Friday, July 02, 2004

I seem to recall a detailed discussion of the Lorentz boosts of the blackbody spectrum in Richard Tolman's old text on Statistical Mechanics that I actually may have a copy of in my office. This relates to the "aether" issue over which amateurs get confused. GR(1916) is a covering theory of SR(1905), things globally true in SR are no longer so in GR. SR is approximately locally true in GR provided:

1. scale of measurements L << scale of local tensor radii of curvature Rc

2. L >> Lp* = scale of micro-quantum metric and connection zero point vacuum fluctuations.

Note Lp* may be a function of L and NOT a constant 10^-33 cm. Indeed in my theory

Lp*(1 fermi) ~ 1fermi in order to stabilize the spatially-extended electron as a Wheeler "Mass without mass" micro-geon = Bohm-Vigier "extra variable."

This feature is largely missed in Wheeler 90th 'Science and Ultimate Reality" BTW.

The WMAP observations show CMB black body spectrum isotropic to ~ 10^-5 angular correlations over entire celestial sphere relative to Hubble flow of the dark energy accelerated expansion of 3D space of the Tegmark "Level I" Hubble bubble universe we are inside of like E. Abbott's Flatlanders on a Euclidean plane. My theory BTW explains Linde's chaotic inflation dynamically.

A Lorentz boost on the CMB relative to the Hubble flow introduced anisotropy in the CMB, which is an "absolute velocity" meter for star ships just as measuring absolute Kelvin temperature of the CMB is an absolute cosmological clock for those Masters and Commanders navigating Her Majesty's Space Navy! ;-)

On Jul 2, 2004, at 9:24 AM, Mark Davidson wrote:

I think Jack is correct, the zero point spectrum of QED is the only Lorentz invariant spectrum. Put a cutoff in that spectrum and you destroy Lorentz invariance. Black body spectrum is not Lorentz invariant except at zero temperature.


At 12:19 AM 7/2/2004, Paul Zielinski wrote:
I was under the impression that there is a class of v^3 ZPE
density distributions that are Lorentz invariant?

Jack Sarfatti wrote:

I think Puthoff has an argument related to that? Definitely as I recall the EM ZPF spectrum is the only one consistent with local Lorentz invariance as I recall off top of my head.

On Jul 1, 2004, at 10:32 AM, Paul Zielinski wrote:

While it has been shown that the black-body distribution is
compatible with Lorentz invariance, I know of no proof that
that the full blackbody spectrum is a *necessary* condition
for such invariance.

This is an interesting question IMO.


Jack Sarfatti wrote:

"The Question is: What is The Question?" J.A. Wheeler, The Daring Conservative

We need to distinguish several issues:

1. Is a virtual photon ZPF cutoff actually observed in the lab? - empirical question.
2. If yes, does that imply a new experimental effect of anisotropy in Lamb shift radiation as observed perhaps in angular correlation measurements on such radiation? - empirical question.
3.What is the value of the cutoff if it exists? - empirical question
4. If a virtual photon cutoff is a fact, is this evidence for non-commuting space-time? theoretical question

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