Part 1 (1929) Weyl starts with 4 projective coordinates x0, x1, x2, x3 on a 3D spacelike surface with coordinates x,y,z
x = x1/x0
y = x2/x0
z = x3/x0
The equation for the Einstein light cone unit sphere S2 is
x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1
equal to
x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2 - x0^2 = 0
for null geodesic light rays in globally flat Minkowski spacetime of Einstein's 1905 special relativity.
The 2-component Weyl SPINOR comes from the equatorial stereographic projection i.e. project from SOUTH POLE of S2 to the z = 0 equatorial plane. In that plane define the complex number
w = x + iy = c(+)/c(-) =( rho)e^iphi
The UN-NORMALIZED spinor QBIT |q) is in Dirac bra-ket notation for the particular basis |+) & |-) implicitly defined as
|q) = c(+)|+) + c(-)|-)
Note when c(-) = 0
x + iy -> infinity
i.e. rho -> infinity is the |+) spinor eigenstate (base vector)
similarly rho = 0 is the |-) spinor eigenstate
Given the 2x2 Pauli spin matrices basis for a simple Clifford algebra
I, sigma(x), sigma(y), sigma(z)
First look at the LOCAL DIAGONAL matrix elements of the Pauli spin matrices with respect to the same QBIT spinor.
x0 = (q|I|q) = c*(+)c(+) + c*(-)c(-)
x1 = (q|sigma(x)|q) = c(+)*c(-) + c*(-)c(+)
x2 = (q|sigma(y)|q) = i[-c(+)*c(-) + c*(-)c(+)]
x3 = (q|sigma(z)|q) = i[-c(+)*c(+) - c*(-)c(-)]
*Now I do something new and original not in Weyl 1929.
These have an obvious Feynman-like diagram \/ for a single forward light cone in globally flat Minkowksi spacetime
The NONLOCAL OFF-DIAGONAL matrix elements between two different QBITs |q) & |q') "located" at different light cones gives a new kind of NONLOCAL PRE-GEOMETRY
x0(q,q') = (q|I|q') = c*(+)c(+)' + c*(-)c(-)'
x1(q,q') = (q|sigma(x)|q') = c(+)*c(-)' + c*(-)c(+)'
x2(q,q') = (q|sigma(y)|q') = i[-c(+)*c(-)' + c*(-)c(+)']
x3(q,q') = (q|sigma(z)|q') = i[-c(+)*c(+)' - c*(-)c(-)']
These have an obvious diagram \.../
with ... as the holonomic path independent unique globally flat geodesic connecting the two light cones.
The non-geodesics are zero point quantum vacuum fluctuations of spacetime itself.
In curved spacetime with gravity we have anholonomic path-dependence of course.
Note also that the off-diagonal matrix elements for 2 distinct qbits have the same formal syntax as the 4 Bell entangled pair states used in quantum teleportation protocols. Curious. Suggestive. Indeed!
On May 26, 2007, at 6:53 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
O'Raifeartaigh p. 110 writes of Weyl in 1929:
"It is remarkable that Weyl should even consider the possibility of time-reversal and parity-violation at this time. In fact Weyl not only considered these possibilities but ... made the statement: 'The problem of the proton and electron will be mixed with the symmetry properties of the quantum theory with respect to interchange of left and right, past and future, and positive and negative charge.' Thus ... he not only foreshadowed the later developments in P and T violation but foreshadowed the CPT theorem. All this was at a time when, as Yang put it, 'Nobody, absolutely nobody, was in any way suspecting that these symmetries were related in any manner. It was only in the 1950's that the deep connection between them was discovered. ... What had prompted Weyl in 1930 to write the above passage is a mystery to me.'
Yang's puzzlement is similar to Ed Teller's puzzlement over what prompted President Reagan to decide to do SDI. Teller, in his autobiography writes that he was out of that decision loop and was surprised. Ask Cap Weinberger Jr what really happened. Also However, no precognition in the case of President Reagan's decision. ;-)
On May 26, 2007, at 3:46 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
Define spinor
|s) = cos@|up> + sin@e^i&|down>
relative to a given basis
(TETRAD)^a s,s' = (s'|(Pauli)^a|s) inner product
s =/= s' possible.
However, it turns our that there is no Lorentz scalar with 2-component spinors, i.e. the spin 0 tetrad field is missing and is connected with the origin of inertia needing Dirac 4 component spinors.
On May 26, 2007, at 3:28 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
Motivated by Part 1 of Hermann Weyl's 1929 seminal paper "Electron and Gravitation"
John A. Wheeler's "IT FROM BIT"
"BIT" = SPINOR = vector in basic rep of SL(2,C).
TETRAD is bilinear in SPINOR
Einstein GEOMETRODYNAMIC FIELD is bilinear in TETRAD, therefore quartic in SPINOR
SPINOR QBIT is spin 1/2.
TETRAD = (SPINOR*|Pauli Spin Matrix|Spinor) Lorentz group 4-vector is an entangled EPR pair of spinors.
i.e. TETRAD is a 2 QBIT string
Neglecting relative orbital angular momentum i.e. S-orbital
1/2 + 1/2 = 1 + 0
2x2 = 3 + 1 Irrep dimensions
Therefore, spin 1 tetrads but is there also a spin 0 "scalar" tetrad that I missed before?
Note there are nonlocal tetrads if the two spinors in the inner product matrix element are at different space time events.
On May 22, 2007, at 10:59 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
"I am as dissatisfied as you are with distant parallelism and your proposal to let the tetrads rotate independently at different space-time points is a true soluton." Pauli to Weyl (1929).
"IT FROM BIT" John Archibald Wheeler
e.g. Goldstone phases are macro-quantum BIT fields of physical information.
v(superfluid Helium 4) = (h/m)dTheta 1-form O(2) symmetry
A^a(warped tetrad) = M^a^a = dPhi^a/\Theta^a - Phi^a/\dTheta^a 1-form O(9) symmetry - gravitation
F^a = dA^a = -2dPhi^a/\dTheta^a 2-form
S^a^b = M^[a,b] - spin connection 1-form
A^a & S^a^b form the noncompact Poincare group Lie Algebra
On the conversion of Weyl's 1918 aborted scale factor on the uncharged metric IT field to a quantum phase factor on the electrically charged BIT pilot field:
"One can summarize Einstein's objection to Weyl's (1918) theory as the statement that, according to atomic spectroscopy, there is no Bohm-Aharonov effect for gravitation." p. 85.
Metricity in GR is like unitarity in QM, i.e. inner products are invariants of the evolution i.e. parallel transport whether in spacetime or Hilbert space. Nonmetricity, therefore, is like "collapse of the state" in von Neumann quantum measurement theory.
On May 22, 2007, at 7:42 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
Weyl in 1918 made the mistake of applying the gauge principle to Einstein's 2nd rank symmetric metric tensor. What he actually found was a non-metricity vector field in which the magnitudes of vectors parallel transported along world lines depends on the world line. This would be a memory - a hysteresis non-integrability anholonomy not observed in the electromagnetic world where the spectral lines of atoms in the stars are recognizably the same once the gravity red shifts are subtracted out. Einstein pointed this out to Weyl back then. Slowly (Fock, Schrodinger, London ...) it was recognized that this path dependent electrodynamic (Bohm-Aharonov) non-integrability applied to the deBroglie pilot quantum waves not to the Einstein geometrodynamical field.
What Weyl really did in 1918 was to find the non-metricity piece of the connection beyond Einstein's 1916 metric connection. Later Cartan found the torsion field antisymmetric piece to the possible connection fields for parallel transport.
Connection = Einstein metric connection + non-metricity vector field connection + antisymmetric (con) torsion
metric connection ~ disclination rotation defects in vectors around closed self-generated infinitesimal parallelograms
(con) torsion connection ~ dislocation defects in which the basic self-generated parallelograms has a gap to 2nd order of smallness (e.g. Penrose "The Road to Reality").
Weyl's 1918 non-metricity vector field means that the lengths of vectors are different around the closed loops i.e. disastrous multi-valuedness - a kind of Riemann surface fiber? In any case Weyl's 1918 vector field is not the EM 4-potential A 1-form but is some alien kind of geometrodynamic field whose flux field tensor 2-form F = dA is zero in our ordinary spacetime without topological defects giving non-vanishing deRham integrals of F through 2D surfaces even when A is closed. 1D string line defects involve surfaces with boundaries whose non-bounding loop integrals of A are quantized "winding numbers" (1st nontrivial homotopy) when the A -form derives from a single coherent Goldstone phase of two real Higgs fields. If there are three real Higgs fields with two independent Goldstone phases then A is not a closed 1-form the non-bounding 2D surface is closed without boundary and we have interior point "monopole defects" with quantized radial fluxes given by "wrapping numbers" (2nd non-trivial homotopy). What would be the physical effects of these non-metricity fluxes? Are they in the interior of the leptons and quarks as Bohm hidden variables that appear as points as the scattering probe magnification increases because of extreme micro-warping. The effective geometrodynamic coupling constant renormalization group flow is to larger values at the 1 fermi scale - it can then get smaller in both UV and IR directions with peaks between 10^-13 - 10^-16 cm.
L.O'R wrote (Ch 5):"(Hermann Weyl) had always been convinced that there was a close analogy between gravitation and electromagnetism ... in 1929 he was able to formulate the analogies ... by means of the tetrad formalism ... Weyl's formulation was complete and went beyond all previous ideas in proposing that electromagnetism be derived from the gauge principle ... that ... has turned out to be a powerful principle for deriving the nuclear interactions and to be the common principle underlying all the known fundamental interactions. ... the six sections of the paper ... two-component spinor theory in Minkowski space ... parity ("chirality" screw helical mirror reflection symmetry now known violated by quarks and leptons, but not known in 1929 of course) and time reversal invariance ... tetrads (AKA vierbeins) ... spinor theory in curved spaces ... Noether conservation laws ... spin connection ... invariant action ... (local) energy-momentum conservation laws from invariance with respect to both general coordinate transformations and Lorentz transformations of the tetrad (Noether's theorem) ... He then recast gravitational theory in the tetrad formalism with a view to exhibiting the analogies between it and electromagnetism. In the final section, he came to what he considered the most fundamental part of the paper, namely, the derivation of electromagnetic theory from the gauge principle."
All of fundamental theoretical physics today depends on only two battle-tested grand organizing ideas, and that includes the extra dimensions of string theory bye the bye, Witten need look no further IMHO.
I. The gauge principle
"AKA" here means "also known as" in a rough qualitative sense with minor differences of detail
II. "More is different" AKA "hidden symmetry" AKA "spontaneous breakdown of symmetry" AKA "ODLRO" AKS "macro-quantum coherence" AKA "Bose-Einstein condensation" AKA "macroscopic eigenvalues of correlation functions" AKA "collapse of phase space volume" AKA effective order parameters including nonlocal topological order of 2D Anyons in FQHE (Fractional Hall effect) as well as the more familiar local order of the Landau-Ginzburg phenomenology with the O(N) Mexican Hat effective low energy potentials for macroscopic phase transitions from quantum to misnamed "classical."
to be continued.
On May 20, 2007, at 1:43 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
Commentary 1 (Draft 2 expanded)
This is a very useful little book by Lochlainn O' Raifaeartaigh in Dublin published by Princeton 1997. It has seminal papers by Weyl, Klein, Fock, Schrodinger, London & Pauli in English from the original German.
The two great battle-tested principles of basic theoretical physics are
1. The local gauge principle, i.e. "relativity" in the most general sense of no action without reaction, no passive absolute Newtonian arenas, Leibniz's relationism of Bohm's "dialogue" not monologue.
2. The spontaneous breaking (or "hiding" Sidney Coleman, Erice Lectures 1970's) of continuous symmetries in the ground state of real on mass shell quanta and also in the vacuum of virtual zero point quanta. AKA "More is different" (P.W. Anderson) "Emergent complexity." "ODLRO" (Onsager & Oliver Penrose), "Goldstone theorem" "Macroquantum states", "Glauber coherent & squeezed states" et-al. The idea of "hidden symmetry" is that whilst the dynamical classical action in the Feynman path integral alternative to second quantization is invariant under the symmetry group G, the vacuum (ground state) is not. One familiar example is a ferromagnet near absolute zero with a Galilean relativity 3-vector order parameter "magnetization" in a coherent domain. This is three real "Higgs fields" with two continuous 2pi periodic "Goldstone phases" defining the S2 vacuum manifold of minima in the Landau-Ginzburg effective quartic renormalizable interaction Higgs-type field Lagrangian. Non-trivial 2nd order homotopy would give point "monopole" defects not actually observed in real ferromagnetic phases. What is observed are wall domain defects with a S0 vacuum manifold without any continuous Goldstone phase at all corresponding to another broken symmetry from three real Higgs fields to only one effective Higgs field that vanishes on the domain wall. That is S3 broken to S1 - curious.
Emergence of "The Nine"
My original parsimonious theory explains the origin of gravity & inertia, torsion (i.e. emergent "tetrad" local observer/detector frames and "spinor" connections as macroquantum coherent "surface" world hologram Goldstone phase modulations from an "M-Matrix" of non-closed 1-forms made from two Lorentz 4-vectors of eight 0-form continuous periodic Goldstone phases Theta^b & Phi^a from nine post-inflation real Higgs scalar vacuum ODLRO fields.
a,b = 0,1,2,3 are Lorentz group indices
M^a^b = Phi^a/\dTheta^b - dPhi^a/\Theta^b
dM^a^b = 2dPhi^a/\dTheta^b
A^a = M^a^a (diagonal elements of the Matrix)
Einstein-Cartan tetrad 1-forms are e^a = I^a + @A^a are spin 1 Yang-Mills type Lorentz group VECTOR renormalizable quantum translation group T4 localized gauge fields.
@ = (Lp^2/\zpf)^1/3 dimensionless "world hologram" self-gravity coupling
I^a are the global Minkowski tetrad frames that we have when either
G -> 0 gravity coupling switched off
h -> 0 quantum action switched off
c -> infinity, i.e. no causal retardation and/or advanced retro-causation
/\zpf -> 0
i.e. no gravity when supersymmetry is perfect! /\zpf in the IR limit is Lenny Susskind's cosmic landscape parameter ~ (area of future deSitter horizon of pocket Hubble bubble universe in the "megaverse" of eternal chaotic inflation.
Supersymmetry is square root of T4, i.e. anticommutator of supersymmetries is T4.
"Spinor" connection 1-forms are (gets dynamical degrees of freedom when total 10-parameter Poincare group P10 = T4*O(1,3) is locally gauged (Utiyama, Kibble et-al 1961)
S^a^b = - S^b^a = M^[a,b]
Torsion field 2-forms are
T^a = de^a + S^ace^c
Curvature field 2-forms are
R^a^b = dS^a^b + S^acS^cb
Einstein-Hilbert (E-H) "classical" Lagrangian density is the 0-form
L(E-H) ~ {a,b,c,d}R^a^b/\e^c/\e^d
ds^2 = guvdx^udx^v = e^aea = I^aIa + @(I^aAa + A^aIa) + @^2A^aAa
Quantum noise corrections in second quantized formalism with macro-quantum vacuum |0> condensate ODLRO is
A^a = <0|A^a|0> + &A^a
&A^a is the quantum excitation spin 1 tetrad vector field annihilation operator
Note that R^a^b is quadratic in A^a and its gradients, therefore L(E-H) has up to quartic terms in the tetrads consistent with renormalization.
Note that
F^a = dA^a = dM^a^a = dPhi^a/\dTheta^a =/= 0
We have "Maxwell" equations
dF^a = 0
d*F^a = *J^a (warped tetrad current density)
d*J^a = 0 (local conservation of warped tetrad current density)
The Einstein geometrodynamic field ds^2 = e^aea is quadratic in the tetrads, therefore obviously made from entangled Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky (1935) pairs of spin 1 tetrad quanta, hence we have quantum geometrodynamic corrections of spin 2 tensor gravitions, spin 1 vector gravi-photons and spin 0 scalar gravitons.
3x3 = 5 + 3 + 1
1 + 1 = 2, 1, 0
for the irreducible spin/angular momentum representations of O(3) subgroup of O(1,3).
This does not affect the macro-quantum c-number ODLRO sector of the theory in most cases.
Dark energy and dark matter are both very simply virtual quanta inside the total physical vacuum of positive and negative zero point fluctuation energy density respectively.
Einstein showed that for an isotropic Ricci source in 3+1 spacetime, the space-time bending power of the source is
(G/c^2)(energy density of source)(1 + 3w)
Lorentz invariance and general coordinate invariance imply
w = -1
for isotropic ZPF distributions of all quantum fields of all spins.
Bosons have positive ZPF energy density
Fermions have negative ZPF energy density.
Non-isotropic boundary conditions e.g. Casimir effect will shift the ZPF w, but as long as w < - 1/3 i.e. quintessent field region then
positive ZPF energy density -> antigravity universal repulsion blue shift (dark energy)
negative ZPF energy density -> gravity universal attraction red shift (clumping dark matter) - this is indistinguishable from w = 0 conventional CDM for distant observers looking at gravity lensing for example.
Note when w < - 1 that is "phantom energy" BIG RIP
I predict that the LHC will NOT find dark matter particles on mass shell as a matter of basic principle. Looking for dark matter inside the LHC is like looking for the motion of the Earth through the mechanical Victorian aether with a Michelson-Morley interferometer. Null results then and in the future I do declare. All of this is only based on 1 & 2 above. The book is mostly about the early history of 1 and how it affected C.N. Yang as a graduate student. Robert Shaw's little-known important independent work is also discussed.
"The role of geometry in physics has always been central. But ... it was passive, providing only the stage on which physics took place ... the theory of special relativity in 1905, when it became clear that space and time were not independent ... But the most profound and astonishing entry of geometry into physics came with Einstein's theory of gravitation in 1916, which showed that gravitation was nothing but the curvature of four-dimensional space. ... George Bernard Shaw ... wrote 'Asked to explain why planets did not move in straight lines and run straight out of the universe, Einstein replied that they do not do so because space is not rectilinear but curvilinear.' ... due almost entirely to the genius of Einstein, geometry graduated from being the stage on which the drama of physics took place to being a major player in the drama.
There remained however the electromagnetic and nuclear forces, and the geometrization of gravity raised the question as to whether these other fundamental forces were 'true' forces operating in curved space of gravitational theory or whether they also were part of the geometry. This question has still not been fully answered. ... these forces and gravitation have a common geometrical structure. This is ... the gauge structure."
to be continued
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007 opens with Col. John Alexander, don't know who the others are besides me and Uri.
Right - that's why I suspect those photos are faked with Photoshop. It's probably a very clever spoof, but I can't say for sure. I am sitting on the fence leaning toward a really good spoof. Watch out there I go - uh oh! ;-)
On May 23, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Kim Burrafato wrote:
But in the case of the alleged Klingon probe photos, the object appears to be in the range of 10-20 feet in diameter maximum. Assume the things are real electrogravostatic alien probes, how are they generating those kinds of energies in a platform of that particularly delicate and almost hypnotically asymmetric configuration? There's basically a flying truncated hollow cylinder with wing and antenna protrusions and what could be a small power plant attached to the cylinder and maybe projecting above it, like some outlandish late Victorian lamp. Weird .... I get a funny feeling when I look at the stuff under the protrusions -- the alien glyphs. If you look at the first pics from Chad with the blowup of the glyphs and details of the construction, you can see a pretty much-dead on match with what the guy took in Capitola.
Jack: So "Chad" got into his car and is driving around? I'm playing Devil's Advocate.
Kim: The little round nodules are the same place and the writing appears to be, too. Now of course, there is the possibility that the same person is responsible for all these "different" pics, but assuming that's not the case, it's pretty interesting -- for a change! Good memehacking, at the very least. But I have this strange feeling that this could be for real.
Jack: Yeah, IMHO this Bulgarian guy is good. USG Intelligence, DIA, SAIC, Los Alamos ... should get him over here ASAP. He is definitely a heavyweight - the real McCoy. Good work Art. The Bulgarian gets my vote. I'm impressed.
On May 23, 2007, at 6:02 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
OK he give some interesting numbers at end. He seems to say you need 10^9 volts/cm to reshape the geodesics made by Earth at its surface for flight. Note I have only skimmed this so far very quickly. He also gives 380 Tesla magnetic field and current densities for solenoids. So that's 100 volts per nanometer. These numbers seem more promising than Hal Puthoff's PV numbers? Clearly, this guy's work needs to be looked into carefully by a lot of people. He is in Bulgaria? This is the most promising development I have seen that is along the lines of what ... has been promoting. Problem with Gordon is that he does not stick to pure descriptions of the photographic/video evidence but tries to explain it with not-even-wrong amateurish techno-babble so all physicists immediately turn off. This Bulgarian has the correct mainstream GR physics that seems relevant to extraordinary claims of huge voltages in capacitors making disks fly. Maybe something here ...
On May 23, 2007, at 5:37 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On May 23, 2007, at 5:23 PM, art wagner wrote:
I think this work is important, if valid:
Thanks looks interesting. Will look more carefully. opens with Col. John Alexander, don't know who the others are besides me and Uri.
Right - that's why I suspect those photos are faked with Photoshop. It's probably a very clever spoof, but I can't say for sure. I am sitting on the fence leaning toward a really good spoof. Watch out there I go - uh oh! ;-)
On May 23, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Kim Burrafato wrote:
But in the case of the alleged Klingon probe photos, the object appears to be in the range of 10-20 feet in diameter maximum. Assume the things are real electrogravostatic alien probes, how are they generating those kinds of energies in a platform of that particularly delicate and almost hypnotically asymmetric configuration? There's basically a flying truncated hollow cylinder with wing and antenna protrusions and what could be a small power plant attached to the cylinder and maybe projecting above it, like some outlandish late Victorian lamp. Weird .... I get a funny feeling when I look at the stuff under the protrusions -- the alien glyphs. If you look at the first pics from Chad with the blowup of the glyphs and details of the construction, you can see a pretty much-dead on match with what the guy took in Capitola.
Jack: So "Chad" got into his car and is driving around? I'm playing Devil's Advocate.
Kim: The little round nodules are the same place and the writing appears to be, too. Now of course, there is the possibility that the same person is responsible for all these "different" pics, but assuming that's not the case, it's pretty interesting -- for a change! Good memehacking, at the very least. But I have this strange feeling that this could be for real.
Jack: Yeah, IMHO this Bulgarian guy is good. USG Intelligence, DIA, SAIC, Los Alamos ... should get him over here ASAP. He is definitely a heavyweight - the real McCoy. Good work Art. The Bulgarian gets my vote. I'm impressed.
On May 23, 2007, at 6:02 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
OK he give some interesting numbers at end. He seems to say you need 10^9 volts/cm to reshape the geodesics made by Earth at its surface for flight. Note I have only skimmed this so far very quickly. He also gives 380 Tesla magnetic field and current densities for solenoids. So that's 100 volts per nanometer. These numbers seem more promising than Hal Puthoff's PV numbers? Clearly, this guy's work needs to be looked into carefully by a lot of people. He is in Bulgaria? This is the most promising development I have seen that is along the lines of what ... has been promoting. Problem with Gordon is that he does not stick to pure descriptions of the photographic/video evidence but tries to explain it with not-even-wrong amateurish techno-babble so all physicists immediately turn off. This Bulgarian has the correct mainstream GR physics that seems relevant to extraordinary claims of huge voltages in capacitors making disks fly. Maybe something here ...
On May 23, 2007, at 5:37 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On May 23, 2007, at 5:23 PM, art wagner wrote:
I think this work is important, if valid:
Thanks looks interesting. Will look more carefully.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Author: Jack Sarfatti
Subject: My truly original discovery
is my M-Matrix of non-closed 1 forms from the coherent vacuum Goldstone phases of the post-inflation field from which the warped Einstein-Cartan tetrad 1-forms and the spin-connection 1-forms simply emerge in much the same way as does the superfluid velocity field v = (h/m)Grad(Phase).
A^a = M^a^a tetrad 1-forms
S^a^b = M^[a,b] = - S^b^a spin-connection 1-forms
M^a^b = Theta^a/\dPhi^b - dTheta^a/\Phi^b
{Theta^a} & {Phi^b} are 2 Lorentz group 4-vectors of coherent vacuum Goldstone phase 0-forms from 9 real Higgs scalar fields.
e^a = I^a + @A^a
@ = (Lp^2/\zpf)^1/3
Lp^2 = hG/c^3
ds^2 = guvdx^udx^v = e^aea
T^a = de^a + S^ac/\e^c = torsion field 2-form
R^a^b = dS^a^b + S^ac/\S^cb = curvature field 2-form
Also, my apparently original recognition that quantum gravity is renormalizable at the "square root" tetrad field level where it is essentially a spin 1 Yang-Mills quantum field theory! Spin 2 is a composite structure from entangled pairs of spin 1 tetrad quanta. There are also spin 1 and spin 0 quantum corrections absent in the "classical" (i.e. macro-quantum ODLRO c-number) part of the theory.
Subject: My truly original discovery
is my M-Matrix of non-closed 1 forms from the coherent vacuum Goldstone phases of the post-inflation field from which the warped Einstein-Cartan tetrad 1-forms and the spin-connection 1-forms simply emerge in much the same way as does the superfluid velocity field v = (h/m)Grad(Phase).
A^a = M^a^a tetrad 1-forms
S^a^b = M^[a,b] = - S^b^a spin-connection 1-forms
M^a^b = Theta^a/\dPhi^b - dTheta^a/\Phi^b
{Theta^a} & {Phi^b} are 2 Lorentz group 4-vectors of coherent vacuum Goldstone phase 0-forms from 9 real Higgs scalar fields.
e^a = I^a + @A^a
@ = (Lp^2/\zpf)^1/3
Lp^2 = hG/c^3
ds^2 = guvdx^udx^v = e^aea
T^a = de^a + S^ac/\e^c = torsion field 2-form
R^a^b = dS^a^b + S^ac/\S^cb = curvature field 2-form
Also, my apparently original recognition that quantum gravity is renormalizable at the "square root" tetrad field level where it is essentially a spin 1 Yang-Mills quantum field theory! Spin 2 is a composite structure from entangled pairs of spin 1 tetrad quanta. There are also spin 1 and spin 0 quantum corrections absent in the "classical" (i.e. macro-quantum ODLRO c-number) part of the theory.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Notes for STAIF 2008 talk in Albuquerque Space Force Defense Meetings
Working these practical applications of my general theory of emergent curvature-torsion Einstein-Cartan (old-fashioned "unified field theory") actually ties into modern string theory and points the way to asking the correct questions to metric engineer warp and wormhole on the road to Michio Kaku's "Type IV Super Civilization." (for updates)
OK, this pdf in standard math notation corrects my earlier hasty errors from not including the torsion field induced inhomogeneities in the quintessent zero point energy field correctly for the problems of
1. QCD quark force
2. NASA Pioneer anomalous g-force ~ cH ~ 1 nanometer/sec^2
3. Flat stellar rotation curves in dark matter galactic halos
1 & 2 have the same ordinary differential equation with different numerical parameters at the 2 vastly different scales - but there is a kind of scale covariance.
This is like Newton's apple - same universal zero point energy induced gravity and antigravity across many powers of ten unifying seemingly unconnected phenomena.
As Above, So Below.
Working these practical applications of my general theory of emergent curvature-torsion Einstein-Cartan (old-fashioned "unified field theory") actually ties into modern string theory and points the way to asking the correct questions to metric engineer warp and wormhole on the road to Michio Kaku's "Type IV Super Civilization." (for updates)
OK, this pdf in standard math notation corrects my earlier hasty errors from not including the torsion field induced inhomogeneities in the quintessent zero point energy field correctly for the problems of
1. QCD quark force
2. NASA Pioneer anomalous g-force ~ cH ~ 1 nanometer/sec^2
3. Flat stellar rotation curves in dark matter galactic halos
1 & 2 have the same ordinary differential equation with different numerical parameters at the 2 vastly different scales - but there is a kind of scale covariance.
This is like Newton's apple - same universal zero point energy induced gravity and antigravity across many powers of ten unifying seemingly unconnected phenomena.
As Above, So Below.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
High Strangeness and US Intelligence Community
"there may be language difficulties
but it seems more and more are overcoming them every day
i would even say there are not two languages separated here but at least 12 and likely many more"
There are at least 3 conflicting opinions when 2 Greeks meet. :-)
"bundle field theory is not excruciatingly unreachable
"many can attain fluency by their late twenties and understand the translation
of symmetry breaking higgs production
in quotient bundles of the principle
over the symmetries broken"
Yes, of course. But that is still only a reformulation of basic physics. The issue is, does the reformulation allow you to "analytically continue" so to speak to new physics insights, predictions, explanations of mysterious phenomena such as
1. dark energy (~ 73% of universe)
2. dark matter
3. flat stellar rotation curves in galactic halos (I am still working on that model)
4. NASA Pioneer anomaly
5. Why the cosmological constant is so small
6. Silent alien ET spacecraft able to do many g's that no human can survive much less any known material
7. NIDS observations of alien ETs coming out of star gates on Bob Bigelow's Utah Ranch. See the book "Skinwalker" by Colm Kelleher & George Knapp. Bob Bigelow is a very rich man with his own satellite in space and close connections to the US Intelligence Community and the most powerful politicians in America. He is one of the most powerful people in Nevada (Las Vegas) no fool and he has poured millions of dollars into this UFO/paranormal phenomenon with his own private army of retired police, FBI, CIA, US Military Special Forces professionals. Bigelow is a heavy weight. He is nobody's fool and he knows these anomalies are real no matter what the James Randis, the Michael Shermers and other debunking so-called "Skeptics" say.
8. Note my prediction, the LHC will not find any real on-mass-shell particles that can explain Omega(Dark Matter) ~ 0.23 because dark matter is, in fact, off-mass-shell zero point fluctuations of negative ZPE density with positive pressure and w < - 1/3. Looking for dark matter in the LHC is like looking for the Galilean relativity aether with a Michelson-Morley interferometer. It is a very wrong idea IMHO.
"but just because many could understand does not mean many do understand because there are many other interesting things in this world there are many approaches to quantum gravity that explore higgs-like mechanisms"
That may be, but none of them make testable predictions, except for my model as far as I know. Also mine is simpler - Occam's razor with the least amount of formal excess baggage. What is good for pure mathematics is not generally good for theoretical physics. There is a creative tension between their primary objectives. They go in opposite directions. Math seeks generalization getting rid of physical concreteness.
"the higgs mechanism has always been intimate
to explanations of matter and mass
and it has been a regular source of quantum gravity speculation"
Too vague. I am showing exactly how the two key objects of Einstein-Cartan theory emerge from the Goldstone phases of the Higgs fields of the physical vacuum in analogy to the velocity of superflow in helium.
h dehnen, h frommert, and associates
showed that any excited higgs field
can be viewed as mediating a scalar gravitational interaction
but their mechanism gave a massive (yukawa) form"
Interesting. However I have shown how the c-number tetrad and spin connection 1-forms emerge from the Higgs vacuum itself. The excited Higgs particle states are not relevant. I do propose a Salam strong short range tensor gravity in addition to the weak long range component. I do get spin 2, spin 1 & spin 0 excited quanta on mass shell from entangled pairs of spin 1 A^a tetrad quanta. These are small zero point corrections - quantum noise - off mass shell, and far-field radiation on mass shell I suppose for the excited states you allude to above.
"v alan kostelecky and others have interesting papers
on the spontaneous breaking of lorentz and cpt symmetries which are also generated by a typical gamma matrix term that can be found in extended standard models and string theory"
Good, why don't you write a detailed review paper on all this? :-)
"in particular
lorentz violation may provide a mechanism
for a massless graviton
and naturally seem to describe some of the features
of dark matter and dark energy
and the cosmological constant"
Please explain this. "Lorentz violation" to me has two possible meanings.
1. Locally gauging the global 6-parameter Lorentz symmetry of all non-gravity actions. This gives the independent "torsion gap" dislocation defect field to 2nd order of Einstein-Cartan theory. It also adds new curvature disclination defect terms beyond what is in Einstein's 1915 GR that is simply from the local gauging of the 4-parameter translation group.
2. Spontaneous breakdown of the global/local Lorentz group in the physical vacuum i.e. hiding the symmetry in the actions of all the non-gravity fields (Sidney Coleman, Erice Lectures, 1970').
gasperini, hehl, and sardanashvily
have shown the emergence of various gravities
with actions coupling to
and other connection-derived terms"
Good, where is the physics? What do they predict and explain from real phenomena and data?
"all of these authors approach these ideas
from slightly different geometric or interactionist/group formalisms
often several different ones per author
linear and quadratic poincare
metric affine
Too vague, please flesh this out.
"but higgs mechanisms are not the only "natural" approach
similar to the reason for investigating higgs gravity
the zeropoint field has been interpreted as generating inertia
and there have been a few attempts at
zeropoint effects that generate gravity"
If you mean Haisch, Puthoff, Rueda, Cole - that's a dead end for several reasons IMHO not going anywhere. It's incomplete for one thing, only includes virtual photons. It violates dark energy facts. Other objections as well. Higgs - Yukawa couplings are the only viable model for the emergence of rest mass of leptons, quarks & W bosons. However, even that is incomplete - no gravity - that's where my model comes in because you cannot separate rest mass inertia from gravity without violating the equivalence principle as Haisch et-al blithely do without even realizing it it seems to me.
there is the holographic programme
seeking to explain the surface terms in the hilbert action
in terms of a fundamental description of information"
That's already in my model from the git-go. My model is holographic. Primacy of spacelike 2D nonbounding cycles enclosing point defect nodes of the 4D world crystal lattice in the 3+1 projection down from 9+1.
"there are also a number of purely geometric approaches
when one alters the geometry sufficiently
as is found in the torsion theories
or extensions of the work by obukhov and others
exploring the relationships between gravity and spin
( which have influence the spin-network programme
and other more mainstream approaches )"
This is all pi-in-the-sky without any connection to real physics - correct me if I am wrong. :-)
"there is a desire to make gravity emergent"
Indeed, and I have done so in an elementary way showing the connection/formal analogy to emergence in superfluid helium & in BCS superconductors.
"the whole point is of course
to avoid the divergences and ontological difficulties
of direct quantisation of the metric field"
I have solved that problem. My coupling is dimensionless and the basic gravity fields are spin 1 warped "tetrad" A^a fields, a = 0,1,2,3 - note in non-commutative geometry the Lie algebra is Yang-Mills non-abelian, as it is already when you go to the full 10-parameter Poincare group Lie algebra, but even the T4 part has new structure constants in Connes's noncommutative generalization.
"barcelo, visser, and liberati
have proven a very general result
that linearising a classical scalar field
( or indeed any hyperbolic second-order equation )
can always be interpreted as a lorentzian geometry
affecting particle propagation as gravity"
I don't believe that. They must be mistaken. How do they get tensor fields from a single scalar field?
" so these emergence results are very general
this background of working theories
helps give some placement to sarfatti's approach
he would have more insight into his approach
than any reconstruction that could be attempted
but it is always instructive to try
his expositions have suggested that a primary motivation is
he has been closely following shipov's work on torsion
and exploring its relation to various quantisation programmes
and the geometry is certainly central to his mathematical formalism"
Gennady Shipov visited us from Moscow in San Francisco twice 1999 & 2000 with money provided by Joe Firmage to our ISSO Science Group.
"but there are other currents present
he has also pointed a number of times over the recent years
to distinctions between the higgs mechanicsm
and zero point mechanisms of inertia
in particular he has stressed that
differences of fundamental scales in the theories
the equivalence principle
the nonlocal nature of gravity at asymptotic infinity
and the holographic principle
strongly suggest the zeropoint mechanism is ruled out
he has taken some of the mathematical insights
of what are unacceptable features of these
directly into his current working form
explicitly avoiding those issues through a foundation in holography
and of course
as is common with jack
he has many other directions he is attempting to reinterpret
inside the kernel of his new formalism
much still appears in flux
with some crystallisations and subsequent return to fluidity
as facts and derivations drive new speculations
so i wouldn't be too quick to place sarfatti in sardanashvily's camp
just as i wouldn't be too quick to put sarfatti in 't hooft's camp
they may share progenitors
( as we all do )
but they have their own unique directions
i also wouldn't be too quick to any given geometric intuition
is the more "correct" approach
as humanity has repeatedly been shown wrong here
and geometry is one of the big underspecifications
in modern speculation
our universe could operate on pointless geometries
for all we know
well anyways
it looks like my lunchtime is almost over so i'll cut this short
but i just wanted to make one last observation
despite its now obvious ramifications
in hypergeometric systems and general algebraic geometry
it took candelas, de la ossa, green, and parkes
coming from a physics background
to discover mirror symmetry
i think much mathematics comes from such physical intuitions
( despite some recent threads claiming more damage than good )
galathaea: prankster, fablist, magician, liar
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
"there may be language difficulties
but it seems more and more are overcoming them every day
i would even say there are not two languages separated here but at least 12 and likely many more"
There are at least 3 conflicting opinions when 2 Greeks meet. :-)
"bundle field theory is not excruciatingly unreachable
"many can attain fluency by their late twenties and understand the translation
of symmetry breaking higgs production
in quotient bundles of the principle
over the symmetries broken"
Yes, of course. But that is still only a reformulation of basic physics. The issue is, does the reformulation allow you to "analytically continue" so to speak to new physics insights, predictions, explanations of mysterious phenomena such as
1. dark energy (~ 73% of universe)
2. dark matter
3. flat stellar rotation curves in galactic halos (I am still working on that model)
4. NASA Pioneer anomaly
5. Why the cosmological constant is so small
6. Silent alien ET spacecraft able to do many g's that no human can survive much less any known material
7. NIDS observations of alien ETs coming out of star gates on Bob Bigelow's Utah Ranch. See the book "Skinwalker" by Colm Kelleher & George Knapp. Bob Bigelow is a very rich man with his own satellite in space and close connections to the US Intelligence Community and the most powerful politicians in America. He is one of the most powerful people in Nevada (Las Vegas) no fool and he has poured millions of dollars into this UFO/paranormal phenomenon with his own private army of retired police, FBI, CIA, US Military Special Forces professionals. Bigelow is a heavy weight. He is nobody's fool and he knows these anomalies are real no matter what the James Randis, the Michael Shermers and other debunking so-called "Skeptics" say.
8. Note my prediction, the LHC will not find any real on-mass-shell particles that can explain Omega(Dark Matter) ~ 0.23 because dark matter is, in fact, off-mass-shell zero point fluctuations of negative ZPE density with positive pressure and w < - 1/3. Looking for dark matter in the LHC is like looking for the Galilean relativity aether with a Michelson-Morley interferometer. It is a very wrong idea IMHO.
"but just because many could understand does not mean many do understand because there are many other interesting things in this world there are many approaches to quantum gravity that explore higgs-like mechanisms"
That may be, but none of them make testable predictions, except for my model as far as I know. Also mine is simpler - Occam's razor with the least amount of formal excess baggage. What is good for pure mathematics is not generally good for theoretical physics. There is a creative tension between their primary objectives. They go in opposite directions. Math seeks generalization getting rid of physical concreteness.
"the higgs mechanism has always been intimate
to explanations of matter and mass
and it has been a regular source of quantum gravity speculation"
Too vague. I am showing exactly how the two key objects of Einstein-Cartan theory emerge from the Goldstone phases of the Higgs fields of the physical vacuum in analogy to the velocity of superflow in helium.
h dehnen, h frommert, and associates
showed that any excited higgs field
can be viewed as mediating a scalar gravitational interaction
but their mechanism gave a massive (yukawa) form"
Interesting. However I have shown how the c-number tetrad and spin connection 1-forms emerge from the Higgs vacuum itself. The excited Higgs particle states are not relevant. I do propose a Salam strong short range tensor gravity in addition to the weak long range component. I do get spin 2, spin 1 & spin 0 excited quanta on mass shell from entangled pairs of spin 1 A^a tetrad quanta. These are small zero point corrections - quantum noise - off mass shell, and far-field radiation on mass shell I suppose for the excited states you allude to above.
"v alan kostelecky and others have interesting papers
on the spontaneous breaking of lorentz and cpt symmetries which are also generated by a typical gamma matrix term that can be found in extended standard models and string theory"
Good, why don't you write a detailed review paper on all this? :-)
"in particular
lorentz violation may provide a mechanism
for a massless graviton
and naturally seem to describe some of the features
of dark matter and dark energy
and the cosmological constant"
Please explain this. "Lorentz violation" to me has two possible meanings.
1. Locally gauging the global 6-parameter Lorentz symmetry of all non-gravity actions. This gives the independent "torsion gap" dislocation defect field to 2nd order of Einstein-Cartan theory. It also adds new curvature disclination defect terms beyond what is in Einstein's 1915 GR that is simply from the local gauging of the 4-parameter translation group.
2. Spontaneous breakdown of the global/local Lorentz group in the physical vacuum i.e. hiding the symmetry in the actions of all the non-gravity fields (Sidney Coleman, Erice Lectures, 1970').
gasperini, hehl, and sardanashvily
have shown the emergence of various gravities
with actions coupling to
and other connection-derived terms"
Good, where is the physics? What do they predict and explain from real phenomena and data?
"all of these authors approach these ideas
from slightly different geometric or interactionist/group formalisms
often several different ones per author
linear and quadratic poincare
metric affine
Too vague, please flesh this out.
"but higgs mechanisms are not the only "natural" approach
similar to the reason for investigating higgs gravity
the zeropoint field has been interpreted as generating inertia
and there have been a few attempts at
zeropoint effects that generate gravity"
If you mean Haisch, Puthoff, Rueda, Cole - that's a dead end for several reasons IMHO not going anywhere. It's incomplete for one thing, only includes virtual photons. It violates dark energy facts. Other objections as well. Higgs - Yukawa couplings are the only viable model for the emergence of rest mass of leptons, quarks & W bosons. However, even that is incomplete - no gravity - that's where my model comes in because you cannot separate rest mass inertia from gravity without violating the equivalence principle as Haisch et-al blithely do without even realizing it it seems to me.
there is the holographic programme
seeking to explain the surface terms in the hilbert action
in terms of a fundamental description of information"
That's already in my model from the git-go. My model is holographic. Primacy of spacelike 2D nonbounding cycles enclosing point defect nodes of the 4D world crystal lattice in the 3+1 projection down from 9+1.
"there are also a number of purely geometric approaches
when one alters the geometry sufficiently
as is found in the torsion theories
or extensions of the work by obukhov and others
exploring the relationships between gravity and spin
( which have influence the spin-network programme
and other more mainstream approaches )"
This is all pi-in-the-sky without any connection to real physics - correct me if I am wrong. :-)
"there is a desire to make gravity emergent"
Indeed, and I have done so in an elementary way showing the connection/formal analogy to emergence in superfluid helium & in BCS superconductors.
"the whole point is of course
to avoid the divergences and ontological difficulties
of direct quantisation of the metric field"
I have solved that problem. My coupling is dimensionless and the basic gravity fields are spin 1 warped "tetrad" A^a fields, a = 0,1,2,3 - note in non-commutative geometry the Lie algebra is Yang-Mills non-abelian, as it is already when you go to the full 10-parameter Poincare group Lie algebra, but even the T4 part has new structure constants in Connes's noncommutative generalization.
"barcelo, visser, and liberati
have proven a very general result
that linearising a classical scalar field
( or indeed any hyperbolic second-order equation )
can always be interpreted as a lorentzian geometry
affecting particle propagation as gravity"
I don't believe that. They must be mistaken. How do they get tensor fields from a single scalar field?
" so these emergence results are very general
this background of working theories
helps give some placement to sarfatti's approach
he would have more insight into his approach
than any reconstruction that could be attempted
but it is always instructive to try
his expositions have suggested that a primary motivation is
he has been closely following shipov's work on torsion
and exploring its relation to various quantisation programmes
and the geometry is certainly central to his mathematical formalism"
Gennady Shipov visited us from Moscow in San Francisco twice 1999 & 2000 with money provided by Joe Firmage to our ISSO Science Group.
"but there are other currents present
he has also pointed a number of times over the recent years
to distinctions between the higgs mechanicsm
and zero point mechanisms of inertia
in particular he has stressed that
differences of fundamental scales in the theories
the equivalence principle
the nonlocal nature of gravity at asymptotic infinity
and the holographic principle
strongly suggest the zeropoint mechanism is ruled out
he has taken some of the mathematical insights
of what are unacceptable features of these
directly into his current working form
explicitly avoiding those issues through a foundation in holography
and of course
as is common with jack
he has many other directions he is attempting to reinterpret
inside the kernel of his new formalism
much still appears in flux
with some crystallisations and subsequent return to fluidity
as facts and derivations drive new speculations
so i wouldn't be too quick to place sarfatti in sardanashvily's camp
just as i wouldn't be too quick to put sarfatti in 't hooft's camp
they may share progenitors
( as we all do )
but they have their own unique directions
i also wouldn't be too quick to any given geometric intuition
is the more "correct" approach
as humanity has repeatedly been shown wrong here
and geometry is one of the big underspecifications
in modern speculation
our universe could operate on pointless geometries
for all we know
well anyways
it looks like my lunchtime is almost over so i'll cut this short
but i just wanted to make one last observation
despite its now obvious ramifications
in hypergeometric systems and general algebraic geometry
it took candelas, de la ossa, green, and parkes
coming from a physics background
to discover mirror symmetry
i think much mathematics comes from such physical intuitions
( despite some recent threads claiming more damage than good )
galathaea: prankster, fablist, magician, liar
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
Monday, May 14, 2007
Discussion with a mathematician
Markwho wrote:
"You might be heading in the same direction, but from an entirely different starting point -- but one that's got problems. For one, with the I's in the definition of the tetrad, you're still trying to have it both ways and inject a semblance of translation invariance in curved spacetimes. There is none."
No I don't think so. No global translational invariance. I have locally gauged the translation group and the compensating gauge potential is precisely A^a. The idea is this. The pre-inflation false vacuum is precisely global special relativity standard model. The trivial tetrads are global. I call them I^a. For globally flat unaccelerated geodesic observers, The components of I^a i.e. I^au = Kronecker delta. For non-geodesic accelerated observers in globally flat Minkowski spacetime, I^a components are general curvilinear functions but with zero Riemann-Christoffel curvature of course.
e^a = I^a + @A^a
Now this is not necessarily a perturbation theory. I am not assuming
@A^a << I^a
in general. However, obviously when @ -> 0 we return to globally flat Minkowski spacetime.
So I do not think this is a weak point of my theory.
I posit @ = hG*/\zpf/c^2 dimensionless like the fine structure constant in quantum electrodynamics.
"Rather, you should be looking at the more general notion of affine spaces and affine connections."
"This is where you begin to find a natural correspondence. When you start bringing in the M matrix and the various other constructs associated with it (your novel contributions), ultimately what you're doing or what you're going to end up doing is landing in
the same spot that Sardanashvily's already gotten to."
Well I have no understanding of Sardanashvily's work. Never read it. Note we both have "Sar" in our names. Why don't you be our Freeman Dyson and write a paper showing the correspondance?
"That is, you started from a somewhat problematic point of departure,"
What do you mean? I^a?
"took a turn on your path, and ended up landing right in the middle of a confluence with the gauge gravitation idea, which already has a perfectly sound starting point."
Well I have read Kibble's paper from 1961 on gravity as a gauge theory. I first read the Yang-Mills 1954 paper in the mid 60's and my PhD dissertation was influenced by the whole idea of local gauging. But I was operating in a vacuum back then where I was so not too much came of it, but I did predict the supersolid phase of helium in Physics Letters in 1969 before Tony Leggett. I also made a model of self-trapped laser filaments based on Landau-Ginzburg equation which helped Ray Chiao in his experiments in mid 60's - as he told Charles Townes, and I did write a paper with Marshall Stoneham on spontaneous broken symmetry in solid state physics in 1967 cited in American Institute of Physics "Resource Letter on Symmetry in Physics" in 1980 as a significant paper. So the two ideas of spontaneous symmetry breaking and local gauge invariance have been central to all my work from the 60's.
"Hence, the need to systematically compare notes. One of the major elements in Sardanashvily's treatment of mechanics (which comes straight out of the mathematical community) is the more general notion of a "connection". A connection is not just for gauge theory, but is a more general object that lives on a jet bundle."
You are thinking like a mathematician. Physics is very different. Why should a physicist be interested in a "jet bundle"? Mathematicians like to generalize, we physicists are primarily interested in phenomena and want to use as little excess formal baggage as possible - completely opposite to Max Tegmark's ideal of the "mathematical universe."
"Moreover, when the latter is related to an already-existing gauge-theoretic connection, then it has a decomposition into it plus a "soldering form". Ultimately, the tetrads come out of soldering forms
for affine connections. At least, that's my understanding of it."
Fine, but so what? I don't see any advantage there from a physics POV. If you could show one fine.
"Sardanashvily's Goldstone phases come about through the breaking of the general frame bundle's GL(4) symmetry group to the SL(2,C) group associated with fermions' local frames. That's enough to give you the spin coefficients -- but not the tetrad."
Sounds like Utiyama's paper that motivated Kibble in 1961. Well in that case my theory is much better since I get both. The tetrads from the diagonal elements of the M-matrix, the spin connections from the off-diagonal elements of the antisymmetrized part of the M-Matrix.
Hey! I just had a new idea from reading A.Zee's "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell"!
Matrix = Traceless Symmetric + Trace + Antisymmetric
So tetrads from the trace (I mean diagonals)
Spin connections from Antisymmetric off-diagonal part.
So what physical thing corresponds to the symmetric off diagonal part?
"The dimensions of GL(4) and SL(2,C) are 16 and 6. The symmetry breaking entails vacuum sectors associated with the quotient group GL(4)/SL(2,C) (10 dimensions, isomorphic to S_3 x R^7, in fact). This is where the tetrad lives. They're the Goldstone phases of the broken
symmetry brought about by the fermions' frames."
This sounds interesting if you can flesh it out in more detail. However, I remind you I have a very simple formula for the intrinsically warped pieces of the tetrads
A^a = Theta^a/\dPhi^a - dTheta^a/\Phi^a
where Theta^a & Phi^a are 8 zero-form Goldstone phases for 9 real scalar Higgs fields.
This is a SO(9) internal symmetry.
For example if only 2 real Higgs fields, they share only one Goldstone phase i.e. O(2) or U(1) - roughly speaking.
Vacuum manifold for Landau-Ginzburg potential minima is S1
3 real Higgs fields share 2 independent Goldstone phases i.e. O(3)
Vacuum manifold is S2
So for 9 real Higgs fields, the vacuum manifold is S8.
Suppose we have N real Higgs fields psi(i), i = 1 ... N
|psi|^2 = psi(1)^2 + psi(2)^2 + ... psi(N)^2
The vacuum manifold is the unit N-1 hypersphere
1 = [psi(1)^2 + psi(2)^2 + ... psi(N)^2]/|psi|^2
There are N-1 independent direction cosines of the independent Goldstone phases.
Theta^a & Phi^b are separately 4-vectors under the 6-parameter Lorentz group.
"Sardanashvily's papers and books has a large number of Hehl references, though I'm not entirely sure what the relation of the two is. He also seems to be caught up in the same general "clique" that I think may be centered on the 1979 Lecture Notes in Physics 107. It's probably out of there that the whole "covariant Hamiltonian" and
"polysymplectic" trends begun."
Well I don't see any physics here. Just a lot of math. I could be wrong, but it's your job to connect the above to physics.
"The more notable feature of this extra element, that should particularly interest you, is that it does not require the 3+1 decomposition of spacetime! That is, it's not only fully GR- compatible, but provides a natural starting point for anyone who wants to further study all matters related to achronal spacetimes, or spacetimes with causal anomalies (e.g. closed timelike curves). The
"covariant Hamiltonian" approach is general enough to accommodate this."
Sounds nice, but the tetrad and spin connection Cartan 1-forms are already independent of the 3+1 decomposition.
e^a = eu^adx^u
is a local scalar invariant under GCTs and so are the spin connections
S^a^b = - S^b^a = S^a^budx^u
ds^2 = e^aea = guvdx^udx^v
"Sardanashvily stays within the more rigid confines of globally hyperbolic spacetimes, however (in part, because there's already a well-known representation theorem that relates more general spacetimes to these). You've got a PhD in Physics. However, the subtleties that are brought out by the jet bundle formalism and all matters related requires a deeper probing into the Mathematical issues;"
No doubt, but the problem is we have too many mathematicians in physics with very little physics coming out of their efforts. I am interested in some very concrete physical issues
1. What is dark energy?
2. What is dark matter?
3. How do the silent-running "UFOs" work?
4. Pioneer anomaly?
5. Flat stellar rotation curves in galactic halos.
to name a few.
That is how do we make warp drive and traversable wormhole that we in fact see - though most mainstream physicists are in ignorance or denial of the UFO sightings and the strange "Skinwalker" phenomena at the Bigelow-Sherman Utah Ranch. USG Military Intelligence at high levels takes these anomalies very very seriously. I can tell you that.
"and this is probably where the greater focus may need to lie for a while."
I don't think so. I am making rapid progress.
"This is a language problem that's endemic to Math and Physics and it's serving as an obstacle to real progress in Physics."
Yes. :-)
Markwho wrote:
"You might be heading in the same direction, but from an entirely different starting point -- but one that's got problems. For one, with the I's in the definition of the tetrad, you're still trying to have it both ways and inject a semblance of translation invariance in curved spacetimes. There is none."
No I don't think so. No global translational invariance. I have locally gauged the translation group and the compensating gauge potential is precisely A^a. The idea is this. The pre-inflation false vacuum is precisely global special relativity standard model. The trivial tetrads are global. I call them I^a. For globally flat unaccelerated geodesic observers, The components of I^a i.e. I^au = Kronecker delta. For non-geodesic accelerated observers in globally flat Minkowski spacetime, I^a components are general curvilinear functions but with zero Riemann-Christoffel curvature of course.
e^a = I^a + @A^a
Now this is not necessarily a perturbation theory. I am not assuming
@A^a << I^a
in general. However, obviously when @ -> 0 we return to globally flat Minkowski spacetime.
So I do not think this is a weak point of my theory.
I posit @ = hG*/\zpf/c^2 dimensionless like the fine structure constant in quantum electrodynamics.
"Rather, you should be looking at the more general notion of affine spaces and affine connections."
"This is where you begin to find a natural correspondence. When you start bringing in the M matrix and the various other constructs associated with it (your novel contributions), ultimately what you're doing or what you're going to end up doing is landing in
the same spot that Sardanashvily's already gotten to."
Well I have no understanding of Sardanashvily's work. Never read it. Note we both have "Sar" in our names. Why don't you be our Freeman Dyson and write a paper showing the correspondance?
"That is, you started from a somewhat problematic point of departure,"
What do you mean? I^a?
"took a turn on your path, and ended up landing right in the middle of a confluence with the gauge gravitation idea, which already has a perfectly sound starting point."
Well I have read Kibble's paper from 1961 on gravity as a gauge theory. I first read the Yang-Mills 1954 paper in the mid 60's and my PhD dissertation was influenced by the whole idea of local gauging. But I was operating in a vacuum back then where I was so not too much came of it, but I did predict the supersolid phase of helium in Physics Letters in 1969 before Tony Leggett. I also made a model of self-trapped laser filaments based on Landau-Ginzburg equation which helped Ray Chiao in his experiments in mid 60's - as he told Charles Townes, and I did write a paper with Marshall Stoneham on spontaneous broken symmetry in solid state physics in 1967 cited in American Institute of Physics "Resource Letter on Symmetry in Physics" in 1980 as a significant paper. So the two ideas of spontaneous symmetry breaking and local gauge invariance have been central to all my work from the 60's.
"Hence, the need to systematically compare notes. One of the major elements in Sardanashvily's treatment of mechanics (which comes straight out of the mathematical community) is the more general notion of a "connection". A connection is not just for gauge theory, but is a more general object that lives on a jet bundle."
You are thinking like a mathematician. Physics is very different. Why should a physicist be interested in a "jet bundle"? Mathematicians like to generalize, we physicists are primarily interested in phenomena and want to use as little excess formal baggage as possible - completely opposite to Max Tegmark's ideal of the "mathematical universe."
"Moreover, when the latter is related to an already-existing gauge-theoretic connection, then it has a decomposition into it plus a "soldering form". Ultimately, the tetrads come out of soldering forms
for affine connections. At least, that's my understanding of it."
Fine, but so what? I don't see any advantage there from a physics POV. If you could show one fine.
"Sardanashvily's Goldstone phases come about through the breaking of the general frame bundle's GL(4) symmetry group to the SL(2,C) group associated with fermions' local frames. That's enough to give you the spin coefficients -- but not the tetrad."
Sounds like Utiyama's paper that motivated Kibble in 1961. Well in that case my theory is much better since I get both. The tetrads from the diagonal elements of the M-matrix, the spin connections from the off-diagonal elements of the antisymmetrized part of the M-Matrix.
Hey! I just had a new idea from reading A.Zee's "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell"!
Matrix = Traceless Symmetric + Trace + Antisymmetric
So tetrads from the trace (I mean diagonals)
Spin connections from Antisymmetric off-diagonal part.
So what physical thing corresponds to the symmetric off diagonal part?
"The dimensions of GL(4) and SL(2,C) are 16 and 6. The symmetry breaking entails vacuum sectors associated with the quotient group GL(4)/SL(2,C) (10 dimensions, isomorphic to S_3 x R^7, in fact). This is where the tetrad lives. They're the Goldstone phases of the broken
symmetry brought about by the fermions' frames."
This sounds interesting if you can flesh it out in more detail. However, I remind you I have a very simple formula for the intrinsically warped pieces of the tetrads
A^a = Theta^a/\dPhi^a - dTheta^a/\Phi^a
where Theta^a & Phi^a are 8 zero-form Goldstone phases for 9 real scalar Higgs fields.
This is a SO(9) internal symmetry.
For example if only 2 real Higgs fields, they share only one Goldstone phase i.e. O(2) or U(1) - roughly speaking.
Vacuum manifold for Landau-Ginzburg potential minima is S1
3 real Higgs fields share 2 independent Goldstone phases i.e. O(3)
Vacuum manifold is S2
So for 9 real Higgs fields, the vacuum manifold is S8.
Suppose we have N real Higgs fields psi(i), i = 1 ... N
|psi|^2 = psi(1)^2 + psi(2)^2 + ... psi(N)^2
The vacuum manifold is the unit N-1 hypersphere
1 = [psi(1)^2 + psi(2)^2 + ... psi(N)^2]/|psi|^2
There are N-1 independent direction cosines of the independent Goldstone phases.
Theta^a & Phi^b are separately 4-vectors under the 6-parameter Lorentz group.
"Sardanashvily's papers and books has a large number of Hehl references, though I'm not entirely sure what the relation of the two is. He also seems to be caught up in the same general "clique" that I think may be centered on the 1979 Lecture Notes in Physics 107. It's probably out of there that the whole "covariant Hamiltonian" and
"polysymplectic" trends begun."
Well I don't see any physics here. Just a lot of math. I could be wrong, but it's your job to connect the above to physics.
"The more notable feature of this extra element, that should particularly interest you, is that it does not require the 3+1 decomposition of spacetime! That is, it's not only fully GR- compatible, but provides a natural starting point for anyone who wants to further study all matters related to achronal spacetimes, or spacetimes with causal anomalies (e.g. closed timelike curves). The
"covariant Hamiltonian" approach is general enough to accommodate this."
Sounds nice, but the tetrad and spin connection Cartan 1-forms are already independent of the 3+1 decomposition.
e^a = eu^adx^u
is a local scalar invariant under GCTs and so are the spin connections
S^a^b = - S^b^a = S^a^budx^u
ds^2 = e^aea = guvdx^udx^v
"Sardanashvily stays within the more rigid confines of globally hyperbolic spacetimes, however (in part, because there's already a well-known representation theorem that relates more general spacetimes to these). You've got a PhD in Physics. However, the subtleties that are brought out by the jet bundle formalism and all matters related requires a deeper probing into the Mathematical issues;"
No doubt, but the problem is we have too many mathematicians in physics with very little physics coming out of their efforts. I am interested in some very concrete physical issues
1. What is dark energy?
2. What is dark matter?
3. How do the silent-running "UFOs" work?
4. Pioneer anomaly?
5. Flat stellar rotation curves in galactic halos.
to name a few.
That is how do we make warp drive and traversable wormhole that we in fact see - though most mainstream physicists are in ignorance or denial of the UFO sightings and the strange "Skinwalker" phenomena at the Bigelow-Sherman Utah Ranch. USG Military Intelligence at high levels takes these anomalies very very seriously. I can tell you that.
"and this is probably where the greater focus may need to lie for a while."
I don't think so. I am making rapid progress.
"This is a language problem that's endemic to Math and Physics and it's serving as an obstacle to real progress in Physics."
Yes. :-)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
First a short review of potential theory.
I. If the force f decreases with distance and the potential energy U is (positive) negative, then the force is (repulsive) attractive.
Example I.1
U = +e^2/r > 0
f = -dU/dr = +e^2/r^2 points toward r -> infinity, i.e. repulsion
note that (d/dr)(1/r) = - 1/r^2
the two - signs cancel
II. If the force increases with distance and the potential energy U is (positive) negative, then the force is (attractive) repulsive.
Example II.1 /\zpf is the vacuum zero point space curvature, assumed constant here.
Zero point energy, as mentioned by Andrei Sakharov in 1967, directly induces gravity because of the equivalence principle of Albert Einstein.
In the weak field low speed limit of general relativity, the universal zero point energy induced gravity potential energy per unit test particle is
V ~ -c^2/\zpf r^2
r < R
for a uniform sphere of isotropic zero point energy of radius R centered at r = 0, with vanishing /\zpf for r > R. This is same as drilling a straight hole all the way through the center of a sphere of constant mass density to the other side and dropping a test particle down the hole. This is a harmonic oscillator because the mass beyond the momentary position of the test particle makes no contribution to the force on the test particle.
Baron Munchausen on the geodesic test particle feels weightless of course, but from the POV of the non-inertial observer fixed to the non-geodesic surface of the sphere by non-gravity electrical and quantum forces, it's AS IF there is a force per unit test mass on the test particle
g = - dV/dr = +2c^2/\zpfr
When /\zpf > 0 this is repulsive.
This same formal result carries over into cosmology where r is replaced by the scale factor a(t) stretching space itself and what happens is that there is an extra acceleration of a(t) opposing the ordinary matter that tends to decelerate the stretching of the rubbery fabric of space itself, i.e. the 3Dim spacelike piece of the geometrodynamic field.
The cosmological equations are here
Therefore, in these sign conventions, /\zpf > 0 is the repelling dark energy and /\zpf < 0 is the attracting dark matter.
Repelling dark energy is isotropic w = -1 positive zero point energy density with equal but opposite negative pressure.
Attracting dark matter is isotropic w = -1 negative zero point energy density with equal but opposite positive pressure.
Adding torsion fields converts Einstein's cosmological constant /\zpf into a locally variable "quintessent" field. You get torsion with curvature by locally gauging the entire 10-parameter Poincare group of globally rigid special relativity.
Now what happens between quarks inside the hadronic "bag"? What we have is a bag of dark matter where the quintessent field is
/\zpf(quarks) = - 1/ar
Therefore, the constant attractive force per unit mass between the quarks is
g = -c^2/a ~ string tension
for strong short-range (Abdus Salam) ZPF induced gravity
We see exactly the same thing on the larger scale of the NASA Pioneer Anomaly where
g = -cH ~ 1 nanometer/sec^2
i.e. c^2/Hubble radius ~ 10^21/10^28 ~ 10^-7 cm/sec^2
i.e. a hollow sphere of dark matter centered at Sun beginning at about orbit of Saturn.
I. If the force f decreases with distance and the potential energy U is (positive) negative, then the force is (repulsive) attractive.
Example I.1
U = +e^2/r > 0
f = -dU/dr = +e^2/r^2 points toward r -> infinity, i.e. repulsion
note that (d/dr)(1/r) = - 1/r^2
the two - signs cancel
II. If the force increases with distance and the potential energy U is (positive) negative, then the force is (attractive) repulsive.
Example II.1 /\zpf is the vacuum zero point space curvature, assumed constant here.
Zero point energy, as mentioned by Andrei Sakharov in 1967, directly induces gravity because of the equivalence principle of Albert Einstein.
In the weak field low speed limit of general relativity, the universal zero point energy induced gravity potential energy per unit test particle is
V ~ -c^2/\zpf r^2
r < R
for a uniform sphere of isotropic zero point energy of radius R centered at r = 0, with vanishing /\zpf for r > R. This is same as drilling a straight hole all the way through the center of a sphere of constant mass density to the other side and dropping a test particle down the hole. This is a harmonic oscillator because the mass beyond the momentary position of the test particle makes no contribution to the force on the test particle.
Baron Munchausen on the geodesic test particle feels weightless of course, but from the POV of the non-inertial observer fixed to the non-geodesic surface of the sphere by non-gravity electrical and quantum forces, it's AS IF there is a force per unit test mass on the test particle
g = - dV/dr = +2c^2/\zpfr
When /\zpf > 0 this is repulsive.
This same formal result carries over into cosmology where r is replaced by the scale factor a(t) stretching space itself and what happens is that there is an extra acceleration of a(t) opposing the ordinary matter that tends to decelerate the stretching of the rubbery fabric of space itself, i.e. the 3Dim spacelike piece of the geometrodynamic field.
The cosmological equations are here
Therefore, in these sign conventions, /\zpf > 0 is the repelling dark energy and /\zpf < 0 is the attracting dark matter.
Repelling dark energy is isotropic w = -1 positive zero point energy density with equal but opposite negative pressure.
Attracting dark matter is isotropic w = -1 negative zero point energy density with equal but opposite positive pressure.
Adding torsion fields converts Einstein's cosmological constant /\zpf into a locally variable "quintessent" field. You get torsion with curvature by locally gauging the entire 10-parameter Poincare group of globally rigid special relativity.
Now what happens between quarks inside the hadronic "bag"? What we have is a bag of dark matter where the quintessent field is
/\zpf(quarks) = - 1/ar
Therefore, the constant attractive force per unit mass between the quarks is
g = -c^2/a ~ string tension
for strong short-range (Abdus Salam) ZPF induced gravity
We see exactly the same thing on the larger scale of the NASA Pioneer Anomaly where
g = -cH ~ 1 nanometer/sec^2
i.e. c^2/Hubble radius ~ 10^21/10^28 ~ 10^-7 cm/sec^2
i.e. a hollow sphere of dark matter centered at Sun beginning at about orbit of Saturn.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
From the final chapters of A. Zee's "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" p.453 I picked up an interesting fact expressed in a clear pedagogical way without all the rigor mortis of the finicky mathematicians posing as physicists loading us up with excess baggage.
"Poincare invariance in our original D-dimensional spacetime now appears as an internal symmetry."
BINGO! That's another justification for my idea to maximize the stability of all the topological defects in the ODLRO vacuum condensate order parameter of Higgs-Goldstone fields in sense of low energy effective field theory. These fields are actually the post-inflation fields.
The bosonic string action in (D - 1, 1) spacetime is the action of a quantum field theory of D real bare massless Higgs scalar fields with D - 1 independent Goldstone phases in 1 + 1 2-dim string spacetime. Zero point fluctuations generate masses to get a kind of Mexican Hat potential with symmetry O(D) and vacuum manifold S(D-1).
My curvature-torsion theory of emergent (3 + 1) spacetime (four) tetrad 1-forms and (six) spin-connection 1-forms as compensating spin 1 gauge fields from locally gauging the Poincare group P10 simultaneous with supersolid distortions of the 0-form Goldstone phases needs 8 Goldstone phases Theta^a & Phi^b (a,b = 0,1,2,3)
That is,
Tetrads e^a(warp) - I^a(Minkowski) = (hG*/\zpf/c^3)^1/3A^a
/\zpf = quintessent field -> Einstein's cosmological constant (10^-3ev)^4 in the IR limit.
G* is renormalization group flow "running" coupling depending on mass (inverse length) scale.
The power 1/3 is determined by Lenny Susskind's "world hologram" conjecture.
Idea is that G* >> G(Newton) at scale 10^-13 cm, G* -> G(Newton) IR and also UV i.e. a kind of IR-UV duality. That is, a resonant plateau in G* in the region of nuclear -> high energy physics 10^-13 cm -> 10^-16 cm roughly
A^a = M^a^a
Spin connections S^a^b = - S^b^a = M^[a,b]
M^a^b = dTheta^a/\Phi^b - Theta^a/\dPhi^b
Note how the 1 + 1 string was starting point in my last pdf as a kind of Turing machine tape with a simple IT FROM BIT program punching in the ~ 10^120(Susskind) - 10^124 (Zee) BITS of the deSitter horizon.
Note there Lp ~ 10^-13 cm if the 1 + 1 string of (hG*/\zpf/c^3)^-1/3 links is the square root of the future deSitter horizon of our actual universe!
"Poincare invariance in our original D-dimensional spacetime now appears as an internal symmetry."
BINGO! That's another justification for my idea to maximize the stability of all the topological defects in the ODLRO vacuum condensate order parameter of Higgs-Goldstone fields in sense of low energy effective field theory. These fields are actually the post-inflation fields.
The bosonic string action in (D - 1, 1) spacetime is the action of a quantum field theory of D real bare massless Higgs scalar fields with D - 1 independent Goldstone phases in 1 + 1 2-dim string spacetime. Zero point fluctuations generate masses to get a kind of Mexican Hat potential with symmetry O(D) and vacuum manifold S(D-1).
My curvature-torsion theory of emergent (3 + 1) spacetime (four) tetrad 1-forms and (six) spin-connection 1-forms as compensating spin 1 gauge fields from locally gauging the Poincare group P10 simultaneous with supersolid distortions of the 0-form Goldstone phases needs 8 Goldstone phases Theta^a & Phi^b (a,b = 0,1,2,3)
That is,
Tetrads e^a(warp) - I^a(Minkowski) = (hG*/\zpf/c^3)^1/3A^a
/\zpf = quintessent field -> Einstein's cosmological constant (10^-3ev)^4 in the IR limit.
G* is renormalization group flow "running" coupling depending on mass (inverse length) scale.
The power 1/3 is determined by Lenny Susskind's "world hologram" conjecture.
Idea is that G* >> G(Newton) at scale 10^-13 cm, G* -> G(Newton) IR and also UV i.e. a kind of IR-UV duality. That is, a resonant plateau in G* in the region of nuclear -> high energy physics 10^-13 cm -> 10^-16 cm roughly
A^a = M^a^a
Spin connections S^a^b = - S^b^a = M^[a,b]
M^a^b = dTheta^a/\Phi^b - Theta^a/\dPhi^b
Note how the 1 + 1 string was starting point in my last pdf as a kind of Turing machine tape with a simple IT FROM BIT program punching in the ~ 10^120(Susskind) - 10^124 (Zee) BITS of the deSitter horizon.
Note there Lp ~ 10^-13 cm if the 1 + 1 string of (hG*/\zpf/c^3)^-1/3 links is the square root of the future deSitter horizon of our actual universe!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The following input ideas
1. Lenny Susskind’s “world hologram”
2. Hagen Kleinert’s “world crystal Planck lattice”
3. Bekenstein’s c-BIT per Planck area for “horizon” thermodynamics in black holes and deSitter cosmologies
4. Observed number for dark energy density of our accelerating universe from Type Ia SuperNovae observations
5. Local gauge invariance of the global space-time symmetry of the Poincare group of 1905 special relativity giving both disclination curvature and dislocation torsion compensating gauge fields as Einstein-Cartan tetrads and spin connections respectively.
6. Higgs-Goldstone mechanism of hidden vacuum symmetries describing the fundamental post-inflation vacuum condensate “supersolid” fields whose robust coherent world hologram phases give the above tetrads and spin connections in analogy with the velocity of superflow in liquid helium 4 below the Lambda Point.
7. Lattice string theory toy model with half-filled Fermi surface for “Peierl’s instability.”
8. Saul-Paul Sirag’s Nature paper on Blackett gravimagnetism in astrophysical objects.
Give as outputs, curious “Eddington numerology” Jung-Paul “synchronicities” relating the following factual data
• Measured dark energy density & number of BITs on future deSitter Horizon
• Scale of low energy nuclear force and the universal slope of hadronic Regge resonances (basic data of string theory)
• Charge to mass ratio of the electron
• Renormalizable quantum gravity gauge force model with fundamental spin 1 Einstein-Cartan tetrad quanta whose entangled pairs give a spectrum of Einstein curvature spin 2 gravitons + spin 1 torsion graviphotons + spin 0 scalars in the microquantum zero point corrections to the macroquantum c-number vacuum condensate curvature and torsion fields.
See periodically updated
The following input ideas
1. Lenny Susskind’s “world hologram”
2. Hagen Kleinert’s “world crystal Planck lattice”
3. Bekenstein’s c-BIT per Planck area for “horizon” thermodynamics in black holes and deSitter cosmologies
4. Observed number for dark energy density of our accelerating universe from Type Ia SuperNovae observations
5. Local gauge invariance of the global space-time symmetry of the Poincare group of 1905 special relativity giving both disclination curvature and dislocation torsion compensating gauge fields as Einstein-Cartan tetrads and spin connections respectively.
6. Higgs-Goldstone mechanism of hidden vacuum symmetries describing the fundamental post-inflation vacuum condensate “supersolid” fields whose robust coherent world hologram phases give the above tetrads and spin connections in analogy with the velocity of superflow in liquid helium 4 below the Lambda Point.
7. Lattice string theory toy model with half-filled Fermi surface for “Peierl’s instability.”
8. Saul-Paul Sirag’s Nature paper on Blackett gravimagnetism in astrophysical objects.
Give as outputs, curious “Eddington numerology” Jung-Paul “synchronicities” relating the following factual data
• Measured dark energy density & number of BITs on future deSitter Horizon
• Scale of low energy nuclear force and the universal slope of hadronic Regge resonances (basic data of string theory)
• Charge to mass ratio of the electron
• Renormalizable quantum gravity gauge force model with fundamental spin 1 Einstein-Cartan tetrad quanta whose entangled pairs give a spectrum of Einstein curvature spin 2 gravitons + spin 1 torsion graviphotons + spin 0 scalars in the microquantum zero point corrections to the macroquantum c-number vacuum condensate curvature and torsion fields.
See periodically updated
Monday, May 07, 2007
At times one must be anchored in consensus reality analogous to low energy effective field theories in physics at critical points in renormalization group flows - perhaps(e.g. Volovick in Russia, but probably not as his theory violates IR-UV "duality"). Note I said "at times" not "all the time." That we have been to the Moon is a non-negotiable fact and anyone who seriously suggests otherwise is not a person I am interested in hearing more from. Of course reality is full of remarkable "coincidences" (AKA "synchronicities") many of which I speak about in my books based on my own direct encounters with the uncanny "high strangeness."
Paperclip did not come up with anything other than conventional rocket technology. Most of the URLS cited below are unreliable sources of disinformation - fiction posing as fact. Some of it is hilarious maybe even some of it is well-written I don't know. I never said that The Evil One was without talent.
The Black Sun is in Michael Murphy's "An End to Ordinary History." The NASA Pioneer Anomaly is probably measuring the Black Sun - it is a probably expanding hollow shell of dark matter concentric with center of the visible sun.
Dark matter is negative zero point energy density with positive quantum pressure.
On May 7, 2007, at 8:19 PM, MT wrote:
Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On May 6, 2007, at 11:21 PM, wrote:
"Your comment is a perfect example of fear based attack, uninformed,
reactionary, ignorant thought.Your judgment is taken obviously without
seeing any of the videos or reading any of the essays. Fritter your
life away on the surface not talking about the important things, just
keep to simple subjects."
Yeah like how the universe was created and how consciousness is
generated in the brain - simple subjects.
"Thule Society" was an occult Nazi org. That you choose that name
shows you are a Nazi.
I can smell your type light years away.
JS -
BS -
BS - he got that right. is an obvious Nazi website.
"Perhaps Dr. JS is confusing BS' signature web-
references of "Thule" to: "Thule-Gesellschaft"
which might be more prototypical of a
disingenuous, demagogic paranoid gyration
point of view, perhaps; although, I too am somewhat
mystified by the revisionist conspiracy theories
regarding a "staged moon landing." Knowing how
goofy and unreliable humans are in places of
authority, institutions and administrations,
not to mention the myriad subcontractors
and their spouses, et al., who would be privy to
such a grand deception -- and, non-disclosure
agreements notwithstanding, people talk,
invariably, utterly and reliably, especially
for profit -- but, I admit to a guilty pleasure
in enjoying, to a degree, the endless
number of parallel possibilities in this weird
whirling universe, at least as memes, and
catalysts for deeper ponderings,
stopping short of gullible vulnerabilities, etc.
And what do I really know?!
ANYWAY . . .
There are, in fact, many who believe that
not only have "we" established bases on
both the Moon & Mars, but the Black Ops
Technology responsible for all these secret
endeavours have directly evolved from the
NAZI aeronautical, Operation Paperclip
programs of yesteryear! SHEEESH!!
The Aliens are Coming, the Aliens are Coming - Not ! --
(Two 30-minute segments) (Recorded on 3/4/2007.)
For the Record
Produced by
Dave Emory
L-1 The Political Implications of the UFO Phenomenon
and the "ET" Myth (Approx. 171 minutes)
(See also: FTR #'s 66-68, 105, 156, 167.)
Intercept -- But Don't Shoot
The True Story of the Flying Saucers
by Renato Vesco
1971, Grove Press
338 pages
Book Description
Looks at the early 'flying saucer technology'
of Nazi Germany and the genesis of early
man-made UFOs. From captured German
scientists, escaped battalions of German
soldiers, secret communities in South America
and Antarctica, the astonishing book blows
the lid off the 'Government UFO Conspiracy'.
Examined in detail are secret underground
airfields and factories; German secret
weapons; 'suction' aircraft; the origin of
NASA; gyroscopic stabilisers and engines;
the secret Marconi aircraft factory in
South America, and other secret societies,
both ancient and modern, that have kept
this craft a secret, and much more.
An Investigation by Kevin McClure
1. Core 1 - Foo Fighters
2. Core 2 - Renato Vesco, Feuerball and Kugelblitz
3. Core 3 - Major Lusar, the saucer builders, and the test flight
4. Core 4 - W A Harbinson and Projekt Saucer
5. Core 5 - Vril, Haunebu and interplanetary travel
6. False histories
7. Unnamed Soldiers
8. Authorities from Earth and Elsewhere
9. Official comments and Intelligence
10. Mistakes and fantasies
General Electric's revenues in 2003 totaled $134.2 billion.
Private industry is looking at the question of gravity control
with new seriousness.
A large number of giant corporations, including Bell Aerospace,
General Electric, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, Douglas and many
others, have set up gravity projects.
.... flying saucer ENGINE development was turned over to
General Electric.
The F-117A Nighthawk
About the size of an F-15 Eagle, the twin-engine aircraft is
powered by two General Electric F404 turbofan engines and has
quadruple redundant fly-by-wire flight controls.
Secrets of the Saucer Scientists
By William F. Hamilton III
And so on and so forth...
AND...Then there's this
frightening bit of weirdness:
~o0O0o~ [Quote]
Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism
and the Politics of Identity
by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
New York University Press, 2002
Hb, 369pp, plates, ind, bib, refs, $29.95
ISBN 0 8147 3124 4
A few years back, I was lead on a satanic murder
tour of East Sussex by a local researcher,
who told me a frightening story.
In the mid '90s he received a tip-off that Nazi
Satanists would be using Chanctonbury Ring,
an ancient holy site, for a ritual. As he and
another man - a well-known writer on occult
matters - approached the hill, they found
themselves surrounded by balaclava-clad,
baseball bat-wielding thugs who marched
them to the top, where our heroes were
surrounded. Suddenly, over the crest of the
hill sprung yet more balaclava-clad heavies,
these ones bigger and better armed.
After much shouting and gesticulating the
Nazi Satanists fled, no match for the
Animal Rights activists who had been tipped
off that animals were to be sacrificed there
that night. At the site were found a stone cross,
stolen from a churchyard, a genuine U-boat
flag and a Nazi dagger.
My guide suspected that the group were
connected to David Myatt and the Order
of the Nine Angles. I found the story a little
too Dennis Wheatley to be true, but, having
read Black Sun, I might be a little more
cautious poking around Chanctonbury ring
at Hallowe'en. And Myatt is only the
small tip of a vast iceberg.
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's (G-C)
Occult Roots of Nazism is still the textbook
source on the esoteric groups that influenced
the Nazi elite. With Black Sun he attempts to
trace these influences, now re-visioned and
explicitly linked to neo-Nazi and fascist
ideologies, right up to the present day.
The scope of the book is immense. From the
simplistic thuggery of American Nazi Party
founder Lincoln Rockwell, via the Hitler-Christ
fugues of Matt Koehl, we glimpse the awesomely
complex Hindu-Aryan cosmologies of Italian
Julius Evola and "Hitler’s Priestess", the
Cornish-Greek Savitri Devi (subject of G-C's
last book). Devi identifies Hitler as a Hindu avatar,
a "man against time" returning to lead his chosen
Aryan people to a new and perfect era.
This and Evola’s grandiose metaphysical
anti-Semitism are the compost for all manner
of twisted cultivars, providing an almost
eschatological sense of urgency in the eternal
battle against the spiritually "unclean" Jew.
It's not hard to see how the shimmering grandeur
of their doctrines has appealed to so many neo-Nazis,
providing them with a righteous and divine
justification for their hatred of those who they
feel threaten their security. Both remain popular
with the new generation of neo-Nazis, and Evola's
work has been republished recently with an
introduction by "industrial" musician
Michael Moynihan.
Sharing elements of Evola and Devi's
cosmic vision is Miguel Serrano, at one
time Chilean ambassador to Austria,
whose spiritual journey saw him befriending
Herman Hesse, Carl Jung, Jawaharlal Nehru
and even the Dalai Lama before (having made
direct astral contact with him in his
Hollow Earth HQ) settling on Hitler as the way,
the truth and the light. In a curious blend of
Jungian and Lovecraftian cosmologies, he
sees Hitler as an shining Aryan archetype
of unknowable gods residing far beyond our
galaxy. Serrano remains an important ideologue
on the global Nazi scene, and has been linked
to the German Colonia Dignidad cult
compound, from which accusations of child
abuse and torture during the Pinochet years
have emerged recently.
A whole chapter of Black Sun is devoted to
the Nazi UFO mythos. G-C reads the tales
of wartime German flying saucer fleets hidden
in the Hollow Earth as an extension of the
pervasive rumours of Hitler's survival.
Certainly the post-war capture of German
submarines off Argentina and the mysterious
withdrawal of Admiral Byrd's vast task
force from Antarctica in 1946 could only
have fuelled such speculation, first expressed
in a 1947 book, Hitler esta vivo by a Hungarian
exile in Argentina. G-C traces many tales of
German wartime saucer technologies to one
Erich Halik, a member of a Viennese esoteric
group who regarded the UFOs as something
more than mere earthly technology.
Their take, which echoes - and narrowly
predates - Jung's, is distinctly esoteric,
the UFO being a metaphysical "cultic vessel
used by the supreme hierarchy of Christian
Gnostics" and now employed by the spiritually
superior underground Nazi elite. Halik published
several UFO articles in Hungarian esoteric
magazines and was particularly interested by
George Adamski's contact with the Aryan
Venusian Orthon. Adamski, however,
was not spiritually advanced enough to
recognise an ambassador from Naziland.
Or was he? G-C doesn't mention it, but
George Hunt Williamson, another contactee
who was also present at Adamski's desert
encounter, spends much of his book
Other Tongues Other Flesh expounding
the resonant cosmic power of the swastika,
which he sees clearly embossed in a boot
print left by Orthon. Williamson was a close
associate of William Dudley Pelley, founder
of the '30s American Silvershirts fascist
movement and later the occult group Soulcraft.
He also co-authored books placing the
Jewish banking conspiracy behind the
UFO mystery. While a survey of such breadth
of scope as Black Sun can’t be expected to
cover every lead, this seems like a rich
avenue for future exploration.
Other chapters cover neo-Nazi pagan/folk
movements, Christian identity and the Nazi
music scenes. G-C does a fine job of
exposing the swastika-emblazoned roots
of so much of today's New Age and
conspiracy movements as they indiscriminately
pull information towards the black holes (suns?)
at their centres. This is definitely a book to
give to your Nexus-reading friends.
In attempting to survey the entire post war
esoteric-Nazi oeuvre, G-C has set himself
a mammoth task, and one that could
probably have filled a book twice Black
Sun’s size. It's clear that G-C is more
comfortable in some areas, e.g. Evola,
Devi Landig, James Madole and Serrano,
who all get chapter-length treatments, than
he is in others, but the sheer weight of
information makes up for the lack of depth
in those sections - indeed, each chapter
could be expanded into a book of its own.
Black Sun is an extremely dense work that
can be dry reading at times. But as a survey
of this material - and currently the only one
of its kind - it is undeniably important and is
sure to open your mind to shadowy worlds
you never knew existed.
Dense, disturbing and increasingly important
~o0O0o~ [Close Quote]
I apologize to all those on this list
who are annoyed by that, and I will not email
anything further to you after this email.
Thanks... All the best! --MT-07/May/07"
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
Paperclip did not come up with anything other than conventional rocket technology. Most of the URLS cited below are unreliable sources of disinformation - fiction posing as fact. Some of it is hilarious maybe even some of it is well-written I don't know. I never said that The Evil One was without talent.
The Black Sun is in Michael Murphy's "An End to Ordinary History." The NASA Pioneer Anomaly is probably measuring the Black Sun - it is a probably expanding hollow shell of dark matter concentric with center of the visible sun.
Dark matter is negative zero point energy density with positive quantum pressure.
On May 7, 2007, at 8:19 PM, MT wrote:
Jack Sarfatti
On May 6, 2007, at 11:21 PM, wrote:
"Your comment is a perfect example of fear based attack, uninformed,
reactionary, ignorant thought.Your judgment is taken obviously without
seeing any of the videos or reading any of the essays. Fritter your
life away on the surface not talking about the important things, just
keep to simple subjects."
Yeah like how the universe was created and how consciousness is
generated in the brain - simple subjects.
"Thule Society" was an occult Nazi org. That you choose that name
shows you are a Nazi.
I can smell your type light years away.
JS -
BS -
BS - he got that right. is an obvious Nazi website.
"Perhaps Dr. JS is confusing BS' signature web-
references of "Thule" to: "Thule-Gesellschaft"
which might be more prototypical of a
disingenuous, demagogic paranoid gyration
point of view, perhaps; although, I too am somewhat
mystified by the revisionist conspiracy theories
regarding a "staged moon landing." Knowing how
goofy and unreliable humans are in places of
authority, institutions and administrations,
not to mention the myriad subcontractors
and their spouses, et al., who would be privy to
such a grand deception -- and, non-disclosure
agreements notwithstanding, people talk,
invariably, utterly and reliably, especially
for profit -- but, I admit to a guilty pleasure
in enjoying, to a degree, the endless
number of parallel possibilities in this weird
whirling universe, at least as memes, and
catalysts for deeper ponderings,
stopping short of gullible vulnerabilities, etc.
And what do I really know?!
ANYWAY . . .
There are, in fact, many who believe that
not only have "we" established bases on
both the Moon & Mars, but the Black Ops
Technology responsible for all these secret
endeavours have directly evolved from the
NAZI aeronautical, Operation Paperclip
programs of yesteryear! SHEEESH!!
The Aliens are Coming, the Aliens are Coming - Not ! --
(Two 30-minute segments) (Recorded on 3/4/2007.)
For the Record
Produced by
Dave Emory
L-1 The Political Implications of the UFO Phenomenon
and the "ET" Myth (Approx. 171 minutes)
(See also: FTR #'s 66-68, 105, 156, 167.)
Intercept -- But Don't Shoot
The True Story of the Flying Saucers
by Renato Vesco
1971, Grove Press
338 pages
Book Description
Looks at the early 'flying saucer technology'
of Nazi Germany and the genesis of early
man-made UFOs. From captured German
scientists, escaped battalions of German
soldiers, secret communities in South America
and Antarctica, the astonishing book blows
the lid off the 'Government UFO Conspiracy'.
Examined in detail are secret underground
airfields and factories; German secret
weapons; 'suction' aircraft; the origin of
NASA; gyroscopic stabilisers and engines;
the secret Marconi aircraft factory in
South America, and other secret societies,
both ancient and modern, that have kept
this craft a secret, and much more.
An Investigation by Kevin McClure
1. Core 1 - Foo Fighters
2. Core 2 - Renato Vesco, Feuerball and Kugelblitz
3. Core 3 - Major Lusar, the saucer builders, and the test flight
4. Core 4 - W A Harbinson and Projekt Saucer
5. Core 5 - Vril, Haunebu and interplanetary travel
6. False histories
7. Unnamed Soldiers
8. Authorities from Earth and Elsewhere
9. Official comments and Intelligence
10. Mistakes and fantasies
General Electric's revenues in 2003 totaled $134.2 billion.
Private industry is looking at the question of gravity control
with new seriousness.
A large number of giant corporations, including Bell Aerospace,
General Electric, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, Douglas and many
others, have set up gravity projects.
.... flying saucer ENGINE development was turned over to
General Electric.
The F-117A Nighthawk
About the size of an F-15 Eagle, the twin-engine aircraft is
powered by two General Electric F404 turbofan engines and has
quadruple redundant fly-by-wire flight controls.
Secrets of the Saucer Scientists
By William F. Hamilton III
And so on and so forth...
AND...Then there's this
frightening bit of weirdness:
~o0O0o~ [Quote]
Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism
and the Politics of Identity
by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
New York University Press, 2002
Hb, 369pp, plates, ind, bib, refs, $29.95
ISBN 0 8147 3124 4
A few years back, I was lead on a satanic murder
tour of East Sussex by a local researcher,
who told me a frightening story.
In the mid '90s he received a tip-off that Nazi
Satanists would be using Chanctonbury Ring,
an ancient holy site, for a ritual. As he and
another man - a well-known writer on occult
matters - approached the hill, they found
themselves surrounded by balaclava-clad,
baseball bat-wielding thugs who marched
them to the top, where our heroes were
surrounded. Suddenly, over the crest of the
hill sprung yet more balaclava-clad heavies,
these ones bigger and better armed.
After much shouting and gesticulating the
Nazi Satanists fled, no match for the
Animal Rights activists who had been tipped
off that animals were to be sacrificed there
that night. At the site were found a stone cross,
stolen from a churchyard, a genuine U-boat
flag and a Nazi dagger.
My guide suspected that the group were
connected to David Myatt and the Order
of the Nine Angles. I found the story a little
too Dennis Wheatley to be true, but, having
read Black Sun, I might be a little more
cautious poking around Chanctonbury ring
at Hallowe'en. And Myatt is only the
small tip of a vast iceberg.
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's (G-C)
Occult Roots of Nazism is still the textbook
source on the esoteric groups that influenced
the Nazi elite. With Black Sun he attempts to
trace these influences, now re-visioned and
explicitly linked to neo-Nazi and fascist
ideologies, right up to the present day.
The scope of the book is immense. From the
simplistic thuggery of American Nazi Party
founder Lincoln Rockwell, via the Hitler-Christ
fugues of Matt Koehl, we glimpse the awesomely
complex Hindu-Aryan cosmologies of Italian
Julius Evola and "Hitler’s Priestess", the
Cornish-Greek Savitri Devi (subject of G-C's
last book). Devi identifies Hitler as a Hindu avatar,
a "man against time" returning to lead his chosen
Aryan people to a new and perfect era.
This and Evola’s grandiose metaphysical
anti-Semitism are the compost for all manner
of twisted cultivars, providing an almost
eschatological sense of urgency in the eternal
battle against the spiritually "unclean" Jew.
It's not hard to see how the shimmering grandeur
of their doctrines has appealed to so many neo-Nazis,
providing them with a righteous and divine
justification for their hatred of those who they
feel threaten their security. Both remain popular
with the new generation of neo-Nazis, and Evola's
work has been republished recently with an
introduction by "industrial" musician
Michael Moynihan.
Sharing elements of Evola and Devi's
cosmic vision is Miguel Serrano, at one
time Chilean ambassador to Austria,
whose spiritual journey saw him befriending
Herman Hesse, Carl Jung, Jawaharlal Nehru
and even the Dalai Lama before (having made
direct astral contact with him in his
Hollow Earth HQ) settling on Hitler as the way,
the truth and the light. In a curious blend of
Jungian and Lovecraftian cosmologies, he
sees Hitler as an shining Aryan archetype
of unknowable gods residing far beyond our
galaxy. Serrano remains an important ideologue
on the global Nazi scene, and has been linked
to the German Colonia Dignidad cult
compound, from which accusations of child
abuse and torture during the Pinochet years
have emerged recently.
A whole chapter of Black Sun is devoted to
the Nazi UFO mythos. G-C reads the tales
of wartime German flying saucer fleets hidden
in the Hollow Earth as an extension of the
pervasive rumours of Hitler's survival.
Certainly the post-war capture of German
submarines off Argentina and the mysterious
withdrawal of Admiral Byrd's vast task
force from Antarctica in 1946 could only
have fuelled such speculation, first expressed
in a 1947 book, Hitler esta vivo by a Hungarian
exile in Argentina. G-C traces many tales of
German wartime saucer technologies to one
Erich Halik, a member of a Viennese esoteric
group who regarded the UFOs as something
more than mere earthly technology.
Their take, which echoes - and narrowly
predates - Jung's, is distinctly esoteric,
the UFO being a metaphysical "cultic vessel
used by the supreme hierarchy of Christian
Gnostics" and now employed by the spiritually
superior underground Nazi elite. Halik published
several UFO articles in Hungarian esoteric
magazines and was particularly interested by
George Adamski's contact with the Aryan
Venusian Orthon. Adamski, however,
was not spiritually advanced enough to
recognise an ambassador from Naziland.
Or was he? G-C doesn't mention it, but
George Hunt Williamson, another contactee
who was also present at Adamski's desert
encounter, spends much of his book
Other Tongues Other Flesh expounding
the resonant cosmic power of the swastika,
which he sees clearly embossed in a boot
print left by Orthon. Williamson was a close
associate of William Dudley Pelley, founder
of the '30s American Silvershirts fascist
movement and later the occult group Soulcraft.
He also co-authored books placing the
Jewish banking conspiracy behind the
UFO mystery. While a survey of such breadth
of scope as Black Sun can’t be expected to
cover every lead, this seems like a rich
avenue for future exploration.
Other chapters cover neo-Nazi pagan/folk
movements, Christian identity and the Nazi
music scenes. G-C does a fine job of
exposing the swastika-emblazoned roots
of so much of today's New Age and
conspiracy movements as they indiscriminately
pull information towards the black holes (suns?)
at their centres. This is definitely a book to
give to your Nexus-reading friends.
In attempting to survey the entire post war
esoteric-Nazi oeuvre, G-C has set himself
a mammoth task, and one that could
probably have filled a book twice Black
Sun’s size. It's clear that G-C is more
comfortable in some areas, e.g. Evola,
Devi Landig, James Madole and Serrano,
who all get chapter-length treatments, than
he is in others, but the sheer weight of
information makes up for the lack of depth
in those sections - indeed, each chapter
could be expanded into a book of its own.
Black Sun is an extremely dense work that
can be dry reading at times. But as a survey
of this material - and currently the only one
of its kind - it is undeniably important and is
sure to open your mind to shadowy worlds
you never knew existed.
Dense, disturbing and increasingly important
~o0O0o~ [Close Quote]
I apologize to all those on this list
who are annoyed by that, and I will not email
anything further to you after this email.
Thanks... All the best! --MT-07/May/07"
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
Note Brownian motion analogy
The basic "length" operator is L ~ N^1/2Lp
Lp separates the point defects where the 3 real Higgs scalar fields O(3) symmetry have simultaneous "nodes" and they are 3D spacelike separated from each other. The 2 Goldstone phases Theta & Phi are undefined at the nodes that are Goldstone phase singularities. The vacuum manifold has same topology S2 as does the surrounding surface enclosing N point nodes. Note time is not quantized here. That gives an extra real Higgs field taking us from 9+1 spacetime to Witten's 10+1 spacetime if I am not mistaken?
Note the Higgs fields here are real not complex so that U(1) is 2 real Higgs fields, SU(2) is 4 real Higgs fields. SU(3) is 6 real Higgs fields.
I am using O(N) for N real Higgs fields with N-1 independent relative Goldstone phases.
The criterion of maximal stable topological defect means that N real Higgs scalars must be defined on a N-Dim spacelike hypersurface.
Note for 3D hypersurface
N = 1 has S0 vacuum manifold with stable 2D wall defect in space
N = 2 has S1 vacuum manifold with stable 1D vortex string in space
N = 3 has S2 vacuum manifold with stable 0D point defect in space - nodes of "world crystal".
N > 3 has no stable topological defects in 3D space.
Go to imaginary time 4D Euclidean, then the N = 4 Higgs fields have "instanton" stable defect, Wick rotate back to light cones to get Finkelstein's discrete "chronons"?
Then use correspondence with statistical mechanics. 1/T ~ imaginary time, T is temperature etc.
Coherent Glauber states of a laser coherent field have ODLRO and they are Poisson in real photon statistics
root mean square real photon number fluctuation ~ square root of average number of photons
As distinct from thermal waves that Einstein got
square number fluctuation ~ a + b^2
used in Hanbury-Brown-Twiss effect for thermal light from stars.
b -> 0 above laser threshold.
Think of N as an average number of nodes in some pre-space in analogy with "photons" above.
^1/2 ~ [ - ^2]^1/2
RMS number fluctuation ~ mean number
So for each dimension of space it's like a 50-50 random walk. The amount of space generated is like a random walk.
Weight the probabilities differently to get warping? Different Turing programs?
So there seems to be an analogy here to at least a classical Turing machine with the weights as part of a simple program or algorithm?
The net displacement is that of the Turing tape?
On May 7, 2007, at 2:44 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On May 7, 2007, at 12:56 PM, Bruce Cornet wrote:
How can I help you more?
Update me on your UFO reverse Doppler observations. - very very important IMHO since I predicted it BEFORE I knew of your observations!
"Dark energy" zero point vacuum fluctuations of negative pressure makes an anomalous anti-gravity blue shift.
"Dark matter" zero point vacuum fluctuations of positive pressure makes an anomalous gravity red shift.
this warp bubble "moves" to right showing reverse Doppler.
I am amazed that physicists find this simple idea so hard to grasp even if they don't believe they seem to have a hard time grasping what the idea is. Partly it's because when it comes to "dark matter" they keep thinking of real particles moving through space that maybe LHC will detect. They do not think dark matter can be zero point energy, i.e. all virtual quanta inside the vacuum. They seem to find it hard to grasp that w = -1 positive pressure (equal and opposite isotropic negative energy density) will be indistinguishable from w = 0 Cold Dark Matter (CDM) particles as far as any distant observers e.g. gravity lensing can tell. So I say the Galactic Halos are spheres of positive pressure zero point energy. The NASA Pioneer data seems to show a hollow shell of positive pressure zero point energy beyond Saturn's orbit concentric with center of Sun as if Sun blew it off like a smoke ring from some physics process we haven't thought of as yet? Maybe the shell is actually expanding outward like a shock from an explosion?
This is an elementary consequence of Einstein's field equation for exotic vacua. See Math Appendix below.
You know that sort of thing is also implicit in the Vallee-Torme "sci-fi" Fastwalker book with the "5000 mile per hour Doppler shift" and the alien saucer standing still clamped on the ground inside the bunker. I actually quote that scene a bit in "Super Cosmos." I wonder where Vallee got that from? I suspect he had inside info via Bigelow's USG links?
From Fastwalker to Skinwalker - eh? ;-)
Where are you these days?
If you can write something brief I can quote you on that would fit in a Power Point slide I will include it. :-)
If you have some plots, photos I can add a few slides.
Your observations may be my Michelson-Morley experiment. :-)
Math Appendix on Emergent Einstein-Cartan Gravity-Torsion from the Higgs-Goldstone Vacuum Condensate ODLRO post-Inflation Field,
Guv + /\zpfguv = 0
where the zpf stress-energy tensor is
tuv(ZPF) ~ (c^4/G)/\zpfguv = (superstring tension)(curvature of vacuum)(metric tensor)
There will be extra torsion field terms so that /\zpf is no longer a strict constant as it is in 1915 GR, but is a locally variable quintessent scalar field.
That is we locally gauge entire 10-parameter Poincare group P(10) of 1905 globally rigid special relativity to get Einstein-Cartan curvature theory.
The spin connection 1-form for parallel transport is larger than Einstein had in 1915. It is
S^a^b(P10) = - S^b^a(P10) = S^a^b(P10)udx^u = S^a^b(T4) + S^a^b(O(1,3)
Einstein's 1915 GR only uses the piece S^a^b(T4) for which
Torsion dislocation defect field 2-form T^a(T4) = de^a + S^ac(T4)/\e^c = 0
T^a = T^auvdx^u/\dx^v
e^a are the tetrad co-frames (little detectors)
with disclination defect curvature 2-form -> Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor of 4th rank
R^a^b(T4) = dS^a^b(T4) + S^ac(T4)/\S^c^b(T4) = R^a^buvdx^u/\dx^v
R^a^b(P10) has more terms in it allowing /\zpf,u =/= 0 and of course the torsion field T^a(P10) =/= 0 in general.
e^a = I^a + @A^a
A^a ~ M^a^a (diagonal of 4x4 matrix of non-closed 1-forms from 8 Goldstone phases in the Higgs vacuum in 9+1 spacetime, the latter demanded by maximizing topologically stable defects - nontrivial homotopy -> Calabi-Yau space?
From Shipov's
to Witten's
I^a are globally flat tetrads
@ = Lp^2/\zpf dimensionless coupling - renormalizable quantum gravity with spin 2 as secondary properties along with spin 1 and spin 0 in this larger curvature-torsion theory beyond 1916 GR, but only a wee bit beyond - a natural extension that seems to include superstring theory automatically.
A^a is spin 1 as a quantum field.
no gravity if /\zpf = 0 , if h = 0 and if c -> infinity - very important
S^a^b = M^[a,b] = - S^b^a
M^a^b = dTheta^a/\Phi^b - Theta^a/\dPhi^b = M^a^budx^u
Theta^a & Phi^b are the 8 Goldstone phase 0-forms
dM^a^b = dTheta^a/\dPhi^b = dM^a^buvdx^u/\dx^v
Theta^2 = Theta^bThetab
Phi^2 = Phi^aPhia
Projecting down from 9+1 space-time to 3+1 space-time gives 2 independent Goldstone phases with 3 real Higgs fields i.e. O(3) symmetry gives point defects of the projected vacuum ODLRO field whose point nodes is a kind of vacuum crystal lattice with
Area enclosing N nodes ~ NLp^2 i.e. World Hologram idea.
Hologram volume image is
Volume generated from N point defects ~ N^3/2Lp^3.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Sarfatti
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: STAIF Abstract Comments & Clarifications
10-4 :-)
See corrected 2nd draft of abstract at end below.
On May 4, 2007, at 6:17 AM, Paul Murad wrote:
I have sent your abstract around to all of my reviewers and generally the attitude was that they look forward to what you have to say. If I receive any really adverse comments, rest assured I will relay these to you as well. ... I also have to agree that it would be interesting to hear what you have to say on this topic.
We are accepting the abstract with the conditions suggested below by one of my reviewers.� I also want you to understand up front that I look forward to your paper but it should be written in clear unambigous language and not really for your peers, which I am sure there are none, but to the newly minted graduate�engineer or scientist that wants to get involved in this field and understand some of the unusual mysteries and scientific marvels that are enmeshed in this topic so that they could make a future contribution in making us a space-faring civilization.
Yes, of course. I look forward to your suggestions for clarity. We have a year. :-)
I have no doubt that you can rise above these minor challenges and do it all in eight pages... If you have any problems with any of this, please get back to me and we can talk further...
We look forward to seeing you at STAIF 2008...
Changes by one reviewer are as follows:
"I recommend that the abstract be accepted after the author makes the following changes or addresses concerns:
1) Removal of reference to Douglas MacArthur speech as this has no place in a scientific venue.� The sentence itself is of no relevance to the rest of the author's thesis and distracts from the main thrust of the thesis.
OK no problem, although for a DOD audience, it would be inspiring, but I will not insist on this point.
2) I am not against the inclusion of UFOs in a scientific venue as long as discussion or mention of it remains rational and scientific.� However, if any of you object to including mention of UFOs, then the author must remove the reference to UFOs.
OK, however, it is my position, and I think it is also Paul Murad's?, that the subset of good UFO observations by professional military and commercial pilots, e.g. NIDS website, Bruce Maccabee's website, old book by Paul Hill - eminent aeronautical engineer for USG, that we are actually seeing advanced propellantless propulsion of material vehicles in our skies able to execute high speed turns whose g-forces would kill any of the occupants if they existed. This "fact" of experience suggests to me, that we are simply playing catch up technologically speaking. Physicist Michio Kaku has made this quite clear in his popular talks when he classifies civilizations from Type 0, Type I up to Type IV. The sharp turns of these UFOs shows "metric engineering", i.e. technology able to neutralize the external ambient gravity field (e.g. Earth's) at the craft, to override it with its own shaped in such a way that the craft literally free-falls at zero g along a local geodesic path whose direction in space is controlled on board. Alcubierre's model is an example.�
Note Bruce Cornet's "reverse Dopper effect" (mentioned in fictional "Fastwalker" Vallee & Torme) - dark energy makes anomalous blue shift, whilst dark matter makes anomalous red shift in opposite way to ordinary motional Doppler shift.
Good trick if we can do it, we can't as yet, but someone Out There can and does over our nuclear bases according to some reports. So my point is that there is here a clear and present national security issue - the elephant in the room. My purpose in this talk is to define the mission, the broad parameters of the actual physics problem(s). I have no detailed solutions of course.� However, the discovery of both anti-gravitating "dark energy" and gravitating "dark matter" as 96% of the stuff of the universe is clearly a vital clue .As John A. Wheeler said
"The Question is: "What is The Question"?
3) The author must correct or replace his statement that dark matter and dark energy are "two sides of the same zero point energy coin."� This is patently false because dark matter is non-absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter that interacts with all other forms of matter via gravity and nuclear weak force.� It has positive energy density and positive pressure, and hence is not rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE. Dark energy has been declared last month in an article by Riess et al. (in the Astrophysical Journal) to be the vacuum energy of Einstein's cosmological constant. Therefore, it has positive energy density and negative pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE.
Whoever wrote 3) seems to be confusing "dark energy" with "dark matter" and has misunderstood my message. His or her argument is not relevant to what I actually wrote and mean.
That dark matter is "non-absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter that interacts with all other forms of matter via gravity" is true and that is an immediate consequence of my original hypothesis that "dark matter" as negative zero point energy density with positive pressure with w = -1 that cannot be distinguished from w = 0 cold dark matter (CDM) from distant measurements like gravity lensing.
There is not one iota of evidence that dark matter interacts via the "weak nuclear force". Where is the evidence?
Whoever wrote 3) does not understand my point about Einstein's GR equation that the direct bending of spacetime by energy density and pressure (in the isotropic weak field Newtonian limit) is, from the text books,
~ 4pi(G/c^2)(energy density)(1 + 3w)
where w = -1 for zero point energy
w = +1/3 for radiation
w ~ 0 for cold ordinary "on shell" matter.
The writer of 3) has misunderstood me because
"Dark energy has been declared last month in an article by Riess et al. (in the Astrophysical Journal) to be the vacuum energy of Einstein's cosmological constant. Therefore, it has positive energy density and negative pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE."�
is also what I have said precisely. That sentence is cited as if I said something else. Indeed my abstract says
Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the same zero
point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
Hence, no disagreement there.
Let me say it again, as obviously I did not make it clear enough to the writer of 3)
I. Dark energy is positive zero point energy density with equal and opposite negative pressure in each linearly independent space direction. It antigravitates. The pressure overrides the energy density by a factor of 3. It antigravitates according to Einstein's theory.�This is ~ 73% of universe's "stuff" at spread-out large scale
II. Dark matter is negative zero point energy density with equal and opposite positive pressure etc. It gravitates according to Einstein's theory,
This is ~ 23% of universe at smaller "clumped" scales of galactic halos, voids et-al - possibly NASA Pioneer anomaly of an extra gravity pull back to Sun.
I suggest that the author replace this sentence with one that specifically elucidates his new theory of dark matter and dark energy that supports his weird statement.
My statement is not so much "weird" as "new, original, surprising" - a virtue rather than a vice.
Also, you cannot capture dark energy and use it for warp drive or wormhole FTL propulsion.�
Red Herring, where did I write one could capture dark energy?
But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit that for FTL propulsion.
Well, that does not contradict anything I said. If this author knows how to do that, then I hope he or she will tell us how.
4) The author needs to replace "Type IIa" with "Type Ia" in the second sentence.
Yes, thank you, that was a typo - I am used to Type II superconductors. :-)
5) There are two major factual errors about traversable wormholes and any connection to dark energy in the author's abstract.� You cannot technologically "capture" cosmological dark energy and use it for warp drive or wormhole FTL propulsion.�
Again, I am at a loss at what I wrote that gave this author that impression? I never used the word "capture". Has the author confounded my abstract with another?
But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit that for FTL propulsion.�
Again that last sentence is what I would like to see and if the author has ideas on how to do it, I would like to know what he or she knows.
So the author should recast his sentence to indicate this fact. However, the F-session is designed to allow for "way-outside-the-box" ideas in order to foster new thinking and open new avenues that might challenge the present paradigm.
6) The rest of the author's thesis is very interesting and of relevance to the F- session."
Salutation: Dr.
Author: Jack Sarfatti
Company: ISEP
Address: 470 Columbus Ave
Suite 206
City: San Francisco
State: CA
Zip: 94133
Country: USA
Phone: Fax: 415 989 0649
select: F01. Opening Session
Second Draft
PaperTitle: Harnessing dark energy for metric engineering warpdrive and
AuthorAffiliation: Abstract:�
Repulsive anti-gravitating "dark energy" was
discovered from the spectra of Type Ia supernovae in 1999. No one
anticipated this cosmic energy accelerating the expansion of 3D space. No
one expected that it is approximately 73% of all the "stuff" of the universe
on the large scale. Evidence for equally puzzling attracting "dark matter"
on smaller scales like the galactic halo had been accumulating for decades.
Both phenomena are easily understood in a unified way using only Einstein's
general relativity and basic quantum field theory. No dramatically new ideas
are needed. Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the same zero
point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
Configure the two in the proper configuration, as shown by Bondi,
Tereletsky, Forward and finally Alcubierre, and we have a geodesic warp
drive with no g-forces felt by the crew in sharp turns relative to external
observers watching the amazing maneuvers of "UFOs." This same dark energy is
what is needed for stable traversable wormhole "star gates" possibly connecting Earth�
to the recently discovered Earthlike planet only 20 light years away orbiting a red dwarf every 2 weeks.
Progress in the control of zero point energy induced (anti) gravity emergent from the
post-inflation Higgs-Goldstone fields familiar in elementary particle physics will be discussed.
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
10-4 :-)
See corrected 2nd draft of abstract at end below.
On May 4, 2007, at 6:17 AM, Paul Murad wrote:
> Jack:
> I have sent your abstract around to all of my reviewers and
> generally the attitude was that they look forward to what you have
> to say. If I receive any really adverse comments, rest assured I
> will relay these to you as well. ... I also have to agree that it
> would be interesting to hear what you have to say on this topic.
> We are accepting the abstract with the conditions suggested below
> by one of my reviewers. I also want you to understand up front
> that I look forward to your paper but it should be written in clear
> unambigous language and not really for your peers, which I am sure
> there are none, but to the newly minted graduate engineer or
> scientist that wants to get involved in this field and understand
> some of the unusual mysteries and scientific marvels that are
> enmeshed in this topic so that they could make a future
> contribution in making us a space-faring civilization.
Yes, of course. I look forward to your suggestions for clarity. We
have a year. :-)
> I have no doubt that you can rise above these minor challenges and
> do it all in eight pages... If you have any problems with any of
> this, please get back to me and we can talk further...
> We look forward to seeing you at STAIF 2008...
> Paul...
> Changes by one reviewer are as follows:
> "I recommend that the abstract be accepted after the author makes
> the following changes or addresses concerns:
> 1) Removal of reference to Douglas MacArthur speech as this has no
> place in a scientific venue. The sentence itself is of no
> relevance to the rest of the author's thesis and distracts from the
> main thrust of the thesis.
OK no problem, although for a DOD audience, it would be inspiring,
but I will not insist on this point.
> 2) I am not against the inclusion of UFOs in a scientific venue as
> long as discussion or mention of it remains rational and
> scientific. However, if any of you object to including mention of
> UFOs, then the author must remove the reference to UFOs.
OK, however, it is my position, and I think it is also Paul Murad's?,
that the subset of good UFO observations by professional military and
commercial pilots, e.g. NIDS website, Bruce Maccabee's website, old
book by Paul Hill - eminent aeronautical engineer for USG, that we
are actually seeing advanced propellantless propulsion of material
vehicles in our skies able to execute high speed turns whose g-forces
would kill any of the occupants if they existed. This "fact" of
experience suggests to me, that we are simply playing catch up
technologically speaking. Physicist Michio Kaku has made this quite
clear in his popular talks when he classifies civilizations from Type
0, Type I up to Type IV. The sharp turns of these UFOs shows "metric
engineering", i.e. technology able to neutralize the external ambient
gravity field (e.g. Earth's) at the craft, to override it with its
own shaped in such a way that the craft literally free-falls at zero
g along a local geodesic path whose direction in space is controlled
on board. Alcubierre's model is an example.

Note Bruce Cornet's "reverse Dopper effect" (mentioned in fictional
"Fastwalker" Vallee & Torme) - dark energy makes anomalous blue
shift, whilst dark matter makes anomalous red shift in opposite way
to ordinary motional Doppler shift.
Good trick if we can do it, we can't as yet, but someone Out There
can and does over our nuclear bases according to some reports. So my
point is that there is here a clear and present national security
issue - the elephant in the room. My purpose in this talk is to
define the mission, the broad parameters of the actual physics problem
(s). I have no detailed solutions of course. However, the discovery
of both anti-gravitating "dark energy" and gravitating "dark matter"
as 96% of the stuff of the universe is clearly a vital clue .As John
A. Wheeler said
"The Question is: "What is The Question"?
> 3) The author must correct or replace his statement that dark
> matter and dark energy are "two sides of the same zero point energy
> coin." This is patently false because dark matter is non-
> absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter that interacts with
> all other forms of matter via gravity and nuclear weak force. It
> has positive energy density and positive pressure, and hence is not
> rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE. Dark energy has been declared
> last month in an article by Riess et al. (in the Astrophysical
> Journal) to be the vacuum energy of Einstein's cosmological
> constant. Therefore, it has positive energy density and negative
> pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE.
Whoever wrote 3) seems to be confusing "dark energy" with "dark
matter" and has misunderstood my message. His or her argument is not
relevant to what I actually wrote and mean.
That dark matter is "non-absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter
that interacts with all other forms of matter via gravity" is true
and that is an immediate consequence of my original hypothesis that
"dark matter" as negative zero point energy density with positive
pressure with w = -1 that cannot be distinguished from w = 0 cold
dark matter (CDM) from distant measurements like gravity lensing.
There is not one iota of evidence that dark matter interacts via the
"weak nuclear force". Where is the evidence?
Whoever wrote 3) does not understand my point about Einstein's GR
equation that the direct bending of spacetime by energy density and
pressure (in the isotropic weak field Newtonian limit) is, from the
text books,
~ 4pi(G/c^2)(energy density)(1 + 3w)
where w = -1 for zero point energy
w = +1/3 for radiation
w ~ 0 for cold ordinary "on shell" matter.
The writer of 3) has misunderstood me because
"Dark energy has been declared last month in an article by Riess et
al. (in the Astrophysical Journal) to be the vacuum energy of
Einstein's cosmological constant. Therefore, it has positive energy
density and negative pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum
is also what I have said precisely. That sentence is cited as if I
said something else. Indeed my abstract says
> Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the same zero
> point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
Hence, no disagreement there.
Let me say it again, as obviously I did not make it clear enough to
the writer of 3)
I. Dark energy is positive zero point energy density with equal and
opposite negative pressure in each linearly independent space
direction. It antigravitates. The pressure overrides the energy
density by a factor of 3. It antigravitates according to Einstein's
theory. This is ~ 73% of universe's "stuff" at spread-out large scale
II. Dark matter is negative zero point energy density with equal and
opposite positive pressure etc. It gravitates according to Einstein's
This is ~ 23% of universe at smaller "clumped" scales of galactic
halos, voids et-al - possibly NASA Pioneer anomaly of an extra
gravity pull back to Sun.
> I suggest that the author replace this sentence with one that
> specifically elucidates his new theory of dark matter and dark
> energy that supports his weird statement.
My statement is not so much "weird" as "new, original, surprising" -
a virtue rather than a vice.
> Also, you cannot capture dark energy and use it for warp drive or
> wormhole FTL propulsion.
Red Herring, where did I write one could capture dark energy?
> But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit
> that for FTL propulsion.
Well, that does not contradict anything I said. If this author knows
how to do that, then I hope he or she will tell us how.
> 4) The author needs to replace "Type IIa" with "Type Ia" in the
> second sentence.
Yes, thank you, that was a typo - I am used to Type II
superconductors. :-)
> 5) There are two major factual errors about traversable wormholes
> and any connection to dark energy in the author's abstract. You
> cannot technologically "capture" cosmological dark energy and use
> it for warp drive or wormhole FTL propulsion.
Again, I am at a loss at what I wrote that gave this author that
impression? I never used the word "capture". Has the author
confounded my abstract with another?
> But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit
> that for FTL propulsion.
Again that last sentence is what I would like to see and if the
author has ideas on how to do it, I would like to know what he or she
> So the author should recast his sentence to indicate this fact.
> However, the F-session is designed to allow for "way-outside-the-
> box" ideas in order to foster new thinking and open new avenues
> that might challenge the present paradigm.
> 6) The rest of the author's thesis is very interesting and of
> relevance to the F- session."
> Salutation: Dr.
> Author: Jack Sarfatti
> Company: ISEP
> Address: 470 Columbus Ave
> Suite 206
> City: San Francisco
> State: CA
> Zip: 94133
> Country: USA
> Phone: Fax: 415 989 0649
> Email:
> select: F01. Opening Session
Second Draft
> PaperTitle: Harnessing dark energy for metric engineering warpdrive
> and
> wormhole.
> AuthorAffiliation: Abstract:
> Repulsive anti-gravitating "dark energy" was
> discovered from the spectra of Type Ia supernovae in 1999. No one
> anticipated this cosmic energy accelerating the expansion of 3D
> space. No
> one expected that it is approximately 73% of all the "stuff" of the
> universe
> on the large scale. Evidence for equally puzzling attracting "dark
> matter"
> on smaller scales like the galactic halo had been accumulating for
> decades.
> Both phenomena are easily understood in a unified way using only
> Einstein's
> general relativity and basic quantum field theory. No dramatically
> new ideas
> are needed. Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the
> same zero
> point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
> Configure the two in the proper configuration, as shown by Bondi,
> Tereletsky, Forward and finally Alcubierre, and we have a geodesic
> warp
> drive with no g-forces felt by the crew in sharp turns relative to
> external
> observers watching the amazing maneuvers of "UFOs." This same dark
> energy is
> what is needed for stable traversable wormhole "star gates"
> possibly connecting Earth
> to the recently discovered Earthlike planet only 20 light years
> away orbiting a red dwarf every 2 weeks.
> Progress in the control of zero point energy induced (anti) gravity
> emergent from the
> post-inflation Higgs-Goldstone fields familiar in elementary
> particle physics will be discussed.
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
The basic "length" operator is L ~ N^1/2Lp
Lp separates the point defects where the 3 real Higgs scalar fields O(3) symmetry have simultaneous "nodes" and they are 3D spacelike separated from each other. The 2 Goldstone phases Theta & Phi are undefined at the nodes that are Goldstone phase singularities. The vacuum manifold has same topology S2 as does the surrounding surface enclosing N point nodes. Note time is not quantized here. That gives an extra real Higgs field taking us from 9+1 spacetime to Witten's 10+1 spacetime if I am not mistaken?
Note the Higgs fields here are real not complex so that U(1) is 2 real Higgs fields, SU(2) is 4 real Higgs fields. SU(3) is 6 real Higgs fields.
I am using O(N) for N real Higgs fields with N-1 independent relative Goldstone phases.
The criterion of maximal stable topological defect means that N real Higgs scalars must be defined on a N-Dim spacelike hypersurface.
Note for 3D hypersurface
N = 1 has S0 vacuum manifold with stable 2D wall defect in space
N = 2 has S1 vacuum manifold with stable 1D vortex string in space
N = 3 has S2 vacuum manifold with stable 0D point defect in space - nodes of "world crystal".
N > 3 has no stable topological defects in 3D space.
Go to imaginary time 4D Euclidean, then the N = 4 Higgs fields have "instanton" stable defect, Wick rotate back to light cones to get Finkelstein's discrete "chronons"?
Then use correspondence with statistical mechanics. 1/T ~ imaginary time, T is temperature etc.
Coherent Glauber states of a laser coherent field have ODLRO and they are Poisson in real photon statistics
root mean square real photon number fluctuation ~ square root of average number of photons
As distinct from thermal waves that Einstein got
square number fluctuation ~ a
used in Hanbury-Brown-Twiss effect for thermal light from stars.
b -> 0 above laser threshold.
Think of N as an average number of nodes in some pre-space in analogy with "photons" above.
RMS number fluctuation ~ mean number
So for each dimension of space it's like a 50-50 random walk. The amount of space generated is like a random walk.
Weight the probabilities differently to get warping? Different Turing programs?
So there seems to be an analogy here to at least a classical Turing machine with the weights as part of a simple program or algorithm?
The net displacement is that of the Turing tape?
On May 7, 2007, at 2:44 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On May 7, 2007, at 12:56 PM, Bruce Cornet wrote:
How can I help you more?
Update me on your UFO reverse Doppler observations. - very very important IMHO since I predicted it BEFORE I knew of your observations!
"Dark energy" zero point vacuum fluctuations of negative pressure makes an anomalous anti-gravity blue shift.
"Dark matter" zero point vacuum fluctuations of positive pressure makes an anomalous gravity red shift.
this warp bubble "moves" to right showing reverse Doppler.
I am amazed that physicists find this simple idea so hard to grasp even if they don't believe they seem to have a hard time grasping what the idea is. Partly it's because when it comes to "dark matter" they keep thinking of real particles moving through space that maybe LHC will detect. They do not think dark matter can be zero point energy, i.e. all virtual quanta inside the vacuum. They seem to find it hard to grasp that w = -1 positive pressure (equal and opposite isotropic negative energy density) will be indistinguishable from w = 0 Cold Dark Matter (CDM) particles as far as any distant observers e.g. gravity lensing can tell. So I say the Galactic Halos are spheres of positive pressure zero point energy. The NASA Pioneer data seems to show a hollow shell of positive pressure zero point energy beyond Saturn's orbit concentric with center of Sun as if Sun blew it off like a smoke ring from some physics process we haven't thought of as yet? Maybe the shell is actually expanding outward like a shock from an explosion?
This is an elementary consequence of Einstein's field equation for exotic vacua. See Math Appendix below.
You know that sort of thing is also implicit in the Vallee-Torme "sci-fi" Fastwalker book with the "5000 mile per hour Doppler shift" and the alien saucer standing still clamped on the ground inside the bunker. I actually quote that scene a bit in "Super Cosmos." I wonder where Vallee got that from? I suspect he had inside info via Bigelow's USG links?
From Fastwalker to Skinwalker - eh? ;-)
Where are you these days?
If you can write something brief I can quote you on that would fit in a Power Point slide I will include it. :-)
If you have some plots, photos I can add a few slides.
Your observations may be my Michelson-Morley experiment. :-)
Math Appendix on Emergent Einstein-Cartan Gravity-Torsion from the Higgs-Goldstone Vacuum Condensate ODLRO post-Inflation Field,
Guv + /\zpfguv = 0
where the zpf stress-energy tensor is
tuv(ZPF) ~ (c^4/G)/\zpfguv = (superstring tension)(curvature of vacuum)(metric tensor)
There will be extra torsion field terms so that /\zpf is no longer a strict constant as it is in 1915 GR, but is a locally variable quintessent scalar field.
That is we locally gauge entire 10-parameter Poincare group P(10) of 1905 globally rigid special relativity to get Einstein-Cartan curvature theory.
The spin connection 1-form for parallel transport is larger than Einstein had in 1915. It is
S^a^b(P10) = - S^b^a(P10) = S^a^b(P10)udx^u = S^a^b(T4) + S^a^b(O(1,3)
Einstein's 1915 GR only uses the piece S^a^b(T4) for which
Torsion dislocation defect field 2-form T^a(T4) = de^a + S^ac(T4)/\e^c = 0
T^a = T^auvdx^u/\dx^v
e^a are the tetrad co-frames (little detectors)
with disclination defect curvature 2-form -> Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor of 4th rank
R^a^b(T4) = dS^a^b(T4) + S^ac(T4)/\S^c^b(T4) = R^a^buvdx^u/\dx^v
R^a^b(P10) has more terms in it allowing /\zpf,u =/= 0 and of course the torsion field T^a(P10) =/= 0 in general.
e^a = I^a + @A^a
A^a ~ M^a^a (diagonal of 4x4 matrix of non-closed 1-forms from 8 Goldstone phases in the Higgs vacuum in 9+1 spacetime, the latter demanded by maximizing topologically stable defects - nontrivial homotopy -> Calabi-Yau space?
From Shipov's
to Witten's
I^a are globally flat tetrads
@ = Lp^2/\zpf dimensionless coupling - renormalizable quantum gravity with spin 2 as secondary properties along with spin 1 and spin 0 in this larger curvature-torsion theory beyond 1916 GR, but only a wee bit beyond - a natural extension that seems to include superstring theory automatically.
A^a is spin 1 as a quantum field.
no gravity if /\zpf = 0 , if h = 0 and if c -> infinity - very important
S^a^b = M^[a,b] = - S^b^a
M^a^b = dTheta^a/\Phi^b - Theta^a/\dPhi^b = M^a^budx^u
Theta^a & Phi^b are the 8 Goldstone phase 0-forms
dM^a^b = dTheta^a/\dPhi^b = dM^a^buvdx^u/\dx^v
Theta^2 = Theta^bThetab
Phi^2 = Phi^aPhia
Projecting down from 9+1 space-time to 3+1 space-time gives 2 independent Goldstone phases with 3 real Higgs fields i.e. O(3) symmetry gives point defects of the projected vacuum ODLRO field whose point nodes is a kind of vacuum crystal lattice with
Area enclosing N nodes ~ NLp^2 i.e. World Hologram idea.
Hologram volume image is
Volume generated from N point defects ~ N^3/2Lp^3.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Sarfatti
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: STAIF Abstract Comments & Clarifications
10-4 :-)
See corrected 2nd draft of abstract at end below.
On May 4, 2007, at 6:17 AM, Paul Murad wrote:
I have sent your abstract around to all of my reviewers and generally the attitude was that they look forward to what you have to say. If I receive any really adverse comments, rest assured I will relay these to you as well. ... I also have to agree that it would be interesting to hear what you have to say on this topic.
We are accepting the abstract with the conditions suggested below by one of my reviewers.� I also want you to understand up front that I look forward to your paper but it should be written in clear unambigous language and not really for your peers, which I am sure there are none, but to the newly minted graduate�engineer or scientist that wants to get involved in this field and understand some of the unusual mysteries and scientific marvels that are enmeshed in this topic so that they could make a future contribution in making us a space-faring civilization.
Yes, of course. I look forward to your suggestions for clarity. We have a year. :-)
I have no doubt that you can rise above these minor challenges and do it all in eight pages... If you have any problems with any of this, please get back to me and we can talk further...
We look forward to seeing you at STAIF 2008...
Changes by one reviewer are as follows:
"I recommend that the abstract be accepted after the author makes the following changes or addresses concerns:
1) Removal of reference to Douglas MacArthur speech as this has no place in a scientific venue.� The sentence itself is of no relevance to the rest of the author's thesis and distracts from the main thrust of the thesis.
OK no problem, although for a DOD audience, it would be inspiring, but I will not insist on this point.
2) I am not against the inclusion of UFOs in a scientific venue as long as discussion or mention of it remains rational and scientific.� However, if any of you object to including mention of UFOs, then the author must remove the reference to UFOs.
OK, however, it is my position, and I think it is also Paul Murad's?, that the subset of good UFO observations by professional military and commercial pilots, e.g. NIDS website, Bruce Maccabee's website, old book by Paul Hill - eminent aeronautical engineer for USG, that we are actually seeing advanced propellantless propulsion of material vehicles in our skies able to execute high speed turns whose g-forces would kill any of the occupants if they existed. This "fact" of experience suggests to me, that we are simply playing catch up technologically speaking. Physicist Michio Kaku has made this quite clear in his popular talks when he classifies civilizations from Type 0, Type I up to Type IV. The sharp turns of these UFOs shows "metric engineering", i.e. technology able to neutralize the external ambient gravity field (e.g. Earth's) at the craft, to override it with its own shaped in such a way that the craft literally free-falls at zero g along a local geodesic path whose direction in space is controlled on board. Alcubierre's model is an example.�
Note Bruce Cornet's "reverse Dopper effect" (mentioned in fictional "Fastwalker" Vallee & Torme) - dark energy makes anomalous blue shift, whilst dark matter makes anomalous red shift in opposite way to ordinary motional Doppler shift.
Good trick if we can do it, we can't as yet, but someone Out There can and does over our nuclear bases according to some reports. So my point is that there is here a clear and present national security issue - the elephant in the room. My purpose in this talk is to define the mission, the broad parameters of the actual physics problem(s). I have no detailed solutions of course.� However, the discovery of both anti-gravitating "dark energy" and gravitating "dark matter" as 96% of the stuff of the universe is clearly a vital clue .As John A. Wheeler said
"The Question is: "What is The Question"?
3) The author must correct or replace his statement that dark matter and dark energy are "two sides of the same zero point energy coin."� This is patently false because dark matter is non-absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter that interacts with all other forms of matter via gravity and nuclear weak force.� It has positive energy density and positive pressure, and hence is not rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE. Dark energy has been declared last month in an article by Riess et al. (in the Astrophysical Journal) to be the vacuum energy of Einstein's cosmological constant. Therefore, it has positive energy density and negative pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE.
Whoever wrote 3) seems to be confusing "dark energy" with "dark matter" and has misunderstood my message. His or her argument is not relevant to what I actually wrote and mean.
That dark matter is "non-absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter that interacts with all other forms of matter via gravity" is true and that is an immediate consequence of my original hypothesis that "dark matter" as negative zero point energy density with positive pressure with w = -1 that cannot be distinguished from w = 0 cold dark matter (CDM) from distant measurements like gravity lensing.
There is not one iota of evidence that dark matter interacts via the "weak nuclear force". Where is the evidence?
Whoever wrote 3) does not understand my point about Einstein's GR equation that the direct bending of spacetime by energy density and pressure (in the isotropic weak field Newtonian limit) is, from the text books,
~ 4pi(G/c^2)(energy density)(1 + 3w)
where w = -1 for zero point energy
w = +1/3 for radiation
w ~ 0 for cold ordinary "on shell" matter.
The writer of 3) has misunderstood me because
"Dark energy has been declared last month in an article by Riess et al. (in the Astrophysical Journal) to be the vacuum energy of Einstein's cosmological constant. Therefore, it has positive energy density and negative pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE."�
is also what I have said precisely. That sentence is cited as if I said something else. Indeed my abstract says
Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the same zero
point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
Hence, no disagreement there.
Let me say it again, as obviously I did not make it clear enough to the writer of 3)
I. Dark energy is positive zero point energy density with equal and opposite negative pressure in each linearly independent space direction. It antigravitates. The pressure overrides the energy density by a factor of 3. It antigravitates according to Einstein's theory.�This is ~ 73% of universe's "stuff" at spread-out large scale
II. Dark matter is negative zero point energy density with equal and opposite positive pressure etc. It gravitates according to Einstein's theory,
This is ~ 23% of universe at smaller "clumped" scales of galactic halos, voids et-al - possibly NASA Pioneer anomaly of an extra gravity pull back to Sun.
I suggest that the author replace this sentence with one that specifically elucidates his new theory of dark matter and dark energy that supports his weird statement.
My statement is not so much "weird" as "new, original, surprising" - a virtue rather than a vice.
Also, you cannot capture dark energy and use it for warp drive or wormhole FTL propulsion.�
Red Herring, where did I write one could capture dark energy?
But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit that for FTL propulsion.
Well, that does not contradict anything I said. If this author knows how to do that, then I hope he or she will tell us how.
4) The author needs to replace "Type IIa" with "Type Ia" in the second sentence.
Yes, thank you, that was a typo - I am used to Type II superconductors. :-)
5) There are two major factual errors about traversable wormholes and any connection to dark energy in the author's abstract.� You cannot technologically "capture" cosmological dark energy and use it for warp drive or wormhole FTL propulsion.�
Again, I am at a loss at what I wrote that gave this author that impression? I never used the word "capture". Has the author confounded my abstract with another?
But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit that for FTL propulsion.�
Again that last sentence is what I would like to see and if the author has ideas on how to do it, I would like to know what he or she knows.
So the author should recast his sentence to indicate this fact. However, the F-session is designed to allow for "way-outside-the-box" ideas in order to foster new thinking and open new avenues that might challenge the present paradigm.
6) The rest of the author's thesis is very interesting and of relevance to the F- session."
Salutation: Dr.
Author: Jack Sarfatti
Company: ISEP
Address: 470 Columbus Ave
Suite 206
City: San Francisco
State: CA
Zip: 94133
Country: USA
Phone: Fax: 415 989 0649
select: F01. Opening Session
Second Draft
PaperTitle: Harnessing dark energy for metric engineering warpdrive and
AuthorAffiliation: Abstract:�
Repulsive anti-gravitating "dark energy" was
discovered from the spectra of Type Ia supernovae in 1999. No one
anticipated this cosmic energy accelerating the expansion of 3D space. No
one expected that it is approximately 73% of all the "stuff" of the universe
on the large scale. Evidence for equally puzzling attracting "dark matter"
on smaller scales like the galactic halo had been accumulating for decades.
Both phenomena are easily understood in a unified way using only Einstein's
general relativity and basic quantum field theory. No dramatically new ideas
are needed. Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the same zero
point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
Configure the two in the proper configuration, as shown by Bondi,
Tereletsky, Forward and finally Alcubierre, and we have a geodesic warp
drive with no g-forces felt by the crew in sharp turns relative to external
observers watching the amazing maneuvers of "UFOs." This same dark energy is
what is needed for stable traversable wormhole "star gates" possibly connecting Earth�
to the recently discovered Earthlike planet only 20 light years away orbiting a red dwarf every 2 weeks.
Progress in the control of zero point energy induced (anti) gravity emergent from the
post-inflation Higgs-Goldstone fields familiar in elementary particle physics will be discussed.
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
10-4 :-)
See corrected 2nd draft of abstract at end below.
On May 4, 2007, at 6:17 AM, Paul Murad wrote:
> Jack:
> I have sent your abstract around to all of my reviewers and
> generally the attitude was that they look forward to what you have
> to say. If I receive any really adverse comments, rest assured I
> will relay these to you as well. ... I also have to agree that it
> would be interesting to hear what you have to say on this topic.
> We are accepting the abstract with the conditions suggested below
> by one of my reviewers. I also want you to understand up front
> that I look forward to your paper but it should be written in clear
> unambigous language and not really for your peers, which I am sure
> there are none, but to the newly minted graduate engineer or
> scientist that wants to get involved in this field and understand
> some of the unusual mysteries and scientific marvels that are
> enmeshed in this topic so that they could make a future
> contribution in making us a space-faring civilization.
Yes, of course. I look forward to your suggestions for clarity. We
have a year. :-)
> I have no doubt that you can rise above these minor challenges and
> do it all in eight pages... If you have any problems with any of
> this, please get back to me and we can talk further...
> We look forward to seeing you at STAIF 2008...
> Paul...
> Changes by one reviewer are as follows:
> "I recommend that the abstract be accepted after the author makes
> the following changes or addresses concerns:
> 1) Removal of reference to Douglas MacArthur speech as this has no
> place in a scientific venue. The sentence itself is of no
> relevance to the rest of the author's thesis and distracts from the
> main thrust of the thesis.
OK no problem, although for a DOD audience, it would be inspiring,
but I will not insist on this point.
> 2) I am not against the inclusion of UFOs in a scientific venue as
> long as discussion or mention of it remains rational and
> scientific. However, if any of you object to including mention of
> UFOs, then the author must remove the reference to UFOs.
OK, however, it is my position, and I think it is also Paul Murad's?,
that the subset of good UFO observations by professional military and
commercial pilots, e.g. NIDS website, Bruce Maccabee's website, old
book by Paul Hill - eminent aeronautical engineer for USG, that we
are actually seeing advanced propellantless propulsion of material
vehicles in our skies able to execute high speed turns whose g-forces
would kill any of the occupants if they existed. This "fact" of
experience suggests to me, that we are simply playing catch up
technologically speaking. Physicist Michio Kaku has made this quite
clear in his popular talks when he classifies civilizations from Type
0, Type I up to Type IV. The sharp turns of these UFOs shows "metric
engineering", i.e. technology able to neutralize the external ambient
gravity field (e.g. Earth's) at the craft, to override it with its
own shaped in such a way that the craft literally free-falls at zero
g along a local geodesic path whose direction in space is controlled
on board. Alcubierre's model is an example.

Note Bruce Cornet's "reverse Dopper effect" (mentioned in fictional
"Fastwalker" Vallee & Torme) - dark energy makes anomalous blue
shift, whilst dark matter makes anomalous red shift in opposite way
to ordinary motional Doppler shift.
Good trick if we can do it, we can't as yet, but someone Out There
can and does over our nuclear bases according to some reports. So my
point is that there is here a clear and present national security
issue - the elephant in the room. My purpose in this talk is to
define the mission, the broad parameters of the actual physics problem
(s). I have no detailed solutions of course. However, the discovery
of both anti-gravitating "dark energy" and gravitating "dark matter"
as 96% of the stuff of the universe is clearly a vital clue .As John
A. Wheeler said
"The Question is: "What is The Question"?
> 3) The author must correct or replace his statement that dark
> matter and dark energy are "two sides of the same zero point energy
> coin." This is patently false because dark matter is non-
> absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter that interacts with
> all other forms of matter via gravity and nuclear weak force. It
> has positive energy density and positive pressure, and hence is not
> rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE. Dark energy has been declared
> last month in an article by Riess et al. (in the Astrophysical
> Journal) to be the vacuum energy of Einstein's cosmological
> constant. Therefore, it has positive energy density and negative
> pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum ZPE.
Whoever wrote 3) seems to be confusing "dark energy" with "dark
matter" and has misunderstood my message. His or her argument is not
relevant to what I actually wrote and mean.
That dark matter is "non-absorbing, non-luminous, non-baryonic matter
that interacts with all other forms of matter via gravity" is true
and that is an immediate consequence of my original hypothesis that
"dark matter" as negative zero point energy density with positive
pressure with w = -1 that cannot be distinguished from w = 0 cold
dark matter (CDM) from distant measurements like gravity lensing.
There is not one iota of evidence that dark matter interacts via the
"weak nuclear force". Where is the evidence?
Whoever wrote 3) does not understand my point about Einstein's GR
equation that the direct bending of spacetime by energy density and
pressure (in the isotropic weak field Newtonian limit) is, from the
text books,
~ 4pi(G/c^2)(energy density)(1 + 3w)
where w = -1 for zero point energy
w = +1/3 for radiation
w ~ 0 for cold ordinary "on shell" matter.
The writer of 3) has misunderstood me because
"Dark energy has been declared last month in an article by Riess et
al. (in the Astrophysical Journal) to be the vacuum energy of
Einstein's cosmological constant. Therefore, it has positive energy
density and negative pressure, and it is rooted in the quantum vacuum
is also what I have said precisely. That sentence is cited as if I
said something else. Indeed my abstract says
> Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the same zero
> point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
Hence, no disagreement there.
Let me say it again, as obviously I did not make it clear enough to
the writer of 3)
I. Dark energy is positive zero point energy density with equal and
opposite negative pressure in each linearly independent space
direction. It antigravitates. The pressure overrides the energy
density by a factor of 3. It antigravitates according to Einstein's
theory. This is ~ 73% of universe's "stuff" at spread-out large scale
II. Dark matter is negative zero point energy density with equal and
opposite positive pressure etc. It gravitates according to Einstein's
This is ~ 23% of universe at smaller "clumped" scales of galactic
halos, voids et-al - possibly NASA Pioneer anomaly of an extra
gravity pull back to Sun.
> I suggest that the author replace this sentence with one that
> specifically elucidates his new theory of dark matter and dark
> energy that supports his weird statement.
My statement is not so much "weird" as "new, original, surprising" -
a virtue rather than a vice.
> Also, you cannot capture dark energy and use it for warp drive or
> wormhole FTL propulsion.
Red Herring, where did I write one could capture dark energy?
> But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit
> that for FTL propulsion.
Well, that does not contradict anything I said. If this author knows
how to do that, then I hope he or she will tell us how.
> 4) The author needs to replace "Type IIa" with "Type Ia" in the
> second sentence.
Yes, thank you, that was a typo - I am used to Type II
superconductors. :-)
> 5) There are two major factual errors about traversable wormholes
> and any connection to dark energy in the author's abstract. You
> cannot technologically "capture" cosmological dark energy and use
> it for warp drive or wormhole FTL propulsion.
Again, I am at a loss at what I wrote that gave this author that
impression? I never used the word "capture". Has the author
confounded my abstract with another?
> But you can artificially make dark energy in the lab and exploit
> that for FTL propulsion.
Again that last sentence is what I would like to see and if the
author has ideas on how to do it, I would like to know what he or she
> So the author should recast his sentence to indicate this fact.
> However, the F-session is designed to allow for "way-outside-the-
> box" ideas in order to foster new thinking and open new avenues
> that might challenge the present paradigm.
> 6) The rest of the author's thesis is very interesting and of
> relevance to the F- session."
> Salutation: Dr.
> Author: Jack Sarfatti
> Company: ISEP
> Address: 470 Columbus Ave
> Suite 206
> City: San Francisco
> State: CA
> Zip: 94133
> Country: USA
> Phone: Fax: 415 989 0649
> Email:
> select: F01. Opening Session
Second Draft
> PaperTitle: Harnessing dark energy for metric engineering warpdrive
> and
> wormhole.
> AuthorAffiliation: Abstract:
> Repulsive anti-gravitating "dark energy" was
> discovered from the spectra of Type Ia supernovae in 1999. No one
> anticipated this cosmic energy accelerating the expansion of 3D
> space. No
> one expected that it is approximately 73% of all the "stuff" of the
> universe
> on the large scale. Evidence for equally puzzling attracting "dark
> matter"
> on smaller scales like the galactic halo had been accumulating for
> decades.
> Both phenomena are easily understood in a unified way using only
> Einstein's
> general relativity and basic quantum field theory. No dramatically
> new ideas
> are needed. Both dark energy and dark matter are two sides of the
> same zero
> point energy coin of negative and positive pressure respectively.
> Configure the two in the proper configuration, as shown by Bondi,
> Tereletsky, Forward and finally Alcubierre, and we have a geodesic
> warp
> drive with no g-forces felt by the crew in sharp turns relative to
> external
> observers watching the amazing maneuvers of "UFOs." This same dark
> energy is
> what is needed for stable traversable wormhole "star gates"
> possibly connecting Earth
> to the recently discovered Earthlike planet only 20 light years
> away orbiting a red dwarf every 2 weeks.
> Progress in the control of zero point energy induced (anti) gravity
> emergent from the
> post-inflation Higgs-Goldstone fields familiar in elementary
> particle physics will be discussed.
Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
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