poets and even warriors! Later on
Muhammad would marry Khadija, who was not only a wealthy
merchant but also in the position to choose her own
husband. This clearly demonstrates the level of freedom
women enjoyed in Vedic Arabia. Hind, who was the wife of
Muhammad's chief enemy Abu Sufyan, herself participated
in the battlefield."
"Gone were the schools, teachers, libraries,
poets, artists, philosophers and scholars that
had littered the Vedic landscape of Arabia like
stars. Everyone had to become a raider if not
from choice then for the sake of surviving the
absolute intolerance of dissenters, that Islam
preached. Thus was the light of learning
extinguished in Arabia. All that remained was
the Koran, the Kalma and the murderous hatred
of anything Non-Muslim."
"Kali: the bloodthirsty wife of Shiva, with
blue-black body, four arms, using a human skull
as a cup. Her color symbolizes eternal night of
non-existence, free of illusion and distinction.
She wears a garland of the heads of impure
thoughts, which She has severed from the
personalities of Her devotees."
"The Shivling is the sacred meteorite. [...]
From the Hindu point of view, it is Shiva's lingham,
or phallic symbol. [...]

"More material and pictures about such things on webpage:

"Although the above is not widely known in Eurocentric societies,
it is common knowledge in India, and indicates some of the history
and depth of feeling that is involved in the Muslim-Hindu conflicts
between Pakistan and India."
"... Muhammad received his first revelation in
610, on the mountain of Hira outside Mecca. The
revelation came in a time when Muhammad searched
for solitude. ..."
"According to a xenohistorian.faithweb web page:

"... Mohammed stayed [in Mecca in 615] because
his family connections protected him ... He came
into the courtyard of the Kaaba and suggested
that the gods and goddesses of Mecca might be
real after all, serving as saints or angels to
mediate between God and man. ... These are the
so-called "Satanic verses" that have caused much
controversy among scholars of Islam. ... They
[the Meccan establishment] enthusiastically
received his [Mohammed's] recantation, but when
he [Mohammed] saw the reaction he repented ...
He [Mohammed] said that the devil had momentarily
possessed his tongue, and denounced idolatry more
vigorously than before. ...".

See also Acharys S' "An Atheist Here to Destroy?"

And: "Kali meets Tank Girl"

AND: Don't forget to visit the Temple of Borobudur!

Pleasant Dreams ...
JEHOVAH 1 - a.k.a. YAHWEH - is a mad alien,
full of eyes round about, He cometh with the
clouds, radioactive, all-pervading, He has
forged His covenant with the SubGenius
OBEISANCE to His caveman sense of humor.
He has been denying us SLACK and what He is
making us do dates back to Homo Connectus,
First Whole Man; only by letting our bodies
obey the Code of financial lust survival
that is built into them can our brains
be freed from his INEVITABLE FIST."

"You are the knowing, not the condition that is known."
E c k h a r t T o l l e

"Think of timespace as a multidimensional
self-perfecting system in which everything
that has ever, or will ever occur, occurs
simultaneously. I believe timespace is a
kind of object, a geometrical supersolid.
I believe it may even be a type of hologram
in which energy and matter are byproducts
of the overlapping of two higher systems..."

Robert Bruce:
Dimi Chakalov:
James Deardorff:
Dick Farley:
Ray Fowler:
Stanton Friedman:
Bernard Haisch:
Nick Herbert:
Bruce Maccabee:
Pontifex Maximus:
Steven Mizrach:
Harold Puthoff:
Jack Sarfatti:
Saul Paul Sirag:
Maxwell Smart 86:
Tony Smith:
Whitley Strieber:
Jacques F Vallee:
Alfred L. Webre:
Arthur Young:

Oil and Gas International:

"Having profoundly modified space and time, and become,
in turn, modified by them, we are gradually evolving from
three-dimensional Euclidean beings into dwellers of the four
dimensional, non-Euclidean, space-time universe of
Dr. Einstein. We are parallel lines approaching infinity.
Those who make themselves at home in this new
universe will be the Homers, Dantes, Leonardos and
Michelangelos of tomorrow." -- William L. Laurence

Advanced Projects Research, Incorporated (APRI)
DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency]
ITPO [Information Processing Technology Office]
DARPA's IPTO will create a new generation of computational
and information systems that possess capabilities far beyond
those of current systems. These cognitive systems - systems
that know what they're doing:

[] will be able to reason, using substantial amounts of
appropriately represented knowledge;
[] will learn from their experiences and improve their
performance over time;
[] will be capable of explaining themselves and taking
naturally expressed direction from humans;
[] will be aware of themselves and able to reflect on
their own behavior;
[] will be able to respond robustly to surprises, in a
very general way.

'Who' perceives this?

Mumon's Twelve Zen Warnings.

1. To observe rules and regulations is to tie oneself
without a rope.
2. To act freely and without restraint is heresy
and deviltry.
3. To recognize mind and purify it is the false zen
of silent sitting.
4. To allow oneself freedom and to ignore
interrelating conditions is to fall into the pit.
5. To always be alert and clear is to wear chains
and an iron yoke.
6. To think of good and evil is to be in heaven
and hell.
7. To have a Buddha view and a Dharma view is to be
confined in two iron mountains.
8. To realize a thought as soon as it arises is to
exhaust one's energy.
9. To sit blankly in quietism is the zen of a corpse.
10. If you advance you will deviate from the principle.
11. If you retreat you will be against the truth.
12. If you neither advance nor retreat you are a
dead man breathing.

Now tell me, what will you do?
Make the utmost effort to attain completely realization
in this life. Do not let yourself circulate karma forever.
---Yamada Mumon Roshi

~ Interspecies Global Mind ~
"...It is said that we have enraged nature by tearing at
the pattern of her tracery, and for this transgression we
shall be punished mightily. But we are nature incarnate.
We are made up of her molecules and cells.
We are tools of her probings and if, indeed, we suffer and
we fail, from our lessons she will learn which way in the
future not to turn. For all that lives and all that ever has
is part of a collective brain, a neural net of the most
sprawling evolution-driven, worldwide,
multi-billion-year-old interspecies mind."
[] From: The History of the Global Brain XX
[...] "The UC Berkeley physicists demonstrated
quantum interference by building the first
superfluid equivalent of a superconducting
quantum interference device, called a
dc-SQUID, the most sensitive detector of
magnetic fields today.

"Just as superconducting dc-SQUIDs can measure
minuscule magnetic fields, such as magnetic
emanations from the brain, a superfluid SQUID
can detect changes in rotation, analogous to a
gyroscope. In addition to monitoring the Earth's
rotation, a superfluid gyroscope also could be
used to test predictions from Einstein's general
theory of relativity, such as how spinning
objects move in a gravitational field." [...]

Parenthetically, the so-called "Men-In-Black"
were tinkering with this technology way back
in the mid nineteen-sixties in West Virginia:

"The Mothman Prophecies" from:
"Everything is Under Control" by Robert Anton Wilson

In 1968, West Virginia, especially in the area bordering
on Ohio, became the scene of an outbreak of weirdity that
crisscrosses several categories of controversy.
As documented in John Keel's The Mothman Prophecies, the
phenomena included:
[|] the first in the series of mysterious "cattle mutilations-
that have recurred regularly in many other states, usually
further west;
[|] over 100 sightings of strange lights (or UFOs) in the sky;
[|] three classic "close encounter" cases, in which people saw,
or thought they saw, extraterrestrials, or critters they
considered extraterrestrial;
[|] about 70 sightings of Mothman, a traditional "monster' of
the area who, like Bigfoot and Nessie, keeps coming back to
shock or terrorize a few witnesses, but never lingers long
enough to be scientifically confirmed; and
[|] a long parade of men in black, most of them driving black
Cadillacs and looking vaguely "Oriental." Mothman is, or
appears as, or is hallucinated as, a humanoid figure with
giant mothlike wings and glaring red eyes.

Another spook visiting the area called himself Indrid Cold and
said he came from a planet named Lanulos. He appeared twice to
a salesman named Woodrow Derenberger, with whom he seemed to
communicate by telepathy. Derenberger was thereafter vexed by
strange phone calls combining threats, electronic hums, and
code-like beeps. (See "Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts.")

While trying to investigate this combination of real weirdity
(the cattle mutilations, the UFO sightings confirmed on radar)
and growing mob hysteria, Keel himself became the target of
the weirdness. A maelstrom of electronic and mechanical
accidents haunted him, and strange people contacted him by
strange means to prophesy future events. The major repeated
prophecies were (1) the Pope would be stabbed while visiting
the Middle East, (2) Robert Kennedy was in danger, and the
threat waited for him in a hotel kitchen, (3) there would be
a nationwide power failure on December 24 at noon.

The Pope was not stabbed in the Middle East; he was stabbed
the next year in Manila. Robert Kennedy was shot dead in a
hotel kitchen by Sirhan Sirhan and/or persons unknown.
There was no power failure on December 24 at noon, but at
that exact hour a bridge collapsed in West Virginia, right
in the center of the UFO/ Mothman activities, killing over
100 people.

Keel claims that most major UFO flaps have this penumbra of
magick and surrealism about them, usually ignored by both
skeptics and the ardent believers in the ETH (extraterrestrial
theory.) He prefers to call the entities involved
ultra-terrestrials, existing on the borderland between
matter and energy, or reality and dream, and regards them as
mischievous, deceptive, often dangerous, and likely to produce
mental illness in those who insistently try to communicate
with them.

The Mothman Prophecies, by John Keel, IlumiNet Press,
Avondale Estates, Ga., 1991

Robert Anton Wilson may be found at

"As Thomas Huxley said, the universe acts a lot like a chess game
in which the player on the other side remains invisible to us.
By analyzing the moves, we try to form an image of the intellect
behind them. Images that have seemed almost believable to me at
various times have included the gods and goddesses of ancient
Greece (if you develop a Classic Poetry habit, that kind of
neurolinguistic programming can happen...) and also, of course,
those extra-terrestrials who have so much popularity these days.
I have also considered the player on the other side as more
impersonal, like the Tao, or more bizarre, like Shiva Dancing,
or more abstract, like Philip K. Dick's Vast Active Living
Information System (VALIS.) Mostly, though I think of the player
on the other side as a pookah -- a resident of Ireland, in rabbit
form, who may at any time dump a truckload of the Unknown and
Inexplicable right on your doorstep." --Robert Anton Wilson

"What is necessary for man is to free himself from
the entire past of mankind, not only his individual
past. That is to say, you have to free yourself
from what every man before you has thought, felt
and experienced -- then only is it possible for you
to be yourself. The whole purpose of my talking to
people is to point out the uniqueness of every
individual. Culture or civilization or whatever you
might call it has always tried to fit us into a
framework. Man is not man at all; I call him a
'unique animal' -- and man will remain a unique
animal as long as he's burdened by the culture."

The "Anti-Krishnamurti":
-- Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti (Born 9 July 1918)

Jean "Moebius" Giraud:

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Computer Chips in your Drivers License

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Oct. 6th
urged Virginia not to become the first state in
the nation to place radio frequency identification
chips in its driver's licenses. RFID tags are
computer chips attached to tiny antennae that are
capable of broadcasting their data wirelessly to
anyone with an RFID reader. They are currently
used for "contactless" applications such as
tollbooth speed passes. Almost everyone carries a
driver's license, and RFID chips allow people to
be tracked. This proposal would allow anyone to
set up a reader and capture the identities and
personal information of every person who comes
within range. FBI agents, for example, could
sweep up identities of everyone at a political
meeting, protest march, gun show or Islamic
prayer service.
Source: Asheville Global Report
"ACLU against Chips in VA Driver's: Licenses"
Credit ACLU October 14-20
Synopsis by Allison Lewis

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Mysteries of Siberia's "Valley of Death"
Eyewitness reports suggest that an ancient high-tech
"Installation" in remote Siberia was responsible for
sending guided plasma sphere weapons to destroy a
meteorite over Tunguska in 1908.
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 12, Number 1
(December 2004-January 2005)
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;
Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
From our web page at:
by Dr Valery Uvarov © 2004
Department N13
National Security Academy
St Petersburg
Telephone: +7 (812) 237 1841

Part 1
Part 2

Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Centre (BACC)
[Project 921]

China Great Wall Industry Corp.

China's Space Launch Center

Janes Aerospace

Kai Tuozhe-1, Taiyuan launch site, China [Long March]

North Korea Musudan-ri Test Range (Pekdosan)

Oberg's Pioneering Space


Sino Defence Today

Traversing Singularity Barriers ^ Aeronautics

Xichang Space Launch Center

Entertaining, perhaps. Who the hell is Joe Matheny?
It's probably the "Joseph Matheny" who is more or less at
the origin of the "ong's hat" mythos and the author of
the "incunabula papers", a very interesting Borgesian prank.

A pseudonym of Hakim Bey, aka Peter Lamborn Wilson, et al ...

A Catalogue of Rare Books,
Manuscripts & Curiosa, Conspiracy Theory,
Frontier Science & Alternative Worlds

Hakim Bey and Ontological Anarchy:
The Writings of Hakim Bey

Sakhra-l'Assal Interviews
Peter Lamborn Wilson

"This is the Day we discovered the Door
that was open to all from the Start
this is the Day we traded in War
in exchange for a wide-open Heart
This is the birthday
of Love and of Light and the Child
the Day when we took off our diapers
and entangled our lives with the Wild."
--doctor jabir--


"The Black Lodge of Santa Cruz"
[Excerpt pg 24 of 69]:

"... Though still capable of composing myself and
dealing with the real world, I was nonetheless coming
apart. In the career of the magician, when they
reach that pinnacle of accomplishment and face the
outermost Abyss, it is assumed they will be able to
make a cautious and judicious approach before allowing
all that they have, and all they've become, to be
ripped away, as they are flung helpless into the Deep.
I was young, and rash, and simply could not see that
for all the care I took in avoiding disaster, the
things that I had set myself to study, and to attempt,
would lead me to face the destruction of my life as
I then understood it."

The Kaos-Babalon Press
Copyright (c) 2002 The Satyrikon
All Rights Reserved
Satyr. "The Black Lodge of Santa Cruz"
In: Biroco, Joel (ed), KAOS 14: Supplement
[PDF edition]. London: The Kaos-Babylon Press, 2002

J. Deardorff, B. Haisch, B. Maccabee and H.E. Puthoff
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol 58, pp. 43-50,

Curious situation
Pick up any good science magazine and you're sure to see
the latest in head-scratching ideas about superstring
theory, wormholes, or the stretching of spacetime itself.
Meanwhile, extrasolar planetary detection is on the verge
of becoming mundane.

"We are in the curious situation today that our best
modern physics and astrophysics theories predict that
we should be experiencing extraterrestrial visitation,
yet any possible evidence of such lurking in the UFO
phenomenon is scoffed at within our scientific
community," contends astrophysicist Bernard Haisch.

Haisch along with physicists James Deardorff,
Bruce Maccabee and Harold Puthoff make their
case in the JBIS article: "Inflation-Theory
Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation".

The scientists point to two key discoveries made by
Australian astronomers and reported last year that
there is a "galactic habitable zone" in our Milky
Way Galaxy. And more importantly that Earth's own
star, the Sun, is relatively young in comparison to
the average star in this zone -- by as much as a
billion years.

Therefore, the researchers explain in their JBIS
article that an average alien civilization would
be far more advanced and have long since discovered
Earth. Additionally, other research work on the
supposition underlying the Big Bang -- known as the
theory of inflation -- shores up the prospect,
they advise, that our world is immersed in a much
larger extraterrestrial civilization. [...]

t i t a n :

e s c h a t o l o g y

"... What was said was that culture is the shockwave of
eschatology. Nothing is unannounced. This is like a weird
quality of experience, you can't learn this from physics
or economics. (Maybe you can learn it from economics.)
Nothing is unannounced. Everything is preceded by the
shockwave of its coming. So somehow the spreading zaniness
of reality is part of the boundary-dissolving qualities
that are going to make up this new cultural mix of
disembodied human beings, nanotechnologically-maintained
environments, dissolved self-definitions, people living
at many levels at the same time; intelligence as a kind of
free-flowing nonlocal resource that comes and goes as
needed; prosthesis, implant, boundary dissolution -- these
things are usually presented as fairly terrifying. But in
fact I think behind it all lurks, you know, the demons who
do calisthenics in the angles of every room on this planet
to keep it all from collapsing into a flat line."

Terence McKenna
Live at Wetlands Preserve, NYC
July 28, 1998

Q u e t z a l c o a t l

Raymond E. Fowler:

Does Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis
Involve More than Cognitive Neurosciences?
by Jean-Christophe Terrillon, Ph.D., and
Sirley Marques-Bonham, Ph.D.

* * * * * * * * *
The Long Walk - 1989 Annotated Fable
featuring the Star Sponge and the 50 Gates


Ancient Script: Fractal: The Hollow Knots

* * * * * * * * *
Golden Children in
The ET - Human Link
by Dana Redfield

Dana Redfield, c/o:
Hampton Roads Publishing
1125 Stoney Ridge Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902


The Rewinning of the Poetic Mead * Gebo * Isa * Othala

Lost Rune Tarot:

--- Winifred Barton wrote:
I think most of you have met Blanche McLanahan "The
Watcher." This Brilliant British ally speaks crop circle
language and how it relates to the Unified Field and
salvation for all.
Blanche says "It is my belief that the "*/language of the crop
circles"/* could be the one language that will bind us all.
Blanche McLanahan
She Who Watches - She Who Listens - She Who Waits - She Who Speaks
cube crop circle formed 8/8/04

Trust ^ Thinking Outside of the Box:

An understanding will bring us to meet our goal.
Our fate is no equation, but the bend in our destiny caused by
refraction will be corrected and we shall see through the
darkness and around the curvature in space.
To quote Marie Curie, "Nothing is to be feared, only understood."
The message offers the understanding if we could all be on
the same wavelength and ask the right question. That question
may be as simple as, "Why?"

The embryonic nuclei lies await our discovery. It is resting
in our blood. It is the essence of life, of all creation.......
it is the Holy Grail. The greatest story ever told has been
written on Earth's canvas for all to see. Now that it is written
we must gain this understanding by asking why. Never should fear
prevent our next step.


"Is it for the one to reach out speaking
only for himself? Or shall the many rise
and speak for the one? And should this
one suffer indifference of the whole and
find banishment, then it is not the one
to lose but the many. Unification brings
enlightenment and truth, so that this one
might gain for all."

Blanche McLanahan


The Book of Watchers
. . . . . . . . .
The Vatican on UFO
Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a Vatican expert on exorcism,
has made several public pronouncements on the UFO phenomenon.
He advises that the Vatican is receiving much information on
UFO and alien contact, from its nuncios in various countries.
Monsignor Balducci is on a Vatican commission looking into
such encounters, and how to cope with them.
The Catholic Church has historically demonized many new
phenomena that were poorly understood, but Monsignor Balducci
states: "These encounters are not demonic, they are not due
to psychological impairment, and they are not a case of
entity attachment; we are closely following and studying this
phenomenon." He continues:

"We find no direct reference to extraterrestrial life in the
Bible, but neither does it exclude the existence of such:

"The distance between the angels -- pure spiritual
beings -- and us -- beings of spirit and matter,
body and soul -- is too large

"Between us and the angels, another life form
probably exists -- beings with a physical body
but one more perfect than ours and which
influences the soul less in its intelligent
acts and intentions

"The relationship between mind and matter in such
beings might be different than in our case

"If they are indeed superior to us, they can help,
support, and protect us in spiritual development;
they may have done so in the past"

See notes on an interview with Michael Hesemann in
MUFON UFO Journal, June 2004, 434, pg.19,
See also

"Programmable matter is probably not the next
technological revolution, nor even perhaps the
one after that. But it's coming, and when it
does it will change our lives as much as any
invention ever has. Imagine being able to
program matter itself -- to change it, with
the click of a cursor, from hard to soft, from
paper to stone, from fluorescent to
super-reflective to invisible. Supported by
companies ranging from Levi Strauss to IBM and
the Defense Department, solid-state physicists
in laboratories at MIT, Harvard,
Sun Microsystems, and elsewhere are currently
creating arrays of microscopic devices called
'quantum dots' that are capable of acting like
programmable atoms. They can be configured
electronically to replicate the properties of
any known atom and then can be changed, as fast
as an electrical signal can travel, to have the
properties of a different atom. Soon it will be
possible not only to engineer into solid matter
such unnatural properties as variable magnetism,
programmable flavors, or exotic chemical bonds,
but also to change these properties at will."
--Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs,
Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite
Weirdness of Programmable Atoms
by Wil McCarthy
(Basic Books, March 2003,
ISBN 0-465-04428-X)

"If you were offered physical immortality
as a 'Wallerstein brain' (a human brain
maintained in a jar interfacing to a
virtual reality through its sensory and
motor neurons), would you accept it?"
-- Ray Kurzweil

This new series of booklets compiled by Betty (Andreasson) Luca
contains many more illustrations of the ufo crafts encountered
by her, but more especially they contain teachings about our
universe from the ET perspective - most importantly these
booklets contain the WARNINGS from the ET Beings about the dire
condition of our Sun - these messages, transmitted in a mixture
of Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Arabic and
Irish-Gaelic words (as well as in glyphic script) relate to a
disaster event that could befall the Earth in the not too
distant future. Be Warned ! They are available from:

Betty Luca ....

* * * * * * * * *
Wheels Within Wheels ^ Psyops Manifesto:

* * * * * * * * *
Mystery Glyphs from
the ET Beings...
(from "Extraterrestrial Communications -
A Step Beyond Tomorrow" Booklets I and II
by Betty Ann Luca)
Mystery ET glyphs from "A Step Beyond Tomorrow"
by Betty (Andreasson) Luca.
What do they say, what language are they ?
They closely resemble Japanese Hiragana phonetic symbols.
Are these expressions of East Asian languages ?

* * * * * * * * *
[P]eculiar glyph-like manifestation[s] from the
Great Geometer:

* * * * * * * * *
The first two booklets
"Extraterrestrial Communications - A Step Beyond Tomorrow" Part I
"Extraterrestrial Communications - A Step Beyond Tomorrow" Part II
by Betty Luca

* * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * *
"Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and the
Undetectability Conjecture" by
Beatriz Gato Rivera

* * * * * * * * *
1970's Ship with Inhabitants


"Those who do battle with monsters
must take care that they do not
thereby become a monster.
Always remember that when you
gaze into the abyss, the abyss
gazes back on you."
-- Freidrich Nietzsche *

* Quoted by Judge Wallach at the outset of his draft paper,
"The Logical Nexus Between the Decision to Deny Application
of the Third Geneva Convention to the Taliban and al Qaeda,
and the Mistreatment of Prisoners in Abu Ghraib."

Jennifer Van Bergen, J.D., is the author of
The Twilight of Democracy: The Bush Plan for America
(Common Courage Press, 2004).
She has written and spoken extensively on civil liberties,
human rights, and international law. She is currently organizing a
major Forum on Dissent Since 9/11 in Miami from March 11-13.
See .


Saint Monica's Quantum Electrodynamic Lift

* * * * * * * * *
Incunabula & Obscuranta

"21st Century Four-Mouthed Wormhole Hieroglyphic"

Re: ... the pipeline to Turkey was sabotaged ...

Seeing, touching and smelling the extraordinarily
Earth-like world of Titan

24 January 2005
On 14 January ESA's Huygens probe made an historic
first ever descent to the surface of Titan,
1.2 billion kilometres from Earth and the largest
of Saturn's moons. [...]
Descent Imager-Spectral Radiometer (DISR):
"Geological evidence for precipitation, erosion,
mechanical abrasion and other fluvial activity
says that the physical processes shaping Titan are
much the same as those shaping Earth."

Spectacular images captured by the DISR reveal
that Titan has extraordinarily Earth-like
meteorology and geology. Images have shown a
complex network of narrow drainage channels
running from brighter highlands to lower,
flatter, dark regions. These channels merge
into river systems running into lakebeds
featuring offshore 'islands' and 'shoals'
remarkably similar to those on Earth.

Data provided in part by the Gas Chromatograph
and Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) and Surface
Science Package (SSP) support Dr Tomasko's
conclusions. Huygens' data provide strong
evidence for liquids flowing on Titan.
However, the fluid involved is methane,
a simple organic compound that can exist as a
liquid or gas at Titan's sub-170°C temperatures,
rather than water as on Earth.

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"What is
is always a totality of ensembles,
all present together, in an orderly series of stages of
enfoldment and unfoldment, which intermingle and
inter-penetrate each other in principle throughout the whole
of space. " David Bohm

Richard Doyle
Science, Medicine, Technology & Culture
Director of Composition
Department of English
Penn State University

"What is
is always a totality of ensembles,
all present together, in an orderly series of stages of
enfoldment and unfoldment, which intermingle and
inter-penetrate each other in principle throughout the whole
of space. " David Bohm

Richard Doyle
Science, Medicine, Technology & Culture
Director of Composition
Department of English
Penn State University