Friday, May 21, 2004

Plugging in numbers for metric engineering is of course very important.

BTW this stuff is much closer to observations than is both string theory of Brian Greene/Ed Witten & Co (hyped on NOVA cannot explain standard model in detail) and loop gravity of Ashetkar/Baez (spin networks -> spin foam weaves - cannot really get Einstein's GR)
Both strings and loops are almost pseudo-science because
i. too may fudge factors
ii. no conceptual and math consistency
iii. hardly any contact with experiment and observation.
for evidence that what I say about strings and loops as Cargo-Cult is not really exaggerated.

1. Cosmology e.g. type 1a Supernovae, CHANDRA, CDMSII, gravity lensing.

2. Stability of spatially electron -> possible tight atomic states (J.P. Vigier, Maric & Dragic in Beograd "plasma pinch" (new form of non-nuclear atomic power) Note that exotic vacuum zpe induced strong short range gravity inside core of single spatially extended electron counteracts both Coulomb repulsive self-energy and repulsive QED Casimir force as well as rotational centrifugal barrier as model for "spin."

3. Universality of Regge slope of hadronic resonances.

4. Charge cluster EVOs

5. UFOs, e.g. most recently Mexico - this is data!

On May 21, 2004, at 6:05 PM, main_engineering wrote:

That helps, Thank you!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack

On May 21, 2004, at 9:13 AM, main_engineering wrote:

In any case, okay I see.

2mv is the momentum of the Cooper pairs in the superconductor,


A_u is the EM Gauge field, probably understood as the superposition of the applied EM field from Podkletnov's inductor coils and the EM field of the superconductor's 4-current density. There is more than 1 source of A_u in Podkletnov's experiment and their relative contributions differ.

Yes, Au is the potential not the field Fuv

Your coherent vacuum field is the /\zpf,

NO. Coherent vacuum field is PSI

/\zpf(induced) ~ Tr(K) (Alcubierre warp drive paper)

where starting from non-exotic vacuum = 0

Locally at a point P, for each NODE in the nano-mesh imbedded in the
flying saucer fuselage (a phased array)

Tr(K) ~ (hG*/c^3)^-1[(Volume of tiny superconducting loop where real
electron pairs flow)(density of condensate of virtual electron-positron
pairs inside vacuum)^1/2(density of condensate of real electron pairs
of tiny superconducting loop)cos2pi[(rotational flux of single real
electron pair in loop)/h - (magnetic flux through superconducting
loop)/(quantum of magnetic flux)]

where mechanical vorticity vector of nanosupercurrent is opposite to
external magnetic field through tiny control superconducting loop (a
node) in the nano-mesh.

G* is effective gravity coupling on scale s of the tiny superconducting

Magnetic flux = Closed loop line integral of A.dl Stoke's theorem!

Local Phase Difference = (Mechanical Vorticity Flux of single sc
electron pair)/hbar - 2pi(Magnetic Flux through tiny sc loop
node)/(Quantum of Magnetic Flux)

Local Tr(K) that controls WARP FIELD ~ cosine(Local Phase Difference)

This is the Josephson effect where the weak link is between the vacuum coherence and the superconductor "control knob" coherence in their common overlap region of space for each tiny sc loop node of the mesh.

In /\zpf you have sqrt(Cooper pair density}*sqrt(electron-positron)
pair density. What is your estimate of the actual numerical value for these terms and for this product?

~ 10^29 electrons per cubic meter ~ 10^23 per cc.
~ 10^-4 of those form Cooper pairs so that's 10^19 pairs per cc

So roughly (sc density)^1/2 ~ 10^9 per cm^-3/2

What is quantum of area?

Suppose it's a Planck area.

How big is effective volume of SC nano ring? Say 10^-21 cc

/\zpf ~ 10^+66 cm^-2 (10^-21 cc)(10^33)(10^9)cos(Theta)

This is too strong an effect!

Suppose instead, quantum of area is 1 fermi^2

/\zpf ~ 10^+26cm^-2 10^-21 cc 10^42 cos(Theta)

Still very strong compared to curvature of space at surface of Earth which is only ~ 10^-26 cm^-2

Remember, generally the Theta phase noise will wash out the effect, fortunately! We are playing with a very large effect here if we quiet down the Theta phase noise. In general the statistical average

-> zero

The hugeness of the effect is similar to the 122 Powers of Ten random estimate of the Cosmological Constant.

It's only because rotating superconductors, and currents in superconducting coils have large phase noise that we do not see these "anti-gravity" controlled or "bottled dark energy" effects easily. This is a good thing in a way because this is potentially a huge effect - i.e. dangerous if we do not know what we are doing. Sorceror's Apprentice Effect. I mean if any of this is correct.

In other words what Ning Li and Podkletnov are attempting could be dangerous - an inadvertent WMD - maybe. I mean if I am in right ball park here.

If the flying saucers are real and are alien ET then we know already such supertechnology is Out There Here-Now.

There is also the volume factor and the quantum of area.

The point is that if real saucers fly with zero g-force warp drive (G. Trimble "G-Engine") they must obey my equations and that gives estimates of the parameters in my equations. What they are precisely depends on the state of the advanced ET alien supertechnology. There is a manifold of these control parameters that we need to estimate from the observed flight of the saucers and the "fact" they are "empty" inside (Col. Phil Corso). That is a big job of gedanken reverse engineering, but it is doable by a team of visonary metric
engineers here in North Beach not in Austin, Texas.

The scale of curvature at surface of Earth is of order


M = mass of Earth, r = radius of Earth

So we need

/\zpf ~ Tr(K) ~ GM/c^2r^3 for observed flights

GM/c^2r^3 ~ (hG*/c^3)^-1(Volume of Tiny SC Loop))(Vacuum Condensate Density)^1/2(SuperConducting Density)^1/2

That is if we want to metric engineer at the scale of the local
curvature tensor field at the surface of the Earth to shape the
timelike geodesic path of the saucer from the saucer itself, i.e. to
nullify the external curvature tensor field from M!

If hG*/c^3 ~ 1 fermi^2

Then non-exotic vacuum condensate density ~ (1 fermi)^-3

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