Thursday, November 03, 2005

Phantom Energy

On Nov 3, 2005, at 2:42 PM, art wagner wrote:

Are you totally anti-Chaplygin...? Is Lobo loco...?


Note that the energy density in the expanding universe scales as

energy density ~ (space expansion factor)^-3(1 + w) = a^-3(1 + w)

OK the skewon field has w = -1/3, therefore

skewon energy density ~ a^-3(2/3) = a^-2

Phantom energy has w < - 1 therefore its energy density increases as universe expands. This causes the BIG RIP totally destroying the universe.

However, Lorentz invariance and equivalence principle DEMAND UNIVERSALLY for ALL vacuum ZPF

w = - 1 EXACTLY (at least for isotropic fields).

Einstein's equation for ZPF i.e.

D*R = *J(ZPF)

R = curvature 2-form

translates to the w = -1 exotic vacuum equation

Guv + /\zpfguv = 0

In general in the Newtonian weak curvature Galilean v/c << 1 limit

Guv + kTuv(sources) = 0

in the 00 component

G00 ~ Grad^2V ~ (G/c^2)(Energy Density)(1 + 3w)

For w = 0 we have Newton's gravity theory in Poisson eq. form.

for radiation w = +1/3 we have the famous Einstein factor of 2 in gravity bending of light. Note that fast matter looks like light in this regard.

For Skewons we have w = -1/3 so that the source term on RHS VANISHES.

Skewons DO NOT BEND SPACE-TIME (at least on large scale isotropic case - that may be the loophole).

ZPF BENDS SPACE-TIME ABSOLUTELY, i.e. NO CASIMIR FORCE SUBTRACT NO BOUNDARY FROM BOUNDARY as in QED. QED thinking FAILS for gravity. That's one of Hal Puthoff's BIG BLUNDERS in his attempt at metric engineering. Another is his naive use of a single global coordinate system - another story.

For zero point energy w = -1 ON THE NOSE and in isotropic case

G00(ZPF) ~ Grad^2V(ZPF) ~ -2(G/c^2)(Energy Density)




Put them together for NEGATIVE MATTER PROPULSION of the GEODESIC KIND - no g-forces!

The basic story is simple!

You need torsion to make /\zpf inhomogeneous. Maybe you need a Skewon as well as an auxilliary field? I don't know yet.

Also small scale anistropies may be important. Above is only for FRW cosmology very large scale homogeneous isotropic "aether".


Total Exotic Vacuum Virtual Particle "4D Super-Solid" Density = Higgs Vacuum Locally Coherent Condensate Density + Nonlocally Coherent Locally Incoherent EPR ZPF density

The second term on RHS can be locally negative as can the LHS.

Remember in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm effect, the photon pair state is nonlocally coherent but locally incoherent. Same for momentum pair correlated interferometry. The Higgs field however is also LOCALLY COHERENT and it is that LOCAL COHERENCE that Einstein's curved space-time gravity emerges from!

B(curved) ~ 'd'(Goldstone Phase of U(1)yxSU(2)weak -> U(1)em)

i.e. point defects like Pioneer anomaly since

n = 4 real scalar fields

N = 4 generators of U(1)hyperchargexSU(2)weak

N - K = 1 = number of generators of U(1)em

K = 3

n - K = 1 is the single Higgs boson amplitude oscillation whose conjugate phase is the Goldstone phase out of which Einstein's 1915 GR field equations emerge quite simply.

K = 3 massive weak force bosons W+, W0, W-

N - K = 1 is the massless photon of H = U(1)em

The NASA PIONEER gravity anomaly data show this effect clearly on macro-scale of tens of AU with the point defect d' = 0 at center of our Sun


This is a point defect with "wrapping number" = -1.

Instead of magnetization we have

a_g = -cH(t) ~ 1 nanometer per sec^2 anomalous dark energy blue shift between the two S2 spherical surfaces. First one at ~ 20AU. Don't know where 2nd one ends.

That is anomalous part of the radial geodesic equation is

dr^2/dt^2 - a_g = 0

a_g as a vector is constant

/\zpf = H(t)/cr

V(ZPF) = c^2/\zpfr^2

= cH(t)r

a_g = - dV(ZPF)/dr = - cH(t)

as observed.

Most of this is in my book Super Cosmos.

But the U(1)hyperchargeSU(2)weak ---> U(1)em

will be in book #4 of

Space-Time and Beyond: The Series

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