Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Jack Sarfatti on Coast to Coast Talk Radio Aug 26, 2007 10PM Pacific Time
Clear Channel Radio Network listen here
listen here to me on Coast to Coast last nite
On Aug 24, 2007, at 4:38 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Also Richard Dolan "UFOs and the National Security State" is on. I think I am first guest as they are calling me at 10:30 PM Pacific time Aug 26 Sunday, Richard comes on later.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Yes, but the real issue here is whether the effect can be used for practical superluminal communications AKA signal nonlocality. Note that virtual quanta do have a direct gravity effect. They do not have a direct electrodynamic effect in the case of photons, i.e. a virtual photon does not make a counter click, though it does shift sharp atomic spectra. A Valentini has shown how quantum theory must be changed to allow signal nonlocality.
On Aug 17, 2007, at 2:39 PM, art wagner wrote:

On Aug 17, 2007, at 8:49 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

OK I looked at the 2002 paper on the Hartman effect below which is certainly correct. The author at end seems to say you cannot use the stored energy in non-propagating evanescent standing waves to effectively transmit a bit faster than light using the "group delay" eq (13), but, while that may be true, he does not prove or explain why it is that way.

On Aug 17, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Again issue is whether they can show useful FTL signaling to move data around computers for example. Probably not.
On Aug 17, 2007, at 5:22 AM, wrote:

Boffins issue speeding ticket for FTL photons

Photons will appeal, citing Hartman

By Lucy Sherriff ? More by this author
Published Friday 17th August 2007
Two German scientists claim to have broken the speed of light with a tunneling photon, a pair of prisms and a gap of about three feet. According to New Scientist, Günter Nimtz and Alfons Stahlhofen from the University of Koblenz claim to have made the photon jump "instantaneously" across a barrier ranging from a few millimeters to three feet.
They started with a pair of prisms sandwiched together to make a 40cm cube. Then, they shone microwaves with a wavelength of 33cm through the prism. As they gradually moved the prisms apart, the microwaves, which had passed straight through, began to be refracted. Some of the microwave photons, however, tunneled across the gap. So far, so good. All in line with our expectations. But Nimtz and Stahlhofen say the refracted photons and the tunneling photons arrived at their respective detectors at the same time, regardless of the size of the gap. This, they claim, suggests that the tunneling photons have jumped the gap much faster than the speed of light. Nimtz told the magazine that the results were a violation of Einstein's theory of special relativity. But not everyone is convinced the pair have interpreted their results correctly. Some argue that what the scientists have observed can be explained by the so-called Hartman Effect. This predicts that "the tunneling (sic) time becomes independent of barrier length for thick enough barriers, ultimately resulting in unbounded tunneling (sic) velocities." What this means is that single photons can appear to travel faster than the speed of light. But researchers suggest that tunneling time should not be considered as a transit time, but rather as a "cavity lifetime." Herbert G Winful from the University of Michigan explains in this paper that anomalously short delays in barrier tunneling "should not be linked to a velocity since evanescent waves do not propagate." So, Einstein is off the hook, and thus restored to his rightful place as top boffin. ®
This is evidence for my theory in quite obviously - region of positive ZPF pressure w = -1 exotic vacuum without real matter in it - some dynamic change - recently forming not enough time to attract a lot of real matter to it. X rays from some real electrons, ions in it accelerated by negative pressure inhomogeneities, i.e. post-collision "train wreck" exotic vacuum region inhomogeneous mainly positive pressure with transient negative pressure ripples.
On Aug 17, 2007, at 8:27 PM, Gary S Bekkum wrote:

A link to a related paper:


Title: A Dark Core in Abell 520

Authors: A. Mahdavi (UVic), H. Hoekstra (UVic), A. Babul (UVic), D. Balam (UVic), P. Capak (Caltech)
(Submitted on 21 Jun 2007)

Abstract: The rich cluster Abell 520 (z=0.201) exhibits truly
extreme and puzzling multi-wavelength characteristics. It may best
be described as a "cosmic train wreck." It is a major merger showing
abundant evidence for ram pressure stripping, with a clear offset in
the gas distribution compared to the galaxies (as in the bullet
cluster 1E 0657-558). However, the most striking feature is a
massive dark core (721 h_70 M_sun/L_sun) in our weak lensing mass
reconstruction. The core coincides with the central X-ray emission
peak, but is largely devoid of galaxies. An unusually low mass to
light ratio region lies 500 kpc to the east, and coincides with a
shock feature visible in radio observations of the cluster. Although
a displacement between the X-ray gas and the galaxy/dark matter
distributions may be expected in a merger, a mass peak without
galaxies cannot be easily explained within the current collisionless
dark matter paradigm. Interestingly, the integrated gas mass
fraction (~0.15), mass-to-light ratio (220 h_70 M_sun/L_sun), and
position on the X-ray luminosity-temperature and mass-temperature
relations are unremarkable. Thus gross properties and scaling
relations are not always useful indicators of the dynamical state of
Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, higher resolution version at this http URL
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:0706.3048v1 [astro-ph]

Submission history

From: Andisheh Mahdavi [view email ]
*[v1]* Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:41:04 GMT (764kb)

Gary S Bekkum wrote:
Don't know if you saw this yet ...

Galactic Collision Challenges Dark Matter Theories

By Phil Berardelli
/Science/NOW Daily News
17 August 2007

Astronomer Arthur Eddington's prophetic quote about the universe still holds: It is stranger than we can imagine. And new images from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory combined with views from two ground-based optical telescopes have produced one of the biggest cosmic mysteries yet. A collision between giant galactic clusters seems to have separated the galaxies from their dark matter cores. The find threatens to turn current thinking about dark matter on its ear.

Dark matter was first predicted 75 years ago, when astronomers noticed that the Milky Way's stars moved faster than they should given the galaxy's mass. Ever since, scientists have searched for evidence of the mysterious substance, which is thought to compose about 25% of the universe. (Visible matter accounts for only 5%, and the even more mysterious dark energy makes up the rest.) So far, they have only been able to detect dark matter's gravitational influence. Clumps of the stuff seem to pull a galaxy together. So, it comes as a major surprise that the new Chandra and ground images apparently show a giant zone of dark matter and a bunch of galaxies going their separate ways.

The images depict hundreds of galaxies merging into a huge cluster called Abell 520, located about 2.4 billion light-years away. As astronomer Andisheh Mahdavi of the University of Victoria in Canada and colleagues will report in the 20 October issue of /The Astrophysical Journal/, some of the galaxies have moved as far away as 2 million light-years from their dark matter anchors, far enough that gravity will never bring them back. Perhaps just as incredible, the clouds of hot interstellar gas formerly contained by the galaxies--and superheated by the collision so they glow in x-ray light--seem to have been grabbed by the dark matter instead of being flung into space.

The scene contrasts with that of a similar collision reported a year ago in the bullet cluster (/Science/NOW , 21 August 2006). There, dark matter could be seen clearly holding on to the galaxies, not the gas. Abell 520 suggests that something not yet understood has acted to split the galaxies away from dark matter after the collision. The problem, Mahdavi says, is that computer simulations haven't yet been able to duplicate the effects seen in Abell 520, so for now, the phenomenon remains a complete mystery.

Joshua Barnes of the University of Hawaii, Manoa, agrees: "This sort of separation is not supposed to happen." One possible explanation, Barnes says, is that the configuration is more complex than it appears in the images. Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, says it's better to wait for new observations before revising ideas of dark matter. Mahdavi's team plans to look at Abell 520 with the Hubble Space Telescope soon in hopes of gleaning further clues.

*Related sites*

# The paper
# More on Abell 520
# More on dark matter
Global conservation laws require global symmetries.

Tuv^,v = 0

,v = ordinary global T4 partial derivative

Tuv = stress-energy current density local AFFINE tensor of non-gravity matter fields i.e. only for global Poincare group!

globally conserved integrals for Pu exist no problem in accord with usual ideas of energy-momentum conservation.

In 1915 GR above picture breaks down replaced by

Tuv^;v = 0

;v = T4(x) covariant derivative from bilinear forms of e^a and its gradients (e.g. Rovelli's eq 2.89 in Ch 2 of "Quantum Gravity")

All the trouble of Roger Penrose's "nonlocal gravity field energy" leading to wrong theories like the Yilmaz theory embraced by Eric Davis et-al, abandoned by Yilmaz himself it is alleged, come from

[Tuv(matter) + tuv(gravity-matter)]^,v = 0

Now tuv(gravity-matter) though still an AFFINE T4 tensor is not a GCT T4(x) tensor.


General relativity breaks, in particular, global T4 symmetry inducing general transformations between locally coincident observers Alice and Bob in arbitrary relative motion including accelerations, jerks et-al to all orders. This is different from simply painting new coordinate labels for a fixed local observer. I will call the latter non-physical "redundant gauge transformations" as distinct from the former physical "local frame transformations." This issue also arises in Yang-Mills internal symmetry field theory with global special relativity for the internal transformations of the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces. "Solved" for special relativity quantum field theory by Faddeev & Popov using Feynman path integrals - very complicated with ghost fields that violate spin-statistics connection in 3D+1 spacetime, i.e. spin zero fermion ghosts. Feynman tried to apply this to GR "quantum gravity" as well, but with a global flat background I think missing all important non-perturbative strong field phenomena.

The special relativity total 4-momentum Pu of any field or set of coupled fields are global integrals of local stress-energy density currents on 3D spacelike surfaces.

Because of causality they are not observables, only the local current densities are.

Total 4-momentum Pu are the Lie algebra "charges" of the 4-parameter global translation subgroup T4 of the 10-parameter global Poincare group that is the universal symmetry group defining 1905 Special Relativity that is a GLOBAL theory, i.e. inertial frames span the entire universe. See Julian Barbour on difficulties with this conception, but that need not concern us here.

Carmeli et-al in "Gravitation, L(2,C) Gauge Theory and Conservation Laws" Ch 4 gives historical summary

1. Einstein's local gravity field nonsymmetric non-tensor

2. Landau-Lifshitz's symmetric fix

Both above have the Bauer paradox, i.e. the non-physical repainting of coordinates for the same observer of the Galilean relativity form

x^0' = x^0

x^j' = f^j'(x^j)

ji,j = 1,2,3

change tuv(gravity, matter)

3. Moller's version

4. SL(2,C) local tensor

however none of the above are satisfactory

Note that Carmeli's SL(2,C) is incomplete. He is simply doing Utiyama 1956 local gauging of only 6-parameter Lorentz group. Doing that gives both disclination curvature from dilocation torsion gap - his gauge field. Locally gauging only 4-parameter T4 to GCT T4(x) gives only disclination curvature without torsion (H. Kleinert) This causes confusion in the literature from formalists who do not have the H. Kleinert world crystal lattice physics picture to guide their intuition. Tensors came from crystallography in the first place.

Note adding quantum gravity makes the world crystal lattice spacing a fractal "wavelet" ~ N^1/6Lp, N is the wavelet ZOOM parameter, i.e. if you measure a length L, the quantum uncertainty in L is

(1) &L = (Lp^2L)^1/3 from Wigner

However, from Bekenstein -> World Hologram

(2) L^2 ~ NLp^2

substitute (2) in (1) to get

(3) &L ~ N^1/6Lp

N = number of Bekenstein BITS on the dominating causal "horizon," e.g. FUTURE RETRO-CAUSAL dark energy de Sitter observer-dependent cosmological horizon ~ 10^122 for our pocket universe in the multiverse, which as a bonus explains "Arrow of Time" (2nd Law of Thermodynamics).

The physical local frame transformations of 1915 GR come from locally gauging ONLY T4 to T4(x) the compensating gauge potential is the piece of tetrad A^a where

e^a = e^audx^u = I^a + @A^a

ds^2 = guvdx^udx^v = e^aea is Einstein's 1916 GR

@ is a dimensionless renormalizable coupling constant

I^aIa = ds^2 for 1905 special relativity

I^au(x) is curvilinear in non-geodesic frames defined relative to Minkowski spacetime. Otherwise it is Kronecker delta in Global Inertial Frames GIFs.

e^a is a Minkowski 4-vector.

Let L^a'a be a Lorentz group transformation

e^a' = L^a'ae^a


I^a' = L^a'aI^a + X Not a Minkowski tensor because of inhomogeneous term X

A^a' = L^a'aA^a - X/@

keeping total e^a a Minkowski 4-vector

formally the same as e.g, U(1) EM internal symmetry gauge transformations

When A^a = 0, then X = 0

i.e. I^a' = L^aaI^a is strictly only for global T4 frame transformations, X =/= 0 is only for local T4(x) transformations.

The dislocation torsion field 2-form is the formal Yang-Mills spin 1-field

T^a = de^a + w^abce^b/\e^c

The disclination curvature 2-form (that can include torsion parts) is

R^a^b = dS^a^b + S^ac/\S^c^b

S^a^b = - S^b^a = S^a^budx^u is spin connection 1-form where

S^a^b = w^a^bce^c

Note that when A^a = 0

R^a^b = 0

Einstein's vacuum field equations are Rovelli's (2.9)

{I,J,K,L}[e^I/\R^J^K + (Dark Energy Curvature)e^I/\e^J/\e^K] = 0

{I,J,K,L} = antisymmetric Minkowski tensor - this is a classical cubic Yang-Mills field equation that is t'Hooft renormalizable if quantized.

Note the substratum decomposition

e^a = I^a + @A^a

in my emergent gravity world hologram model

@ = 1/N^1/3

A^a = M^a^a diagonal elements of world hologram "destiny" (retro-causal) matrix of 8 vacuum ODLRO post-inflation Goldstone phases from 9 real Higgs spin 0 fields.

torsion field part of spin connection is

S^a^b = M^[a,b] = - S^b^a

in gr-qc/0602022

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Assault on Freedom of Speech by San Francisco Supervisors

On Aug 14, 2007, at 4:51 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Well said Colin. :-)
I agree to being self-righteous and outrageously moral. However, I do not think I have been irrational and prejudiced? I have also been humorous and satirical and have used ridicule. That aside your points are well taken.

PS Martin Garvis who won for Don Imus and who defended Lenny Bruce is on Michael Savage's legal defense team with Daniel Horowitz. Martin wrote from Italy where he is vacationing "If Michael needs me I will come."

"I have listened to what you say carefully ... Sandoval is lying about what you said about immigrants. Then he is organizing a mob to take your job away. ... He (Sandoval) is using the power of the State to deprive you of your rights ... "

Attorney Daniel Horowitz to Michael Savage on the radio to millions of Americans.

On Aug 14, 2007, at 4:21 PM, COLIN BENNET wrote:

When I evaluate what you say purely intellectually, I agree with every single point you are making. However the right to moral outrage is a fundamental manifestation of the human condition. It is the one thing that separates us from animals and robots. We are not dealing with exact science here. We are dealing with very deep archetypal feelings (on all the sides involved, I am sure). Jack's shouts show that he cares, just as does the recent screaming between myself and Pippin. Both of us care. Both of us are being self-righteous and outrageously moral, which any good psychiatrist would say was therapeutic.To ask Jack or anybody else to divest themselves of self-righteousness, irrationality, and prejudice, is to ask to demythologise the troubled identity of the tragic animal that is Man. Unfortunately for liberals and social democrats, the best thinking is always troubled and anarchic, often quite ridiculously inspired, and it all takes place in a mysterium of conflicts which can go any way which way. This is Aristotle's idea of purgation (in the Poetics)To ask that Jack put aside his anger is to ask for a rationalisation which would take away from his personality. To ask such a person to joint the ranks of the Victorian Station Masters and become reasonable in these circumstances is like asking Jack to kiss Eric Davis on both cheeks and send birthday cards both to his mother, his Agent, and his publisher.

On Aug 14, 2007, at 4:38 PM, Andrew Beckwith wrote:

I wish it were so simple.
You are speaking of a democratic milieu which existed prior to Richard Nixon. In
this sense I hearken to the tradition you are referring to.
Moral outrage is, unfortunately, one of the casualities of modern life where cheap
instant psycho drama has overtaken the genuine manistifications of this most
basic emotions.
The sad thing I reflect upon is that Jack DOES have a right to be furious. He also
runs the risk of having that moral insult trivialized by charlatans into a manistification
of mental problems, which are used to attack his credibility.
To whit, this  has become the new norm of governance. If you " make a stink, you
see a shrink " has become the modus operandi of big business, and of charlatans
in governmental service to intimidate ordinary citizens into tollerating situations no
sane person would put up with half a century ago.
I am not faulting Jack for his anger. I am asking him to play smart in an arena
where psychiatric diagnosis has become the weapon of choice by the status
quo to fend off needed change.

Indeed, a Soviet tactic. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.

On Aug 14, 2007, at 2:27 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

They are on item 31 - 32 items to go. Aaron Peskin head of the board put near the end - 69 items. Will they even get to it?
It may be on web at SFGTV website? I have not checked.

[Condemning defamatory language used by radio personality Michael Savage against the immigrant community]
Supervisors Sandoval, Ammiano
Resolution condemning defamatory language used by radio personality Michael Savage against the immigrant community.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

On Aug 14, 2007, at 2:09 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Let all the drug-dazed San Fransicko Libs with mental disorders and mush for minds put their money where their mouth is and invite the homeless and the illegal immigrants, and Muslim terrorists disguised as illegals, into their homes and give them sanctuary. Better yet, let them move to Berserkley. ;-)

Where is Chertoff when we need him tomorrow to round up the illegals in front of the Savage Radio Station? Where is the FBI? Where are the Federal Marshals? Where is the Border Patrol? Where is Dog, The Bounty Hunter? Where are the Hell's Angels? Is anybody home? Are you all out to lunch? ;-) The idiot Scandalover does not seem to know that Michael has 370 radio stations across America with at least 15 million supporters who have registered on his website.

Blog Responses to the Attack on Michael Savage
Hilarious! The only INTOLERANCE at work here is from the San Francisco STALINISTS who want to condemn ANY OPINION that disagrees with theirs. They are intolerant of any contrary opinion. To express legitimate disgust with welfare hounds and illegal immigrant communists and anti-American, racist bigots, fostered by groups like La Raza and the Orwellian-named "Peace and Justice" gang, to name a few, is SIMPLY free speech. It is still America, Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval, and not yet you’re MEX-AMERIKA! (Conservative Blogger)

Apparently feeling he is not getting enough attention from the city's drug-addicted tranny street hookers and Satanist lobby, District 11 Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval - who you may remember as the bloody genius who made the talk show rounds saying that America doesn't need an army - tried to one-up Daly by introducing a resolution condemning the “defamatory language used by radio personality Michael Savage against immigrants.” (Conservative Blogger)

Responses Posted on
Whew! This action by city officials is a "Nazi-like" step by Marxists. They probably have already established re-education camps. This action shows how far afield from our constitution our country has strayed. Is thought control where we are headed? ...Against someone simply asking that current laws be enforced to protect our borders, language, and culture? ...Shocking to say the least! Posted by Olezip

The Leftists in San Francisco have borrowed a page right out of the Communist gulag system. Anyone can be hauled off to the "Re-Education" death camp for making "counter revolutionary statements" or saying anything "defamatory against progress.” The buzz words "hatred and racism" are the Western Left's equivalent. Moreover, the political prison camps of North Korea, China, and Cuba are filled with whole families today because they have sinned against the all powerful state. America used to be a free country where you could tell people to go starve themselves to death if they wished because they were advocating lunacy. Now, the PC Poliezi are out in force. God help us all. Posted by SkyPilot

Helooo San Fransicko... How pathetic, demonize Savage to steal even more money from the taxpayer’s wallets, for a law that should be Unconstitutional, “if” Hazelton cannot pass ordinances that regulate illegals, how can SF pass laws that go the other way? Posted by padre35

I’ve never heard of something like this being aimed at any talk show host or newsman. What a dangerous precedent. Posted by SmoothTalker

Typical San Fran sicko stunts. And sicko Sandoval is the mincing meterosexual who blocked the US Navy warship from a permanent berth there for tourism Posted by Dennisw

The left will stop at nothing short of getting him and all conservatives off the radio.... since their Air America went belly up. Posted by b4its2late

On Aug 14, 2007, at 1:41 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:


I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Barry Goldwater, acceptance speech as Republican candidate for President, 1963
US politician (1909 - 1998)

Let's stick to the issues and the ideas. You do not seem to understand them. This is beyond party politics. Attorney Dan Horowitz is considered a Liberal (in best sense of "I may not agree with you, but I will defend your right to say it" - real Classical Liberal not a Commie pretending to be one right out of Orwell's Pig in "Animal Farm.") and he is defending Savage against the Soviet Totalitarian Supervisors of San Fransicko. So is Dannie's cousin who defended Lenny Bruce and who has written a book on the threat to the Constitution of idiots like Scandalover who has had to pay damages for slander in the past mind you. Let them fix the San Francisco streets and leave foreign affairs to the Feds. Throw the Bums out!

Michael has at least 15 million American activist voters. Has that fact, has that political reality sunk in to the the phony Libs with mental disorders? No, not yet. To be fair not many Republicans know it either. Wait till they come up for re-election. Throw the Bums out!

On Aug 14, 2007, at 1:14 PM, wrote:

jack, forgive the spelling errors, I am legally blind and can't really see the screen very well. I do use a magnifyer and sometimes audio aids, but I just over looked it this time. .as for Collin he is a miserable ass and just has to be over looked. Sorry to offend you fellows as I understand there is little compassion on this list..
Best as always

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jack Sarfatti"
To: "COLIN BENNET" Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: Axis of Evil: Baghdad by the Bay of Orwell's Pigs: Communist Coup of San Francisco City Government commend Hugo Chavez

Jerry as Colin points out your spelling is illiterate.
Your message is inarticulate as if some mind rot has
set in? As Michael Savage says "Liberalism is a mental
disorder." He means phony Liberalism of course, which
is in reality Soviet Communism that is alive and well
in Berserkley and in the local San Francisco
Government who cannot fix the city streets because
they are too busy usurping the power of the Federales
on National Security and Foreign Policy. Fact is
Michael Savage is literate, with an IQ of 170 and a
PhD in bioscience area from UC Berkeley and that goes
a long way to explain why 15 million American voters
support him! That fact has not dawned on the Commies
pretending to be Liberals. A real Old-Line Liberal
Lawyer, Dannie Horowitz is on the case. Jerry besides
being inarticulate below you seem to have no
understanding of the First Amendment and what the real
issues are here that go beyond party politics.

--- COLIN BENNET wrote:

Please concentrate before you write emails. You
yourself need to take a long read of books on
grammar, spelling, and punctuation. What is a "small
intellegent man?" for Christs's sake? Sarfatti is a
tall genius, and he is terrible at public relations!
You must be talking about somebody else, maybe one
of the straw-behind-the-ears Oki from Muskogee
"Ufologists" you interview. I can smell the straw on
your studio floor from the UK. Fascism is not
liberal? Fantastic thinking, and what are the three
dots for?

Pippin wrote:
Jack you are a small intellegent man when it comes
to science and public relations, but facism is not
liberal, it is just the opposite, it when
corporations control everything..check out the
political science books and take a long read.
Your liberal friend


Friday, August 10, 2007

Also I only took the linear term in the Einstein-Hilbert tetrad action expansion.

Actually there are action denominator G terms ~ G(Newton)N^p/3 where p - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

in Lambda(zpf)e^a/\e^b/\e^c/\e^d

e^a = I^a + (1/N)^1/3A^a

For Salam f-gravity

N = 1/Lp^2/\zpf(f) ~ 10^66/(1/10^-13)^2 ~ 10^6610^-26 ~ 10^40

N^1/3 ~ 10^13

N^4/3 ~ 10^62

However there are other factors in the modified de Mateos-Beck equations not just powers of N.

More on this tomorrow. The induced gravimagnetic field is for Salam f-gravity

Bg ~ (angular rotation rate)(Gm/c^2)N^4/3(condensate density)(/\zpf)^-1

~ (angular rotation rate)10^-5210^62 10^-26(condensate density)

~ (angular rotation rate)10^-16(superconductor condensate density)