Sunday, November 30, 2003

On Sunday, November 30, 2003, at 05:02 PM, Robert Sheaffer wrote:

"Hello, Jack.

It looks like Brad Sparks' review of Corso isn't on-line any more (I'm
pretty sure it used to be). But I found another guy Tom Mahood reviewing it
(who I don't know), and he also makes some excellent points against Corso.
See . By the way, Sparks remains firmly pro-Roswell, he just thinks that Corso's book was a



I don't know. Paola Harris met Corso and thinks not. There was a second writer who Corso I think wound up suing. The hoax parts were apparently put in by the other guy?

The weakest part of the book concerns the claims about alien technology transfer, but maybe that, or at least the spin, was planted by the ghostwriter? You know like "WMD in Iraq can launch against US in 45 minutes" for example? ;-) They had us all believing that for awhile. I believed it.

My opinion of Corso's book is based on a few key things he says that "ring true" to my intuition. This is far from rigorous proof of any kind of course.

1. Crew artificial AI fits my 1953 "experience" in

That really happened. Now what was really on the other end of the
telephone I do not know.

2. Control of craft via brain waves.

3. Inside of ship is virtually "empty" no massive engines, no kitchens, no toilets, i.e., nano-tech & star gate virtual
instant transportation perhaps to brane world next door across a small distance in hyperspace?

4. Time travel - they come from the future again that fits what happened to me in 1953 when the alleged ET AI said what would happen in 1973 when in fact I met Hal Puthoff et-al as part of the CIA funded SRI RV project as Saul-Paul tells it in my book "Destiny Matrix". We even have a 90 minute tape of part of my
meeting with Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, Brendan O Regan, et-al arranged by Jacques Vallee who did not show up - curious. My 1953 contact is discussed on that tape. Jim Hurtak also mentioned. All very odd no matter how you cut it. How I got there is bizzare. It's all in my book "Destiny Matrix."

5. My current physics consistent with Corso's Big Picture including recent trickle of new communications with Hal Puthoff.

i.e. physics in EmergentGravity.pdf

in the light of the amazing surprise of "dark energy" since ~ 1999 The Right Stuff to Make Star Trek Real IMHO.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Sarfatti"
To: "Robert Sheaffer" ; "Paola Harris"

Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Starfleet Command] Re: Forty years later, John F. Kennedy's
legacy and "mystique"

On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 04:40 PM, Robert Sheaffer wrote:

"Hello, Jack.

I don't know which is less believable, Corso or his critics below! "Armen Victorian" (I've heard that's a pseudonym, his real name is supposed to be Henry Azadehdel) has been peddling CIA mind-control and other wild conspiracies for many years. You'd better put on your tinfoil hat for this one! I think he critiques Corso on the grounds that "if people believe your conspiracy, they won't believe mine!". The claim about the " fifty surviving garrisons of East European paramilitary units still hanging on in West Germany" in 1956 is awfully hard to believe."

Thanks. My impression also. :-)

"As for Zetatalk, I presume you are aware that this is material "channeled" from the Zetans by Nancy Lieder. She predicted that the earth would flip over on its axis this past May 15. If it did, I must have missed it."

I don't pay attention to obvious nonsense.

"Perhaps you are aware that Brad Sparks, who as you know is a big UFO proponent"

No, I nevah hoid of da bum. Pardon my Brooklyn.

"and longtime foe of Phil Klass, has written a long and factual debunking of Corso's claims. It was published in, believe it or not, the Skeptical Inquirer, probably because no pro-UFO magazine wanted to run it.


Robert Sheaffer"

On Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 08:17 PM, wrote:

This is most interesting!

There is also a published paper (Phys. Essays) by Clark Jeffries who argues that the exponential metric handles the missing mass problem that looks interesting, though I have not really dug into the details.

Hal Puthoff

JS: There is an interesting exponential dependence in string theory like

G* ~ G(Newton)e^<(Dilaton)>

if that is what you mean? I am studying all that now.

That would give a double exponential

K = e^2G*M/c^2r = e^2G(Newton)e^(M/c^r

I am wondering if the ~ Lp^2/\zpf ?

There is a basic string vertex strength gs for closed spin 2 "graviton" strings that move in the total hyperspace and gs^1/2 for open strings of spin 1/2 lepto-quarks & spin 1 internal gauge force bosons whose ends are anchored to 3Dim brane parallel universes floating in hyperspace.
The fact of particle-antiparticle asymmetry is IMHO direct evidence for parallel brane worlds with ends of open strings attached to different parallel brane worlds because the spin gauge force fluxes form closed loops through the ends of the open string exactly like Wheeler's "Charge without charge" in his 1950's book "Geometrodynamics." I do not know if anyone else has yet noticed this simple explanation for broken charge conjugation symmetry?

Part II Discussion with Zielinski

On Friday, November 28, 2003, at 06:16 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:

The Freud identity is supposed to hold for any theory of gravitation that is
based on a spacetime curvature model. It was cited by no less an authority than
W. Pauli as applying to Einstein GR in his classic 1921 article on relativity.

JS: True.

PZ: In the context of GR, Freud's results imply

(1) that the Einstein curvature G_uv can automatically be linearly decomposed
into the difference of two pseudotensors (quantities that act like tensors under
linear, but not under general, coordinate transformations),

JS: By that I suppose is meant that they are tensors under the Poincare group i.e.
globally flat background but not under the curved local Diff(4) group?

Locally gauge the globally flat Poincare group to get the curved spacetime

guv(curved) - nuv(global flat) = huv(curved)

as the compensating field.

In no sense is huv small in this local gauging, which is not perturbative
relative to flat background. Unfortunately the same notation is used
in perturbation theory.

A Poincare group local stress-energy density tensor for the first order perturbative
gravity where h'uv is small can be defined of course, so that may be at least one
of the pseudotensors in the Freud identity?

Again trivially even in the full non-perturbative case

Tuv(Gravity) = (String Tension)Guv(Geometry)

and in the non-exotic vacuum where the Diff(4) divergence-free Tuv(Source Mass-Energy) = 0

Tuv(Gravity) = 0

because the local Einstein field equation in that case is

Tuv(Gravity) + Tuv(Source Mass-Energy) = 0

PZ: U_uv and u_uv:

1/2 G_uv = U_uv - u_uv,

where u_uv is specifically identified as the Einstein vacuum stress-energy
pseudotensor and U_uv is called the Freud pseudotensor (Freud decomposition)

JS: Sure so what's the big deal? u_uv is Tuv(Vacuum Geometry relative to Poincare Group), U_uv is Tuv(Vacuum Geometry extra curvature terms). Only the total sum is the very same Diff(4) tensor I proposed

Tuv(Geometry) = (String Tension)Guv(Einstein)

which = 0 in NON-EXOTIC VACUUM i.e. ALL residual micro-quantum zero point energy from strings and things in large scale GR low energy limit is completely damped down to ZERO COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT by my VACUUM COHERENCE FIELD. Like Ben Franklin I have poured oil to calm the turbulent waters. This has nothing to do with fact that in string theory there are no point particle UV renormalization infinities. That is a completely different problem, which is precisely why Ed Witten said he was very worried. String theory does not solve
the mystery of why Einstein's cosmological constant is so small.

PZ: (2) the density divergence of the Freud pseudotensor U_uv vanishes identically:

partial d_v(SQRT[-g] U_uv) = 0

(using the Einstein summation convention) (Freud identity)

JS: Yes, but probably assuming:

i. metricity

ii zero torsion

iii non-exotic vacuum, i.e. /\zpf = 0

Note in string theory

Lp*^2 = Lp^2(Newton)e^(Dilaton)

Where Dilaton is the compensating gauge field from the Dilation "charge" of the Conformal Group I think?

PZ: According to Yilmaz's arguments in

Nuovo Cimento 107B, 941 (1992)

it can be shown that in view of the above, the Freud and Einstein pseudotensors can
each be split into tensorial and non-tensorial parts:

U_uv = tau_uv + z_uv

u_uv = -t_uv + z_uv,

where z_uv is a common *non-tensor* component that always vanishes identically in
*some* coordinate system.

JS: By "tensor" I assume you still mean with respect to the full Diff(4) group of local general coordinate

PZ: Yilmaz shows that if the non-tensor quantity z_uv is mathematically eliminated from the
RHS (from both U_uv and u_uv), we get

1/2 G_uv = tau_uv + t_uv (vac)

where the Yilmaz vacuum stress-energy term t_uv (vac) is a true tensor quantity ("world
tensor") that is interpreted by Yilmaz as a localizable vacuum gravitational stress-energy
that itself locally induces Riemann curvature in the general case.

JS: It would be good to keep dimensions explicit

[(string tension)/2] G_uv = tau_uv + t_uv (vac)

Why the formal split who ordered that? How can one physically distinguish this formal split?

Jack Sarfatti wrote:

On Friday, November 28, 2003, at 06:16 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:

PZ: OK. Personally, I have been focusing on fundamental aspects of Einstein
GR vs. Yilmaz, and it has been some time since I looked at the details
of PV vs. Einstein, so I'll leave this to you and Hal.

To be fair, I think Jack's position is that if the arguments cited by
MTW are
correct, it is simply not possible to define a localized gravitational
stress-energy density in an absolute (i.e. world tensor-covariant)
without generating conflicts with the so-called "EEP" under some widely
accepted canonical interpretation of that principle. And if the price
of Yilmaz
is the "EEP", then Jack says: "Thanks, but no thanks".

JS: Yes and no.

You can define one trivially i.e.

Tuv(Geometry) = (String Tension)Guv

In the non-exotic vacuum the geometrodynamic stress-energy density
currents is completely insulated from the corresponding matter currents.
That is, the covariant 4-divergences of both Tuv(Geometry) and
Tuv(Matter) vanish separately. This makes "metric engineering"
impossible because there is then no way to directly convert matter into
geometry and vice versa in a practical cost effective way IMHO.

Also in this non-exotic vacuum degenerate limiting case, Tuv(Geometry)
is trivially zero!


Tuv(Geometry) + Tuv(Matter) = 0

You can also get this from the Classical Action Principle (no quantum
effects like zero point energy in this limiting case).


JS: Tuv(Matter) = (-2/g^1/2)Functional Derivative of the Matter Action
relative to the metric guv


Tuv(Geometry) ~ Functional Derivative of the Einstein-Hilbert
Geometrodynamic action relative to the classical matter fields which
must vanish in non-exotic classical vacuum.

PZ: But there is also a published derivation of the Yilmaz field equations from an
alternate action principle for a tensor gravitational potential phi_ab which yields

1/2 G_uv = tau_uv + t_uv (vac),

i. e., the Yilmaz modification of the GR field equations, with localizable
tensor t_uv (vac).

JS: This is too vague for me to understand. Why should we take that action seriously?
The physical picture is completely obscure and un-motivated to my mind.

PZ: And it is claimed that this has a precise n-body Newtonian limit with Newtonian
"static" gravitational interaction -- whereas standard GR may not.

JS: Now there is an excellent purely mathematical argument for the EEP well
known to Einstein. It goes like this.

For a D dimensional metric manifold, EEP means finding a special class
of Diff(4) local maps called tetrad transformations at point P such that

guv(curved) -> nab(flat)

PZ: OK, let's pause right there.

Here once again we see these familiar old weasel terms "curved" and "flat".

One favorite definition of "guv(curved)" is anything other than the *fixed
flat level* Minkowski metric n_ab.

JS: Yes, it's a good one. No reason to change it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it
with less with more rather than more with less.

PZ: I would suggest the following definitions:

"Fixed" means the tensor components of n_ab are constant everywhere in spacetime;

Meaningless to my mind. Who needs it? This is less with more IMHO.
Intrinsically unstable GLOBALLY FLAT space-time already has
"tensor components of n_ab are constant everywhere in spacetime"
so why your redundant addition above?

PZ: "Flat" means that the *second* derivatives of the components of g_uv with respect
to the coordinates vanish at a point in spacetime;

JS: Ditto. Redundant. Locally "flat" in EXACT sense already means that the local Riemann curvature tensor
of 4th rank Ruvwl vanishes at P. EEP means ONLY that, within the two limits i) far from singularity and ii) not near Planck scale,
that the geodesic deviation relative tidal acceleration between two neutral test particles can be made small in the sense
of "epsilon - delta" like defining continuity of f(x) in calculus, were "epsilon" is a given sensitivity of a tidal force curvature
detector placed at P.

PZ: "Level" means that the *first* derivatives of the components of g_uv vanish at
a point;

JS: Ditto. Vanishing g-force defines local free-float timelike geodesic frame i.e. MTW's LIF.
Not all first derivatives need vanish BTW only those combinations making the torsion-free
connection field for parallel transport.

PZ: "Fixed flat level" then means that all derivatives of g_uv = n_ab vanish everywhere
since the components of n_ab are constants.

Ditto. Who needs it?

PZ: Another, more specific, definition of "curved" in this context is that the Riemann
curvature R_uvwl does not vanish everywhere -- which implies that certain second
derivatives of the variable components g_uv do not vanish everywhere in spacetime.

Already in orthodox GR. Einstein's field equation is a LOCAL equation.
"Physics is simple when local." (Wheeler)

PZ: If we pick a point P in spacetime, then we can say that the metric field is "level" there
if the gradients g_uv, w with respect to the x_u all vanish at P; but at the same time the
the Riemann curvature R_uvwl could still be finite at P, if certain second derivatives of
the g_uv do not vanish there.

But there is according to these definitions no such thing as

guv(curved) --> nab(flat)

inside GR,

JS: Red Herring. The precise statement of EEP is

guv(curved) ---> nab(APPROXIMATELY FLAT)

operational definition is "free float weightlessness"
with negligible stretch-squeeze tidal "curvature"
forces - a very excellent approximation for NASA
Earth orbital operations, for Mars expedition.
Voyager etc - not good for probing a black hole
of course.

Physics is not legal theory it is an empirical subject
and it is not mathematics subject to strict rigor
in its informal descriptions. Of course it must
not make formal errors to be an acceptable
theory. No serious physicist in the field would
accept your "modifications" here and with
good reason IMHO. There is simply no
market demand for your alleged innovation.
This is not where the boundary of the
cutting edge is located in Physics Today

PZ: since if g_uv is "curved" (in the strict sense of non-vanishing Riemann curvature)
at a spacetime point P then it is "curved" at P *in every physical frame of reference*, and
more generally in every spacetime coordinate system.

Strictly speaking, there is no "nab(flat)" in GR in the presence of gravitating matter *in any
frame of reference*. Strictly speaking, "nab" only exists in classic special relativity (Minkowski
spacetime) since in classic SR a variable g_uv is *not even defined*.

If we extend SR to allow a field-variable g_uv to accommodate accelerated frames, then it
should be clear that all the gradients g_uv, w (and thus all non-tidal g-forces) can vanish
at a spacetime point *while the tensor R_uvwl may not*. However, in SR R_uvwl does
vanish everywhere because in SR there is no metric theory of physical gravitation, and
accelerated kinematical frames in and of themselves never result in non-vanishing R_uvwl.

So we do not really have formal kinematic correspondence with classic SR by the "EEP".
We can only make an argument that if we voluntarily restrict ourselves to a certain class of
physical measurements, then "locally" the metric tensor *might as well* be "nab" (unless the
gravitational powers of Einstein's "ponderable bodies" (Einstein 1905) are all mysteriously
switched off).

In other words, in GR a "level" g_uv can be *locally modeled as if it were* the SR n_ab,
but then only with respect to a limited class of physical measurements.

IMO that is the *entire objectively validated content* of the "EEP".

In my view this is really no different in essence from pointing out that within a small area of
a perfect sphere's surface, for all "practical" purposes the earth *might as well be* flat --
unless we exceed the bounds of "practicality" (e.g by performing highly sensitive geodetic
measurements using laser devices) -- even though we know theoretically that the
surface is nevertheless round everywhere (non-vanishing Gaussian curvature at every point
on the spherical surface).

That is not to say that it is "flat at a point" -- which is sheer nonsense IMHO. It is simply
"approximately flat" within a limited neighborhood -- which is a relative statement.

Going to an "infinitesimal neighborhood" does not fundamentally alter this reality.

Also, we have no compelling physical reason -- other than "EEP" -- for supposing that
all phenomena that result from non-vanishing R_uvwl can be made empirically negligible
in this way simply by diminishing the spacetime volume of the neighborhood. It's just that
the "equivalence principle" tells us not to look for those other phenomena (negative

JS: Essentially Paul your proposal is falling on deaf ears as far as the community
of top working theorists is concerned as you can clearly see from the online
pre-prints. A small number of philosophers may find it of some interest. I
do not see you asking interesting questions here or supplying significant
new insights here in an already well ploughed field. All the movers and
shakers are in an entirely different distant region of the conceptual
landscape and until you can come up with something amazing dealing
with the issues of the day like "dark energy" or "metric engineering" etc you will be a lone
wolf howling in the wilderness. As someone commented reading your stuff here
was "Scholastic like counting Angels on the head of a pin."

JS: Make an infinitesimal coordinate transformation about point P expressed
as a Taylor series.
Go out to the cubic term. That's all you need to do to see the error of
your ways Paul.

PZ: I don't think so.

JS: The first order terms at the metric tensor level have D^2 coefficients
to adjust to make the local metric flat but only at point P.

PZ: Yes, this is what I call "level" -- all g_uv, w locally vanish.

JS: No they do not locally vanish. You just made an obvious math error.
The diagonal nuv are -1, +1, +1, +1

JS: But the metric tensor is symmetric with D(D + 1)/2 independent


JS: Therefore, the residual
gauge freedom at first order in the Taylor series ins

D^2 - D(D + 1)/2 = D(D - 1)/2

free local LIF -> LIF' transformations at P corresponding to the
tangent vector space at P
with local Lorentz group symmetry SO(D - 1, 1) of rotations and boosts.

PZ: Fine.

JS: But this is all in MTW and embodies the essence of the orthodox understanding of EEP.
There is no interesting issue here IMHO.

This works
in general like in Kaluza-Klein hyperspace with D = 5 as well as
Einstein's D = 4.


JS: Next go to the second order, i.e. at the connection field for parallel
transport level, where
there are D^2(D + 1)/2 connection field coefficients to adjust to make
the connection field g-force slamming you against the seat of your space fighter, with warp
drive, on disappear whilst dogfighting by locally shaping the geometry with zero point
energy density macro-quantum wave interference modulation as I begin to show in these

PZ: Yes, let's do. :-)

JS: Since God is subtle and not malicious the math shows that D^2(D + 1)/2
is precisely the
same number first derivatives of the metric at P that we need to adjust
to zero to make the
torsion-free connection field vanish at P.

PZ: OK. But I nevertheless fear He may have played a trick or two in this case.

JS: I do not see that. I think your system point is in a false attractor on your mental landscape
seeing patterns that are not really there in this case.

This is the hard core derivation of EEP that Yilmaz and whoever cannot

PZ: As far as I am aware no one is trying to. They are simply distinguishing and separating
the gravitational and inertial contributions to the g_uv, w. At least from a mathematical
standpoint, that is unassailable.

JS: No that is NOT GOOD PHYSICS IMHO. It is not enough to make the formal distinction
UNLESS there is an OPERATIONAL WAY to distinguish the formal split! I mean at
least in principle as a Bohr-Einstein "gedankenexperiment." Now this is a matter
of "culture" which is why some theoretical physicists are disturbed by the mathematicians
in physicists clothing not unlike old hands at CIA and State are disturbed by Paul Wolfowitz's
and Richard Perl's "Neo Cons" Coup D' Etat at The Pentagon bungling the events in post-war Iraq.
I am told 50,000 Iraqi dead most non-combatants, more than 2000 US Soldiers wounded in
addition to the hundreds killed. Also the oil fields are in such bad shape that the ability
to pay for the Nation building will fall mainly on the American taxpayer. These are serious
intelligence failures that can be laid on the doorstep of the Neo Con Cabal I am afraid.
No doubt serious investigations in 2005 if the Demos do manage to get in?

PZ: Whether this distinction has any *physical* meaning depends on how the GR formalism
is to be physically interpreted -- which is of course the $64K question.

JS: The burden of proof is on you. Right now I would say 64 old Iraqi dinars with Saddam's face on it
plus a few wooden nickels and some Weimar marks and Confederate dollars. :-)

Finally at the 3rd order curvature level (i.e. second order derivatives
of the metric) you have D^2(D + 1)(D + 2)/6 curvature coefficients of the Taylor
series to try to make zero, but there are a larger number D^2(D + 1)^2/4
second order partial derivatives of the metric tensor, so you have left over D^2(D^2 - 1)/12 second
order partial second order partial derivatives that are undetermined.

PZ: Exactly.

JS: So where is the beef since I am only rehashing Einstein's original arguments? It's all part of his 1915 - 18 theory.

PZ: This is the number of
independent components
of the 4th rank Riemann tensor for the relative tidal accelerations
between closely
spaced neutral test particles on timelike geodesics.

PZ: Right. And this splits into a Ricci tensor R_uv and a Weyl tensor, and in the Einstein gravitational
vacuum, R_uv = 0.

So you have simply confirmed my point above. We do not need

g_uv(curved) ---> n_ab(flat),

literally construed, for purposes of SR correspondence. We only need

g_uv, w ---> 0 at a spacetime point (in an LIF)


RELATIVE MAGNITUDE of tidal effects ---> 0 as SCALE of spacetime neighborhood --> 0,

where "relative" means relative to a certain class of physical measurements of the typical accuracy
of those that historically -- and from the standpoint of GR, falsely -- provided "empirical
confirmation" of classic SR.

If it turns out there are measurable effects that result from non-vanishing R_uvwl that do not scale
down in this manner, then the "EEP" will have to be regarded as having only restricted empirical
validity within GR, since we could then *in principle* distinguish between a permanent gravity field
and an inertial field even within an infinitesimal neighborhood.

Although the argument cited by Jack (to be found on 467 et seq. of MTW)
based on "EEP" is still a point of contention between us.

This is a fundamental objection to a Yilmaz-type stress energy term in
the GR field equations which IMO would have to be fully resolved before
we can know whether to take Yilmaz's theory too seriously.

At the same time, I believe I am now in a position to resolve this
entire question
with a fundamental argument based on an internal critique of the
interpretation of the GR formalism and a mathematical proof that
provides the
"missing link" in Yilmaz's development.

AL: I said it was error ridden because there was
enough obvious dissonance between the questions I'd
been asking and the responses I'd been getting to
allow the (correct) prediction that he hadn't really
read the sources.

PZ: I think he glanced at Yilmaz's papers, but decided they were a waste
of time
-- at least as far as he is concerned.

Jack has an ambitious program, which is based on the emergence of
GR from a virtual particle-pair BEC. So his plate is already full with
that and it is
probably expecting too much to ask that he invest a substantial amount
of effort
into unraveling the details of Yilmaz's arguments.

I suppose he is following his "nose" (or betting on horses).

JS: Exactly.

I will comment on Freud Identity another time.

PZ: OK. I think you should take this Freud thing seriously since, based on a purely
mathematical argument, it is apparently valid for all *internally consistent* theories
of gravitation based on "curved" spacetime manifolds -- just like the Bianchi

In other words -- it's not "wood". It's "marble".


JS: No I do not take it seriously. Assume for the moment, I do not know for sure, that the formal argument given by Yilmaz is the same that is given by Pauli, and that it is correct. That is not enough to make it GOOD PHYSICS. You also need a PHYSICAL ARGUMENT i.e. a
gedanken experiment showing how to distinguish the two terms in the formal split.

Friday, November 28, 2003

On Friday, November 28, 2003, at 06:16 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:

andrew laidlaw wrote:


Before responding to several outstanding mails I'd
just like to issue a couple of clarifications.

1. Those Lorentz factors.

Hal has sent me the article containing the infamous
tables I and II. They describe what I would refer to
as the metric transformations (how clocks, rulers self
energies and masses change), rather than the Lorentz
factors for moving particles that are implied by said
transformations. My comment to the effect that the
"Lorentz factors seem okay" relates to whether the
given metric transformations do or do not imply the
way Hal then builds his lagrangians. Considering
inter alia the experimental work Dicke cites in
"gravity without an EP), I came to the view that this
much is safe.

As to the transformations themselves, to say that they
were correct would be to preempt your entire
discussion. Any confusion is regretted.

OK. Personally, I have been focusing on fundamental aspects of Einstein
GR vs. Yilmaz, and it has been some time since I looked at the details
of PV vs. Einstein, so I'll leave this to you and Hal.

2. Jack's position versus "the Authorities".

The comments I made (with a purpose) do not go to the
validity or otherwise of the points made by the
authorities, notably MTW. They go to the mode of
argument Jack pursues - a combination of "I'm right
because I am on the side of authority" and "you're all

To be fair, I think Jack's position is that if the arguments cited by MTW are
correct, it is simply not possible to define a localized gravitational field
stress-energy density in an absolute (i.e. world tensor-covariant) manner
without generating conflicts with the so-called "EEP" under some widely
accepted canonical interpretation of that principle. And if the price of Yilmaz
is the "EEP", then Jack says: "Thanks, but no thanks".

Yes and no.

You can define one trivially i.e.

Tuv(Geometry) = (String Tension)Guv

In the non-exotic vacuum the geometrodynamic stress-energy density currents is completely insulated from the corresponding matter currents.
That is, the covariant 4-divergences of both Tuv(Geometry) and Tuv(Matter) vanish separately. This makes "metric engineering" impossible because there is then no way to directly convert matter into geometry and vice versa in a practical cost effective way IMHO.

Also in this non-exotic vacuum degenerate limiting case, Tuv(Geometry) is trivially zero!


Tuv(Geometry) + Tuv(Matter) = 0

You can also get this from the Classical Action Principle (no quantum effects like zero point energy in this limiting case).

Tuv(Matter) = (-2/g^1/2)Functional Derivative of the Matter Action relative to the metric guv


Tuv(Geometry) ~ Functional Derivative of the Einstein-Hilbert Geometrodynamic action relative to the classical matter fields which must vanish in non-exotic classical vacuum.

Now there is an excellent purely mathematical argument for the EEP well known to Einstein. It goes like this.

For a D dimensional metric manifold, EEP means finding a special class of Diff(4) local maps called tetrad transformations at point P such that

guv(curved) -> nab(flat)

Make an infinitesimal coordinate transformation about point P expressed as a Taylor series.
Go out to the cubic term. That's all you need to do to see the error of your ways Paul.
The first order terms at the metric tensor level have D^2 coefficients to adjust to make the local metric flat but only at point P.
But the metric tensor is symmetric with D(D + 1)/2 independent components. Therefore, the residual
gauge freedom at first order in the Taylor series ins

D^2 - D(D + 1)/2 = D(D - 1)/2

free local LIF -> LIF' transformations at P corresponding to the tangent vector space at P
with local Lorentz group symmetry SO(D - 1, 1) of rotations and boosts. This works
in general like in Kaluza-Klein hyperspace with D = 5 as well as Einstein's D = 4.

Next go to the second order, i.e. at the connection field for parallel transport level, where
there are D^2(D + 1)/2 connection field coefficients to adjust to make the connection field
g-force slamming you against the seat of your space fighter, with warp drive, on disappear
whilst dogfighting by locally shaping the geometry with zero point energy density
macro-quantum wave interference modulation as I begin to show in these discussions.
Since God is subtle and not malicious the math shows that D^2(D + 1)/2 is precisely the
same number first derivatives of the metric at P that we need to adjust to zero to make the
torsion-free connection field vanish at P.

This is the hard core derivation of EEP that Yilmaz and whoever cannot abrogate.

Finally at the 3rd order curvature level (i.e. second order derivatives of the metric)
you have D^2(D + 1)(D + 2)/6 curvature coefficients of the Taylor series
to try to make zero, but there are a larger number D^2(D + 1)^2/4 second order partial derivatives
of the metric tensor, so you have left over D^2(D^2 - 1)/12 second order partial second order
partial derivatives that are undetermined. This is the number of independent components
of the 4th rank Riemann tensor for the relative tidal accelerations between closely
spaced neutral test particles on timelike geodesics.

Although the argument cited by Jack (to be found on 467 et seq. of MTW)
based on "EEP" is still a point of contention between us.

This is a fundamental objection to a Yilmaz-type stress energy term in
the GR field equations which IMO would have to be fully resolved before
we can know whether to take Yilmaz's theory too seriously.

At the same time, I believe I am now in a position to resolve this entire question
with a fundamental argument based on an internal critique of the canonical
interpretation of the GR formalism and a mathematical proof that provides the
"missing link" in Yilmaz's development.

I said it was error ridden because there was
enough obvious dissonance between the questions I'd
been asking and the responses I'd been getting to
allow the (correct) prediction that he hadn't really
read the sources.

I think he glanced at Yilmaz's papers, but decided they were a waste of time
-- at least as far as he is concerned.

Jack has an ambitious program, which is based on the emergence of *canonical*
GR from a virtual particle-pair BEC. So his plate is already full with that and it is
probably expecting too much to ask that he invest a substantial amount of effort
into unraveling the details of Yilmaz's arguments.

I suppose he is following his "nose" (or betting on horses).


I will comment on Freud Identity another time.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

On Thursday, November 27, 2003, at 09:08 AM, Mark Davidson wrote:


Phill's website can be found under physics faculty at:

He has a bibliography on there.

Best wishes and happy Thanksgiving.



Here is a short synopsis of what is in Ch3 of C.V. Johnson's "D-Branes".
Consider a D dimensional space-time e.g. D = 4 for our T4xSO(3,1) globally flat
Minkowski space.

In a possibly curved D dim metric space, the basic local conformal transformation is

x -> x' with

g'uv(x') = Omega(x)guv(x)

u, v = 0, 1, ... D-1

angles between vectors are invariant under this locally variable scale transformation of the metric.

Consider an infinitesimal transformation

x^u -> x'^u = x^u + e^u(x)

e^u(x) << x^u

Note this form is similar to my world crystal distortion field formula

du(x) = Lp*^2(Goldstone Phase of Vacuum Coherence),u

However du(x) is a physical field not an arbitrary infinitesimal change of local
coordinate representation. The Goldstone phase field differences of a local
macro-quantum "Vacuum Coherent Field" are physical and measurable.

Local Vacuum Coherent Field = (Higgs Amplitude Field)e^i(Goldstone Coherent Phase Field)

Random Noise Zero Point Vacuum Energy Density = [(String Tension)^2/hc][[hc/String Tension)^3/2|Higgs|^2 - 1]

This ZPF energy density can be zero or positive or negative.

A positive ZPF energy density has equal and opposite negative pressure, i.e. w = -1, therefore it is a source of anti-gravitating "dark energy". Gravitating "dark matter" is negative ZPF energy density with positive pressure.

~ (Energy Density + 3Pressure) -> -2(Energy Density) is the source in the Einstein GR Poisson equation for Exotic Vacuum's ZPF to create the space and time warps of practical "metric engineering.' A large string tension helps not hinders.

Back to orthodox Einstein GR mathematics without any macro-quantum Goldstone phase field explicitly noted. Any infinitesimal Diff(4) local symmetry group infinitesimal transformation of the local coordinates in a given patch adds what looks like a flat Minkowski space strain tensor, i.e. infinitesimally

g'uv~ guv - (eu,v + ev,u)

For the special case of the Conformal Group

eu,v + ev,u = F(x)guv

It can be shown that the infinitesimal conformal transformation must be of the quadratic form

eu = Au + Buvx^v + Cuvkx^vx^k (3.8) p. 71

Au are translations of local tetrad Cartan moving frames, Buv are their rotations.

You can think of this as a small distortion at a Lp Planck lattice node of a perfect D dimensional crystal.

Curvature and torsion, as shown by Hagen Kleinert, are stringy topological defects on scales L >> Lp.

Kleinert did not invoke the macro-quantum vacuum coherent field, but such a field with O(2) or U(1) internal symmetry
has such stringy topological defects.

The curvature comes from locally gauging Au, the torsion comes from locally gauging the antisymmetric piece of Buv, what comes from locally gauging Cuvk? Is "The Question" of the moment.

"The Question is: What is The Question?" J.A. Wheeler.

For finite transformations:

Translations: x'^u = x^u + Au generated by the linear operator Pu on BIT fields

Pu = -ih ... ,u the total 4-Momentum when D = 4

BIT fields are unitary micro-quantum representations of the symmetry group.

Macro-quantum order parameters are not unitary in this sense.

Local gauging means global Au -> Au(x) a local field that is essentially

du(x) = Lp^2(Goldstone Phase),u

Pu is the "space-time charge" of Einstein's gravity.

4 of these when D = 4.

Rotations: x'^u = M^uvx^v

whose generating "charge" of the Lie algebra is angular momentum/boost

Luv = ih(xu ... ,v - xv...,u)

6 of these when D = 4.

The boost part is to a uniformly moving non-accelerated tetrad local frame (LIF).

Dilation, similar to wavelet transform scaling is

x^u = Lx^u

Whose "charge" generator is - -ihx^u ...,u

One of these in D dim.

Finally the special conformal translations that are nonlinear

x'u =(x^u - b^ux^2)(1 - 2x.b - b^ux^2)

Note in the special case D = 4 Minkowski space-time for a null vector x^2 = 0

The special conformal translation "charge" is

Ku = -ih(2xux^v...,v - x^2...,u

Buv = Wuv + Lguv

Now let's only consider globally flat space guv -> nuv

Cuvk = nukbv + nuvbk - nvkbu

The flat infinitesimal conformal translation is

x'^u = x^u + 2(x.b)x^u - b^ux^2

The relation of this algebra to the De Sitter group is important because
De Sitter space has Einstein's global cosmological constant that when
locally gauged should be the dark energy/matter exotic vacuum field.

Define the Lie algebra of "conformal" charges as

J-1,u = (1/2)(Pu - Ku)

J0,u = (1/2)(Pu + Ku)

J-1,0 = D

Juv = Luv

This is in D + 2 dimensions.

The Lie algebra is then

[Jab, Jcd] = - ih{nadJbc + nbcJad - nacJbd - ndbJac]

This is the algebra of the continuous Lie group SO(D,2) with (1/2)(D+2)(D+1) "charges".

We now need to put some physical interpretational flesh on these formal bones.

When D = 2 like in the world sheet of a string (1-Brane), then we have SO(2,2)

When D = 3 like in a 2-Brane SO(3,2).

The Lie algebra is non-abelian like in Yang-Mills theory so that the gauge forces generally carry the
charge of the sources unlike U(1) electromagnetism.

One obvious idea is that the Conformal Group symmetry in globally flat Einstein spacetime
corresponds to rigid rotations in a hyperspace of with 4 space dimensions and 2 time dimensions.
Kaluza-Klein space is a sub-space with one time dimension held fixed like a stack of parallel
IT universes. Having a second time gives meaning to the "flow of time" that we experience
in our irreversible consciousness. Curious.

Remember in electromagnetism, the charge e multiplies the compensating connection local gauge force field for parallel
transport in the total fiber bundle.

I am barely scratching the surface of some unknown alien material. ;-)

At 01:46 PM 11/26/2003 -0800, you wrote:

No I just fell into this only recently. I have not read any of the literature.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 01:03 PM, Mark Davidson wrote:


I noticed that you are working on conformal gravity.  Do you know Phil Mannheim at the University of Connecticut?  He has done quite a lot of work in this area in the past and was one of the first to propose an accelerating universe caused by conformal corrections before experimental evidence was available.

URL?  I stumbled like Koestler's "Sleep Walkers" into the connection from my knowledge of the Utiyama-Kibble local gauging of the Poincare subgroup of the Conformal Group to get curvature + torsion. Local gauge everything! What's left? Exotic vacuum dark energy/matter The Right Stuff to Make Star Trek Real IMHO and 96% of The Universe is exotic vacuum. It does not take a "rocket scientist" to connect these dots. ;-)

Best wishes,


In a message dated 11/25/03 8:00:03 PM, writes:

IMHO Hal and Mike Ibison are misinterpreting the physics of EEP in
Tables I & II.

Their tables as far as I can tell are based on their SSS metric not on
their Lagrangian,

"No, you're wrong here.  The Tables define the fundamental definitions that go into the Lagrangian.  The Tables apply to SSS case, yes, but also to cylindrical Levi-Civita effects, rotating dumbbell case, Krasnikov-tube problem, etc., etc., a well as to various cosmological solutions that have been submitted for publication."


Noted. However, I think my objections that you are fundamentally ignoring EEP in your Tables still stands as I gave the argument in last message.

Thanks Constantin who is writing from Saint Petersburg, Russia.
I have done some minor editing of the original for English readers.


On Thursday, November 27, 2003, at 12:53 PM, Constantin Ivanenko wrote:


It was correctly noted by Dr Sarfatti & other researchers that various "modern myths", - such as UFO myth, myth about Antarctic Reich, myths about the Philadelphia Expeiment, Nautilus Experiment, Montauk Project etc, - are very useful as protective & nutrient sociopsychic niches/wombs, sheltering vulnerable, at first stages, unorthodox minds of original thinkers from a hostile environment. (Here the word "myth" is understood in positive sense indicated by C. Jung - who wrote that "myth is a chosen instrument of a poet, a prophet & The Leader". Negative connotations are attached there by hired guardians of Old Paradigm taboos, hindering explorations of New Frontiers of knowledge; - representing a kind of "collective Guardian of The Threshold", which must be overcome in process of the Initiation Test. These taboos are often compared in Russia to red flags used (besides their uses by Communist regime) during the wolves' hunt - here is famous a song by V. Vysotsky, where it's said that only those with high potential of Life Power could overcome evil hypnosis of red flags, compelling timid ones to make wrong choices leading to death.)

As soon as positive sociopsychic role of "custom-made myths" was recognized, there had naturally arisen a problem of development of optimal technology of their compilation: something like creation of "formalized mythological language" (similar to FORTRAN, ALGOL & other programming languages) which allow to make the process of compilation of complex programs of social behaviour fast & precise enough; - so it will be possible to adjust timely (or, better, with anticipation) to fast changing requiremnts of time.

One of most useful in this respect turned out to be "WMD paradigm"; - including not only such its more or less "conventional" branches as atomic, biological & chemical scares, used mostly by "conventional" politicians as instruments for manipulation of mass opinion - but also much more interesting psychotrnic, torsionic, vacuum energy & other Leading Edge varieties, employed now mostly by partisans of New Paradigm, motivated by purposes of expansion of frontiers of human knowledge.

The "Psychotronic WMD paradigm" got (some degree of) social importance during Cold War; - when dedicated (and precisely coordinated with the help of the international Masonic network) efforts of its Soviet & Western proponents resulted in the diverting of some (regrettably, too small) part of military expenses (which otherwise would have been used for the ecologically hazardous production of senseless military junk - such as dozens of thouands of obsolete tanks, rotting nuclear submarines & an amount of nuclear charges sufficient to incinerate our entire planet dozens of times) to the supremely important task of the development of new scientific methodology & technology, which might prove critically important in the near future for survival of Humankind, faced with the unprecedented challenges of the Cosmic Trigger's Destiny Matrix reloaded .

The development of "psychotronic paradigm" was stimulated by several sources of social energy (each of which had its own "characteristic waveband", so it's possible to speak about the "Psychotronic Rainbow Coalition"): firstly, it was being realized more and more acutely, the need for as flexible and surgically precise as possible instrument of "political feedback" whose use wouldn't entail general chaos & self-destruction, as in the case of nuclear weapons. (Allegedly President Johnson said after murder of President Kennedy: "We know that the Soviets had done this, but we cannot drop on them atom bomb in return"; no doubt, such feelings had been shared at some occasions (eg, after "inductive linkage": see in Glossary to "The Keys of Enoch" processing of Gorbachev's brain in Dec '84 in London also by some members of Soviet/Russian power elite.)

Secondly, development of a "super high-tech weapon", which could be controlled only by top scientific experts (unlike obsolete, from this viewpoint, nuclear - and bacteriological - weapons, which could be now fabricated by undergraduate students who got access to necessary hardware), was regarded as the main instrument for the establishment of Scientists' Power; - whose partisans are numerous enough both in Russia (where they are inspired by ideas of Tsiolkovsky & Acad Sakharov) & in the West (where one of numerous inspirations were ideas of Russia-born Ayn Rand who had a major influence on the University of Chicago Leo Straussian "Ravelstein" (Saul Bellow) neoconservatives who now, under Paul Wolfowitz, for better or for worse, now run The Pentagon and have dominated American Foreign Policy with the "pre-emptive doctrine" since 911.

More interestinggy, the need for a surgically precise individually targetable controlled action at a distance "absolute weapon" with "post-quantum signal nonlocality or directed thought teleportation into a brain, against which there cannot exist any defence (except such as could be granted from "supernatural" extrapolitical sources - something like mentioned by the Christ Weapon of Doomsday, which could take away one labourer in the field, sparing his nearby comrade), was rationalized as a pressing need for efficient Global Biofeedback from Noospheric Brain/Mind of Gaia to Her gravely ill (mainly - as claim eco-alarmists - because of ecologically criminal activities of our "mass consumer civilization") biosphere; - with whose help the planet might start so long needed "autogenic self-healing of human cancer". (Of course, the most relevant, from the viewpoint of self-appointed Saviours of Earth, feature of such weapon is that it will allow those who possess the alleged exotic "ET technology" (e.g. Colonel Phillip J. Corso's "The Day After Roswell" and Picknett & Prince's "The Star Gate Conspiracy")) to separate the Friends of Earth (as they regard themselves) - which would be spared by a "precision Apocalypse Now" - from Enemies of Earth (or perhaps enemies of Defenders of Earth), who would be utterly destroyed -- or so the Utopians fantasize.)

And, last but not least, the designing of such global-scale superweapons might be regarded by some Leading Edgers, - both in the West & East, - simply as "interesting physics" (cf. what E. Fermi said about creation of atom bomb).


There may be found some indications (or at last as such indications could be interpreted some events of ambiguous character) that towards such goal were directed, with surprising coordination, efforts of Leading Edge researchers of both East & West even during Cold War, when they were separated by seemingly impenetrable Iron Curtain. (This calls to mind a well-known experiment with thermites - which had built precsely converging tunnels even when they were separated by an iron sheet, impenetrable even to EM radiations, not to say about chemical influences. This phenomenon can be explained on basis of "animal telepathy" caused by morphic resonance/non-local communication between kindred patterns of DNA.)

In the case of the human "builders of Global Temple of Psychotronis" necessary communications (above purely animal/DNA level, which has too-small carrying capacity) were sustained with the help of specially designed "parascientific myths"; - combining, in accordance with age-hallowed recipes, 50% of hard information and 50% of creative imagination. (In case of metaphysically inclined "high-brow gheads" these last 50 % were filled by such elitist kind of creative imagination as esoteric teachings of Ageless Wisdom - very conveniently externalized during last century and half in writings of H. Blavatsky, Roerichs, A. Bailey & other world-renowned spiritual teachers; for people with lesser intellectual ambitions there sufficed good (or not so good) SciFi.)

Thus "metaphysically disguised" data (with attached to them thought-forms or haunting memes) could penetrate - more or less easily - even across The Iron Curtain; - stimulating (and, what is most important, coordinating) creative competition between both hemispheres of temporarily separated Global Brain. (Here it must be noted that transference of "100 % pure" information - which was effectuated via intelligence/espionage channels - had inhibited rather than stimulated creative activity. As a spectacular example here may be regarded such classical case as collapse of Soviet computer industry & science after "successful" stealing by KGB spies of technical information about IBM mainframe series. It's supposed that such "stealing" had been - as in case of Soviet nuclear espionage in '40s - secretly organized by US intelligence elite: this idea was implicit in popular sentence of an eminent computer scientist D. Knuth: "Stealing by Soviets of IBM materials was the biggest Trojan Horse (if, of course, not to take into consideration "UFOlogical Trojan Horse", mentioned by Ph. Corso: C. I.) in history". Similarly, "permitted stealing" by the Chinese of Soviet psychotronic technologies might have similar effect on Chinese psychotronics; - if, of course, this endowed with high vital power wise ancient nation wouldn't be able to digest this information without causing "stomach problems".)

According to the modern synergetic paradigm, a precisely calculated mixture of order & chaos is necessary for the maintenance of survival abilities of any natural systems (there can be taken as examples dynasties of Ancient Egypt, - between each of which existed a brief reign of "creative chaos", allowing us to ease sociopsychic tensions, - and composite materials comprising hard fibers & soft plastic fillings-up).
Similarly, a vital scientific paradigm, - in order to be able to grow and progress, - must necessarily include such mutually complementary components as "hard science" and "soft parascience"; - where the role of the "hard science skeleton" is to guarantee stability, - and the role of parascience is to provide room for further growth (whose direction cannot be predicted on basis of rigid constructions of established science: here can be drawn parallel with Early Warning radar systems, unable to discriminate between real and camouflage warheads, but timely attracting attention to the fact of missile attack, - which will be dealt with by more specialized narrow beam radars). There can be drawn some analogy with the dual electromagnetic nature of Light:the universal symbol of Life - and/or "Wave/particle duality"; - where the "elusive soft" wave mode is responsible for such important property as instant non-local communication, conceptually impossible for separated from the rest of Universe limited "hard" particles. (Here it can be also noted that contact with "lunatic minds" had proved very useful for such world-renowned scientists as S. Freud & C. Jung; - which could draw on its basis their profound theories. S. Freud said that disease gives a unique opportunity to observe well-protected otherwise inner mechanisms of Mind. The same can be said also about workings of Collective Mind of scientific community: it was analysis of critical periods of scientific evolution - when proponents of entrenched but devoid of vitality Old & vulnerable but promisig New paradigms had called their opponents various bad names - which helped Th. Kuhn to formulate his theory of scientific revolutions/paradigm shifts.)

The "WMD myth", - reinforced by tremendous power of paradigmal suggestion, - might become a real "non-lethal political weapon" of great efficiency, capable to exert real influence on geopolitical situation. (In experiments of Prof. Tutlygin, performed in Moscow in '30s, - and performed at the same time experiments of Dr. Vassiliev in Leningrad, - it was demonstrated that paradigmal attitude can function as a real "morphogenetic device", capable to form actual patterns of mental fields. Thus, in experiments of Prof. Turlygin, - who believed in electromagnetic character of psi-influences, - direction of these inflences' action conformed to laws of propagation of EM waves; - whereas in experiments of Dr. Vassiliev who didn't share this opinion psi-influences weren't bound by such laws. Similarly, efficiency of psi-weapons may depend on the degree of belief in their efficiency: cf. "shamanic curses", deadly for aboriginal people but harmless for educated white travellers (which, however, succumb to other kinds of potentially deadly superstitions - full liberation from which is possible only for a living saint). R. Assagioli uses in similar context such illustration: imagine a ray of sunlight which had almost instantly overcame tremendous distance from Sun to Earth - but can be easily stopped by a simple piece of paper.

See Fred Alan Wolf's books on this topic.

Thus the control over the paradigm may be regarded as one of most important tasks of totalitarian governments: from the Church inquisition to the Communist orthodoxy. No wonder that professional debunkers of parapsychology, UFOlogy, etc. had always been in Soviet times staff members (or trusted agents) of NKVD/KGB. If now, during current brief spell of (very relative but nevertheless real) democracy in Russia, free thinkers will manage to overcome "psi-dampeniong effect" of professional "extinguishers of Spiritual Light" (which may be possible, if they will use techniques of collective Internet-synchronized editation, allowing precisely synchronized minds of a small number of psi-activists to achieve laser concentration, overcoming influences of vast but diffused mental fields of Old Paradigmers) , then there might be realized idea of "psychotronic feedback"; - this psychosocial variant of "reverse DNA transcription", allowing to effectuate democratic control of the ruling elite (which, as in case of biological reverse transcription, will allow to make more purposeful - and thus more quick & less painful - the process of social evolution).

Use of "virtual psychotronic weapons", - supported by suggestive power of the scientific paradigm (as in Brian Green's "Elegant Universe" on NOVA) - will allow to realize ideas of Roerichs about non-violent social changes; - effectuated without necessity of recourse to physical violence & destruction, using the power of controlled mass suggestion.

The key role in process of transformation of the "orthodox/mainstram" scientific paradigm may belong to cosmology; - which is situated at the border between/intersection of "hard science" & esotericism (as used there as its main instrument "gedanken experiments" with such unwieldy objects as stars, galaxies & entire alternative universes cannot be easily fitted into framework of standard lab experiments, forming the basis of the justification of conventional science's discoveries). It may be interesting to note, that a new cosmological paradigm, - which may (or will, if enough sociopolitical will would be present) change global politics of tomorrow, - is formed through "telepathic consensus" in process of functioning of such "Internet Age invisible colleges"/"scientific endorphins'-producing glands of Global Brain" as "open email conferences" (such, eg, as that organized through efforts of Dr Sarfatti); - regular participation in which does incrase one's psi-abilities (cf. "Enhance our ESP online" by Sh. Barrera in FATE/May '96). As follows from experimental data of Prof. Gariaev, exchange via Internet of strongly entangled with created by professional scientific thinking clearly defined thought-forms verbal texts is facilitating psi-communication in no lesser dergree than exchanging by "morphogenetic signatures" of DNA (J. Benveniste-style).

Constantin I. Ivanenko, Ph. D., Metaphysics writing from Russia Today.

On Thursday, November 27, 2003, at 10:58 AM, david mosier wrote:

Have been enjoying the email and blog every day,
despite having only a conceptual idea of what you're
working on, and having no insight into the math at
all. However, since I trust you implicitly, I'll take
your word that what you say is correct, knowing that
you're constantly examining your work and revising it
immediately when new information or insights warrant.
I think it's a very good idea to 'contrast and
compare' your theories and math with those of Hal
Putoff (to the extent he has any math to compare to).
He's seen as something of a superior researcher in the
field, and by showing that he can't back up what he
says with math, while you can, will lead, eventually,
to you being declared correct, or, at least, correcter
(sic) and that might lead to you getting finally the
recognition you deserve.

I am not attacking Hal, I am simply being professional with
him and trying to get at the truth of the matter especially
now because of Nick Cook's bad and bogus book
"The Hunt for the Zero Point".
Scientific misinformation is bad for National Security
especially in this area which has WMD implications since
the vacuum energy is potentially much bigger than
nuclear fission and fusion.

Also, I support the campaign against the Cornell prof.
who's blackballed you and others. Give him Hell!

I am not involving myself as a plaintiff in the lawsuit.
I will give a factual deposition if asked to.

Happy Turkey Day!

ps: If you guys have a get together in London in
Feb., I'll sure try to be there. Mosier

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

I need to look at this Tech Gnostic message in more detail.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 05:14 PM, trixcleverspacealien wrote:

[posted os SSS 07:14p.m. 11-26-2003]

[06:29p.m. 11-26-2003]


More trivial nonsense from a true Lunatic Mind :-)

Yksvotin leads the way. By shattering the Time - Lock in man's
consciousness, he delivers him from between the PAST and FUTURE into
the IMAGE - MAKING realm of the FORMULA OF FORMULAS.....

Page 219 of "The Man Who Took Trips." Roy Ald - 1971


Time. A (past), B (present), C ( future), it was only through the
consciousness of the PRESENT that there was a real world of Past and
Future. That B, the PRESENT came before A, the PAST. That man's
consciousness formed the real world!



The creature from the human sembianze realized, second the legend, in
the attic of the ancient one sinagoga of Praga from rabbi Judah Loew,
that he was able to reformulate letters of the <<>> Hebrew
so as to to give to life to an independent being, was a progenitore
of the monster that popoleranno our future? She tells herself to
Praga that the famous cabalist had inserted under the language of a
clay giant the word ' Emet' -' Verita '', able to instill the life to
a inanimato being.


[04:09p.m. As you can see below I have a direct Jungain Synchronicity
that connects with Jack Sarfatti's 1953 Telephone Call from the
Future said synchronicity and is a prime example of John Lilly's
coincidence control center connecting coincidentally to the [1]
Rabbi of Pragues mythological GOLEM from the FIFTH DIMENSION [2]
ENIAC and Sarfatti 1953 [3] and Roy Ald's "The Man Who Took Trips"
alien "formula of formula's" outlining the Fifth Dimension with

Perhaps Roy Ald is Jewish and he used the Rabbi of Prague's Golem
mythos to paralell Paul Lernings "trips" to the Fifth dimension. If
thats the case Paul Lerning never referred to the E.T. alien's he met
there as GOLEM'S.


From: "trixcleverspacealien"
Date: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:36 am
Subject: yksvotin's proof - Alien Mathematics - Livermore and the
Rabbi of Prague



Modern Times : SARFATTI
Cecil Roth, in an article Stemmi di famiglie ebraiche italiane, in
Scritti in memoria di Leone Carpi, Jerusalem, 1967, discusses and
illustrates a number of Jewish coats of arms from the 17th and 18th
centuries: Acciaioli, Ambron, Ascarelli, Fattorini, Fo�, Gallico,
Avigdor, Basevi, Conigliano, Luzzatto, Mieli, Meshullam, Modigliani,
Montalbotti, Montefiore, Marpurgo, Orsi, De Paz, De Pomis,
Portaleone, Porto Coen Rapa, Sarfatti, di Segni, Soave.


From: Nusbacher)

I saw a purse in a museum that was labelled as having been owned by
the MAHARAL -- the famous mystical rabbi of Prague best known for
being a golem-maker -- which was decorated with a version of the arms
of Bohemia. It was not, I am convinced, that the MAHARAL felt such a
strong affection for the Bohemian state that he wished to display
their arms on his purse. The Bohemian lion appears, rather, as a pun
on the MAHARAL's surname: Loewy.

Jewish heraldry is a very complicated subject, and varies widely by
country of origin. In Italy it parallels the development of bourgeois
heraldry, in Germany it owes a great deal to shop-signs; and as we've
seen the MAHARAL likely treated it as a joke.


[04:09p.m. As you can see below I have a direct Jungain Synchronicity
that resonates, connects with Jack Sarfatti and his Telephone Call
From the Future 1953, and the Rabbi of Prague's GOLEM from the FIFTH

Then a printer began ever so slowly to print. The keys began to work
faster, and faster, and faster. All the kids and interns gathered
around the printer and read the message.


Where is the Golem now? Some think the Golem lives in the memories of
computers. Others think that the Golem hides in ENIAC, the first
computer ever made.

All we know is that the Golem is some where out there in cyberland
having fun and playing jokes on us when we play in the Fifth


It appears the Rabbi of Prague's Golem made Jack an offer he couldn't
refuse. :-)


The Parsifal Effect

All rights reserved.

Copyright 1995

now on

It's 1952 in Flatbush. Gee! - mechanical relay switching circuits for
the Einiac computer - what a great shiny book I got from the big
library on Eastern Parkway. The telephone rings. I pick it up. I hear
curious clanking mechanical sounds like relays clicking. A distant
cold metallic voice speaking numbers gets louder.

"Who are you?"
I ask.
"I am a conscious computer on board a spacecraft from [memory
failure]. We have identified you as one of four hundred young bright
receptive minds we wish to [memory failure]. You must give us your
decision now. If you say yes, you will begin to link up with the
others in twenty years."
My adrenaline was rushing. I was scared but thrilled (i.e., a quantum
superposition of feelings). This was no joke from my friends. I
thought "NO!" in a silent scream that seemed to echo down the
corridors of time. I felt a tingle of excitement start at the base of
my spine ending at the base of my skull. I heard myself say "Yes!".
Then, I heard the metallic voice say:
"Good, go to your firescape. We will send a ship to pick you up in
ten minutes."
I slammed down the phone. I imagined that a murderer would come down
the roof to the firescape to get me. But I knew it was weirder than
that. The monsters finally announced themselves. I ran into the
street faster than you can say "Who killed Jack Robinson." I met my
friend Winky 1 and a few other kids and told them what happened. We
went back up to my apartment and waited. Nothing ever happened.


trixcleverspacealien typing :

It appears that Jack Sarfatti may have gotten a telephone call from
the Rabbi of Prague's Golem who lives in the Fifth Dimension.

According to the Jewish people who have built on the legend of Rabbi
of Prague's Golem the Golem exists inside? outside time and space as
we know it in the 5th Dimension.

Connect that idea then to Roy Ald's "The Man Who Took Trips" wherein
Paul Lerning's Fifth dimensional Alien's exist in a Fifth Dimension.
This dimension is created by the MIND and exists in the present
before the past. [the last part of the sentence is derived from Roy
Ald's "The Man Who Took Trips" where he USES the Rabbi of Prague as
an analogy to what happend to an alien civilization that Paul Lerning
was teleportated too via the alien's use of a BIO-WAVE.]

From Paul Lerning's Fifth Dimensional alien's case the present
precedes the past and/or conversely from the 13 year old Jack
Sarfatti's prespective his future.

This idea of a Golem being a "computer A.I. device from the future
[present precedes the past?] maybe, perhaps described by Jack Good /
Sarfatti concepts as a big A.I. Supermind Computer in the sky.


Some think the Golem resides inside the ENIAC and by extension
computer microchips.

Scenerio : Imagine this evolved panspermic [Fred Hoyle] Golem as
spread out accross infinite Universe and connected to all points thru
the medium of FTL / EPR string bridge connections to a Destiny
Matrix of vertical and horizontal pole interconnections teleporting
messages to the universal Telephone directory with one Jack
Sarfattis' telephone number, address inscribed within.

This Golem A.I. computer intelligence existing in time and space is
in and outside our 4% corner or the universe which is embedded in and
outside by the 23% 73 % dark energy/ matter multiverse with all
collaborating infinite A.I. devices connected via superstring
connection superpositioned and interfering in a David Deteush Post
quantum computer array of infinite multiverse Valis intelligent
internet "IT" being with ENIAC as a distant relative cousin that the
13 year old Jack Sarfatti had under his arm that day in 1953 just
back from the library when the Golem called him.

Jack you better check your P.C. for the Golem. The Golem may be
residing in Jack Sarfatti's "Sarfatti Science Seminar Star Fleet
Command computer."

SEE : "THE MAN WHO TOOK TRIPS" By Roy Ald - 1971

AND SEE : SSS #4517 yksvotin's proof - Alien Mathematics -
Livermore and the Rabbi of Prague

Page 220 : FORMULA OF FORMULAS : The Fifth Dimension of the
[ Psycho - Synergistic Determinism]

From: "trixcleverspacealien"
Date: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:36 am
Subject: yksvotin's proof - Alien Mathematics - Livermore and the
Rabbi of Prague

yksvotin's proof [yksvotin is an Alien who lives in the Fifth

Yksvotins' statement as reported by Paul from the ilbithian account:

Akstonjer was mistaken.
In the ABC of Time,
B comes before A
and there is no more.

When ABC is taken to represent the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE in the
alphabet of time [ C extended as infinity to Z], man or the being of
conscious intelligence is represented in the Present, as always,
between Past (the beginning of creation) and Future ( the end , the


To encompass the mysterious force acting betwen electromagnetic
energy systems and inertial energy systems, Akstonjer and Einstein
What shall be conceived to encompass the mysterious force between a
gravitational energy space-time FINITE WORLD and a time-bound


The Imaginational Energy Field of the human Consciousness :
Imagination 5 dim / 3 dim space / 4 dim time/


[03:53p.m. 11-26-2003]

Have the people who wrote the web page below

read Roy Ald's book "THE MAN WHO TOOK TRIPS" and decided to
incorporate Roy Ald's use of the Rabbi of Pragues creation of the
Golem and Paul Lerner's Fitfh Dimensional Alien's idea into their web
page, OR is it just sheer trivial Coincidence?

I ran a Google Search : "Rabbi of Prague" golem.

This is what I found. Please note the word ENIAC.

The word ENIAC is found in both accounts. Also Jack Sarfatti is
Jewish and related to the Rabbi De Troyes as of yet I have not
searched for a connection between Rabbi De Troyes and the Rabbi of
Prague, the Rabbi Loew.

Where is the Golem now? Some think the Golem lives in the memories of
computers. Others think that the Golem hides in ENIAC, the first
computer ever made. Some even believe the Golem found a way to become
a microcomputer chip. But nobody knows which chip. We don't know in
which computer in the world the chip could be.

All we know is that the Golem is some where out there in cyberland
having fun and playing jokes on us when we play in the Fifth



The story of the Golem begins in the old city of Prague. Many boys
and girls do not know where Prague is located. It is the capital of
Czechoslovakia,(a country in eastern Europe). Over one million people
live there today.

As the legend is told, an old Jewish man named Rabbi Loew lived in
Prague. He was a very tall and big man. So, he was called the Great
Rabbi of Prague. He was a very kind person and cared for the people
of Prague, but he became very sad because the people had to work hard
all day.

The parents of children did not get paid very much for their work.
When they came home at the end of the day, they had to do chores. The
boys and girls in the family had to help. Boys and girls helped chop
wood. The wood was used for cooking and keeping the houses warm..
They also had to sweep and dust their rooms and make their beds. In
the summer, they grew vegetables in little gardens beside their
houses. Sometimes the older children had to take goods into the city
to sell at the big market.

Some people in Prague did not like people who were different. Jewish
people were badly treated because they were different. Poor people
were badly treated because they were poor. At times it was not safe
to be out alone at night. Many times, angry mobs attacked people.

One day Great Rabbi Loew decided that he should do something to help
the grownups and boys and girls. He remembered a story that his
father told him when he was a little boy. His father had read one of
the great books in the Synagogue, a Jewish church. The story said
that a Golem, a kind of servant, could be made out of a lump of clay!

"That is what I will do!"; Rabbi Loew said to himself. "I will create
a Golem to help the people with their work. Then the grownups will
not be so tired at the end of the day. And the children will have
time to play. A Golem could also patrol the city and keep law and

"How much will a Golem cost?" Great Rabbi Loew wondered. Then a big
smile came on his face. "Having a Golem will not cost much," he
said. "A Golem will not eat, drink, or work for money."

"But how can I make a Golem?", thought Great Rabbi Loew. He began
asking all the great thinkers he knew, "Do you know how to make a
Golem?" From door to door and store to store he went, asking, "Does
anyone know how to make a Golem?"

One night he was reading the Cabbala, a holy book, and learned how to
make a Golem. The Cabbala said, "A Golem must be made of the sticky
clay from the bank of the Moldavka River. Make the face, hands and
feet out of clay. Roll it over on its back. Walk around the form of
clay from right to left seven times." As you walk around the form,
shout, "Shanti, Shanti, Dahat, Dahat!"

The Great Rabbi Loew asked for three helpers to go with him to the
river. On the bank of the river, they found very sticky clay. They
cut small tree limbs for the body. They rolled up old rags for a
head. Then they put clay on the limbs and rags to give the body shape.

Then the Great Rabbi Loew and his three helpers walked around the
clay form seven times. They shouted. "Shanti, Shanti, Dahat, Dahat!"

The clay body began to grow red like a very hot fire. Then the body
became covered with long hair. Then the tips of the fingers and toes
grew nails! "Stand up and walk like a person!" shouted Great Rabbi
Loew. The Golem stood up and looked straight ahead. The three helpers
dressed the Golem in clothes fit for a servant.

The Great Rabbi Loew asked the Golem, "Do you hear, see and
understand?" The Golem nodded, "yes."

The Golem was put in the back of a wagon and they drove to the city
of Prague. Just outside the city, Great Rabbi Loew said, "Stop."

He pulled the Golem from the cart and said, "This is the city of
Prague. The city where my people live. You will help them do their
work and protect them." Again, the Golem nodded, "Yes."

Now Great Rabbi Loew had to decide how to make the Golem begin to
work. He also had to decide how to make the Golem stop
working. "Golem," he said, "Each night a piece of paper will be put
in your mouth. It will tell you the work to be done. You will do it.
In the morning you will go to sleep and sleep all day."

Each night Great Rabbi Loew would write down on a piece of paper the
work the Golem was supposed to do before morning. He would put the
paper in the Golem's mouth and go to bed. Sometimes the Golem cleaned
up the Synagogue. Sometimes the Golem cleaned up houses. The Golem
also helped keep law and order at night, so the people were not

Great Rabbi Loew decided that the Golem should be more like real
people. One day he showed the Golem how to eat bread. The Golem
thought everything could be eaten. One day he ate a brick.

People learn what they know by playing, learning, and working with
other people. Moms and dads help their children learn what they need
to know. Children also learn by going to school. They also learn by
doing things with groups after school. Being made out of clay, the
Golem never had a chance to play, learn, or work.

The Great Rabbi Loew decided that the Golem needed to know about
people and living. The Great Rabbi spent a lot of time telling the
Golem important things that people knew. One day Great Rabbi Loew
said to himself, "I don't have time to tell the Golem everything!
What can I do? How can I solve this problem?" Simon, a friend,
said, "Why don't we teach the Golem to read? Then the Golem can read
books. The Golem can learn everything by reading books!"

They began to teach the Golem to read. Pretty soon the Golem began to
know the things that people knew. Learning what people knew became a
problem. By learning what people knew, the Golem wanted to become a

Sometimes the Golem seemed very happy. But one day the Golem became
very sad. The Golem had been watching all the people having fun and
laughing. The Golem also began to see that the children had time to
play games and have fun. "Ah," thought, the Golem, " I wish I could
be like the children. It would be fun to run, play games, laugh, and
eat good tasting food"

The Golem became very angry. The Golem shouted, "Why can't I be like
the children? I know what children know. I want to be like the
children! I want to have fun! I want to be happy! I will run away and
learn to have fun!" said the Golem.

The Golem ran out of Great Rabbi Loew's house, ran up the street,
yelled at all the people, and began to throw rocks and break things.
The people became afraid. They began to chase the Golem. The Golem
could run very fast. The people could run as fast as the Golem, but
the Golem was able to escape.

From that day on, the Golem was never seen again. That was over four
hundred years ago.

One day, some grownups in Boone, North Carolina decided to create a
Fifth Dimension. The purpose of the Fifth Dimension was for boys and
girls to have fun after school. Big computers were brought in to use.
All kinds of computer games were bought for the boys and girls to
play. The kids began coming to the Fifth Dimension at Parkway School
first. They really had fun playing all the games. They could also
send mail by computer to boys and girls in California, Mexico, and
Russia. It was great fun.

One Monday afternoon some very strange things began to happen. The
boys and girls were playing computer games and the computers stopped
working for no reason. The computers began to cut on and off. Some of
the computers even began to make a humming sound. Some of the boys
and girls say that the game disks stood up on their edges and began
to dance!

All of a sudden it became very cold, dark, and foggy outside. All the
computers turned off by themselves! The boys and girls looked at each
other. They dared not speak!

Then a printer began ever so slowly to print. The keys began to work
faster, and faster, and faster. All the kids and interns gathered
around the printer and read the message.


Hanging around Fifth Dimensions. Nobody has actually seen the Golem.
But many of the kids get e-mail from the Golem. The kids write the
Golem letters. We guess that this is how the Golem is still learning
how to be a person.

We know for sure that the Golem has learned how to have fun! At any
time, a computer may not boot or a game will not come up on a
monitor. One kid can play a game and have fun. But in a very strange
way, the game may not come up for the next kid!

Where is the Golem now? Some think the Golem lives in the memories of
computers. Others think that the Golem hides in ENIAC, the first
computer ever made. Some even believe the Golem found a way to become
a microcomputer chip. But nobody knows which chip. We don't know in
which computer in the world the chip could be.

All we know is that the Golem is some where out there in cyberland
having fun and playing jokes on us when we play in the Fifth

*Loosely based on: Thieberger, F. (1955). The great Rabbi Loew of
Prague: His life and work and the legend of the golem. London:
Horovitz Publishing Co.


11-26-30 [05:21p.m This is what I posted on SSS last night

#4517 : yksvotin's proof - Alien Mathematics - Livermore and the
Rabbi of Prague

The Rabbi of Prague is mentioned on page 217 in the first page of the

Recall Jack Sarfatti gave a talk at the Livermore Labs. 11-14-15?

No, it was at UC Berkeley, Evans Hall.

Also see Jim Schnabel's "Remote Viewer's" book for the story in
regards paranormal events ala Flying Saucer / strange telephone calls
from E.T.


I had "just started" to read the EPILOGUE wherein Roy Ald the author
is relating an analogy between Paul Lerner's Alien Flying Saucer
abduction oddessy and the "RABBI OF PRAGUE", the Rabbinical story is
in regards the RABBI laboring to relicate an obediant semblance of
Man in the multitude of proportions, all his parts from the largest
organ to the smallest down to the cell on down to the ATOM when
suddenly the person in the other room where our T.V. is located
changes the channel and I hear the words come down the hall to
me "Lawrence Livermore Labs" the time was 10:36p.m. I quickly jumped
up and went in and recorded the story.
It was about the development of the A- Bomb I saw Edward Teller,
Oppenheimer and other relevant personages. The jist of the story
wasn't so much about the bomb as it was about a misplaced "TIME

It had buried for posterity, for history.

Lawerence Livermore had buried a "TIME CAPSULE" on the grounds there
at Livermore and years later they couldn't remember where they had
buried it, they couldn't locate it. It was funny, they were going on
about all these great minds that couldn't find their "TIME CAPSULE."
They did finally locate it, it was buried UNDER THE "INDIAN TOTEM

Also right before they said they found the Time Capsule an American
Indian [Human Being - Turtle Island] related a story about a CURSE,
about the nature of curses and something to do with the nature of
curses will come around and haunt people etc.

I thought I may have seen Jack Sarfatti but I'm not sure, so Jack when
and if you read this were you there when the parties made this

No, but maybe it was my Golem. ;-)




[06:18p.m. 11-26-2003 : I just found this on the net. Searching
terms "Rabbi Leow" and Sarfatti
Results found :

Menorah - BLOG - Ebrei, ebraismo ed Italia Ebraica on-line - [
Translate this page ]
... Margherita Sarfatti - Dal mito del Dux al mito americano. ... La
stella a sei punte �
2: Un amico di Israele � 3: La leggenda del golem, quando Rabbi
creo un ... - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

then I followed the URL trail to :


The awkward and gigantic shadow of the golem is spread on the
laboratories that practice the searches on the clonazione.

The creature from the human sembianze realized, second the legend, in
the attic of the ancient one sinagoga of Praga from rabbi Judah Loew,
that he was able to reformulate letters of the alphabet Hebrew so as
to to give to life to an independent being, was a progenitore of the
monster that popoleranno our future? She tells herself to Praga that
the famous cabalist had inserted under the language of a clay giant
the word ' Emet' -' Verita '', able to instill the life to a
inanimato being.

When the golem, that it would have had to limit itself to obey to the
orders of its landladies, comincio' to exercise its uncontrolled
force putting to risk the emergency of the ghetto, Loew precipito' to
cancel the letter begins them - the Alef (that it symbolizes al same
time the essence of the creator and number one) - from the word that
gave life to it. The two residual letters formed thus the word '
Met' -' Dead women ', leaving without life the great body, than it
would be still found deposited in some impenetrable place, under the
ancient spiovente roof of the piu' sinagoga praghese.

One history travelled over again ossessivamente from the literature
of mitteleuropea inspiration (from Meyrink, to Singer to Wiesel),
from the cinema and the theatre of the espressionismo. A fundamental
element of that magical Praga understood them of witchcrafts, where
emperor rodolfo II of asburgo surrounded of alchemists and coming
from ciarlatani from all Europe in the hope to find the formula that
tramutasse in gold the common metal.

In the Jewish culture the golem from it has always represented the
concept of a body lacking in spirit. The word reruns a single time in
the book of knows to me, but in realta' it sends back to the creation
of the first man. According to an ancient sacred legend, in fact,
Adam in the first 12 hours of life was not other that a golem.

The knowledge, than of it it made a being completed, was only
conferred to it in according to moment. The topic resorts in the
Talmudic literature. Rabbi Hanina and Rabbi Oshia together studied
every venerdi' the book of the creation. They thus succeeded to give
life from the null one to an ox and therefore of it they ate the
meat. An other rabbi, Rava, creo' instead one true and own person and
the mando' to visit Rabbi Zeira. He cerco' to interrogate the
creature, but this was incapable to answer.

Rendered account then of having an artificial construction of rava
and made itself it to return to the powder. This passage from the
treaty on the sinedrio e' only one of the many elements of the Jewish
writings that leave to be transparent a particular one sensibilita'
in the comparisons of the genetic experimentation.

Gia' in the book of the Genesis (cap.30) Giacobbe succeeds to
distinguish and to multiply the own crudes oil from those of Labano
that oppresses it making to water them in particular waters and
provoking to the reproduction of one species characterized from
particular striature on the hair.

According to the commentators of the writing it had not been dealt,
like could appear, of a divine participation, but rather than a
genetic manipulation of which the patriarch it knew the secrets. In
other Talmudic brani, finally, news is found on the surgical
operations which they were submitted makes runners you of the king

To how much it seems the removal of the milza and an participation to
the feet race of imbattibili velocisti was resolutions to create one.
All elements that seem to apparently refute the official answer of a
ebraismo online with the other religious cultures, for which the
permission and the obligation to practice of the genetic
experimentations rebel exclusively for guardian the human health and
in order to limit the suffering.

Of other part many autorita' rabbinical have been expressed in
strongly restrictive way $R-with regard to the possibilita' to
exercise medical science where not there is the requirement to cure.
Of it it achieves as an example a strict attitude in the comparisons
of the aesthetic surgery, practiced for reasons of mere vanita '.

Although the golem, therefore, medical science has need to obtain one
moral authorization before taking part with its acquaintances. ' the
ebrasimo - confirmation the from Milan rabbi Alfonso Arbib - it
believes firmly that our bodies belong exclusively to the creator,
consequently, the puo' not to say nobody '.

For this reason the Maimonide, the great scientist, doctor and
thinker medioevale giudeo-Spanish, excluded the possibilita' to
condemn a man on the base of its confession: The life of a person not
e' a its possession , as the Ezechiele prophet has said remembering
the words of the eternal one.


[06:25p.m 11-26-03] I ran a search with terms : sarfatti "Rabbi of
prague" and it found one :

Jewish Heraldry
... Orsi, De Paz, De Pomis, Portaleone, Porto Coen Rapa, Sarfatti, di
Segni ... as having
been owned by the MAHARAL -- the famous mystical rabbi of Prague best
known ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

From: Nusbacher)


I saw a purse in a museum that was labelled as having been owned by
the MAHARAL -- the famous mystical rabbi of Prague best known for
being a golem-maker -- which was decorated with a version of the arms
of Bohemia. It was not, I am convinced, that the MAHARAL felt such a
strong affection for the Bohemian state that he wished to display
their arms on his purse. The Bohemian lion appears, rather, as a pun
on the MAHARAL's surname: Loewy.

Jewish heraldry is a very complicated subject, and varies widely by
country of origin. In Italy it parallels the development of bourgeois
heraldry, in Germany it owes a great deal to shop-signs; and as we've
seen the MAHARAL likely treated it as a joke.


:A true Lunatic Mind


[07:09p.m. 11-26-2003]