Thursday, December 09, 2004

Russian claims of torsion propulsion of flying saucers

3. I just did a quick read through of the paper by Gubarev the student of Gennady Shipov at the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics in Moscow. Gennady was my guest in San Francisco twice during ISSO 1999-2000. Gubarev's paper is a pedagogical step forward in making the Russian torsion school's ideas accessible to the English reader. Jim Corum had a piece of it, but Corum's theory was not as well developed as Shipov's. Corum and Shipov are both concerned with weightless warp drive propulsion and Shipov's colleague in Moscow alleges actual torsion wave technology including weapons. Those claims are highly controversial, but we can certainly not ignore Shipov's extension of Einstein's 1916 GR to the kind of unified field theory that Einstein sought - especially in this new version by Gubarev.

Shipov uses the well known tetrad method. These are local Cartan frames of reference eu^a. eu^a is a GCT world tensor under the locally gauged translation group T4 whose compensating field is the {LC} connection. The 4D GCT covariant curl of the non-tensor {LC} connection is Einstein's stretch-squeeze tidal curvature tensor field. That is, let X be a GCT Jacobian matrix of xu -> xu' at local event P

eu'^a = Xu'^ueu^a

There is also the special relativity Lorentz group SO(1,3) with Lorentz transformations /\a^a' such that

eu^a' = /\a^a'eu^a

The {LC} connection compensating field from locally gauging T4 can be computed from the tetrads that are also the "oriented points" in Shipov's terminology.

The next step beyond Einstein's plain vanilla 1916 GR is to locally gauge SO(1,3). Einstein did not do that in 1916. He played with the idea later on, but not with the modern understanding of local gauge theory, which came after he died. Yang and Mills did do the basics in 1954 but Einstein was too old by then and sick. Shipov's torsion field is the compensating field from locally gauging the Lorentz group. It can also be computed from the tetrads easily. See Hagen Kleinert's home page where those details are also done independently. Gubarev has a nice derivation of the inertial centrifugal and Coriolis fields for a noninertial reference frame rotating with f around z-axis in the Galilean limit fr/c << 1 in terms of the compensating torsion field. The controversial part of Shipov's theory is his introduction of 6 anholonomic coordinates beyond Einstein's 4 translational ones. Note that some versions of string theory also use a real 10-dimensional manifold with the 6 anholonomic angular coordinates as the Calabi-Yau space. On the other hand plain vanilla 1916 GR without torsion has gravimagnetism "frame drag" now measured, and seems perfectly able to explain gyroscopes without the additional torsion field from locally gauging the Lorentz group? So the issue is how to compare Einstein's gravimagnetism and Shipov's torsion field pictures to see exactly where we are forced to locally gauge the Lorentz group. I will be studying this problem. There are also more elements to the Lie algebra of the conformal group to locally gauge like the 4 conformal translational boosts to uniformly accelerated proper motion of the centers of mass of the tetrads as well as the dilation. Note that adding the dilation without the 4 conformal boosts is an 11 dimensional manifold like M-theory? The idea here being that there is an equivalence relation between strings with 10 & 11 boson dimensions and the oriented Cartan tetrads eu^a?

On Dec 9, 2004, at 12:00 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Quick note to clear up a possible ambiguity.

Zielinski wrote:

Suppose you have no gravitational field and a test particle travelling in straight line SR inertial motion. If you go to an accelerating frame,
all such objects will appear from the moving observer's POV to accelerate, and we can model this apparent acceleration resulting in
apparently curved trajectories as due to the existence of an inertial field of "force". Of course there is no actual "force" here, just an *accelerating
observational frame*.

That is simply the geodesic equation for test particle of mass m relative to a detector of mass M with which it is momentarily approximately COINCIDENT i.e. in a small neighborhood of the event where the detector "clicks" in sense of a coordinate patch in differential geometry.

"Physics is simple, when it is local." (John A. Wheeler)

d^2x^u/ds^2 = 0 in local inertial frame (LIF).

d^2x^u'/ds^2 + {LC}^u'v'w'(dx^u'/ds)(dx^w'/ds) = 0

In the local non-inertial frame (LNIF)!

The inertial forces are always in plain vanilla GR 1916 no torsion field limit


{LC} =/ = 0 in any local non-inertial frame looking at the geodesic test particle. This works even in Minkowski spacetime.

But those inertial forces obey

Mc^2{LC}^i'0'0' = F^i'(non-gravity)

at the position of M (not to be confused with m that is "coincident" with it) on the DETECTOR of mass M that is the LNIF observing the geodesic test particle motion.

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