Lee Smolin has some very interesting things to say about Alain Connes's non-commuting geometry. Note this gives quantized area trivially. Smolin says the standard model with Higgs-Goldstone macro-quantum vacuum ODLRO fields pops out of Connes's theory - important, indeed startling, claim.
Note on "spin networks" - I have them in my theory quite literally. The "nodes" of the 3D spin networks are my GMD field quantized "monopoles" (second homotopy group ~ integers) and the "edges" are simply GMD field quantized vortex filaments (first homotopy group ~ integers) for 2 world hologram Goldstone phases with 3 real Higgs scalars contracted down from 8 Goldstone phases with 9 real Higgs scalars giving the M-Matrix where c-number ODLRO curved tetrads ~ diagonal part of 4x4 M-Matrix, spin connections ~ anti-symmetrized off-diagonal part of M-Matrix.
One real Higgs scalar for each boson "dimension of space" in order to have stable topological defects in the post-inflation single-valued vacuum condensate ODLRO Higgs-Goldstone order parameters.
Begin forwarded message:
To: "'Jack Sarfatti'"
Subject: lisi theory
Did you see the animation at www.newscientist.com/article/dn12891.
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