Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Warp Drive Power Generator 1
Remember, the condition to neutralize the ambient gravity field from the dominating closest ordinary mass M can be roughly estimated as

/\zpf(UFO) ~ GM/c^2r^3

At surface of Earth

GM/c^2r^3 ~ 1/(1AU)^2 ~ 10^-26 cm^-2

In comparison, the cosmic dark energy density is ~ 10^-56 cm^-2, i.e. 30 powers of 10 weaker. Therefore, I, at first, made a mistake by using the naive bare quantum field theory value of Einstein's cosmological constant. I need to use the actual, so to speak, renormalized value.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" J.A. Wheeler

/\zpf(x) ~ [(Einstein's Cosmological Constant)(Anyon Surface Density)]^1/2cos(2pi(applied magnetic flux through x)/(magnetic flux quantum)

Therefore, for Earth flight

10^-26 = 10^-28/L

L ~ 10^-2

Anyon condensate surface density ~ 10^4 anyons per cm^2

But this is too optimistic as there will be an addition dimensionless coupling that I do not know yet how to calculate even roughly. It's analogous to Ray Chiao's model of gravimagnetic-EM field coupling and here is where the torsion field theory must come in.

On Jan 24, 2007, at 3:40 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

In the scheme below (still intuitive) we do not need mechanical rotation of the superconducting fuselage. Larry Kraus shows why that is not a good idea BTW in "Beyond Star Trek."
On Jan 24, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

On Jan 24, 2007, at 1:12 PM, .... wrote:

ok, I like this, but can you give me a mechanics view of how, practically, do you change the sign of the /\zpf field using Goldstone-Josephson phase- locking with electromagnetic fields in rotating superconductors? In other words, how to we test this to see if it works?

Imagine a mesh of tiny anyon superconducting loops embedded in the fuselage - each loop at "x" position on fuselage.

/\zpf(x) = (Lambda Anyon Surface Density)^1/2cos(2pi(applied magnetic flux through x)/(magnetic flux quantum)

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 11:58:59 -0800

New physical insight!

d(log/\zpf)/dx^u = (3/2)S^uvwg^v^w = (3/2)S^u^vv = (3/2)S^u

That is the contracted torsion field vector is essentially the gradient of the log of the net zero point energy density (set G = c = 1, ignore factors of pi for now).

Hammond's torsion field theory may be too specialized in terms of Max Tegmark's "Fig 1" classification of all physically interesting connection fields for the parallel transport of geometric objects along world lines in the spacetime.

From Tegmark's latest paper 2007

Affine Connection

= symmetric Levi-Civita + symmetric non metricity + antisymmetric contorsion

A = (LC) + Q + K

Einstein's 1915 GR has

A = (LC)

(LC) is a globally flat 10-parameter Poincare group 3rd rank tensor, but it is not a GCT tensor. See Tegmark's eq (18) above. The inhomogeneous 2nd term on RHS spoils the homogeneous multilinear GCT tensor transformation property for nonlinear GCTs.

"GCT" are local 4-parameter General Coordinate Transformations, i.e. arbitrary infinitesimal displacements in 4D spacetime. Localizing T4 as a gauge group in all field actions with the non-trivial tetrads as the compensating gauge potentials restoring the symmetry to the enlarged system.

However, if you parallel transport a vector around a tiny parallelogram using only symmetric non-tensor (LC) you get a "disclination defect" i.e. a change in the orientation of the vector around a complete circuit. Look at Tegmark's eq. 10 above for the covariant curl and essentially use Stoke's theorem that the surface integral of the curl of the vector field is the bounding loop integral of the vector field. Set second torsion term on RHS zero. If you do not, you get a torsion gap, i.e. the tiny parallelogram does not close to the 2nd order Taylor series relevant to the process here.

Obviously the disclination change in orientation of the transported vector is proportional to the curvature multiplied by the area of the parallelogram, just as the geodesic deviation is proportional to the small separation between pairs of test particles. In this sense the operational consequences of the local curvature tensor 4th rank tensor field are not local! Hence, there is no compelling reason to expect a local energy momentum stress-density tensor for the vacuum gravity curvature field - at least in the 1915 limit

A = (LC)

Note also that the length of the vector has not changed because the symmetric 3rd rank GCT non-metricity tensor Q = 0.

A physical meaning of nonmetricity is extra space dimensions like in string theory because the gravity field tetrads are able to rotate into hyperspace between the brane worlds. Therefore, the length of geometrodynamic vectors in the 4D brane (on which Yang-Mills electroweak-strong fields are stuck like flies on flypaper) can change. However, the lengths of non-gravity field vectors cannot change so that this kind of hyperspace nonmetricity tensor would not be universal.

Now Hammond writes:

Note he has a nonsymmetric matter tensor. C. Lanzcos showed that it will allow propellantless propulsion like Shipov's 4D gyro where mechanical rotating masses generate these antisymmetric torsion fields. This makes Shipov's claims more plausible.

Looking only at the symmetric piece Hammond's eq.(5) and (7).

In (7) stick in the w = -1 random zero point fluctuation ZPF energy stress density tensor

Tuv --> Tuv(ZPF) ~ /\zpfguv = Ricci tensor source

/\zpf > 0 is anti-gravity repulsive dark energy (negative pressure blue shift)

/\zpf < 0 is gravity attractive dark matter (positive pressure red shift)

The sign of /\zpf is controlled by the local vacuum ODLRO post- inflation field.

I suspect that it can be tweaked via Goldstone-Josephson phase- locking with electromagnetic fields in rotating superconductors. Indeed, that's what we in fact see flying saucer ARVs doing is my CONJECTURE!

The local ZPF dark energy current conservation equation is therefore

[(d/dx^v)(log/\zpf)]g^u^v = (3/2)S^u^v^wgvw

d(log/\zpf)/dx^u = (3/2)S^uvwg^v^w = (3/2)S^u^vv = (3/2)S^u

That is the contracted torsion field vector is essentially the gradient of the log of the net zero point energy density (set G = c = 1, ignore factors of pi for now)

Note that Suvw is antisymmetric only in the first 2 indices u,v, not in the v,w pair.

Jack Sarfatti
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein docid=-1310681739984181006&q=Sarfatti+Causation&hl=en

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