Friday, April 30, 2004

Ning Wu's theory from Peking/Beijing does have some common ground with my own theory. He or she? Locally gauges the translation group to get the tetrad fields of GR that are like spin 1 fields, prior to going to spin 2 "strain tensor" where the tetrad compensating fields are world crystal distortion field. The tetrad fields ensure the local equivalence principle that Hal Puthoff in PV essentially violates.

Wu basically does Modanese's theory for superconductor coherence coupling to gravity, but does not realize that the spin 1 tetrad compensating fields themselves emerge from the phase of the vacuum coherence.

That is none of these NASA BPP theorists and their competition in Beijing, Teheran etc have my idea, which is unique.

That is they start with GR + SC theory and couple them. That's what Modanese did. The SC coherence contributes to what I call the /\zpfguv term in Einstein's field equation, which in the exotic vacuum weak field limit approaches the Newtonian Poisson equation

Grad^2V(exotic vacuum) ~ c^2/\zpf

V(exotic vacuum) = Newtonian gravity potential energy per unit test particle of the zero point exotic vacuum dark energy/matter density, which is

tuv(ZPF) ~ (String Tension)/\zpfguv

(String Tension) = hc/(Quantum of Area)

None of them understand that GR is emergent from a vacuum coherence field, which can then beat against the (SC) superconductor coherence field (i.e. Josephson interferometer weak link) to get energy efficient soft metric engineering tailoring the fabric of spacetime to make the saucers fly rings around any conventional jet fighter.

On Apr 30, 2004, at 7:19 PM, Tim Ventura wrote:

New paper -- this suggests that transition into SC state causes superconductive gravity shielding, not the actual state itself.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Ventura []
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 11:10 AM
To: Marc G. Millis; Marc G. Millis
Subject: Ning Wu Gravitational Shielding Paper

Here's an interesting paper on gravitational shielding effects from China -- it was posted on the website.
I guess that the prediction in it is that any substance capable of a superfluid state may be able to shield gravity -- this would include superconductors, although from what Dr. Wu writes it would only occur during the transition state ..(?)
Tim Ventura
Thanks, that is same volume that my paper is being published in.

This work is directly relevant to "The Hunt for Zero Point" advanced propulsion-exotic energy technology of metric engineering the fabric of space-time using macro-quantum control. In my Bohmian theory I derive Einstein's gravity with the dark energy/matter zero point vacuum fluctuation energy local field as bottom- > up "More is different" emergents collective true vacuum modes out of a QED false vacuum instability. There is a "Bohm quantum potential" version of the true vacuum coherence whose phase variations give the curvature of the smooth space-time fabric. This is not the same as trying to quantize Einstein's gravity, which may be a wrong thing to try. Quantizing gravity is like trying to quantize the top -> down phenomenological elastic theory of crystals with the Young moduli etc.. That is not the same as using a "many body problem" bottom -> up micro-quantum Hamiltonian theory of elementary excitation quasi-particle "phonon" crystal vibrations that are excited states above the many-atom ground state.

On Apr 30, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Gary S. Bekkum wrote:

"We shall show that it is possible to understand the key character of de-Broglie--Bohm theory, the quantum potential, as the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time metric. In this way, gravity should give the causal structure of the space--time, while quantum phenomena determines the scale"

Understanding Quantum Theory in Terms of Geometry

Authors: Fatimah Shojai, Ali Shojai
Comments: 88 Pages, 6 figures. To appear in Progress in Quantum Physics Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2004
Report-no: IPM/P2004-015

Understanding quantum theory in terms of a geometric picture sounds great. There are different approaches to this idea. Here we shall present a geometric picture of quantum theory using the de-Broglie--Bohm causal interpretation of quantum mechanics. We shall show that it is possible to understand the key character of de-Broglie--Bohm theory, the quantum potential, as the conformal degree of freedom of the space--time metric. In this way, gravity should give the causal structure of the space--time, while quantum phenomena determines the scale. Some toy models in terms of tensor and scalar--tensor theories will be presented. Then a few essential physical aspects of the idea including the effect on the black holes, the initial Big--Bang singularity and non locality are investigated. We shall formulate a quantum equivalence principle according to which gravitational effects can be removed by going to a freely falling frame while quantum effects can be eliminated by choosing an appropriate scale. And we shall see that the best framework for both quantum and gravity is Weyl geometry. Then we shall show how one can get the de-Broglie--Bohm quantum theory out of a Weyl covariant theory. Extension to the case of many particle systems and spinning particles is discussed at the end.

Gary S. Bekkum

If they can do the many-spinning particles problem with nonlocal entanglement that is a major advance. Hal Puthoff cannot even solve the problem of one spinning particle in his PV model of the metric engineering of the spacetime fabric to make Unconventional Flying Objects. Hmmn so they are now seeing UFOs over Teheran. What a coincidence! ;-)

On Apr 30, 2004, at 1:53 AM, Gary S. Bekkum wrote:

Hi Jack!

You should have pointed out that some Iranian scientists may be on the edge
of the hidden variable Bohmian mechanics with quantum gravity, etc.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Iran starstruck by UFO phenomenon

UFO fever is gripping Iran after dozens of Unidentified Flying Object
sightings in the last few days.
State television has shown pictures of a sparkling white disc which it says
was filmed over Tehran on Tuesday.

Other UFOs have been spotted in several northern and north-western cities
moving quickly through the atmosphere emitting brightly coloured rays.

Scientists say the sightings are a result of natural phenomena, but many
people say they are spy planes.

A reporter for the Irna state news agency observed a UFO last week for 90
minutes in the northern city of Bilesavar and was able to film it, according
to a report in the newspaper Hambastegi.

The UFO was spherical and had two arms, the paper said.

'Not experts'

But Sadollah Nasiri-Qeydari, head of Iran's Astronomical Society, has
dismissed the possibility that Iran may be being buzzed by alien craft.

"The people who have seen these things are not experts - farmers, villagers
and pilots," he said.

He said the sightings were consistent with the planet Venus in its current

Its intense light would be given different hues by being filtered through
the atmosphere, he said.

Military and civilian radar services have not registered any violations of
the Islamic republic's air space, Russian news agency RIA reported.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Stuart Hameroff had a good idea that the sub-neuronal nano-scale microtubules are the Seat of the Soul. Then he went and ruined it by collaborating with Roger Penrose, who though a genius of the highest rank, got all muddled in the Copenhagen fairy tale of "collapse of the state” - really a remnant of Marxist fantasy as effective in physics as it was in economics and

On Apr 30, 2004, at 9:43 AM, Brian Josephson wrote:

“Dear Jack,

How you describe flashes on a screen as particles hit it, if not by collapse? Or are you a Many Worlds Theory person?”

The same way Basil Hiley does. For electrons they are real localized IT particles, like Wheeler's [micro]geons made out of the emergent micro guv field, but with strong short-range gravity, piloted by the BIT quantum potential.

Photons are more tricky and they do have a kind of superluminal collapse as described in the book "The Undivided Universe." But what collapses is not the super-quantum BIT potential, but the energy-carrying IT classical EM field configuration, as I recall. So this is a very different idea of collapse. Basil will correct me here if I misremember? The “many worlds” are the basins of attraction for the IT “extra variables” on the BIT pilot wave landscape. They can be empty of real IT particles, but they are still physically real in the sense of inactive/active qubits.

That’s for micro-quantum theory. In macro-quantum theory the coherent order parameter combines IT with BIT in a single “two-way relation” or “back-action” in the sense of Bohm and Hiley’s p. 30 of “The Undivided Universe.” The quantum BIT wave now has an IT source unlike micro-quantum theory. The nonlinearity and loss of the projective ray property of Dirac’s ket, at this emergent level of new orders of complexity mean spontaneous self-organization with presponse signal-nonlocality, seen for example in Rupert Sheldrake’s “animal telepathy” data, in Dick Bierman’s presonse data and in Puthoff and Targ’s remote viewing data, because we are no longer constrained by the old rules. The idea of the ensemble and Born probabilistic “sub-quantum equilibrium” is gone. Stapp’s “orthodox” paradigm is gone, however his nonlinear model of “retro-psychokinesis” is needed. The algorithm itself has mutated. It has adapted to the new conditions of “More is different.”
Hameroff had a good idea that the sub-neuronal micro-tubules are the Seat of the Soul. Then he went and ruined it by collaborating with Roger Penrose, who though a genius of the highest rank, got all muddled in the Copenhagen fairy tale of "collapse" of the state - really a remnant of Marxist fantasy as effective in physics as it was in economics and

On Apr 30, 2004, at 9:43 AM, Brian Josephson wrote:

“Dear Jack,

How you describe flashes on a screen as particles hit it, if not by collapse? Or are you a Many Worlds Theory person?”

The same way Basil Hiley does. For electrons they are real localized particles, like Wheeler's geons, but with strong short-range gravity, piloted by the quantum potential.
Photons are more tricky and they do have a kind of superluminal collapse as described in the book "Undivided Universe." But what collapses is not the super-quantum BIT potential, but the energy-carrying IT classical EM field configuration, as I recall. So this is a very different idea of collapse. Basil will correct me here if I misremember? The “many worlds” are the basins of attraction on the BIT pilot wave landscape. They can be empty of real IT particles, but they are still physically real in the sense of inactive/active qubits.
On Apr 29, 2004, at 5:43 PM, Stan Tenen wrote:

Attached is a pre-publication version of an upcoming paper by Karl Pribram.

What do you think of it?


My comments on excerpts

To be published in BRAIN and BEING:
At the Boundary Between Science, Philosophy, Language and Art
John Benjamins 2004
Karl H. Pribram MD; PhD Hon. Multi.
Distinguished Research Professor Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, Georgetown University; and School of Computational Sciences, George Mason University
Professor Emeritus Stanford and Radford Universities
"The fundamental connecting link between mathematics and theoretical physics is the pattern recognition capabilities of the human brain." George Chapline, Physics Reports 315 1999 pp. 95-105

I knew George in 1967 in La Jolla - the scene described by Greg Benford in "Timescape." George does not deal with the "hard problem" of how to describe inner awareness in terms of physics. Neither does Francis Crick.

"It sometimes appears that the resistance to accepting the evidence that cortical cells are responding to the two dimensional Fourier components of stimuli [is due] to a general unease about positing that a complex mathematical operation similar to Fourier analysis might take place in a biological structure like cortical cells. It is almost as if this evoked for some, a specter of a little man sitting in a corner of the cell huddled over a calculator. Nothing of the sort is of course implied: the cells carry out their processing by summation and inhibition and other physiological interactions within their receptive fields. There is no more contradiction between a functional description of some electronic component being a multiplier and its being made up of transistors and wired in a certain fashion. The one level describes the process, the other states the mechanism. DeValois & DeValois, 1988 p 288
The fact that the formalism describing the brain microprocess is identical with the physical microprocess allows two interpretations: (a) The neural microprocess is in fact based on relations among microphysical quantum events, and (b) that the laws describing quantum physics are applicable to certain macrophysical interactions when these attain some special characteristics“ (p. 270). The formalism referred to describes the receptive fields of sensory neurons in the brain cortex. These were mapped in terms of Gabor wavelets or more generally, —four dimensional information hyperspaces based on Jacobi functions (Atick and Redlich, 1989) or Wigner distributions (Wechsler, 1991). Pribram, 1991 Epilogue "

I also use a Wigner distribution idea for the local macro-quantum order parameter Psi(x) that is the physical mind field.

"Within a few days of my second encounter with Hilgard, Nico Spinelli a postdoctoral fellow in my laboratory, brought in a paper written by John Eccles (Scientific American, 1958) in which he stated that although we could only examine synapses one by one, presynaptic branching axons set up synaptic wavefronts. Functionally it is these wavefronts that must be taken into consideration. I immediately realized (see Fig. 1-14, Languages of the Brain 1971) that axons entering the synaptic domain from different directions would set up interference patterns. (It was one of these occasions when one feels an utter fool. The answer to Lashly‘s and my first question as to where were the waves in the brain, had been staring us in the face and we did not have the wit to see it during all those years of discussion.)
Within another few days I received my current edition of Scientific American in which Emmet Leith and J. Upatnicks (1965) describe how recording of interference patterns on film tremendously enhanced storage and processing capability. Images could readily be recovered from the store by appropriate procedures that had been described by Dennis Gabor (1946) almost two decades earlier. Gabor called his mathematical formulation a hologram.
Using the mathematical holographic process as a metaphor seemed like a miraculous answer to Hilgard‘s question. Shading, detail, texture, everything in a pattern that we perceive can be accomplished with ease. Russell and Karen DeValois (1988) book on —Spatial Vision“ and my (1991) book —Brain and Perception“ provide detailed reviews of experimental results that support the conjecture that holography is a useful metaphor in coming to understand the brain/mind relation with regard to perception. Here I want to explore some further thoughts engendered by this use of a mathematical formulation to understand the brain/mind relation."

It is more literally true than a mere metaphor because the physicsl mind field is a giant quantum ODRLO wave Psi(x) in the brain and maybe entire body. x is in ordinary space. Forget the Copenhagen Cult nonsense of "collapse". Giant quantum waves do not collapse. "More is different" (P.W. Anderson). The reason for the hologram interference pattern of our mental life is "generalized phase rigidity" that is the biological analog in the emergence of inner consciousness to Andrei Sakharov's "metric elasticity" for the emergence of both gravity and dark energy out of the cohering of the random zero point quantum vacuum fluctuation energies. "Collapse" means death of the mind. It's the descent into noise. It's the loss of coherent integration of function and use of language seen so frequently in mental wards, on the streets filled with the homeless and in the mad ravings of wannabe Pundits on the Internet. ;-)

"Some years later, in Paris, during a conference sponsored by UNESCO where both Gabor and I were speakers, we had a wonderful dinner together. I told him about the holographic metaphor for brain processing and we discussed its Fourier basis. Gabor was pleased in general but stated that —brain processing [of the kind we were discussing] was Fourier-like but not exactly Fourier.“ I asked, what then might such a relation look like and Gabor had no answer. Rather we got onto a step-wise process that could compose the Fourier -- an explanation that I later used to trace the development of the brain process from retina to cortex. Gabor never then nor later told me about his 1946 contribution to communication theory and practice: that he had developed a formalism to determine the maximum compressibility of a telephone message that renders it still intelligible. He used the same mathematics that Heisenberg had used to describe processes in quantum physics and therefore called his —unit a quantum of information. It took me several years to locate this contribution which is referred to in Likleiter‘s article on acoustics in Stevens 1951 Handbook of Experimental Psychology.

Does this application indicate that the formalism of quantum physics applies more generally to other scales of inquiry? Alternatively, for brain function, at what scale do actual quantum physical processing take place? At what anatomical scale(s) do we find quantum coherence and at what scale does decoherence occur? "

The mind is a large thing immune to environmental decoherence.

"To summarize: The formalisms that describe the holographic process and those that describe quanta of information apparently DO extend to scales other than the quantum. Today we use quantum holography to produce images with the technique of functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI). The quantities described by terms of the formalisms such as Planck‘s constant will, of course, vary but the formulations will to a large extent be self-similar. The important philosophical implications for the brain/mind issue have been addressed in depth by Henry Stapp on several occasions (e.g 2003, —The Mindful Universe“) as well as by many others including myself (e.g. Pribram, 1997, What is mind that the brain may order it?). "

Stapp's theory is no good because he does not ask the right question. Stapp uses the collapse idea and for that reason throws the consciousness baby out with the bath water out into the briar patch filled with thorns and poison oak in the not hallowed but hollow withered dead Halls of Ivy. Even though von Neumann, London, Wigner and Penrose played with the idea it is no good and does not work. A reading of P.W. Anderson's book "A Career in Theoretical Physics" shows why the quantum measurement approach is no good for consciousness studies. Almost all the quantum theory papers at the Tucson Conferences are not correct. Stapp came closest in his retro-PK paper in Phys Rev A for which he was roasted alive in Physics Today and other boring venues of academic respectablity. Stapp then had a failure of nerve, and like Galileo before the Inquisition of the Immaculate Deception, recanted and has been under virtual house arrest ever since. ;-)

"This means that the Poincare group (Dirac, 1930; Wigner, 1939) is relevant, requiring a manifold of as many as ten dimensions. In the context of modeling the brain process involved in the perception of Shepard figures, what needs to be accomplished —is replacing the Euclidian group [that ordinarily describes geodesics] with the Poincare group of space time isometries, the relativistic analogues of geodesics --.“ (Pribram 1991, p.117)

Sounds interesting but I do not understand how Pribram connects the math to the observations.

"Both theories handle the fundamental issue as to —how can coordinates be assigned to an entity which is, by its nature, invariant to coordinate systems“ (Pellionez and Llinas p. 2950). The very term —holonomy“ was chosen to portray this issue. It is fitting that surface structure tensor circuit theory uses insights from relativity theory while deep structure holonomy regards quantum ... processing. As physicists struggle to tie together relativity and quantum field theory in terms of quantum gravity, perhaps further insights will be obtained for understanding brain processing. (Hameroff and Penrose,1995; Smolin 2004; Ostriker and Steinhardt 2001). "

Hameroff had a good idea that the sub-neuronal micro-tubules are the Seat of the Soul. Then he went and ruined it by collaborating with Roger Penrose, who though a genius of the highest rank, got all muddled in the Copenhagen fairy tale of "collapse" of the state - really a remnant of Marxist fantasy as effective in physics as it was in economics and politics.

"The main practical difference between the theories is that In the Tensor Theory, time synchrony among brain systems (which means correlation of their amplitudes) is all that is required. Holonomic theory indicates that a richer yield is obtained when phase coherence is manifest."

Hear! hear! Hip, hip, hooray. Three cheers, and one cheer more for the hearty concept of phase coherence. But the question is, phase coherence of what?

"Heisenberg matrices (representations of the Heisenberg group) are used and combine in what is called quantum holography (that is, holonomy) with the tensor geometry of relativity. (Schempp 2000)"

"Quantum Brain Dynamics:
Henry Stapp in two excellent articles (Stapp 1997a and b) reviews the development of quantum theory and outlines how it is essential to understanding the mind/brain relationship. Stapp sets up the issue as follows. —Brain process is essentially a search process: the brain, conditioned by earlier experience, searches for a satisfactory response to the new situation that the organism faces. It is reasonable to suppose that a satisfactory response will be programmed by a template for action that will be implemented by a carefully tuned pattern of firings of some collection of neurons."

The neurons are too coarse-grained to explain the hard problem of the emergence of inner consciousness - of who we really are.

"The executive pattern would be a quasi-stable vibration that would commandeer certain energy resources, and then dissipate its energy into the initiation of the action that it represents.“

OK for our machine zombie levels of behavior, but it does not touch on the hard problem.

"Stapp goes on to note that —If the programmed action is complex and refined then this executive pattern must contain a great deal of information and must, accordingly, be confined to a small region of phase space.“

"Small"? Odd statement forStapp is thinking

Entropy ~ log of volume of phase space.

But Entropy/kB ~ number of c-bits

Therefore, we want a big volume of phase space of some system not a small volume. Did Pribram get it upside down here?

Indeed for the hologram, we use AREA not Volume and then the number of c-bits is

Area of cortex/(Quantum of Area) = number of c-bits.

Like in the Bekenstein formula. A black hole is a giant string of BITs inside the event horizon in both sense of physics and computation of a string of c-bits (and maybe qubits). All space is like a black hole in some sense if the world itself is a hologram.

"Holonomic theory indicates that spread functions such as those that compose holography, do indeed make it possible to contain a great deal of information within a small region (patches of dendritic receptive fields) of phase space."


"Stapp further notes that —the relative timing of the impulses moving along the various neurons, or groups of neurons, will have to conform to certain ideals to within very fine levels of tolerance. How does the hot, wet brain, which is being buffeted around by all sorts of thermal and chaotic disturbances find its way to such a tiny region in a timely manner?“

This is the wrong idea.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" John A. Wheeler

Giant Psi waves are immune to heat decoherence.

"Further: —How in 3n dimensional space (where n represents some huge number of degrees of freedom of the brain) does a point that is moving in a potential well that blocks out those brain states that are not good solutions to the problem --- but does not block the way to good solutions find its way in a short time to a good solution under chaotic initial conditions?"

Signal nonlocality - presponse precognition is essential. This violated quantum theory.

"Stapp notes that classical solutions to this problem won‘t work and that —the quantum system [will work as it] has the advantage of being able to explore simultaneously (because the quantum state corresponds to a superposition of) all allowed possibilities.“

You need creative tension, some linear superposition, but also enough nonlinearity, in sense of the Landau-Ginzburg equation for the giant quantum Psi field, to have signal nonlocality between different parts of the brain that get their marching orders from the same Psi mind field.

"Stapp provides a viable metaphor in a glob or cloud of water acting together rather than as a collection of independently moving droplets. —The motion of each point in the cloud is influenced by its neighbors.“

For that we have the nonlocal Bohm quantum potential of the giant Psi wave. But now we have signal nonlocality not signal locality. The linear unitary Schrodinger equation of micro-quantum theory in huge configuration space is no good. We need the nonlinear nonunitary Landau-Ginzburg equation in ordinary space. Giant quantum mind fields are not "projective rays". "More is different." Trash all of Von Neumann's "Quantum Theory of Measurement." It's useless for the "hard problem." Everything you read in the New Age pop books on the physics of consciousness is "not even wrong." The rules of the Glass Bead Game have changed qualitatively. There are more things between Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in the Copehagen "philofawzy." Something is rotten in the "collapse of the state" in Denmark.

"However classical holography will also do just this."

Giant quantum wave mind fields are like classical holograms in some respects.

"But the advantage of holonomy, that is quantum holography, is that it windows the holographic space providing a —cellular“ phase space structure, in patches of dendritic fields thus enhancing the alternatives and speed with which the process can operate. In short, though the information within a patch is entangled, cooperative processing between patches can continue to cohere or de-coherence can —localize“ the process."

No, all the Tucson Pundits are completely confused. It's not entanglement they need, it's signal nonlocality that they need. They are, all of them, very far from asking the right question. Antony Valentini formulated what is close to the right question in his "sub-quantal non-equilibrium" AKA Landau-Ginzburg equation.

"With regard to evidence regarding the scale at which quantum processes are actually occurring, a number of publications have reported that quantum coherence characterizes the oscillations of ions within neural tissue channels."

See H. Frohlich's model.

(e.g. See Stapp 1997; and Jibu et al 1994; Jibu and Yasue in this volume). The question immediately arises as to whether decoherence occurs when the channels communicate with each other and if so, how. Stapp notes that —phase relationships, which are essential to interference phenomena, get diffused into the environment, and are difficult to retrieve."

Stapp is wrong. He is not looking at the correct giant quantum wave.

"These decoherence effects will have a tendency to reduce, in a system such as the brain, the distances over which the idea of a simple quantum system holds."

Red Herring. Ill-posed. Not even in the right ball park.

I pass over a lot of seeming nonsense about "solitons" et-al based on asking the wrong questions. I could be wrong but for now I will assume I am right and look again perhaps another day.

The Quantum formalism:
The initial quotation introducing this essay is from the ending of an excellent paper by George Chapline (1999) entitled —Is theoretical physics the same thing as mathematics“. Chapline‘s provocative title employs a bit of poetic license. Nonetheless the paper provides considerable insight as to the applicability of the quantum formalism to other scales of inquiry. Chapline shows that quantum theory —can be interpreted as a canonical method for solving pattern recognition problems“ (p95). In the paper he relates pattern recognition to the Wigner-Moyal formulation of quantum theory stating that this —would be a good place to start looking for a far reaching interpretation of quantum mechanics as a theory of pattern recognition“ (p97).

This is good and I can use Chapline's math with my idea that the mind is a giant quantum wave.

"In a generalization of the Wigner- Moyal phase space he gives the physical dimensions as the Weyl quantization of a complete holographic representation of the surface. He replaces the classical variable of position within an electromagnetic field with ordinary creation and annihilation operators. He shows that —representing a Riemann surface holographically amounts to a pedestrian version of a mathematically elegant characterization of a Riemann surface in terms of its Jacobian variety and associated theta functions“ (p.98). This representation is equivalent —to using the well known generalized coherent states for an SU(n) Lie algebra“ (p.98). This is the formalism employed in —Brain and Percption“ (Pribram, 1991) to handle the formation of invariances that describe entities and objects."

Looks promising.

"There is much more in Chaplin‘s paper that resonates with the holonomic, quantum holographic formulations that describe the data presented in —Brain and Perception“. These formulations are based on quantum-like wavelets, Gabor and Wigner phase spaces. Whether these particular formulations will be found to be the most accurate is not the issue: rather it is that such formalisms can be attempted due to the fact that the —fundamental connecting link between mathematics and physics is the pattern recognition of the human brain“ (p.104).

Here come the qubits.

"As an example of the utility of these insights, Chapline indicates how we might map the co-ordination of processing in the central nervous system. He notes that —the general idea [is] that a quantum mechanical theory of information flow can be looked upon as a model for the type of distributed information processing carried out in the brain.“ He continues, —one of the fundamental heuristics of distributed information processing networks is that minimization of energy consumption requires the use of time division multiplexing for communication between processors, and it would be natural to identify the local internal time in such networks as quantum phase“ (p.104). The caveat is, as noted, that quantum phase is fragile..."

No! Here George errs I suspect. He is apparently not familiar with P.W. Anderson's "generalized phase rigidity" of emergent complexity giving an immunity against environmental decoherence.

End of Commentary 1 on Pribram

Thursday, April 29, 2004

That's why Victor you should check your sources before spreading lies about people like me and Puthoff!

The truth is good enough without the lies!

On Apr 29, 2004, at 12:01 PM, Victor Martinez wrote:


You might be interested in this. It was NOT addressed to me, but instead to a resident of New Zealand.

Date: April 29, 2004 11:06:02 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Hal Puthoff discusses ZPE in 'Bermuda Triangle' mystery and much more!

In a message dated 4/28/04 11:48:22 PM, writes:

Quote I think from Dr Harold E Puthoff;

'We see a human being as a figure and forget the molecular, cellular, and electromagnetic machine that it is.'

HP: Actually, I didn't say that (though it's a nice quote!)

Victor Martinez wrote:


HP: I have never addressed this issue.  It must be that the author of the book uses my published work to address this issue.  (I have never heard of nor talked to the author.)


HP: Again, author must have gotten this info from public sources about my work.


HP: Just got a copy of this book from Victor, but not have a chance to check it out yet.

Dr HAL PUTHOFF, of Stanford University, an expert in lasers and in theoretical zero-point energy fluctuations, came to this theory and proposed that beds of algae could be linked with others by lasers to see if one's electromagnetic pulse reactions were transmitted along the laser beam to the other bed which, sensing these wavelength changes, would react identically.

HP: I did have a proposal circulating to do such an experiment, though it never got funded. This the author must have gotten from open literature.

In one incident he recalled, Dr Puthoff invited, through mutual acquaintances, the famous medium Ingo Swann to participate by being placed in a chamber such as the ones the Soviets had surrounded their plants with in their ESP tests.  When Swann merely approached the
chamber, all the gadgets, indicators and lights went on and reacted violently.  Swann then immediately drew an accurate picture of what the interior of the complex chamber looked like, though he had never seen it and the chamber had never been photographed or the classified descriptions of it circulated in any published form.

HP: A garbled version that we published concerning Swann's affecting a shielded magnetometer experiment.

After being shown disturbing information that the CIA had obtained on Soviet psychic spies' "remote viewing" of the United States, Dr Puthoff agreed to head the U.S. counter "remote viewing" program, selecting sensitive people to counterspy with no other means than their minds. According to some published accounts, the U.S psychic spies were able to roam the Soviet Union in every dimension of the three planes of space we occupy, as well as the fourth,... of TIME. THE RESULTS OF THIS DATA – obtained over Puthoff's 15-year tenure – ARE STILL HIGHLY CLASSIFIED.

HP: Essentially true, though 78,000 pages have been declassified and are available at the National Archives (NARA) under the label "Star Gate Program."


Jack: Yes, the CIA RV work was confirmed to me directly in 1984-5 by CIA Chief of Station Harold Chipman as told in my book "Destiny Matrix" with corroborating documents reproduced. I support Puthoff and Targ's RV work. It is data for my theory of "signal nonlocality" showing breakdown of quantum theory in living matter. Antony Valentini has formalized this as "sub-quantal non-equilibrium" in sense of Bohm's "hidden variable" theory with the nonlocal BIT "quantum potential." Dick Bierman's "presponse" is further evidence.

My physics argument with Hal is strictly limited to

1. His work with Haisch et-al on EM ZPF origin of rest mass of the electron/quarks.

2. His use of Dicke's 1961 dielectric theory as a plausible model for metric engineering space-time fabric to explain flying saucers like the "reverse Doppler effect" reported by Bruce Cornet of NIDS. My theory explains all that very simply and directly. BTW Hal has not made any significant additions to what Dicke already did in 1961, which is now falsified by recent observed facts of "precision cosmology" since 1999. Specifically

i. Type 1a super novae redshifts

ii. Dark matter gravity lensing

iii. NASA WMAP space-probe data
Thanks Gary. This news report shows power of UFO mythos as a tool of psychological warfare. By this I do not mean to imply that UFOs are not real nuts and bolts "Unconventional Flying Objects" in the precise sense of Paul Hill's "acceleration field propulsion" and George Trimble's "G-Engine" concept from 1956 (ref. "The Hunt for Zero Point" by Janes Defence Weekly investigative journalist Nick Cook in London). I have formalized the physics of all this metric engineering of the fabric of space-time in my theory of the exotic vacuum dark zero point stress-energy tensor field addition to Einstein's battle-tested 1915 General Theory of Relativity. The new cosmology observations, in the context of my theory, show that both anti-gravitating dark energy and gravitating dark matter are both exotic quantum vacuum states that account for 96% of all the large-scale stuff in the Universe. Flying saucers manipulate the exotic quantum vacuum to attain effective faster-than-light warp drive with zero g force whilst literally "standing still" on what Einstein called a "time-like geodesic" that the saucer crew is able to shape as they desire. Time travel is also very likely with this advanced zero point quantum vacuum energy metric engineering that potentially renders all conventional fighter aircraft and missiles "impotent and obsolete."

Note this report about Iran UFOs should not be confused with the PRAVDA disinformation story on Iraq WMD that mentions my name in a completely false context

Remember The Prophet Mohammed was a UFO Contactee. It's in the Koran. He was not the only one of course. Same is true of Abraham, Moses, Jesus - all of them as far as I can tell.

On Apr 29, 2004, at 11:13 AM, Gary S. Bekkum wrote:

UFO fever grips Iran
Is Iran about to be invaded by little green men or are the Americans racing through the night sky in spaceships to spy on the Islamic Republic?

Flying saucer fever has gripped Iran after dozens of sightings in the past few days.

Fanciful cartoons of alien spacecraft have adorned the front pages of local newspapers.

State television has shown a sparkling white disc it says was filmed over Tehran on Tuesday night.

More colourful Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been spotted beaming out green, red, blue and purple rays over the northern cities of Tabriz and Ardebil and in the Caspian Sea province of Golestan.

Newspapers and agencies reported people rushing out into the streets in eight towns on Tuesday night to watch a bright extraterrestrial light dipping in and out of the clouds.


Close encounter of mullahs' kind
By Christian Oliver, Reuters
Apr 28, 2004, 21:35

Flying saucer fever grips Iran

TEHRAN - Is Iran about to be invaded by little green men or are the Americans racing through the night sky in spaceships to spy on their arch-foe the Islamic Republic?
(or may be aliens are also sick and tired of mullahs' of Iran as much as Iranians are, therefore they have come to rescue we the Iranians from these creatures called "mullahs"? - not part of original article)

Flying saucer fever has gripped Iran after dozens of sightings in the last few days. Fanciful cartoons of alien spacecraft have adorned the
front pages.

State television on Wednesday showed a sparkling white disc it said was filmed over Tehran on Tuesday night.

More colourful Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been spotted beaming out green, red, blue and purple rays over the northern cities
of Tabriz and Ardebil and in the Caspian Sea province of Golestan, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Newspapers and agencies reported people rushing out into the streets in eight towns on Tuesday night to watch a bright extraterrestrial light
dipping in and out of the clouds.

An airforce officer in the Revolutionary Guards was quoted in the reformist Vagha-ye Etefaghiyeh daily saying Iran's Supreme National
Security Council should investigate whether these visitors from afar had hostile intent.

But Sa'dollah Nasiri-Qeydari, head of the Astronomical Society of Iran, told Reuters the stories were unfounded.

"In my opinion, flying saucers do not exist," he said, insisting his telescopes would have picked up invaders from outer space.

"The people who have seen these things are not experts - farmers, villagers and pilots," he added.

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner, The comments and submissions are property of their posters and their source.

Gary S. Bekkum

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Play this in background as you read:

Note Ivanenko's reference to the Knights Templar and things French in last message. This of course connects to the 1973 events in Paris (Carlo Suares) and San Francisco in 1980 (David Padwa) described in my book "Destiny Matrix" and my own alleged ancestor Rashi de Troyes (1040 - 1105) AKA Solomon ha-Zarfati

You need to look at the Big Picture beyond what is immediately in front of your nose.

1. You must travel back in time to 1953

2. You must go back then to 11th Century and my ancestor Rashi de Troyes (1040-1105)

and how the First Crusade started and now we have the Islamo-fascists calling the President a Crusader. The President said he had a contact in 1979. Our policy in middle East, which I basically support BTW, is seen as a Crusade on both sides of the War on Terror, which now seems to have added the new ET Dimension of Scott Littleton's "Alien Raj." written by me in 1979.

Also relevant here is my contact with Priory Sion's Carlo Suares in 1973 that takes us to the current situation.

Meantime, careful study of my "Destiny Matrix" will connect some more of the dots.

I look forward to hearing more about this in London~ July 15, 2004?

If you are correct, it is scientific evidence that ALL our religions have an ET origin. When, as Robert Woodward says in "Plan of Attack" President Bush said he had a revelation from "God" in 1979 to be President, exactly WHO was he talking to? Of course this applies to Mohammed, to Joe Smith, to Moses, to Jesus - down the line. This is a secularization of religion by modern physics and mathematics consistent with Professor Scott Littleton's "Alien Raj" or Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" with "God" as "Gulliver" or what I.J. Good called "GOD(D)" or what has also been called "Star Maker" (Olaf Stapleton), VALIS (PK Dick), "Solid State Entities" (John Lilly), "Terminator" (Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Here is one explanation ;-)

See also "Star Gate Conspiracy" Picknett & Prince as well as my "Destiny Matrix" and Robert Anton Wilson's "Cosmic Trigger."

On Apr 26, 2004, at 4:14 AM, Grenville Croll wrote:

The only things my work has in common with WRR and MBBK are: Torah,
Cryptography and Galois fields. It is a completely different approach
involving a clearly articulated apriori hypothesis.


Grenville Croll

Finally, The Best Story always wins The Glass Bead Game.

One must connect the dots with some art and original genius of The Magister Ludi.


"Gandolph in a Beret"

PS I can go on and on with more strange coincidences that are obviously not random.

Finally the 1999 discovery of "dark energy", which is the Philosopher's Stone for Making Star Trek Real with me as Harry Potter and Walter Breen as Merlin (Walter did the research for "Mists of Avalon" for his wife Marion Zimmer Bradley).

On Apr 26, 2004, at 9:08 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Ark your remark shows the conflict between Bohr and Bohm.

You and Bohr say EVERYTHING is BIT, with no IT.

The one-particle state is BIT, but in Bohm pilot theory the electron is an IT that is guided by the BIT field you are talking about.

The IT is a soliton structure in sense of Wheeler's "Mass without mass" in the guv field in "Einstein's vision" so the math you cite below is irrelevant to the problem for us Bohmians who do not believe BIT is the final reality with the miracle of "collapse" or now "environmental decoherence" to give the classical world of IT.

On Apr 26, 2004, at 4:41 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Good point. Can you elaborate?

What then is meant by "size" of the electron?

A form factor?

What is size of electron then in QED? and how does it compare to


Is quantum size of electron h/mc from virtual cloud, but what then about deep inelastic electron scattering for the pointlike internal lepto-quarks ~ 10^-17 cm?

On Apr 26, 2004, at 4:19 PM, Arkadiusz Jadczyk wrote:

On 26 Apr 2004 at 14:06, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

According to quantum field theory lepto-quarks are point particles.

Who sez so?

According to QFT one-particle states of the fields are represented by square-integrable functions of x,y,z. Dirac delta is not square integrable. Dirac delta would describe a point particle.

OK apply that to the one-electron state. What "size" do you get? How many cm? I need to know the precise formula and number.

The statement: " According to quantum field theory lepto-quarks are point
particles. " is therefore incorrect. Of course QFT indeed has its problems with
short range interactions. But these problems are deeper than just "point
particles". Notice that the real prpblems start when QT meets Einstein's
relativity. ...Galilean relativity point particles are still tamable.



arXiv:physics/0012025 v3 17 Dec 2000

Did 20th century physics have the means to reveal the nature of inertia and gravitation?
Vesselin Petkov Physics Department, Concordia University 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8 (or
14 December 2000

"The classical electromagnetic mass theory appears to have been gradually forgotten and now many physicists believe that physics cannot say anything about the origin of inertia, mass, or gravitation. Even scientists directly involved in the efforts to discover the Higgs boson [2] (believed to be responsible for endowing particles with mass) such as Claude Detraz, one of the two research directors at CERN , think that ”Mass is a very important property of matter, and we have nothing in our current theory that says even a word about it”. In what follows we will see whether this is really the case.

Here we shall follow the tradition established by the classical electron theory (i.e. the classical electromagnetic mass theory) and will study the inertial and gravitational properties of the simplest charged particle -the classical electron. There are two reasons why the classical electron is studied:

(i) There is no quantum mechanical model of the electron
-quantum mechanics describes only its state not the electron itself (later we will make an attempt to outline the basis of the quantum electrodynamical formulation of the electromagnetic mass theory), and

(ii) It is quite natural to complete the classical electromagnetic mass theory first before making the transition to a quantum description of the electron inertial properties. This has never been done since the classical electromagnetic mass theory was virtually abandoned when the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics were formulated. To abandon a promising theory that has never been proven wrong is an unprecedented case in physics. This unforgivable neglect is truly beyond one’s comprehension because the electromagnetic mass theory is even now the only theory that addresses the origin of inertia and inertial mass in accordance with the experimental evidence of the existence of electromagnetic inertia and of the electromagnetic origin of some of the mass of charged particles. Moreover, the classical electromagnetic mass theory predicted that the (electromagnetic) mass increases with the increase of velocity (yielding the correct expression) and that the relationship between energy and mass is E = mc2 (see [3]) all this before the theory of relativity.

2 Classical electromagnetic mass theory
In 1881 Thomson [4] first realized that a charged particle was more resistant to being accelerated than an otherwise identical neutral particle and conjectured that inertia can be reduced to electromagnetism. Due mostly to the works of Heaviside [5], Searle [6], Lorentz [7], Poincar´e [8], Abraham [9], Fermi [27], Mandel [11], Wilson [12], Pryce [13], Kwal [14], and Rohrlich [15] this conjecture was developed into a theory (the classical electromagnetic mass theory of the electron) in which inertia is a local phenomenon originating from the interaction of the electron charge with itself (i.e. with its own electromagnetic field) [16].

According to the classical model of the electron its charge is uniformly distributed on a spherical shell. Such a model, however, cannot explain why the electron is stable since the negatively charged spherical shell tends to blow up due to the mutual repulsion of the different ”parts” of the charge. This difficulty, known as the stability problem of the electron, has two sides -computational and conceptual."

I claim to have solved this problem on the conceptual level with w = -1 exotic vacuum zero point fluctuations of positive pressure giving induced strong gravity core holding the hidden variable charge together in a guv field soliton as Einstein wanted in sense of Wheeler's "Mass without mass"

The effective G* is 10^40 G on scale of a fermi.

This "dark matter" on scale of 1 fermi holds a single electron IT hidden variable soliton togerher, on a large scale it holds the stars in our galaxy together i.e. the dark halo.

As Above, So Below

Monday, April 26, 2004

Ark your remark shows the conflict between Bohr and Bohm.

You and Bohr say EVERYTHING is BIT, with no IT.

The one-particle state is BIT, but in Bohm pilot theory the electron is an IT that is guided by the BIT field you are talking about.

The IT is a soliton structure in sense of Wheeler's "Mass without mass" in the guv field in "Einstein's vision" so the math you cite below is irrelevant to the problem for us Bohmians who do not believe BIT is the final reality with the miracle of "collapse" or now "environmental decoherence" to give the classical world of IT.

On Apr 26, 2004, at 4:41 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Good point. Can you elaborate?

What then is meant by "size" of the electron?

A form factor?

What is size of electron then in QED? and how does it compare to


Is quantum size of electron h/mc from virtual cloud, but what then about deep inelastic electron scattering for the pointlike internal lepto-quarks ~ 10^-17 cm?

On Apr 26, 2004, at 4:19 PM, Arkadiusz Jadczyk wrote:

On 26 Apr 2004 at 14:06, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

According to quantum field theory lepto-quarks are point particles.

Who sez so?

According to QFT one-particle states of the fields are represented by square-integrable functions of x,y,z. Dirac delta is not square integrable. Dirac delta would describe a point particle.

OK apply that to the one-electron state. What "size" do you get? How many cm? I need to know the precise formula and number.

The statement: " According to quantum field theory lepto-quarks are point
particles. " is therefore incorrect. Of course QFT indeed has its problems with
short range interactions. But these problems are deeper than just "point
particles". Notice that the real prpblems start when QT meets Einstein's
relativity. Eith Galilean relativity point particles are still tamable.

OK the papers of Petkov I have briefly looked at so far are interesting. They are perhaps incorrect, I am not sure, but they are testable, which is a virtue. I mean his paper "Anisotropic velocity of light in a gravitational field." and similar ones. He makes a plausible precise prediction for an experiment that can be done I would think. What may be wrong with his argument, though I am not sure is as follows.

For a static spherically symmetric metric

ds^2 = goo(cdt)^2 - grrdr^2 - r^2(spherical polar coordinate squared line element).

Let ds = 0 for a light ray.

In the radial direction only

goo(cdt)^2 - grrdr^2 = 0

In the transverse directions only

goo(cdt)^2 - r^2(spherical polar coordinate squared line element) = 0

So that the coordinate speed of light is definitely anisotropic.

However, the physical differential element of radial distance is

dR = grr^1/2dr

The physical differential element of time is

dT = goo^1/2dt

So that dR/dt = c

similarly in the transverse directions one also gets c

This argument follows from the local equivalence principle that a geodesic observer sees special relativity, and that the proper differential distances are invariant in all frames both LIF and LNIF at same point event P.

So the question is, what will Petkov's nice formula for the interference phenomena be seen or will it be null like the Michelson-Morley experiment was supposed to be, though there is recent debate on that (it is showing velocity of solar system through Hubble flow of FRW metric?)

Petkov's paper "On the nature of the force acting on a charged particle ..." has correct conclusions, but is seriously incomplete in Petkov's remark:

"The repulsion of the charge elements of an electron in uniform motion in flat spacetime cancels out exactly and there is no net force acting on the electron."

This is a Godel sentence in the sense that it is true, but it cannot be proved within the formal system Petkov uses. Indeed, proving it is an unsolved problem. I claim I have solved it with the exotic vacuum zero point energy "vortex core" of strong positive pressure whose consequent strong short range gravity ("dark matter") with G* ~ 10^40G holds the shell of charge stable. Petkov gives the references from Lorentz and Becker now 100 + years old in which the problem is stated without ever being solved.

Petkov's conclusions in that paper seem correct and pedagogically interesting.

Now in terms of the Townsend-Brown type propulsion from a charged capacitor on the fuselage of a UFO that Nick Cook write about, we must look at several of Petkov's papers:

"Electric dipole in a gravitational field ..."


"Propulsion through Electromagnetic Self-Sustained Acceleration"

On Apr 26, 2004, at 1:17 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

No I won't be going to Montreal.

I just downloaded V. Petkov's papers.

I did not know Petkov was part of the zero point energy propellantless propulsion NASAS BPP "Flying Saucer Invisible College" ;-) A quick glance suggests that Petkov has something like Corum/Woodward stress propulsion and even something that looks like a Townsend-Brown effect? Also he defines metric engineering properly back around 1998. He does not seem yet to have connected the dots from metric engineering to
discovery of dark energy in precision cosmology?

More on Petkov's work when I get the time. :-)
According to quantum field theory lepto-quarks are point particles. Deep inelastic scattering at SLAC shows they are smaller than 10^-17 cm at high momentum transfers.

The problem is that if they are points, then they must be black holes inside their gravity radius ~ 2GM/c^2

or naked singularities using Kerr-Newman metric (excluding strong and weak charges in first approx)

That this is not so is part of motivation from generalized Heisenberg uncertainty

dx ~ h/dp + (Quantum of Area)dp/h

IR/UV duality

Also we must expect G* ~ 10^40G at least on scale of 1 fermi for self-consistency.

Note conditions:

World Hologram is

Quantum of Area in measuring distance L = Lp^4/3L^2/3

(Quantum of Area) (L)= G*(L')h/c^3

Duality of theories

LL' = Lp(c/H) ~ 10^-5 cm ~ size of large extra dimension compactification

Lp^2 = hG/c^3 ~ 10^-66 cm^2

H is asymptotic Hubble in De Sitter cosmology where the dark energy has Einstein cosmological constant (anti-gravitating with negative quantum zero point pressure)

/\ ~ (H/c)^2 ~ 10^-56 (cm)^-2

i.e., |Vacuum Coherence|^2(Volume Factor) ~ 1

So if L = c/H, L' = Lp

i.e. use

With these conditions measuring cosmological distances ~ 10^28 cm uses G but the quantum of area is 1 fermi^2.

Therefore the asymptotic entropy of the causal universe is

S/k ~ (10)^56 cm^2/(10-26 cm^2) ~ 10^82 BITS

I look forward to hearing more about this in London~ July 15, 2004?

If you are correct, it is scientific evidence that ALL our religions have an ET origin.
When, as Robert Woodward says in "Plan of Attack" President Bush said he had a revelation from "God" in 1979 to be President, exactly WHO was he talking to? Of course this applies to Mohammed, to Joe Smith, to Moses, to Jesus - down the line. This is a secularization of religion by modern physics and mathematics consistent with Professor Scott Littleton's "Alien Raj" or Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" with "God" as "Gulliver" or what I.J. Good called "GOD(D)" or what has also been called "Star Maker" (Olaf Stapleton), VALIS (PK Dick), "Solid State Entities" (John Lilly), "Terminator" (Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Here is one explanation ;-)

See also "Star Gate Conspiracy" Picknett & Prince as well as my "Destiny Matrix" and Robert Anton Wilson's "Cosmic Trigger."

On Apr 26, 2004, at 4:14 AM, Grenville Croll wrote:

The only things my work has in common with WRR and MBBK are: Torah,
Cryptography and Galois fields. It is a completely different approach
involving a clearly articulated apriori hypothesis.


Grenville Croll
Managing Director
Frontline Systems UK Limited


Sunday, April 25, 2004

This is getting closer to what I developed independently from thinking about the observations of both dark energy and dark matter in precision cosmology.

arXiv:hep-ph/0204106 v1 9 Apr 2002

"A connection between gravity and the Higgs field
M. Consoli
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Catania Corso Italia 57, 95129 Catania, Italy
Several arguments suggest that an effective curved space-time structure (of the type as in General Relativity) can actually find its dynamical origin in an underlying condensed medium of spinless quanta. For this reason, we exploit the recent idea of density fluctuations in a ‘Higgs condensate’ with the conclusion that such long-wavelength effects might represent the natural dynamical agent of gravity.

1 Introduction
Following the original induced-gravity models [1], one may attempt to describe gravity as an effective force induced by the vacuum structure, in analogy with the attractive interaction among electrons that can only exist in the presence of an ion lattice. If such an underlying ‘dynamical’ mechanism is found, one will also gain a better understanding of those peculiar ‘geometrical’ properties that are the object of classical General Relativity. In fact, by demanding the space-time structure to an undefined energy-momentum tensor, no clear distinction between the two aspects is possible and this may be the reason for long-standing problems (e.g. the space-time curvature associated with the vacuum energy).

Looking for the physical origin of gravity, one should also look at ref. [4]. It contains an exhaustive set of many gravity-analogs, namely of systems that can simulate and/or reproduce the experimental properties of gravitation (moving fluids, condensed matter systems with a refractive index, Bose-Einstein condensates,..). Again the hydrodynamical analogy, when exploited in a lagrangian field-theoretical context, leads to the emergence of a curved, effective geometry as a result of linearizing a scalar field theory (in flat space-time) around some nontrivial background configuration. For this reason, one may agree with the authors of ref.[4] and conclude that General Relativity provides some kind of universal low-energy picture, just as hydrodynamics. This, concentrating on the properties of matter at scales that are much larger than the mean free path for the elementary constituents, is insensitive to the details of short-distance molecular dynamics. This point of view should not sound too surprising to the extent that is consistent with the historical origin of General Relativity before the birth of quantum mechanics.

Notice that we are not saying that one can prove a formal equivalence with Einstein’s General Relativity. In fact, a medium provides a definite physical framework whose short-distance details might have no counterpart in General Relativity. However, by restricting to long-wavelength phenomena, and to some degree of accuracy, the two descriptions may be indistinguishable. At the same time, there may be different dynamical scenarios at very small scales that, however, become equivalent to General Relativity on a larger scale. Their number can only be restricted by exploiting this type of correspondence, within the constraints of the experimental results. For instance, θ(x), rather than arising from a fundamental scalar theory, might turn out to be a collective excitation of a superfluid fermionic vacuum [3].

On the other hand, the idea of an ‘Aethereal Medium’, whose density variations could account for the gravitational force, is deeply rooted in the origin of our scientific culture and can be found, for instance, in Newton himself. In fact, although refraining from a definite hypothesis on the physical origin of gravity in the Principia (”.. I frame no hypotheses..and to us it is enough that gravity does really exist, and act according to the laws which we have explained ..”), Newton explicitely inserted some additional Queries on the Aether in the last version of Opticks. In particular, in Query 21, he was considering that ”...if the elastick force of this Medium be exceeding great, it may suffice to impel Bodies from the denser parts of the Medium towards the rarer, with all that power which we call Gravity”. To this end, the hypothetical aetherial particles should feel a repulsive force (”...Particles which endeavour to recede from one another..”) and be ”...exceedingly smaller than those of Air, or even than those of Light...” thus making ”...that Medium exceedingly more rare and elastick than Air..”.

This paper is worth a close read.
I spent yesterday reviewing some of the papers by

Modanese & Podkletnov

G. Volovik

also a Russian paper on Soviet torsion field research that disagrees with Western views on torsion as unimportant experimentally.

in context of thinking about the strange alleged Nazi "Bell" device that Nick Cook describes at end of
his provocative book "The Hunt for Zero Point."

Contrary to skeptics like Eric Krieg, a knee-jerk debunking of the Nazi secret weapons program is not wise. Nick Cook makes a very plausible case, though admittedly he makes serious mistakes of estimating probabilities of different explanatory scenarios because of his limited knowledge of physics and what the term "antigravity" really means in physics today now at the forefront because of the 1999 discovery of dark energy as the dominant stuff of the universe. Even Hal Puthoff has not formulated the problem correctly in his "PV without PV" model of "metric engineering without metric" since Hal eschews covariance, the local equivalence principle, and tensors in his purely classical dielectric action principle formulation.

Basically all Hal does in PV is to write down the dynamical action (S = Integral of Lagrangian over test particle path) of a point test particle using globally flat special relativity, but with the very dubious assumption that the gamma factor is a local variable, i.e.

gamma = [1 - (Kv/c)^2]^-1/2

Using the calculus of variations Hal also gets a local partial differential field equation for the scalar dielectric vacuum response function K that in the spherically symmetric static approximation for a source mass M he claims is

K = e^2GM/c^2r

where he treats r like a radial coordinate in ordinary Euclidean high school geometry.

Hal calls "r" the isotropic radial coordinate but he does not follow the GR use of that same terms in contrast to the "curvature radial coordinate.".

Hal says no black hole event horizons in his PV SSS solution.

This already contradicts observations and the whole thrust of modern relativity including Susskind's hologram from Bekenstein's black hole thermodynamics leading to

Lp* = Lp^2/3L^1/3

For effective Planck scale in a measurement of length L

This formula also comes from Wigner's "Bohr Rosenfeld" analysis of quantum gravity metric fluctuations reviewed in a recent paper by Ng.

Hal blithely neglects all this as well as shrugging off the fact that his PV predictions disagree with experiment in the case of binary pulsars as shown by Mike Ibison. The hope is that further evolution of the model will bring it into an agreement with data that GR already has in a much easier way.

Hal is able to treat a charged test particle, but is not able to solve the problem when a source mass M rotates.

Hal also makes a false analogy that his PV model is to GR as Kirchoff's lumped parameter circuit theory is to Maxwell's field equations.
Unfortunately Hal got it backwards because in his SSS case it's the other way around, i.e. GR is only a weak field limit of his SSS PV exponential K solution that he incorrectly takes to the limit GM/c^2r >> 1 - in my opinion.

OK next to Volovik:

Volovik has many good insights that agree with my model in spirit, though there are important formal differences and what I say is much simpler and in closer contact with observations.

Volovik has a problem getting dark energy. In fact it appears he cannot. He apparently can only get an attractive /\ field not a repulsive one. This is tentative.

However, he agrees that Einstein's GR is a low energy effective field theory as is also the standard model U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) from a deeper level like spin foams although he does not use that explicitly. Even Lorentz invariance is emergent from Galilean relativity near a topological "Fermi surface" fixed point using renormalization group running coupling constant flow ideas.

I have a much simpler way of getting Volovik's result that Einstein's cosmological constant /\ = 0 in "equilibrium".

Part of Volovik's problem is that he associates "normal fluid" with the on-mass-shell quasi-particles rather than the off-mass-shell zero point fluctuations of these same quasi-particles from the deeper world crystal lattice/spin foam pre-geometry level. That's why, I suspect, he is not able to get anti-gravitating dark energy with negative quantum pressure.

In my model start with a pre-geometry spin foam with a "quantum of area", a "quantum of volume".

Also start with Poincare group quantum field theory as an emergent low energy effective field theory out of the pre-geometry pretty much as Volovik would do it.

So I now have globally flat point particle renormalizable quantum field theory of the standard model (lepto-quarks & gauge force bosons) but without gravity and only in its vacuum without on mass shell quanta - without the Higgs so all quanta are massless!

I then notice that this globally flat false vacuum with purely random zero point fluctuations is unstable. It immediately makes a Higgs inflationary phase transition to a true vacuum with macro-quantum coherence out of which Einstein's classical c-number GR emerges from the ODLRO phase of the coherence with the dark energy/matter from the intensity of the coherence.

Only then do the lepto-quarks acquire BCS mass as on-mass-shell quasi-particles as shown by Nambu.

This agrees with Wheeler's "Mass without mass" of "Einstein's Vision" ("Geometrodynamics") provided that G* ~ 10^40G on scale of 1 fermi.

Gravity is not renormalizable because it should not be quantized. Quantizing gravity is like quantizing temperature or elasticity in a crystal.
You do not quantize emergent ODLRO collective modes - that is redundant and leads to confusion. The micro-quantum zero point energy is still there as a residual and you of course can quantize the quasi-particles e.g. electrons that obey second-quantized Dirac eq but with rest mass m.

This also shows that the Haisch-Puthoff-Rueda "origin of inertia" from random EM ZPF friction is wrong. The origin of inertia is from the vacuum coherence of the inflation in accord with precision cosmology and Einstein's Vision. They have the wrong picture.

What about Mach's Principle as in James Woodward's theory? The stars and gas clouds are only 4% of the stuff of the universe. The rest is w = -1 exotic vacuum that anti-gravitates with Omega ~ 0.73 and that gravitates with Omega ~ 0.23. That is Omega (matter & radiation) ~ 0.04 with space flat on scales > 10^2 megaparsecs.

However Mach's principle probably can be formulated in terms of the new exotic vacuum field

/\zpf = (Spin Foam Quantum of Area)^-1[(Volume Factor)|Vacuum Coherence|^2 - 1]

with Einstein's smooth c-number ODLRO metric field of curved space-time guv(x) as the elastic strain tensor of distortion field

du(x) = (Spin Foam Quantum of Area)(Partial derivative of the Macro-Quantum Goldstone Phase of the Vacuum Coherence)

Where the quantum of area is like h/m in the Bohm pilot wave theory.

Note that |Vacuum Coherence|^2 = Higgs Intensity of Inflation Field

G/c^4 is the P.W. Anderson "generalized phase rigidity" ~ (Sakharov's metric elasticity)^-1 ~ Witten's alpha'

G*h/c^3 = Quantum of Area (a variable)

G*(l) is a running coupling constant

G*(10^-13 cm) ~ 10^40G

G* on macroscale is G.

Modanese correctly intuits that metric engineering (e.g. alleged Podkletnov effects) is due to an interference of the superconductor coherence with the dark energy. But he does not understand Vacuum Coherence, hence he does not get it right, though he is close on the right track.

Modanese seems to think there is a major error in Ning Li's theory?

He also thinks (implicitly) Soviet era claims of Akimov and Shipov of strong torsion field couplings to quantum spin of electron and proton are wrong.

Now as to Nick Cook's description of the "Bell" - the Nazis would have had to have come upon a form of liquid mercury or some liquid stuff that was a high Tc superconductor that they had flowing in a ring pattern of some kind. More on this later.

The coupling to the vacuum coherence, needing a "Chiao impedance match" for near fields not far fields, if it made a strong /\zpf > 0 field would cause an anti-gravity blue shift explaining the "blue glow" and why people and plants got sick from a kind of gamma ray poisoning. This is like the "reverse Doppler effect" that NIDS scientist Bruce Cornet reports from flying saucers.

On Apr 24, 2004, at 1:38 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Memorandum for the Record
Technological Surprise in The Age of Terror (both human and alien ET)

re: Department of Defense

Andrew Palfreyman claims to understand your idea.
Write it up in proper math and clear diagrams and I will look at it after Andrew explains to me what his understanding
of your idea is.

One must be clear that "anti-gravity" AKA "AG" has a precise meaning in physics today and must obey both Einstein's local equivalence principle and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.


"Cosmological Physics" John Peacock Ch 1 esp pp 25-26

Mike Turner in April 2003 Physics Today

AG demands internal stress-strain zero g-forces on the fuselage and occupants of the saucer all are in weightless free float timelike geodesic paths even though that self-controlled path looks like a hairpin turn at a jillion g to the outside observer. This is the Alcubierre warp drive Paul Hill "acceleration field" criterion for a true AG warp drive like we allegedly see real nuts and bolts saucers doing.

Anything else is "conventional" or "impulse drive" with internal stress-strain g-forces and is simply not good enough.

AG also allows wormhole travel and most likely time travel to past under certain special conditions.

Wormholes or "star gates" connecting different places and times inside our universe and also to parallel universes in the sense of Max Tegmark's May 2003 "Scientific American" article.

You do not understand what AG means to mainstream physicists like at GR 17 in Dublin this July.
Mike Turner in April 2003 Physics Today defines the term.

In Einstein's GR in Newtonian limit, Poisson's eq. is

Laplacian of gravity potential ~ G(mass density)(1 + 3w)

w = pressure/energy density

the 3w term is a GR correction not found in Newtons

w = 1/3 for radiation giving the gravity lensing bending of light

w = -1 for any zero point energy ZPE from any quantum field.

w = 0 for ordinary NR matter

A positive ZPE density anti-gravitates that's what "AG" means to the top physicists today.

Dark energy 73% of universe anti-gravitates accelerating the expansion of the universe.

Manipulating dark energy on a small scale is how saucers fly.

Metric engineering is the manipulation of exotic vacuum dark energy density.

Kip Thorne called "dark energy" "exotic matter" in 1986 before he knew that it was 73% of our universe.
That discovery came in 1999 in the Type 1a Supernova data now supplemented by WMAP data.

Message: 12
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 01:20:11 -0000
From: "trixcleverspacealien"

on July 30,1979 which ironically was the same day that Jenny
[Esalen] Channeled "The 9" at Henry Dakin's at Lab. 3118 Washington
Ave. San Francisco, then 11 days later on 08-10 and again on 08-11-
1979 I attended a paranormal seminar at the Howard Johnson's Hotel 11-
1979 Madison Wisc. featuring Professor John Hasted. [recall Jack
Sarfatti John Hasted Uri Geller, Birkbeck UK.]

I met Professor John Hasted and spoke with him while attending a
seminar on Uri Geller and two Japanese metal Bending metal boys who
also could project images on camera film called thought photography.
I first met Hasted on 08-10-1979 at the Humanities building Madison
Wisc. and again on 08-11-1979 at the Howard Johnson Hotel.

Professor Hasted and company then went to Henry Dakin's to
further test the boys AFTER 08-11-1979, or was it BEFORE 08-10-
1979, I have yet been able to determine this sequence.

RECALL: I, t.c.s.a. met Saul Paul Sirag on 12-17-1977 [10 years
before my so-called "From Outer Space" telephone call on 12-17-1987]
at his apt. on 3116 Washington street, just two numbers from 3118
Washington ave.

While at Sirag's I dicussed my Golden Section Method, and he
related a Geller, spoon bending story with Sirag and "friend" taking
some Cutlery spoons and / or forks? to a Hotel to have Geller try and
bend them, Geller did in fact bend them.

QUESTION : "Were the two Japanese boys tested at Henry Dakin's lab.
before or after they were in Madison Wisc? Who knows the answer to
that question?

Jack: "Who cares? Why is that important?"


While at the conference, seminar, I asked John Hasted if "he had
encountered any findings in regards Spoon and / or metal bending that
pointed to the Golden Section, he said "No" he simply said it was a
number "associated to aesthetics."

Carl Jung:

John Hasted also discussed Jung's Synchronicity,

"Well John here's a Golden Section worldline "synchronicity" it just
took "YEARS" for it to come into relative completion."


I was "Cosmic Triggered" to write this post after I saw a .jpeg
picture of Jack Sarfatti holding a spoon bent by Uri Geller while
attending London of March 2004 this year.

When I read Jack's SSS post see below :

When I read the line "" I recalled I'd
sent Jack that file, [ice9.wav] in addition when I read the
words "This was same period as the Uri Geller tests at Birkbeck I
helped to set up described by Martin Gardner in his book "Science:
Good, Bad and Bogus." See also Martin Rees on "Ice 9" in "Our Final

From: Jack Sarfatti
Date: Tue Apr 20, 2004 6:54 pm
Subject: Nick Cook: Flying Saucers as Weapons Systems
Hmm I was there at ICTP Trieste 1973 working on possibility of small
artificial black holes in lab using Abdus Salam's strong short-range f

This was same period as the Uri Geller tests at Birkbeck I helped to
set up described by Martin Gardner in his book "Science: Good, Bad and
Bogus." See also Martin Rees on "Ice 9" in "Our Final Hour."

Again continuing, when I, t.c.s.a. read the words "Birkbeck London",
that triggered my memory to activate and recall that Prof. Hasted
had a position at Birkbeck in the Physics dept. and that I, t.c.s.a.
met Hasted in Madison Wisconsin, sometime In?
I didn't know at the time of reading Sarfattti's post, that began my
going back thru my notes to discover when that was.]


JULY 30, 1979 :
[60]excerpts from "The Nine, channelled by Jenny O'Conner" at Henry
Dakin's laboratory 3118 Washington St. San Francisco on Monday July
30, 1979. Jim Hickman, Saul Paul Sirag, Roger Macdonald, Steve
Donovan, Trever Alston, Russell Rae and others participating:

In view of the present-day Esalen-Erhard-Yeltsin-Gorbachev
connections [59], the 1979 Esalen-UFO connection is significant. Even
though I had split with Werner Erhard by late 1977, EST's Raz
Ingrasci phoned me and asked me to meet with Jenny O Conner. Raz said
that Jenny had been sent to Werner by Sir John Whitmore who had
funded Andrija Puharich's collaborations with Uri Geller back in
1973. Jenny claimed to be channeling messages from "The Nine" - the
same extra-terrestrials that Puharich wrote about. In view of my own
contact in 1952 I should have been more diplomatic with Jenny when
she came to my apartment at 2 Whiting Place - the apartment that
Michael Murphy had given me. Jenny impressed me as total fraud and I
practically kicked her out. I was verbally very rude. Jenny and The
Nine [60] was promptly installed at Esalen for quite some time
overlapping with visits by physicist the late Heinz Pagels,
Congressman Charlie Rose, Ira Einhorn, and high ranking Russians from
Georgy Arbatov's Moscow Institute of US and Canada which was
influential during Gorbachev's watch.

[60]excerpts from "The Nine, channelled by Jenny O'Conner" at Henry
Dakin's laboratory 3118 Washington St. San Francisco on Monday July
30, 1979. Jim Hickman, Saul Paul Sirag, Roger Macdonald, Steve
Donovan, Trever Alston, Russell Rae and others participating:

Saul-Paul asks Jenny "Have you ever interacted with Jacques Vallee?"
Jenny says, "We were supposed to. We met Hal Puthoff ... I met your
friend." Dakin's transcript reads "discussion of Jack Sarfatti, and
Jenny's meeting with him" The Nine then intervene speaking through
Jenny "Main facilities Houston, Texas." [transcript incomplete here]
Someone asks, "Any other facilities?". The Nine respond: "A total of
85." Roger Macdonald asks, "Any other extremely large, not as large
as the facilities in Houston?" Michael Murphy's partner, Jim Hickman
says: "There is NASA, but NASA isn't supposed to be with the
military." The Nine says, "Wilmington ... Byrom, Little Hampshire, [
piece of transcript missing] The Mars Project, 1944, 1945, 1948."
Roger Macdonald asks "What Agency or department of the United States
is the Mars Project?" The Nine, "NSS" Saul-Paul says "It could be
some Navy thing." The Nine, "You called it National Security Service.
They called it just the SS." Saul Paul says, "Secret Service?" Jim
Hickman says, "I can believe that." Hickman asks, "You talked about
Project Henry ..." The Nine, "All CIA involved." Hickman, "All?", The
Nine, "Yes". later on in transcript Hickman says "...
Solvitschg'otsk, which is north east of Moscow, where a great deal of
secret military research is being done. The Nine, "This facility is
highly armed and Soviet's most important work goes on there. Room
B12." Jenny, like Barbarella, takes over her own mind and says, "Can
I ask you about .... and hooking up with the brainwave machine?"



Masuaki and his friend Hiroto Yamashita to come to the U.S. during
their school vacation in July and August 1979 to participate in
further investigation of their exceptional psychic abilities.
Scientists and investigators from various parts of the country
participated in workshops in Madison, San Francisco and at our home
where the two teenagers bent and twisted metal by PK and produced
paranormal effects on film.

Prof. John B. Hasted, a British physicist who has worked extensively
with a number of young metal benders, interrupted his vacation plans
to come to lead discussions and participate in experiments at our
workshops on "Psychokinesis and its Effects on Metal and Film" - a
major contribution to this project.

Henry S. Dakin, Jeffrey Mishlove and Jean Millay at the Washington
Research Center, San Francisco who provided hospitality to all of us
while the experiments were conducted at the Research Center, and
together with Brendan O'Regan from the Institute of Noetic Sciences,
arranged a public program for the community and for interested
persons from the Parapsychological Association convention who stayed
over an extra day;

IV. Tests With Twisted Spoons

Next I took some of the twisted spoons to Prof. David J. Mack in the
Department of Metallurgical and Mineral Engineering at the University
of Wisconsin in Madison. He examined some of the spoons with a
magnifying glass, was intrigued with what he saw, and agreed to run
some tests at a later date.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

TD: We've also shown several times in our work that negative energy
density does
exist in EM.

Jack: I don't believe that you did a correct calculation. Where is it?


See Section 3.


Your paper is fundamentally wrong. You do not have the correct understanding.

You need POSITIVE ZPE density with NEGATIVE pressure to get strong anti-gravity propulsion from the exotic vacuum Einstein field equation

Guv + /\zpfguv = 0

Your classical calculation asks the wrong question.

At best what you are talking about has /\zpf = 0 and the Einstein equation is

Guv ~ (G/c^4)Tuv(EM)

All your irrelevant "negative energy" is in the Tuv(EM) term, which is completely irrelevant to practical metric engineering. Hal Puthoff's classical "PV without PV" model suffers from the same fatal conceptual flaw.

Also all your stuff on Casimir effect is a false lead.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" John Archibald Wheeler

No one at all connected with NASA BPP group, with possible exceptions of

Ning Li, E. Podkletnov, G.Modanese and R. Chiao are even close to asking the "Right Question."

And none of them, either have connected the dots in any of their publications for NASA BPP and related

alleged Black USG programs between the mission objective of BPP, UFOS and the 1999 discovery of

"dark energy."

I connected those dots for the first time I think in my two books from 2002

Destiny Matrix

Space-Time and Beyond II

both available on Amazon.

I basically rushed those books into the market warts and all in order to establish my copyrighted intellectual property priority claim connecting the dots of:

1. Dark energy observations of precision cosmology

2. UFO flying saucer data as in the NIDS database on the WEB

3. Metric engineering as in Nick Cook's description of the Trimble "G-Engine" concept and Paul Hill's
"accleration field" in the books

"The Hunt for Zero Point"

"Unconventional Flying Objects"
Memorandum for the Record
Technological Surprise in The Age of Terror (both human and alien ET)

re: Department of Defense

Andrew Palfreyman claims to understand your idea.
Write it up in proper math and clear diagrams and I will look at it after Andrew explains to me what his understanding
of your idea is.

One must be clear that "anti-gravity" AKA "AG" has a precise meaning in physics today and must obey both Einstein's local equivalence principle and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.


"Cosmological Physics" John Peacock Ch 1 esp pp 25-26

Mike Turner in April 2003 Physics Today

AG demands internal stress-strain zero g-forces on the fuselage and occupants of the saucer all are in weightless free float timelike geodesic paths even though that self-controlled path looks like a hairpin turn at a jillion g to the outside observer. This is the Alcubierre warp drive Paul Hill "acceleration field" criterion for a true AG warp drive like we allegedly see real nuts and bolts saucers doing.

Anything else is "conventional" or "impulse drive" with internal stress-strain g-forces and is simply not good enough.

AG also allows wormhole travel and most likely time travel to past under certain special conditions.

Wormholes or "star gates" connecting different places and times inside our universe and also to parallel universes in the sense of Max Tegmark's May 2003 "Scientific American" article.

You do not understand what AG means to mainstream physicists like at GR 17 in Dublin this July.
Mike Turner in April 2003 Physics Today defines the term.

In Einstein's GR in Newtonian limit, Poisson's eq. is

Laplacian of gravity potential ~ G(mass density)(1 + 3w)

w = pressure/energy density

the 3w term is a GR correction not found in Newtons

w = 1/3 for radiation giving the gravity lensing bending of light

w = -1 for any zero point energy ZPE from any quantum field.

w = 0 for ordinary NR matter

A positive ZPE density anti-gravitates that's what "AG" means to the top physicists today.

Dark energy 73% of universe anti-gravitates accelerating the expansion of the universe.

Manipulating dark energy on a small scale is how saucers fly.

Metric engineering is the manipulation of exotic vacuum dark energy density.

Kip Thorne called "dark energy" "exotic matter" in 1986 before he knew that it was 73% of our universe.
That discovery came in 1999 in the Type 1a Supernova data now supplemented by WMAP data.

On Apr 24, 2004, at 12:11 PM, main_engineering wrote:

Jack: I do not understand this without seeing equations and diagrams. How
does "frame dragging" make a motion of the center of mass of the ship?
What is the size of the alleged effect?

...OK you have some kind of charged sheets and magnetic fields I suppose.
Until I see nice pictures I do not understand really what you are
talking about.

TD: OK, I'll draw you a picture of the "Enterprise D"....

I cannot follow you below. Even if you could get something to fly, which I strongly doubt, it's not the right stuff because you have no coupling to the fabric of space-time. What you have below is not "metric engineering" and is fundamentally not interesting to me. Classical electrodynamics by itself without Einstein's general theory of relativity and quantum theory will lead nowhere. As a matter of principle I think you are barking up the wrong tree. Like Hal Puthoff's PV, which is closer to the mark than what you have below, your model is simpler than is possible to get the job done. We may be running out of time.

i <--I_s i
i i ------> Applied Force
i I_s--> i

Imagine there's a saucer section in front and this represents the Nacelles
in the rear. I'm just drawing the main_engineering part of the ship. :0)

We'll start out by calling it an "Accelerometer".

Say you have an ideal perfectly conducting loop of wire, this is pictured as
the "i's" making a closed loop, single turn coil or superconducting ring,

Say you have two electrically charged objects "Nacelles" of length L and
charge Q, q=Q/L, one on either side of the loop, attached to the loop
securely, but insulated from the conductor so that charge does not leak out.

Manually apply a force "F" on the assembly in the direction shown by
whatever means necessary to put the assembly in a NIF with acceleration "a".

In an accelerated NIF, the lines of electric field are curved. Therefore, an
EMF will develop around the loop to oppose the change in B flux through the

dB/dt = - Curl(E)

In any Inertial frame, dB/dt = 0, but in a NIF, dB/dt =/= 0 and there is an
EMF around the loop that drives a current "I_s" through this loop.

I_p = q*v

dB/dt = (coupling factor)dI_p/dt = (coupling factor)*q*a

dI_s/dt = (coupling factor)*q*a

If you break the loop or add a coil of loops and a resistor in series, you
can measure the Voltage from the EMF and you have an Accelerometer. A
voltage will develop that is proportional to the acceleration "a".

I claim that the opposite is also true. If you excite the current dI_s/dt it
will induce forward acceleration to expel the B flux from the loop. The
accelerated frame becomes the minimum energy frame of the loop.

Note the similarity to the Meissner effect in expelling flux from a region.

Now in your single particle example, we have the Lagrangian,

L(x,v,t) = (1/2)m*v^2 - Q*Phi + Q*A*v

p = m*v + Q*A

for dp/dt = 0, meaning no applied force,

m*a = Q*E - A*I

In the picture above, the one component of the force Q*E is unidirectional
because of the location of the charges, tangent to the circle in opposing E
fields. So the force is,

F1 = -2*Q*(dA/dt) to the right

The force F2 = A*I exerts a torque on the current flow, it is basically a
torsion field and does not fully oppose the direction of F1, so then m*a >

The forces F1 and F2 are equal in magnitude, but not in direction. The
geometric configuration of the assembly couples the torsion field to a
linear force. When A*I is at a maximum, the force is evenly distributed
around the loop, but when Q*E is at a maximum, the force is unidirectional
to the right. So we take the energy from the circulating momentum and dump
it into forward motion.

The size of the "alleged effect" is enormous when you have an enormous
amount of charge and a very large dB/dt.

If you see an error, please feel free to comment.

Bjorken endorses Volovik's approach. My model appears to be a simplified version of Volovik's. It is clear from Volovik why Hal's PV simply does not start from a fundamental enough place to be The Right Stuff to metric engineer Super Cosmos. Indeed, even in my model, I start from globally flat quantum field theory to get classical Einstein gravity with zero point exotic vacuum unified dark energy/matter emergent. But from the deeper world crystal lattice-spin foam "pre-geometry" POV globally flat quantum field theory is also an emergent low energy effective field theory. However, the observations of precision cosmology and also the metric engineering problem do not seem to require us to go to the spin-foam pre-geometric level to get many useful results and insights.

http://arXiv:gr-qc/0005091 v3 3 Oct 2000

"Superfluid analogies of cosmological phenomena
G.E. Volovik Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland and
L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 117334 Moscow, Russia

In a modern viewpoint the relativistic quantum field theory is the emergent phenomenon arising in the low energy corner of the physical fermionic vacuum – the medium, whose nature remains unknown.

The same phenomenon occurs in the condensed matter systems: In the extreme limit of low energy the condensed matter system of special universality class acquires all the symmetries, which we know today in high energy physics: Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, general covariance, collective modes of the system. The inhomogeneous states of the condensed matter ground state – vacuum – induce nontrivial effective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics and simulate many phenomena in high energy physics and cosmology, including axial anomaly, baryon production and magnetogenesis, event horizon and Hawking radiation, cosmological constant and rotating vacuum, etc., probing these phenomena in ultra-low-temperature superfluid helium, atomic Bose condensates and superconductors. Some
The chiral fermions as well as gauge bosons and gravity field arise as fermionic and bosonic collective modes ...

The traditional Grand Unification view is that the low-energy symmetry of our world is the remnant of a larger symmetry, which exists at high energy and is broken, when the energy is reduced. According to this philosophy the higher the energy the higher is the symmetry: U(1) • SU(3) ≈ U(1) • SU(2) • SU(3) ≈ SO(10) ≈supersymmetry, etc. The less traditional view is quite opposite: it is argued that starting from some energy scale one probably finds that the higher the energy the poorer are the symmetries of the physical laws, and finally even the Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance will be smoothly violated [1,2]. From this point of view the relativistic quantum field theory is an effective theory [3,4]. It is an emergent phenomenon arising as a fixed point in the low energy corner of the physical vacuum. In the vicinity of the fixed point the system acquires new symmetries which it did not have at higher energy. And it is quite possible that even such symmetries as Lorentz symmetry and gauge invariance are not fundamental, but gradually appear when the fixed point is approached.

Both scenaria are supported by the condensed matter systems. In particular, superfluid 3He-A provides an instructive example of both ways of the behavior of the symmetry. At high temperature the 3He gas and at lower temperature the 3He liquid have all the symmetries, which the ordinary condensed matter can have: translational invariance, global U(1) group and global SO(3) symmetries of spin and orbital rotations. When the temperature decreases further the liquid 3He reaches the superfluid transition temperature Tc, below which it spontaneously looses all its symmetries except for the translational one – it is still liquid. This breaking of symmetry at low temperature and thus at low energy reproduces the Grand Unification scheme, where the symmetry breaking is the most important component.

However, this is not the whole story. When the temperature is reduced further the opposite “anti-grand-unification” scheme starts to work: in the limit T ≈ 0 the superfluid 3He-A gradually acquires from nothing almost all the symmetries, which we know today in high energy physics: (analog of) Lorentz invariance, local gauge invariance, elements of general covariance, etc. It appears that such an enhancement of symmetry in the limit of low energy happens because 3He-A belongs to a special universality class of Fermi systems [5]. For the condensed matter of such class the chiral fermions as well as gauge bosons and gravity field arise as fermionic and bosonic collective modes together with the chirality itself and with corresponding symmetries. The inhomogeneous deformations of the condensed matter ground state – quantum vacuum – induce nontrivial effective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics. This conceptual similarity between condensed matter and quantum vacuum gives some hint on the origin of symmetries and also allows us to simulate many phenomena in high energy physics and cosmology.

The quantum field theory, which we have now, is incomplete due to ultraviolet diveregences at small scales. The crucial example is provided by the quantum theory of gravity, which after 70 years of research is still far from realization in spite of numerous beautiful achievements [6]. This is a strong indication that the gravity, both classical and quantum, is not fundamental: It is effective field theory which is not applicable at small scales, where the “microscopic” physics of vacuum becomes important and according to the “anti-grandunification” scenario some or all of the known symmetries in Nature are violated. The analogy between quantum vacuum and condensed matter could give an insight into this transPlanckian physics since it provides examples of the physically imposed deviations from Lorentz and other invariances at higher energy. This is important in many different areas of high energy physics and cosmology, including possible CPT violation and black holes, where the infinite red shift at the horizon opens the route to the transPlanckian physics.

The condensed matter teaches us that the low-energy properties of different condensed matter vacua (magnets, superfluids, crystals, superconductors, etc.) are robust, i.e. they do not depend much on the details of microscopic (atomic) structure of these substances. The main role is played by symmetry and topology of condensed matter: they determine the soft (low-energy) hydrodynamic variables, the effective Lagrangian describing the low-energy dynamics, topological defects and quantization of physical parameters. The microscopic details provide us only with the “fundamental constants”, which enter the effective phenomenological Lagrangian, such as speed of “light” (say, the speed of sound), superfluid density, modulus of elasticity, magnetic susceptibility, etc. Apart from these “fundamental constants”, which can be rescaled, the systems behave similarly in the infrared limit if they belong to the same universality and symmetry classes, irrespective of their microscopic origin.

The detailed information on the system is lost in such acoustic or hydrodynamic limit [7]. From the properties of the low energy collective modes of the system – acoustic waves in case of crystals – one cannot reconstruct the atomic structure of the crystal since all the crystals have similar acoustic waves described by the same equations of the same effective theory, in crystals it is the classical theory of elasticity. The classical fields of collective modes can be quantized to obtain quanta of acoustic waves – the phonons. This quantum field remains the effective field which is applicable only in the long-wave-length limit, and does not give a detailed information on the real quantum structure of the underlying crystal (exept for its symmetry class). In other words one cannot construct the full quantum theory of real crystal using the quantum theory of elasticity. Such theory would always contain divergencies on atomic scale, which cannot be regularized.

The same occurs in other effective theories of condensed matter. In particular the naive approach to calculate the ground state (vacuum) energy of superfluid liquid 4 using the zero point energy of phonons gives even the wrong sign of the vacuum energy, as we shall see in Sec. II G.
It is quite probable that in the same way the quantization of classical gravity, which is one of the infrared collective modes of quantum vacuum, will not add more to our understanding of the “microscopic” structure of the vacuum [8,9,7]. Indeed, according to this “anti-grandunification” analogy, such properties of our world, as gravitation, gauge fields, elementary chiral fermions, etc., all arise in the low energy corner as a low-energy soft modes of the underlying “condensed matter”. At high energy (of the Planck scale) these modes merge with the continuum of the all high-energy degrees of freedom of the “Planck condensed matter” and thus cannot be separated anymore from each other. Since the gravity is not fundamental, but appears as an effective field in the infrared limit, the only output of its quantization would be the quanta of the low-energy gravitational waves – gravitons. The more deep quantization of gravity makes no sense in this philosophy. In particular, the effective theory cannot give any prediction for the vacuum energy and thus for the cosmological constant.

The main advantage of the condensed matter analogy is that in principle we know the condensed matter structure at any relevant scale, including the interatomic distance, which plays the part of one of the Planck length scales in the hierarchy of scales. Thus the condensed matter can suggest possible routes from our present low-energy corner of “phenomenology” to the “microscopic” physics at Planckian and trans-Planckian energies. It can also show the limitation of the effective theories: what quantities can be calculated within the effective field theory using, say, renormalization group approach, and what quantities depend essentially on the details of the transPlanckian physics."