I. Puthoff-Sarfatti Debate Update
Points of agreement in my present understanding of Hal's position:
1. Common goal is "metric engineering" for warp drive and stargate fast time travel.
2. UFO's are not pseudo-science, are real with the above capability and represent a potential threat in the sense of Chapter 9 of Sir Martin Rees's "Our Final Hour." I think this is also Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's position.
3. "Paranormal remote viewing" is real including backward in time. Puthoff and Targ did pioneering work on this financed by CIA and other USG agencies. The late CIA Chief of Station Harold Chipman was deeply involved in key aspects of this project although Hal and I differ on that aspect. I only know what Chip told me directly. Dr. Kit Green can perhaps clarify this matter of history. Dick Bierman's recent "presponse" experiments are relevant to this as well as Antony Valentini's theoretical work on "signal nonlocality" in late 1990's which give a more mainstream explanation for what Martin Gardner describes as my theory in "Magic and Paraphysics" in 1976 and that is also described in "Cosmic Trigger" by Robert Anton Wilson in late 1970's as " EPR superluminal transfer of negentropy without energy propagation" (i.e. the "e-bit" in moderrn parlance. I discovered that in early 1970's - now a standard concept in mainstream "quantum teleportation" by Chas. Bennett et-al from IBM. The secure "untappable" C^3 application of this was already outlined in Lawry Chickering's 1981 letter to Richard De Lauer Under Secretary of Defense for Research. This letter has been cited by Jeremy Bernstein in New Yorker "Quantum Engineers", by N.D. Mermin in Physics Today and by Murray Gell-Mann in "The Quark and the Jaguar." Those comments were prior to modern understanding of "quantum teleportation."
The key distinction here is "signal locality" vs. "signal nonlocality." We have the seeming paradox that
Nonlocal micro-quantum non-mechanics has signal locality, whilst local MACRO-quantum non-mechanics will permit signal nonlocality as in Dick Bierman's "presponse".
Micro-quantum signal locality means that one needs a classical signal "key" Shannon c-bit to unlock the quantum negentropiv message in the "e-bit."
With "signal nonlocality" one does not need the c-bit key at all. That is what "presponse" and SRI RV are all about.
Stapp's retro-PK theory is an example of post-quantum non-mechanics with signal nonlocality.
Signal locality prohibits inner conscious qualia.
Valentini shows when you can violate signal locality in the DeBroglie-Bohm-Vigier quantum realism.
I think Puthoff agrees with the above?
Points of disagreement:
2. The PV Sakharov problem of zero point energy density induced gravity.
i Puthoff has no concept of vacuum coherence to dampen down the zero point energy contribution to the cosmological term in Einstein's c-number field equation. Puthoff does not solve the 1967 Sakharov problem, which is to derive Guv = -8pi(G/c^4)Tuv from the quantum field theory vacuum, e.g. S. Adler Rev. Mod Phys 1982 & Feynman's Cal Tech Lectures on Quantum Gravity. I have solved this problem in a new way showing it is wrong to top->down micro-quantize Einstein's GR because it is a bottom-up emergent ODLRO phenomenon in sense of PW Anderson's "More is different" principle of emergent complexity.
That is Einstein's guv(x,L) is a c-number FM signal of the local macro-quantum vacuum coherent Goldstone phase field.
(see my 1966 - 1967 paper "The Goldstone Theorem and the Jahn-Teller Effect" with Marshall Stoneham at UKAERE Harwell Didcot, Berks, in Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1967 and cited in AIP "Resource Letter on Symmetry in Physics.")
The unified dark energy/matter local zero point energy density field /\zpf(x,L) is the AM signal of the local Higgs macro-quantum vacuum field.
ii. Puthoff's model is classical phenomenology with no direct formal connection to quantum field theory. It is based on an over-extrapolation of a flimsy analogy of gravity to light propagation in an inhomogeneous dielectric.
iii. Puthoff has an eccentric use of the "isotropic radial coordinate" r that he treats as if it were the "Schwartzschild curvature radial coordinate". This, in context of his SSS exponential isotropic metric leads to an expansion of the surface area after the radial coordinate passes through a critical value O(GM/2c^2). Puthoff claims no event horizon and no black hole singularity. This contradicts Bekenstein's information theory and Lenny Susskind's "holographic universe." Puthoff's metric is consistent with the Yilmaz theory that has a classical vacuum gravity stress-energy density term in it. That is, the Yilmaz challenge to Einstein's vacuum equation
Ruv = 0 for /\zpf = 0
Ruv - (1/2)Rguv = - 8pi(G/c^4)tuv(vac)
According to MTW EEP requires
R = 0 and tuv(vac) = 0 in the ordinary /\zpf = 0 vacuum.
Puthoff has no explanation why /\zpf = 0. You cannot explain that without vacuum coherence like what I have in
and in my paper at Sept 2003 Paris Vigier Conference at Peirre et Mari Curie Universite.
Einstein's Vision was to explain elementary particles in terms of a local geometrodynamical field theory of spatially extended "geon" structures.
John Wheeler took that challenge up in mid-1950's in his book "Geometrodynamics" but was defeated by the same space-time stiffness barrier
G/c^4 = 10^-33 cm per 10^19 Gev
that defeated Hal Puthoff's attempt to explain flying saucers at a hush hush NIDS meeting a few years ago.
I add that Puthoff has held very high USG National Security Clearance since his days in USN & NSA and is in a position to counter any extremist claims that "UFO physics is pseudo-science." We disagree on how to explain the phenomenon, but we agree on the reality of the phenomenon.
In this regard Dr. Bruce Cornet's observation of "reversed Doppler effect" from "flying saucers" is key to my /\zpf field explanation of the saucer weightless warp drive in the sense of Alcubierre's toy model.
If we are to apply Puthoff's SSS model as a model of a spin 0 neutral geon elementary particle allowing G* >> G on the small scale of 1 fermi, the prediction is that this geon grows larger in size as the resolving power of the Heisenberg microscope increases. This is contrary to experiment.
The mathematical reason is that
dC/dR = 2pi in Puthoff's SSS PV model.
This is the same as in flat Euclidean space and it follows from his way of using the isotropic radial coordinate ras shown in detail in my book
Space-Time and Beyond II (2002).
dC is the differential in the physical circumference of a circle surrounding the source M in Puthoff's SSS metric induced by dr.
dR is the differential in the physical radial distance induced by dr.
The actual physical radial distance R is the definite integral of dR from infinity down to h/p where p is the momentum transfer of the Heisenberg microscope in the elementary particle application.
Unlike Puthoff's holding r fixed when he tries to explain why R >> C, here in the scattering problem, both the C and the R must be evaluated at the lower limit
r -> rmin = h/p, so that rmin << GM/c^2, therefore the geon's apparent physical size INCREASES as the momentum transfer in the scattering imaging increases i.e. as the resolving power of the Heisenberg quantum uncertainty microscope image of the elementary particle increases!
In contrast, in Einstein's theory, the spatially extended geon elementary particle grows smaller in apparent size looking more and more like a point particle with increasing imaging resolving power of the scattering probe precisely because of the ANISOTROPIC spatial curvature that is absent in Puthoff's SSS metric. Formally in Einstein's "battle tested" theory
dC/dR = 2pi(1 - 2G*mp/hc^2)^1/2
The spatially-extended particle then looks like a mathematical point particle at the "event horizon" p*
2G*mp/hc^2 = 1
p* ~ hc^2/2G*m ~ h/(1 fermi) ~ 1Gev/c momentum transfer
L ~ h/p
Of course real electron-particle plasma is created in a real scattering experiment before this limit is reached in the case of the electron.
Now Puthoff claims that his metric with charge avoid this problem but he has not proved that with math.
I have used the full Kerr-Newman micro-geon metric with both charge and rotation to get an important result that
/\zpf ~ - 1/(1 fermi)^2
stabilizes the spatially-extended electron hidden variable from the w = -1 positive zero point energy density pressure exotic vacuum "dark matter core" opposing the centrifugal and self-electric charge explosion effect.
The basic exotic vacuum zero point energy density corrected Einstein vacuum equation is then
Ruv(x,L) - (1/2) R(x,L)guv(x,L) + /\zpf(x,L)guv(x,L) = 0
at scale L ~ h/p, where x is coarse-grained at scale L in a mother wavelet generalization of the Fourier analysis used in the Wigner phase space density version of micro-quantum theory with macro-quantum ODLRO added.
Elementary particle physics happens in the holographic universe at scale
L* = Lp^2/3(c/Ho)^1/3 ~ 1 fermi ~ 10^-13 cm
Lp^2 = hG/c^3 ~ 10^-66 cm^2
c/Ho ~ 10^28 cm is the "Hubble scale" of our universe.
Note the spatially extended elementary particle soliton "geon" of Wheeler's "Mass without mass", "Charge without charge" ... is the DeBroglie-Bohm-Vigier "hidden variable."
Note that his model leads to the possibility of a new "cold fusion" "atomic bomb" WMD based on J.P. Vigier's "tight quantum states" model being studied in Beograd and also now, it appears, in Kiev.
II. Thanks Gary. Very relevant work. More anon. :-)
Deutsch and I appear on same Learning Channel TV show "Time Travel" Ultra-Science. He is a top thinker along with Max Tegmark at the cutting edge of mainstream physics today.
On Sunday, July 27, 2003, at 08:03 AM, Gary S. Bekkum wrote:
Hi Jack,
I doubt that you will agree with much of what David says in these papers,
however they are important to read in any case.
David's ideas of a "post quantum (information) theory are called "quantum
constructor theory" :
It From Qubit to the celebrations of John Wheeler's 90th birthday will
appear in Science & Ultimate Reality, John Barrow, Paul Davies, Charles
Harper, Eds. (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Physics, Philosophy and Quantum Technology at the Sixth International
Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing will appear
in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Quantum
Communication, Measurement and Computing, Shapiro, J.H. and Hirota, O., Eds.
(Rinton Press, Princeton, NJ. 2003).
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Pulling The Cosmic Trigger: The Final Hours of the Super-Illuminati :-)
Hal Puthoff wrote to Jack Sarfatti
In a message dated 7/24/03 1:02:45 PM, sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
The metric I use here is your SSS metric in your papers - it's a toy
model sure without rotation and charge. Are you saying that you have
done a calculation now in PV with rotation and in that case the surface
area does not go to a minimum and then increase again as your radial
coordinate ri << GM/c^2? If that is the case, I will reconsider.
"For a lepto quark, SSS doesn't apply. Charge makes all the difference. Metric is entirely different. This case is mentioned in Section 5.2 of my June 2002 Found. Phys. paper on PV. (Rotation not yet taken into account.) Much work done with this (in part because of modeling Shoulders' EVs), but still a work in progress. Very complex."
Yes, I agree with you that the SSS model is probably too primitive.
Note, in my rough estimate, I use the full Kerr-Newman metric and the rotational term ~ (J/mc)^2 centrifugal barrier is crucial in my getting
|/\zpf(1 fermi scale)| ~ 1/(1 fermi)^2
to stabilize electron.
Basically, balancing radial forces in Newtonian toy model
G*m^2/r^2 = e^2/r^2 + J^2/mr^2
G* >> G(Newton) J ~ hbar/2
mc^2 = e^2|/\zpf|^1/2
G*m^2/hc ~ 1
Put the above into Kerr-Newman metric and look for self-consistent solution.
That is, I cannot get anything interesting using only a Reissner-Nordstrom metric with J = 0, the rotation plays a crucial role.
One obviously gets Ken Shoulders type charge cluster solutions from my approach as well. So if charge clusters are real and not charged mercury droplets, I think I have essentially the zero point exotic vacuum explanation for them as a trivial corollary.
Details I think are posted on my "Blog" "Destiny Matrix", will have it all in Vigier IV Paris Sept 2003 paper.
My remarks on your PV are only for your SSS model and I stated that. I have not seen any details of your PV model with "charge", but if you only have charge without rotation, and if you have nothing like my /\zpf with an effective G* >> G(Newton) you don't have anything IMO. If you do let's see the details of what you claim.
You say your stuff is very "complex". My stuff is very "simple". So perhaps you are "Heitler" to my "Feynman"? :-)
I have zero point quantum fluctuations with coherence built into my formal model very clearly. I do not see it in your PV model. You have no vacuum coherence, and vacuum coherence insense of ODLRO for the reduced quantum density matrices of the zero point fluctuations is everything in this Sakharov Game.
On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 02:16 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 12:21 AM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
I meant "...we can define a class of equivalent free-float frames that
locally appear timelike *geodesic*..."
Paul Zielinski wrote:
"Under this definition, I agree that we can define a class of
equivalent free-float frames that locally appear timelike, and all of which transform
within the class under O(1,3)."
It is interesting, that if all internal charges were set to zero, the
only possible classical motions of real test particles would be
time-like geodesic in curved c-number space-time.
"Of course this is interesting."
Clearly, the curvature tensor is measured by geodesic deviation of
neighboring chargeless test particles.
"As you have agreed, classically, Riemann curvature is always locally
measurable in principle -- with a sufficiently sensitive gravitometer."
Yes. But this is not controversial and is in MTW.
"But once EEP is properly understood purely as a correspondence
principle, that is all that is needed to account for SR."
"Of course quantum uncertainty sets an upper bound on sensitivity. GR is a macroscopic theory. What is actually going on beyond this macro domain is of course up for grabs."
The quantum Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to them of course
when their masses m are small enough as shown by Wigner. So in my
macro-quantum ODLRO theory for emergence of c-number "superfluid"
curved space-time at scale L, x is coarse-grained with
resolution L, Heisenberg uncertainty will show up, I suspect in the
value of the "normal fluid" component, i.e.
L ~ h/p
p = scattering momentum transfer of probe to target of a micro-quantum
Heisenberg microscope
guv(x,L) = + huv(x,L)
where guv(x,L) and huv(x,L) are coarse-grained spin 2 local quantum
field operators relative to the macro-quantum emergent ODLRO
"superfluid" c-number curved space-time background in sense
of P.W. Anderson's "More is different" virtual electron-positron pair
Bose-Einstein condensation whose coherent Goldstone phase modulation
gives and whose Higgs amplitude modulation gives the net
residual exotic vacuum zero point energy density unified dark
energy/matter local field /\zpf(x,L).
"You are saying that your model can account naturally for the macro-quantum
Heisenberg "jitter"?"
No, the opposite, I am saying applying Heisenberg uncertainty to tiny test particles should give quantum fluctuations in the Riemann curvature tensor field since components of the latter are operationally defined by pairs of neutral test particles in different orientations exchanging light signals as described by Wheeler based on Wigner and I think Saleckar. Need to go back to that stuff from late 40's and 50's as I recall? But this will look like "normal fluid" in my two-fluid model of the macro-quantum vacuum. Note the basic ODLRO equation is
+ /\zpf(x,L) = 0
This equation is all "marble" in Einstein's use of the metaphor.
i.e. no "wood" Tuv(x,L) when L is small < 1 fermi
Tuv is emergent as L increases from below to above bottom up "More is different" in The Great VALIS Chain of Being and Becoming of the Alchemy of Tech-Gnosticism - and I don't mean "Ormus Powder"! :-)
At small scale L lepto-quarks are Wheeler exotic vacuum "geons" of "Mass without mass", "Charge without charge", "Spin without spin" with Tuv emergent as one coarse grains L > 1 fermi
1 fermi ~ Lp^2/3(c/Ho)^1/3 = (10^-33)^2/3(10^28)^1/3 cm ~ 10^-13 cm in the World Hologram Model.
Lp^2 = hG(Newton)/c^3
Ho = Hubble parameter for our particular universe in the Cantor transfinite infinity^2 of parallel universes.
Will it account e.g. for the spherically symmetric ground state of the hydrogen
Yes, in the J.P. Vigier sense of a spatially extended electron. Remember, I start from micro-quantum theory in the sense of Bohm realism with additional detailed structure of the lepto-quarks.
I am also looking for a neo-realist explanation in terms of the properties of a
"quantum aether", which is physical though non-material (sound familiar?).
Not something, but not exactly nothing either (cf. infinitesimals).
You are not asking the right questions. I have all that. I mean it's globally flat standard local quantum field theory with distinction between off mass shell virtual quanta and on mass shell real quanta in terms of poles of Feynman propagators in complex energy plane. The advanced-retarded boundary conditions are all in choice of contour around the mass shell poles in complex energy plane.
This is all precise stuff. No need to invent new "aether" nonsense. Only new math needed is to reformulate Feynman propagators based on Fourier transforms to the more general "mother wavelet transforms" which no one has yet done to my knowledge.
"Quantum aether" means simply "off-mass shell", i.e. no constraint between energy E and momentum p inside the "vacuum".
Real stuff obeys E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2
m = rest mass
This is the stuff in Tuv "wood" on the RHS of Einstein's local geometrodynamic field equation.
This equation as L goes from below to above in emergent "More is different" vacuum phase transition starts as
+ /\zpf = 0
and coarse grains to
+ /\ = -8pi(G/c^4)Tuv
Geometrodynamic Marble = (Space-Time Stiffness) (Einstein's "wood")
where for L > 10 megaparsecs, using FRW metric solution of above eq, the data from new post-1999 "precision cosmology" from ~ 5 independent experimental methods all converge to the same picture
Omega(/\ > 0 off-mass-shell) ~ 0.73
Omega(/\ < 0 off-mass-shell) ~ 0.23
Omega(plasma + atoms + real photons on-mass-shell (radiation like CMB) + near EM MHD fields) ~ 0.04
with precision uncertainty ~ 0.02 in the above 3 key experimentally derived pure numbers using Einstein's GR with /\ term as the theoretical framework to process the data.
The data is the "input". Einstein's GR is the "program" and the above three numbers is the "output" showing that the "stuff" of the universe on the large scale is ~ 96% "exotic vacuum" from zero point energy density quantum fluctuations that both gravitate and anti-gravitate in different space-time regions on different scales, and is only ~ 4% matter and radiation as normally understood up until ~ 1999 with the Type Ia supernovae data for "accelerating universe" showing negative exotic vacuum quantum pressure /\ > 0 has Omega ~ 0.73.
Large scale structure of 3D space is flat.
Space-time is curved. Space is flat. (large scale only)
Very strong 3D space curvature on micro-quantum scale of course ~ 1 fermi.
The ghost of the departed aether.
"Metric engineering" of the /\zpf(x,L) field with Au(near EM field) I
suspect allows advanced technology seen in the flying saucers i.e.
weightless warp drive "vacuum propellers", stargates and the "Ice 9"
exotic vacuum WMD described by Sir Martin Rees in Ch 9 of "Our Final
That's also where I see the cash value of alternative gravitational models --
electrogravitics, exotic propulsion, and alternative energy.
I have already essentially completed most of that in
That paper is a turning point, marking The End of the Beginning for Making Star Trek Real and bringing us into the Era of Chapter "Ice Nine" of Sir Martin Rees's "Our Final Hour" in the Age of Q.
We live in strange times and you ain't in Kansas anymore.
Note that the classical time-like geodesics are from constructive
interference of the phases of the Feynman histories of all sorts of
screwy non-geodesic world lines even outside the local classical light
cones of. So in the sense of quantum fluctuations there is
an apparent violation of EEP that smooths out in the statistical
average. In this sense EEP is a "correspondence principle."
OK. Now we are on the same page.
Yes, but that is always how I understood MTW. Yes, the classical problem on energy momentum not localized in GR is a messy one as done in MTW. I suspect it is solved in my macro-quantum approach, but I have not studied that aspect as yet. Penrose does not really deal with it in detail. He should.
Hal Puthoff wrote to Jack Sarfatti
In a message dated 7/24/03 1:02:45 PM, sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
The metric I use here is your SSS metric in your papers - it's a toy
model sure without rotation and charge. Are you saying that you have
done a calculation now in PV with rotation and in that case the surface
area does not go to a minimum and then increase again as your radial
coordinate ri << GM/c^2? If that is the case, I will reconsider.
"For a lepto quark, SSS doesn't apply. Charge makes all the difference. Metric is entirely different. This case is mentioned in Section 5.2 of my June 2002 Found. Phys. paper on PV. (Rotation not yet taken into account.) Much work done with this (in part because of modeling Shoulders' EVs), but still a work in progress. Very complex."
Yes, I agree with you that the SSS model is probably too primitive.
Note, in my rough estimate, I use the full Kerr-Newman metric and the rotational term ~ (J/mc)^2 centrifugal barrier is crucial in my getting
|/\zpf(1 fermi scale)| ~ 1/(1 fermi)^2
to stabilize electron.
Basically, balancing radial forces in Newtonian toy model
G*m^2/r^2 = e^2/r^2 + J^2/mr^2
G* >> G(Newton) J ~ hbar/2
mc^2 = e^2|/\zpf|^1/2
G*m^2/hc ~ 1
Put the above into Kerr-Newman metric and look for self-consistent solution.
That is, I cannot get anything interesting using only a Reissner-Nordstrom metric with J = 0, the rotation plays a crucial role.
One obviously gets Ken Shoulders type charge cluster solutions from my approach as well. So if charge clusters are real and not charged mercury droplets, I think I have essentially the zero point exotic vacuum explanation for them as a trivial corollary.
Details I think are posted on my "Blog" "Destiny Matrix", will have it all in Vigier IV Paris Sept 2003 paper.
My remarks on your PV are only for your SSS model and I stated that. I have not seen any details of your PV model with "charge", but if you only have charge without rotation, and if you have nothing like my /\zpf with an effective G* >> G(Newton) you don't have anything IMO. If you do let's see the details of what you claim.
You say your stuff is very "complex". My stuff is very "simple". So perhaps you are "Heitler" to my "Feynman"? :-)
I have zero point quantum fluctuations with coherence built into my formal model very clearly. I do not see it in your PV model. You have no vacuum coherence, and vacuum coherence insense of ODLRO for the reduced quantum density matrices of the zero point fluctuations is everything in this Sakharov Game.
On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 02:16 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 12:21 AM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
I meant "...we can define a class of equivalent free-float frames that
locally appear timelike *geodesic*..."
Paul Zielinski wrote:
"Under this definition, I agree that we can define a class of
equivalent free-float frames that locally appear timelike, and all of which transform
within the class under O(1,3)."
It is interesting, that if all internal charges were set to zero, the
only possible classical motions of real test particles would be
time-like geodesic in curved c-number space-time.
"Of course this is interesting."
Clearly, the curvature tensor is measured by geodesic deviation of
neighboring chargeless test particles.
"As you have agreed, classically, Riemann curvature is always locally
measurable in principle -- with a sufficiently sensitive gravitometer."
Yes. But this is not controversial and is in MTW.
"But once EEP is properly understood purely as a correspondence
principle, that is all that is needed to account for SR."
"Of course quantum uncertainty sets an upper bound on sensitivity. GR is a macroscopic theory. What is actually going on beyond this macro domain is of course up for grabs."
The quantum Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to them of course
when their masses m are small enough as shown by Wigner. So in my
macro-quantum ODLRO theory for emergence of c-number "superfluid"
resolution L, Heisenberg uncertainty will show up, I suspect in the
value of the "normal fluid" component, i.e.
L ~ h/p
p = scattering momentum transfer of probe to target of a micro-quantum
Heisenberg microscope
guv(x,L) =
where guv(x,L) and huv(x,L) are coarse-grained spin 2 local quantum
field operators relative to the macro-quantum emergent ODLRO
"superfluid" c-number curved space-time background
of P.W. Anderson's "More is different" virtual electron-positron pair
Bose-Einstein condensation whose coherent Goldstone phase modulation
residual exotic vacuum zero point energy density unified dark
energy/matter local field /\zpf(x,L).
"You are saying that your model can account naturally for the macro-quantum
Heisenberg "jitter"?"
No, the opposite, I am saying applying Heisenberg uncertainty to tiny test particles should give quantum fluctuations in the Riemann curvature tensor field since components of the latter are operationally defined by pairs of neutral test particles in different orientations exchanging light signals as described by Wheeler based on Wigner and I think Saleckar. Need to go back to that stuff from late 40's and 50's as I recall? But this will look like "normal fluid" in my two-fluid model of the macro-quantum vacuum. Note the basic ODLRO equation is
This equation is all "marble" in Einstein's use of the metaphor.
i.e. no "wood" Tuv(x,L) when L is small < 1 fermi
Tuv is emergent as L increases from below to above bottom up "More is different" in The Great VALIS Chain of Being and Becoming of the Alchemy of Tech-Gnosticism - and I don't mean "Ormus Powder"! :-)
At small scale L lepto-quarks are Wheeler exotic vacuum "geons" of "Mass without mass", "Charge without charge", "Spin without spin" with Tuv emergent as one coarse grains L > 1 fermi
1 fermi ~ Lp^2/3(c/Ho)^1/3 = (10^-33)^2/3(10^28)^1/3 cm ~ 10^-13 cm in the World Hologram Model.
Lp^2 = hG(Newton)/c^3
Ho = Hubble parameter for our particular universe in the Cantor transfinite infinity^2 of parallel universes.
Will it account e.g. for the spherically symmetric ground state of the hydrogen
Yes, in the J.P. Vigier sense of a spatially extended electron. Remember, I start from micro-quantum theory in the sense of Bohm realism with additional detailed structure of the lepto-quarks.
I am also looking for a neo-realist explanation in terms of the properties of a
"quantum aether", which is physical though non-material (sound familiar?).
Not something, but not exactly nothing either (cf. infinitesimals).
You are not asking the right questions. I have all that. I mean it's globally flat standard local quantum field theory with distinction between off mass shell virtual quanta and on mass shell real quanta in terms of poles of Feynman propagators in complex energy plane. The advanced-retarded boundary conditions are all in choice of contour around the mass shell poles in complex energy plane.
This is all precise stuff. No need to invent new "aether" nonsense. Only new math needed is to reformulate Feynman propagators based on Fourier transforms to the more general "mother wavelet transforms" which no one has yet done to my knowledge.
"Quantum aether" means simply "off-mass shell", i.e. no constraint between energy E and momentum p inside the "vacuum".
Real stuff obeys E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2
m = rest mass
This is the stuff in Tuv "wood" on the RHS of Einstein's local geometrodynamic field equation.
This equation as L goes from below to above in emergent "More is different" vacuum phase transition starts as
and coarse grains to
Geometrodynamic Marble = (Space-Time Stiffness) (Einstein's "wood")
where for L > 10 megaparsecs, using FRW metric solution of above eq, the data from new post-1999 "precision cosmology" from ~ 5 independent experimental methods all converge to the same picture
Omega(/\ > 0 off-mass-shell) ~ 0.73
Omega(/\ < 0 off-mass-shell) ~ 0.23
Omega(plasma + atoms + real photons on-mass-shell (radiation like CMB) + near EM MHD fields) ~ 0.04
with precision uncertainty ~ 0.02 in the above 3 key experimentally derived pure numbers using Einstein's GR with /\ term as the theoretical framework to process the data.
The data is the "input". Einstein's GR is the "program" and the above three numbers is the "output" showing that the "stuff" of the universe on the large scale is ~ 96% "exotic vacuum" from zero point energy density quantum fluctuations that both gravitate and anti-gravitate in different space-time regions on different scales, and is only ~ 4% matter and radiation as normally understood up until ~ 1999 with the Type Ia supernovae data for "accelerating universe" showing negative exotic vacuum quantum pressure /\ > 0 has Omega ~ 0.73.
Large scale structure of 3D space is flat.
Space-time is curved. Space is flat. (large scale only)
Very strong 3D space curvature on micro-quantum scale of course ~ 1 fermi.
The ghost of the departed aether.
"Metric engineering" of the /\zpf(x,L) field with Au(near EM field) I
suspect allows advanced technology seen in the flying saucers i.e.
weightless warp drive "vacuum propellers", stargates and the "Ice 9"
exotic vacuum WMD described by Sir Martin Rees in Ch 9 of "Our Final
That's also where I see the cash value of alternative gravitational models --
electrogravitics, exotic propulsion, and alternative energy.
I have already essentially completed most of that in
That paper is a turning point, marking The End of the Beginning for Making Star Trek Real and bringing us into the Era of Chapter "Ice Nine" of Sir Martin Rees's "Our Final Hour" in the Age of Q.
We live in strange times and you ain't in Kansas anymore.
Note that the classical time-like geodesics are from constructive
interference of the phases of the Feynman histories of all sorts of
screwy non-geodesic world lines even outside the local classical light
cones of
an apparent violation of EEP that smooths out in the statistical
average. In this sense EEP is a "correspondence principle."
OK. Now we are on the same page.
Yes, but that is always how I understood MTW. Yes, the classical problem on energy momentum not localized in GR is a messy one as done in MTW. I suspect it is solved in my macro-quantum approach, but I have not studied that aspect as yet. Penrose does not really deal with it in detail. He should.
On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 12:21 AM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
I meant "...we can define a class of equivalent free-float frames that locally appear
timelike *geodesic*..."
Paul Zielinski wrote:
Under this definition, I agree that we can define a class of equivalent free-float
frames that locally appear timelike, and all of which transform within the class
under O(1,3).
It is interesting, that if all internal charges were set to zero, the only possible classical motions of real test particles would be time-like geodesic in curved c-number space-time.
Clearly, the curvature tensor is measured by geodesic deviation of neighboring chargeless test particles.
The quantum Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to them of course when their masses m are small enough as shown by Wigner. So in my macro-quantum ODLRO theory for emergence of c-number "superfluid" curved space-time at scale L, x is coarse-grained with resolution L, Heisenberg uncertainty will show up, I suspect in the value of the "normal fluid" component, i.e.
L ~ h/p
p = scattering momentum transfer of probe to target of a micro-quantum Heisenberg microscope
guv(x,L) = + huv(x,L)
where guv(x,L) and huv(x,L) are coarse-grained spin 2 local quantum field operators relative to the macro-quantum emergent ODLRO "superfluid" c-number curved space-time background in sense of P.W. Anderson's "More is different" virtual electron-positron pair Bose-Einstein condensation whose coherent Goldstone phase modulation gives and whose Higgs amplitude modulation gives the net residual exotic vacuum zero point energy density unified dark energy/matter local field /\zpf(x,L).
"Metric engineering" of the /\zpf(x,L) field with Au(near EM field) I suspect allows advanced technology seen in the flying saucers i.e. weightless warp drive "vacuum propellers", stargates and the "Ice 9" exotic vacuum WMD described by Sir Martin Rees in Ch 9 of "Our Final Hour."
Note that the classical time-like geodesics are from constructive interference of the phases of the Feynman histories of all sorts of screwy non-geodesic world lines even outside the local classical light cones of. So in the sense of quantum fluctuations there is an apparent violation of EEP that smooths out in the statistical average. In this sense EEP is a "correspondence principle."
I meant "...we can define a class of equivalent free-float frames that locally appear
timelike *geodesic*..."
Paul Zielinski wrote:
Under this definition, I agree that we can define a class of equivalent free-float
frames that locally appear timelike, and all of which transform within the class
under O(1,3).
It is interesting, that if all internal charges were set to zero, the only possible classical motions of real test particles would be time-like geodesic in curved c-number space-time.
Clearly, the curvature tensor is measured by geodesic deviation of neighboring chargeless test particles.
The quantum Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to them of course when their masses m are small enough as shown by Wigner. So in my macro-quantum ODLRO theory for emergence of c-number "superfluid"
L ~ h/p
p = scattering momentum transfer of probe to target of a micro-quantum Heisenberg microscope
guv(x,L) =
where guv(x,L) and huv(x,L) are coarse-grained spin 2 local quantum field operators relative to the macro-quantum emergent ODLRO "superfluid" c-number curved space-time background
"Metric engineering" of the /\zpf(x,L) field with Au(near EM field) I suspect allows advanced technology seen in the flying saucers i.e. weightless warp drive "vacuum propellers", stargates and the "Ice 9" exotic vacuum WMD described by Sir Martin Rees in Ch 9 of "Our Final Hour."
Note that the classical time-like geodesics are from constructive interference of the phases of the Feynman histories of all sorts of screwy non-geodesic world lines even outside the local classical light cones of
On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 08:51 AM, Puthoff@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 7/23/03 10:40:06 PM, sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
3. Pointlike parton behavior of lepto-quarks with deep probes.
Puthoff's math change to GR gives wrong answer to 3.
My approach does not address 3, so it couldn't give the wrong answer. Perhaps you attempted to apply my approach with the incorrect metric? (Did you use our version of the Reissner-Nordstrom metric with hyperbolic metric -> sinusoidal metric? If not, any comments you make about 3 are by definition false.)
Hal Puthoff
No, I think you are wrong Hal because if you recall our major debate with Ibison, you insisted that as your ri -> 0 the surface area increases again. That is, as ri gets smaller from infinity, the surface area reaches a minimum in the neighborhood of GM/c^2 then increases again as ri << GM/c^2. I think you also wanted to apply this also to the interior of the flying saucer in accord with Jacques Vallee's Fastwalker and Eric Davis's MUFON 2001 report on UFO data? Eric mentioned you gave a NIDS talk on this.
The metric I use here is your SSS metric in your papers - it's a toy model sure without rotation and charge. Are you saying that you have done a calculation now in PV with rotation and in that case the surface area does not go to a minimum and then increase again as your radial coordinate ri << GM/c^2? If that is the case, I will reconsider.
The general point here is that the theory which does more with less is the superior theory. Although, you never claim to apply your PV to the extended spatial structure of lepto-quarks, this was Einstein's Vision to use GR as a micro-theory of elementary particles. That was in Wheeler's 1956 book "Geometrodynamics" of vacuum geon solutions and wormhole solutions of "Mass without mass", "Charge without charge", "Spin without spin". Wheeler failed of course because spacetime is too stiff in macroscale where
G(Newton)/c^4 ~ 1 Planck Length per Planck Energy
Now we suspect with string theory, extra-space dimensions, and now my macro-quantum vacuum coherence of the PV zero point fluctuations, that G gets larger at small scales as Abdus Salam and I first conjectured back in 1973 at SDSU and ICTP (mentioned by Al Pacino in "The Recruit"). Indeed I then show that
|/\zpf(1fermi scale)| ~ 1/(1 fermi)^2, with /\zpf < 0 as the exotic vacuum "dark matter core" of the electron works for lepto-quarks in general. Using Kerr-Newman micro metric with
G*(1 fermi scale)/c^4 = 1 fermi per Gev
This stabilizes the rotating electron as a Kerr-Newman metric in strong short-range Salam-Sarfatti gravity as first glimpsed for universal slope Regge trajectories in my Collective Phenomena paper of 1973 edited by Herbert Frohlich.
alpha' = G*/hc
J ~ G*m^2/hc + intercept
c^4/G* ~ 1Gev/fermi = hadronic string tension
= 1/alpha' = 1/(Universal Regge Slope)
Rest mass of electron is m ~ e^2|/\zpf(1 fermi)
Quantized spins J of hadronic resonances of mass Mn obey
(N + 1/2) = G*M(N)^2/hc + Intercept(internal U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) q numbers)
N = 0, 1, 2, 3, ....
More details are in http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
i.e. "Progress in Quantum Physics Research" Nova Scientific Publishers
and will be in Vigier Paris Meeting 2003 Kluwer (est 2004).
In a message dated 7/23/03 10:40:06 PM, sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
3. Pointlike parton behavior of lepto-quarks with deep probes.
Puthoff's math change to GR gives wrong answer to 3.
My approach does not address 3, so it couldn't give the wrong answer. Perhaps you attempted to apply my approach with the incorrect metric? (Did you use our version of the Reissner-Nordstrom metric with hyperbolic metric -> sinusoidal metric? If not, any comments you make about 3 are by definition false.)
Hal Puthoff
No, I think you are wrong Hal because if you recall our major debate with Ibison, you insisted that as your ri -> 0 the surface area increases again. That is, as ri gets smaller from infinity, the surface area reaches a minimum in the neighborhood of GM/c^2 then increases again as ri << GM/c^2. I think you also wanted to apply this also to the interior of the flying saucer in accord with Jacques Vallee's Fastwalker and Eric Davis's MUFON 2001 report on UFO data? Eric mentioned you gave a NIDS talk on this.
The metric I use here is your SSS metric in your papers - it's a toy model sure without rotation and charge. Are you saying that you have done a calculation now in PV with rotation and in that case the surface area does not go to a minimum and then increase again as your radial coordinate ri << GM/c^2? If that is the case, I will reconsider.
The general point here is that the theory which does more with less is the superior theory. Although, you never claim to apply your PV to the extended spatial structure of lepto-quarks, this was Einstein's Vision to use GR as a micro-theory of elementary particles. That was in Wheeler's 1956 book "Geometrodynamics" of vacuum geon solutions and wormhole solutions of "Mass without mass", "Charge without charge", "Spin without spin". Wheeler failed of course because spacetime is too stiff in macroscale where
G(Newton)/c^4 ~ 1 Planck Length per Planck Energy
Now we suspect with string theory, extra-space dimensions, and now my macro-quantum vacuum coherence of the PV zero point fluctuations, that G gets larger at small scales as Abdus Salam and I first conjectured back in 1973 at SDSU and ICTP (mentioned by Al Pacino in "The Recruit"). Indeed I then show that
|/\zpf(1fermi scale)| ~ 1/(1 fermi)^2, with /\zpf < 0 as the exotic vacuum "dark matter core" of the electron works for lepto-quarks in general. Using Kerr-Newman micro metric with
G*(1 fermi scale)/c^4 = 1 fermi per Gev
This stabilizes the rotating electron as a Kerr-Newman metric in strong short-range Salam-Sarfatti gravity as first glimpsed for universal slope Regge trajectories in my Collective Phenomena paper of 1973 edited by Herbert Frohlich.
alpha' = G*/hc
J ~ G*m^2/hc + intercept
c^4/G* ~ 1Gev/fermi = hadronic string tension
= 1/alpha' = 1/(Universal Regge Slope)
Rest mass of electron is m ~ e^2|/\zpf(1 fermi)
Quantized spins J of hadronic resonances of mass Mn obey
(N + 1/2) = G*M(N)^2/hc + Intercept(internal U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) q numbers)
N = 0, 1, 2, 3, ....
More details are in http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
i.e. "Progress in Quantum Physics Research" Nova Scientific Publishers
and will be in Vigier Paris Meeting 2003 Kluwer (est 2004).
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
There is a new movie with Al Pacino that connects somewhat with my book "Destiny Matrix"
In particular listen to this sound file of Al Pacino talking about Trieste Physics and Ice 9
To Zielinski:
The point you are making here still eludes me.
I agree formal covariance is a general idea not limited to GR.
Basically it is group symmetry, i.e. invariance of the classical dynamical action under a group G.
In GR the group G is Diff(4) in the 4D manifold that is a base space of a tangent bundle.
The local tangent fiber space has as its symmetry group O(1,3) the Lorentz group.
The EEP is formally a local "tetrad" mapping at a given space-time event P
Diff(4) <-> O(1,3) at P
In which certain combinations of the first partial derivatives vanish at P but not in a neighborhood of P i.e.
vanishing of the Levi-Civita Christoffel symbols at P which is like a "critical point", the "curvature" is in the second partial derivatives at P which generally do not vanish.
By "inertial field" do you mean simply the Levi-Civita Christoffel symbols?
The vanishing of these symbols at P defines a class of local timelike geodesic frames or free float LIFs that transform into each other under O(1,3). All other timelike world lines are non-geodesics and one can define LNIF's for them. LNIF's are in the locally curved base manifold.
Think of a head with hairs with a marine crew cut. The head is the curved manifold. The hairs are the tangent fibers. The root of the hair is the pointlike space-time event P
LIF's are in the locally flat tangent fiber.
O(1,3) map is LIF(P) <-> LIF'(P) at same fixed P.
Tetrad map is LIF(P) <-> LNIF(P) at same fixed P.
Diff(4) is LNIF(P) <-> LNIF'(P) at same fixed P.
Now Einstein did not think of it like that back in early 20th, this is the modern view in textbooks.
As far as I can tell you only object to some of the ways Einstein formulated the meaning of his theory in ordinary informal language. So you are objecting to the "explanation" not the formal structure and also not the way the formal structure is connected to operational procedures as in the modern large scale "precision cosmology" of April 2003 Physics Today of Type 1a supernovae measurements of dark energy Omega(/\zpf > 0) ~ 0.73. the gravity lensing + WMAP CMB measurements showing universe is spatially flat with Omega(/\zpf < 0) ~ 0.23 and finally ordinary matter of ionized plasma, atoms, radiation, neutrinos etc, i.e. the stuff in Tuv on the RHS of Einstein's local geometrodynamical field equation
Guv + /\zpfguv = - 8pi(G/c^4)Tuv
with /\zpf = 0 in the "equilibrium" or "non-exotic" vacuum has
Omega(ordinary matter and radiation) ~ 0.04
I have the Turner, Schwarzschild, Perlmutter April 2003 Physics Today review papers in pdf on this BTW.
On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 06:06 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On 7/23/03 2:13 AM, "Paul Zielinski" wrote:
I think it would be fair to say you think you found a relatively minor
flaw in some of the informal interpretive ordinary language of
explanations of Einstein's general theory.
No, it is a fundamental flaw in Einstein's concept of "general relativity"
originally conceived by him as an extension of special relativity that
would accomodate gravitation.
What year?
As far as I know he never abandoned this. I am not aware of any published
remark in which he disavowed it. He only acknowledged the distinction
between physical general relativity and mathematical general covariance much
He certainly strenuously defended it in 1920s debates with von Laue.
It is important to understand that for Einstein, "general relativity" was an
extension of "special relativity".
Einstein was -- quite forgiveably -- somewhat naive about this.
As it turns out, it didn't quite work. What we have now is not "general relativity"
in this sense.
Wheeler's 1992 statement that "gravitation is a manifestation of spacetime curvature"
is "Einstein's theory of general relativity in a nutshell " is simply false, and
betrays serious gaps in Wheeler's historical knowledge.
In fact Einstein never said this, and made many statements that are inconsistent
with it on their face. If you really understand his concept of "general relativity"
you can see why.
At the same time, Wheeler and his colleagues are equivocal, and even sloppy, as
to the meaning of "curvature" -- particularly in MTW. Sometimes it means
"metric gradient" and sometimes it means "Riemann curvature". The two are neither
synonymous nor equivalent -- although of course they may be related in particular
There is nothing minor about this -- although it may not alter the empirical
predictions of the existing theory.
The empirical predictions come from the mathematics.
Jack, no empirical predictions come from pure, formal mathematics. The
mathematics has to be *empirically interpreted*. This unavoidably involves an
appeal to *physical models*. Sometimes even metaphysical models.
Otherwise, as more recent investigations in the philosophy of science have
revealed, there is really no way of testing the theory against the data.
If I understand you
correctly you have not proposed any changes to Einstein's mathematics the
way Puthoff did?
Not necessarily, no. I am certainly not at this point arguing that e.g. Yilmaz's
theory is correct or superior in empirical accuracy to Einstein's -- which I agree is
extremely accurate.
You are proposing changes to the "informal language"
(Bohm's term) on how to interpret Einstein's mathematics in intuitive terms
using "ordinary language" (Bohr's term). Am I correct here on the nature of
your argument?
The comparison with Bohm's alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics
is apt.
Bohm's change of interpretation of the QM formalism to a realist model did not
*in and of itself* lead to any testable empirical differences with the conventional theory.
Actually it did with Tony Valentini's papers, but really only quite recently.
However, it did illuminate some very thorny conceptual problems with QM and has
even inspired further developments -- such as your very own "post-quantum mechanics",
for example -- which can entail testable differences.
That is the "cash value" of alternative interpretations. The old static monotheoretic
model of scientfic enquiry is simply irrelevant here.
In fact, I derive Einstein's local geometrodynamics above with the /\zpfguv term from my macro "post-quantum mechanics."
Note, as shown in Physics Today April 2003 Einstein's GR mathematics with
the additional exotic vacuum quantum zero point energy density /\ zpfterm
works for large scale cosmology with amazing accuracy and a precision of ~
2% in terms of type 1a supernovae, gravity lensing, WMAP CMB data etc. Hence
no question of the pragmatic utility of Einstein's original GR math of ~
1915. There has been no Popper falsification of Einstein's FORMAL theory. As
John Wheeler says "GR is battle tested."
OK, /\ is a knob on GR that can be twiddled to get agreement with the data up
to presently available experimental accuracy.
Yes, but both at the macro and micro lepto-quark level!
Also it opens the door to "Making Star Trek Real" as I say in Paramount Pictures DVD Special Collector's Edition of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, feature "Time Travel: The Art of the Possible" including the "flying saucers" and including the exotic vacuum WMD discussed by Sir Martin Rees in "Our Final Hour", e.g. Ch 9. That's a very Big Bang for a small Buckaroo. ;-)
Math details are in http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
to be published in "Progress in Quantum Physics Research" Nova Scientific Publishers and up-dated version by Kluwer for 2003 Vigier Congress in Paris at Pierre et Marie Curie Universite.
There is no question that Einstein GR is an empirically successful theory. This
empirical accuracy must obviously at least be preserved if not exceeded under
any alternative interpretation.
The new experimental results
Dark energy exotic vacuum of negative quantum zero point pressure ~ 0.73 of
stuff of universe
Dark matter exotic vacuum of positive quantum zero point pressure ~ 0.23
Ordinary atomic matter ~ 0.04
With precison uncertainty ~ 0.02
That's pretty damn good.
Einstein's theory with my macro-quantum vacuum
correction of the /\zpf field works fine on scale > 10 megaparsecs with a
precision ~ 2%.
Also I have shown in http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
That Einstein's math derived my way
-- based on a physical field model --
also explains all main experimental data
on elementary particles
1. Stability of spatially extended electron - old Poincare-Abraham-Becker
problem of 100 years ago --> hence Vigier's "weapons" work with Serbs &
similar work in Kiev needs to be monitored.
OK -- but can't we leave "the Serbs" out of this for now?
Red Diaper Baby forbids. :-)
The WMD aspect of this is obvious and is in Martin Rees's book "Our Final
2. Regge trajectories of strong nuclear force hadronic resonances
3. Pointlike parton behavior of lepto-quarks with deep probes.
Puthoff's math change to GR gives wrong answer to 3.
All excellent sales points for your theory.
You have not suggested any
mathematical change to his basic field equation
Guv = -8pi(G/c^4)Tuv (for /\zpf = 0 limit).
There is a change of interpretation, not necessarily of the formal equations
at the current stage of development.
As I show the formal equations work well with little room for change. It's
a tight ship with the new precision cosmology.
Well, that is precisely the point at issues. We have already discussed this, and
as far as I can see your undertstanding of the EEP is as a correspondence principle.
So the question then is, what precisely does this "correspondence" involve, and
how is to be understood?
I should remind you that even Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler acknowledge that the
EEP is a correspondence principle. However, I do not believe that they understood
exactly what this means -- at least up to 1970.
I have always thought of it as an emergent correspondence principle. There are issues of whether quantum corrections violate it. To be more precise EEP comes out of macro-quantum ODLRO. This is why Einstein's c-number equations above should not be naively micro-quantized top down since they emerge from the micro-quantum level bottom-up in sense of "More is different" (P.W. Anderson)
The first point is that in GR the existence of Riemannian spacetime curvature
(non-vanishing Riemann tensor) is an *absolute* as opposed to a relative
property of a physical gravitational field. It cannot be eliminated or created
-- anywhere, at any point -- by any coordinate transformation on the spacetime
No one disagrees with that. It's standard tensor calculus in every text
The mathematical fact of this is not in dispute. The meaning, however, is
The philosophical meaning of this mathematical fact does not concern
positivists like Stephen Hawking nor any of the guys doing the experimental
work on 1a & WMAP.
Stephen Hawking is a brilliant mathematical physicist and knows the Einstein
field equations like the back of his hand -- but that does not mean he is to be taken
seriously on philosophical issues like "positivism", which is now viewed as
Hawking is explicit on this. He is a proud unabashed "positivist".
Jack, this is precisely the conceit that Bohm was up against. He talks about it
at length in his intro to The Undivided Universe. You of all people should realize
I am a meta-positivist. I am a Bohmian on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and a Hawking positivist on the other days. ;-)
In my own view this indicates a fundamental *physical* distinction between
matter-induced and inertial fields -- contrary to Einstein's theory, which
identified the gravitational and inertial fields as one and the same physical
I do not understand this distinction. I would need to see
gedankenexperiments showing the operational difference.
Yes, I agree that these are needed. Also some possible empirical tests -- although
those may defy presently available experimental accuracy.
Right now a gedankenexperiment is good enough with an explicit formal definition of "matter-induced" vs "inertial field". Do you simply mean Christoffel connection field for parallel transport of tensors as the "inertial field" like as in a "Coriolis" and "centrifugal field" in LNIF's on non-geodesic world lines?
You do not need "matter induced fields". I mean you can have Tuv = 0 and
still have curved "geon" solutions to
Ruv = 0
And also
Guv + /\zpfguv = 0
Indeed I get lepto-quarks from the above equation with the /\zpf term.
Yes -- I want to discuss these "geon" solutions and their relevance with you.
The second point is that while GR defines a stress-energy function for the
inertial field, it has very different mathematical properties from other
field stress-energy functions (e.g. Maxwell field). For example, the
of the inertial stress-energy matrix transform as a non-tensor.
I do not understand this either without the math.
The math falls out of the classic definition of the field stress-energy. The
inertial stress-energy matrix turns out to be a non-tensor -- which it must be since
purely inertial forces can be made vanish everywhere in some coordinate frame.
Yes, OK this is the business that the classical non-exotic vacuum does not have a localizable stress-energy density tensor field.
No inertial forces, no inertial stress-energy
This was all stated explicitly by Eddington in his "Mathematical Theory of Relativity",
very early in the game. It was also raised by von Laue in his early debates with Einstein
All this will be in my paper.
Ruv = 0 is the Einstein vacuum equation in normal vacuum with /\zpf = 0.
You can think of
Ruv(curved spacetime) = (c^4/8piG)tuv(curved spacetime) = 0 in normal
tuv(curved spacetime) = tuv( globally flat spacetime) + nonperturbative
nonlinear correction for the spin 2 tensor field as shown by Feynman.
So in normal vacuum you have a compensation
tuv(flat spacetime) + nonperturbative nonlinear correction = 0
So if that's what you mean, no problem, it's standard like in Deser's paper
you mentioned. One has to be clear of context - here context is relative to
a globally flat background!
Yes, of course there is no controversy so far. It is the interpretive implications
that I will draw that are controversial.
But here we can certainly agree on the math.
Start with huv a spin 2 quantum field obeying special relativity on the
globally flat spacetime background and then do what Feynman does to get
c-number GR emergent non-perturbatively.
Right. The Feynman-Gupta Spin-2 model is actually more grist for my mill. I am
grateful to you for introducing me to it.
I also discovered to my delight that Feynman's POV on Einstein GR -- as encoded
in his 1960s Lectures on Gravitation -- is close to mine.
In conventional GR, this non-tensor function is combined with the matter-
induced stress-energy to yield a resultant pseudotensor (Einstein
tensor). There is here no point in separating the two contributions since they
interpreted as one and the same, physically speaking, even though they have
different mathematical origins and properties.
(I have also developed some additional physical arguments in favor of a
fundamental distinction between gravitational and inertial fields, which we
can talk
about privately.)
From this POV, the "equivalence principle" of Einstein is then to be
purely as a correspondence principle that accounts for the limited empirical
success of special relativity, within the superseding theoretical framework of
what is called "general relativity".
This correspondence does not imply or require that from the standpoint of GR
special relativity is somehow "true" in *any* domain -- contrary to to the
taken in some canonical texts. It is just that a certain defined class of
experiments of
limited accuracy is insensitive to the difference in the predictions of GR and
within the domain of validity of SR.
Who needs "true" apart from what you just said?
e.g. MTW. We have already thrashed over this. Let's talk about it privately.
I will argue that the physical part of the field stress-energy (true gravitational
stress-energy) does not vanish anywhere in a so-called "LIF" (Local Inertial
Frame). It is merely compensated (locally) by inertial effects.
Certainly the full curvature tensor Ruvlw does not vanish in an LIF although the non-tensor connection field {uv|l} does vanish, hence the "free float weightlessness" along a timelike geodesic in the weak field limit of small tidal forces of stretch-squeeze.
From my POV, in this respect GR is no different from Newtonian theory.
There is in fact no need for Einstein equivalence -- only "EEP".
I do not understand your distinguishing "Einstein equivalence" from "EEP"?
Since Einstein's concept of "general relativity" required such absolute
identification as a matter of logical necessity, this means that what is now
"general relativity" is not actually general relativity at all, in the sense
by Einstein.
Einstein's "general relativity" is to be sharply distinguished from mere
"general covariance". Einsteinian "general relativity" is a matter of physical
and not simply of formal invariance of the equations under general coordinate
Einstein's GR = local covariance under the Diff(4) group + EEP
No. That is modern GR. Not Einstein GR. Einstein GR involves more.
Einstein's "general relativity" asserts that a pure inertial field *is* a gravitational
field. You cannot get this, logically speaking, out of local general covariance and
and the so-called "EEP" alone.
I do not understand "pure inertial field" and "gravitational field" dangling like that without mathematical tags.
I basically think of them as synonyms for {uv|l} as distinct from "tidal fields" that depend on Ruvwl via the timelike geodesic deviation equation at P.
d^2(x-x')^u/ds^2 = R^uvwl(dx^v/ds)(dx'^w/ds)(x-x')^l
where |x-x'| << radii of curvature at P
compared to
d^x^u/ds^2 = {^u|vw}(dx^v/ds)(dx^w/ds)
Now this all is in Einstein's original GR and it seems adequate to me without the ambiguity of ordinary language.
These local nonlinear partial differential equations all emerge out of the micro-quantum substratum in my theory with coherence of the QED vacuum polarization plasma of virtual electron-positron pairs in the Coulomb attraction instability very much like the BCS superconductor.
The term "EEP", which is supposedly an acronym for "Einstein Equivalence
Pronciple", is not actually the same as Einstein equivalence. This is one of
the many examples of how the terminology adopted in MTW is sloppy and
Although of course this is mathematically true in Einstein GR. I am certainly
not denying that.
"EEP" is merely a correspondence principle. Einstein equivalence involved a
fundamental identification of inertial and gravitational phenomena, whereby inertial
compensation is transmuted into inertial "anihilation" (MTW's "elimination") of the
gravitational field.
It may seem a small point, but I will argue that it has important consequences
with regard to the interpretation of GR.
IMHO MTW's pedagogy is riddled with puns and misnomers, and sloppy
misleading use of phrases like "spacetime curvature".
To me "spacetime curvature" means Ruvwl(P). Where's the problem?
EEP means guv -> nab at a point P, but not in neighborhood of P.
From this POV in GR there is simply no extension of the principle of special
to general coordinate transformations, contrary to what Einstein apparently
GR has two distinct symmetry groups. Lorentz group in the tangent fiber and
Diff(4) in the base manifold. The math works. It's called "fiber bundle
This is not a purely mathematical issue, Jack. Of course I accept this. Yes, of
course the math "works".
Who denies?
Then you say there is a problem of connecting the math to the experimental procedures? Where how? How would it apply to the modern precision cosmology in which real data is understood in terms of the equations I wrote above?
Remember about 5 different experimental methods all converge to the same consistent conclusion
0.73 + 0.23 + 0.04 = 1
in a spatially flat expanding accelerating universe as seen in our past light cone on the cosmic scale > 10 megaparsecs.
This difference of interpretation has concrete consequences, especially with
regard to the definition of the so-called "stress-energy" of the gravitational
and its "elimination" in free fall (which you and I have discussed at some
My understanding of this is simply:
The classical non-exotic vacuum at P is defined as Tuv(P) = 0.
The corresponding Einstein field equation is then
Ruv(P) = 0
If you want to force a large square peg into the small round hole of a globally flat background spacetime nuv Minkowski metric of special relativity you have a spin 2 tensor quantum field huv, it will have a local stress energy density tensor tuv(vac). However, when you do the Feynman non-perturbative trick, equivalent I suspect to my BCS vacuum instability, you get a c-number vacuum equation
Ruv(P) = 0.
The following Stan Deser, as I recall off the top of my head
Ruv(P) = Ruv(P)linear + Ruv(P)nonlinear = 0
in which I would think that
tuv(vac) = (c^4/8piG)Ruv(P)linear
with the nonlinear piece from summing an infinity of a special class of Feynman diagrams for the original flat huv spin 2 tensor field.
The above may *or may not* eventually lead to a marginal revision of the
field equations, as for example in Hussein Yilmaz's work.
Proved wrong I am pretty sure for cosmology because of the new results in
April 2003 Physics Today.
Also proved wrong for elementary particles because
the Yilmaz theory implies lepto-quark exotic vacuum geons grow in size
rather than shrink in size as the resolving power of the quantum scattering
Heisenberg microscope increases. This is a beautiful powerful result showing
how above EEP + Diff(4) covariance agrees with observation both above and
below in the True Alchemy.
I'll have to look at that. Sounds interesting.
If valid, I suppose you loosely describe this as a "refutation of Einstein",
to use
Neville Robbins' aggravated terminology.
All of the experimental tests of the amazing new "precision cosmology"
to ~ 2% agreement of Einstein's theory with data, including the dark
energy/matter /\zpf term of course, really come from solutions to this
field equation independent of informal explanations of the ultimate
meaning of the theory in particular how to think of the "equivalence
principle". (reference April 2003, Physics Today) also my review paper
at http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
That's fine, and I'm sure any revisions would have to result in tiny
adjustments. But I am old and skeptical enough and know enough history that I appreciate
that the "data" are malleable and the interpretation of experimental outcomes
depends very much on the set of alternative theories that happen to be available when
the experiments are run.
PS Mainly what you are talking about is the perturbative approach
starting with globally flat background and adding a "small" spin 2
tensor quantum field huv(x) with a local stress-energy density tensor
tuv(flat vac) and then what one must do to get the curved spacetime
c-number theory guv(x) as some kind of emergence (summing an infinity
of Feynman diagrams for example as in Feynman's lectures). Bottom line
is that c-no gravity is an emergent non-perturbative phenomenon. The
perturbative tuv(flat vac) is absorbed as the nonlinearity in the
Ruv(curved vac) = 0 Einstein c-no field equation for the equilibrium
vacuum limit /\zpf = 0.
Yes, this actually feeds into one of my additional arguments. This clearly
illustrates the "self-interacting" property of the physical g-field.
The recovery of the full Einstein theory from the "linearized" (weak field)
also enters into my argument.
The key is the self-gravitation of the physical field which of course is
in your
and shows up in the higher terms of the spin-2 perturbation expansion. So this
also strikes at the heart of the logical and interpretive relationships
between the
quantum and classical theories.
The answer to this conundrum may also have important consequences for the
theory of gravitational waves.
You can write:
Ruv(curved vacuum) = Ruv(flat vacuum) + tuv(flat vacuum) = 0 when
/\zpf(x) = 0
EEP is simply the tetrad map formally speaking guv(P) -> nab LOCALLY at
P, but not in neighborhood of P.
Where tuv(curved vacuum) = 0 identically when /\zpf(x) = 0 not
None of this is in dispute, but at the same time it does not alter the fact
that the existence of Riemannian curvature, a characteristic of physical g-fields, is
absolute, both globally and locally, and there is no Riemannian curvature in a pure
inertial field -- even in Einstein's GR.
In particular listen to this sound file of Al Pacino talking about Trieste Physics and Ice 9
To Zielinski:
The point you are making here still eludes me.
I agree formal covariance is a general idea not limited to GR.
Basically it is group symmetry, i.e. invariance of the classical dynamical action under a group G.
In GR the group G is Diff(4) in the 4D manifold that is a base space of a tangent bundle.
The local tangent fiber space has as its symmetry group O(1,3) the Lorentz group.
The EEP is formally a local "tetrad" mapping at a given space-time event P
Diff(4) <-> O(1,3) at P
In which certain combinations of the first partial derivatives vanish at P but not in a neighborhood of P i.e.
vanishing of the Levi-Civita Christoffel symbols at P which is like a "critical point", the "curvature" is in the second partial derivatives at P which generally do not vanish.
By "inertial field" do you mean simply the Levi-Civita Christoffel symbols?
The vanishing of these symbols at P defines a class of local timelike geodesic frames or free float LIFs that transform into each other under O(1,3). All other timelike world lines are non-geodesics and one can define LNIF's for them. LNIF's are in the locally curved base manifold.
Think of a head with hairs with a marine crew cut. The head is the curved manifold. The hairs are the tangent fibers. The root of the hair is the pointlike space-time event P
LIF's are in the locally flat tangent fiber.
O(1,3) map is LIF(P) <-> LIF'(P) at same fixed P.
Tetrad map is LIF(P) <-> LNIF(P) at same fixed P.
Diff(4) is LNIF(P) <-> LNIF'(P) at same fixed P.
Now Einstein did not think of it like that back in early 20th, this is the modern view in textbooks.
As far as I can tell you only object to some of the ways Einstein formulated the meaning of his theory in ordinary informal language. So you are objecting to the "explanation" not the formal structure and also not the way the formal structure is connected to operational procedures as in the modern large scale "precision cosmology" of April 2003 Physics Today of Type 1a supernovae measurements of dark energy Omega(/\zpf > 0) ~ 0.73. the gravity lensing + WMAP CMB measurements showing universe is spatially flat with Omega(/\zpf < 0) ~ 0.23 and finally ordinary matter of ionized plasma, atoms, radiation, neutrinos etc, i.e. the stuff in Tuv on the RHS of Einstein's local geometrodynamical field equation
Guv + /\zpfguv = - 8pi(G/c^4)Tuv
with /\zpf = 0 in the "equilibrium" or "non-exotic" vacuum has
Omega(ordinary matter and radiation) ~ 0.04
I have the Turner, Schwarzschild, Perlmutter April 2003 Physics Today review papers in pdf on this BTW.
On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 06:06 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On 7/23/03 2:13 AM, "Paul Zielinski"
I think it would be fair to say you think you found a relatively minor
flaw in some of the informal interpretive ordinary language of
explanations of Einstein's general theory.
No, it is a fundamental flaw in Einstein's concept of "general relativity"
originally conceived by him as an extension of special relativity that
would accomodate gravitation.
What year?
As far as I know he never abandoned this. I am not aware of any published
remark in which he disavowed it. He only acknowledged the distinction
between physical general relativity and mathematical general covariance much
He certainly strenuously defended it in 1920s debates with von Laue.
It is important to understand that for Einstein, "general relativity" was an
extension of "special relativity".
Einstein was -- quite forgiveably -- somewhat naive about this.
As it turns out, it didn't quite work. What we have now is not "general relativity"
in this sense.
Wheeler's 1992 statement that "gravitation is a manifestation of spacetime curvature"
is "Einstein's theory of general relativity in a nutshell " is simply false, and
betrays serious gaps in Wheeler's historical knowledge.
In fact Einstein never said this, and made many statements that are inconsistent
with it on their face. If you really understand his concept of "general relativity"
you can see why.
At the same time, Wheeler and his colleagues are equivocal, and even sloppy, as
to the meaning of "curvature" -- particularly in MTW. Sometimes it means
"metric gradient" and sometimes it means "Riemann curvature". The two are neither
synonymous nor equivalent -- although of course they may be related in particular
There is nothing minor about this -- although it may not alter the empirical
predictions of the existing theory.
The empirical predictions come from the mathematics.
Jack, no empirical predictions come from pure, formal mathematics. The
mathematics has to be *empirically interpreted*. This unavoidably involves an
appeal to *physical models*. Sometimes even metaphysical models.
Otherwise, as more recent investigations in the philosophy of science have
revealed, there is really no way of testing the theory against the data.
If I understand you
correctly you have not proposed any changes to Einstein's mathematics the
way Puthoff did?
Not necessarily, no. I am certainly not at this point arguing that e.g. Yilmaz's
theory is correct or superior in empirical accuracy to Einstein's -- which I agree is
extremely accurate.
You are proposing changes to the "informal language"
(Bohm's term) on how to interpret Einstein's mathematics in intuitive terms
using "ordinary language" (Bohr's term). Am I correct here on the nature of
your argument?
The comparison with Bohm's alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics
is apt.
Bohm's change of interpretation of the QM formalism to a realist model did not
*in and of itself* lead to any testable empirical differences with the conventional theory.
Actually it did with Tony Valentini's papers, but really only quite recently.
However, it did illuminate some very thorny conceptual problems with QM and has
even inspired further developments -- such as your very own "post-quantum mechanics",
for example -- which can entail testable differences.
That is the "cash value" of alternative interpretations. The old static monotheoretic
model of scientfic enquiry is simply irrelevant here.
In fact, I derive Einstein's local geometrodynamics above with the /\zpfguv term from my macro "post-quantum mechanics."
Note, as shown in Physics Today April 2003 Einstein's GR mathematics with
the additional exotic vacuum quantum zero point energy density /\ zpfterm
works for large scale cosmology with amazing accuracy and a precision of ~
2% in terms of type 1a supernovae, gravity lensing, WMAP CMB data etc. Hence
no question of the pragmatic utility of Einstein's original GR math of ~
1915. There has been no Popper falsification of Einstein's FORMAL theory. As
John Wheeler says "GR is battle tested."
OK, /\ is a knob on GR that can be twiddled to get agreement with the data up
to presently available experimental accuracy.
Yes, but both at the macro and micro lepto-quark level!
Also it opens the door to "Making Star Trek Real" as I say in Paramount Pictures DVD Special Collector's Edition of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, feature "Time Travel: The Art of the Possible" including the "flying saucers" and including the exotic vacuum WMD discussed by Sir Martin Rees in "Our Final Hour", e.g. Ch 9. That's a very Big Bang for a small Buckaroo. ;-)
Math details are in http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
to be published in "Progress in Quantum Physics Research" Nova Scientific Publishers and up-dated version by Kluwer for 2003 Vigier Congress in Paris at Pierre et Marie Curie Universite.
There is no question that Einstein GR is an empirically successful theory. This
empirical accuracy must obviously at least be preserved if not exceeded under
any alternative interpretation.
The new experimental results
Dark energy exotic vacuum of negative quantum zero point pressure ~ 0.73 of
stuff of universe
Dark matter exotic vacuum of positive quantum zero point pressure ~ 0.23
Ordinary atomic matter ~ 0.04
With precison uncertainty ~ 0.02
That's pretty damn good.
Einstein's theory with my macro-quantum vacuum
correction of the /\zpf field works fine on scale > 10 megaparsecs with a
precision ~ 2%.
Also I have shown in http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
That Einstein's math derived my way
-- based on a physical field model --
also explains all main experimental data
on elementary particles
1. Stability of spatially extended electron - old Poincare-Abraham-Becker
problem of 100 years ago --> hence Vigier's "weapons" work with Serbs &
similar work in Kiev needs to be monitored.
OK -- but can't we leave "the Serbs" out of this for now?
Red Diaper Baby forbids. :-)
The WMD aspect of this is obvious and is in Martin Rees's book "Our Final
2. Regge trajectories of strong nuclear force hadronic resonances
3. Pointlike parton behavior of lepto-quarks with deep probes.
Puthoff's math change to GR gives wrong answer to 3.
All excellent sales points for your theory.
You have not suggested any
mathematical change to his basic field equation
Guv = -8pi(G/c^4)Tuv (for /\zpf = 0 limit).
There is a change of interpretation, not necessarily of the formal equations
at the current stage of development.
As I show the formal equations work well with little room for change. It's
a tight ship with the new precision cosmology.
Well, that is precisely the point at issues. We have already discussed this, and
as far as I can see your undertstanding of the EEP is as a correspondence principle.
So the question then is, what precisely does this "correspondence" involve, and
how is to be understood?
I should remind you that even Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler acknowledge that the
EEP is a correspondence principle. However, I do not believe that they understood
exactly what this means -- at least up to 1970.
I have always thought of it as an emergent correspondence principle. There are issues of whether quantum corrections violate it. To be more precise EEP comes out of macro-quantum ODLRO. This is why Einstein's c-number equations above should not be naively micro-quantized top down since they emerge from the micro-quantum level bottom-up in sense of "More is different" (P.W. Anderson)
The first point is that in GR the existence of Riemannian spacetime curvature
(non-vanishing Riemann tensor) is an *absolute* as opposed to a relative
property of a physical gravitational field. It cannot be eliminated or created
-- anywhere, at any point -- by any coordinate transformation on the spacetime
No one disagrees with that. It's standard tensor calculus in every text
The mathematical fact of this is not in dispute. The meaning, however, is
The philosophical meaning of this mathematical fact does not concern
positivists like Stephen Hawking nor any of the guys doing the experimental
work on 1a & WMAP.
Stephen Hawking is a brilliant mathematical physicist and knows the Einstein
field equations like the back of his hand -- but that does not mean he is to be taken
seriously on philosophical issues like "positivism", which is now viewed as
Hawking is explicit on this. He is a proud unabashed "positivist".
Jack, this is precisely the conceit that Bohm was up against. He talks about it
at length in his intro to The Undivided Universe. You of all people should realize
I am a meta-positivist. I am a Bohmian on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and a Hawking positivist on the other days. ;-)
In my own view this indicates a fundamental *physical* distinction between
matter-induced and inertial fields -- contrary to Einstein's theory, which
identified the gravitational and inertial fields as one and the same physical
I do not understand this distinction. I would need to see
gedankenexperiments showing the operational difference.
Yes, I agree that these are needed. Also some possible empirical tests -- although
those may defy presently available experimental accuracy.
Right now a gedankenexperiment is good enough with an explicit formal definition of "matter-induced" vs "inertial field". Do you simply mean Christoffel connection field for parallel transport of tensors as the "inertial field" like as in a "Coriolis" and "centrifugal field" in LNIF's on non-geodesic world lines?
You do not need "matter induced fields". I mean you can have Tuv = 0 and
still have curved "geon" solutions to
Ruv = 0
And also
Guv + /\zpfguv = 0
Indeed I get lepto-quarks from the above equation with the /\zpf term.
Yes -- I want to discuss these "geon" solutions and their relevance with you.
The second point is that while GR defines a stress-energy function for the
inertial field, it has very different mathematical properties from other
field stress-energy functions (e.g. Maxwell field). For example, the
of the inertial stress-energy matrix transform as a non-tensor.
I do not understand this either without the math.
The math falls out of the classic definition of the field stress-energy. The
inertial stress-energy matrix turns out to be a non-tensor -- which it must be since
purely inertial forces can be made vanish everywhere in some coordinate frame.
Yes, OK this is the business that the classical non-exotic vacuum does not have a localizable stress-energy density tensor field.
No inertial forces, no inertial stress-energy
This was all stated explicitly by Eddington in his "Mathematical Theory of Relativity",
very early in the game. It was also raised by von Laue in his early debates with Einstein
All this will be in my paper.
Ruv = 0 is the Einstein vacuum equation in normal vacuum with /\zpf = 0.
You can think of
Ruv(curved spacetime) = (c^4/8piG)tuv(curved spacetime) = 0 in normal
tuv(curved spacetime) = tuv( globally flat spacetime) + nonperturbative
nonlinear correction for the spin 2 tensor field as shown by Feynman.
So in normal vacuum you have a compensation
tuv(flat spacetime) + nonperturbative nonlinear correction = 0
So if that's what you mean, no problem, it's standard like in Deser's paper
you mentioned. One has to be clear of context - here context is relative to
a globally flat background!
Yes, of course there is no controversy so far. It is the interpretive implications
that I will draw that are controversial.
But here we can certainly agree on the math.
Start with huv a spin 2 quantum field obeying special relativity on the
globally flat spacetime background and then do what Feynman does to get
c-number GR emergent non-perturbatively.
Right. The Feynman-Gupta Spin-2 model is actually more grist for my mill. I am
grateful to you for introducing me to it.
I also discovered to my delight that Feynman's POV on Einstein GR -- as encoded
in his 1960s Lectures on Gravitation -- is close to mine.
In conventional GR, this non-tensor function is combined with the matter-
induced stress-energy to yield a resultant pseudotensor (Einstein
tensor). There is here no point in separating the two contributions since they
interpreted as one and the same, physically speaking, even though they have
different mathematical origins and properties.
(I have also developed some additional physical arguments in favor of a
fundamental distinction between gravitational and inertial fields, which we
can talk
about privately.)
From this POV, the "equivalence principle" of Einstein is then to be
purely as a correspondence principle that accounts for the limited empirical
success of special relativity, within the superseding theoretical framework of
what is called "general relativity".
This correspondence does not imply or require that from the standpoint of GR
special relativity is somehow "true" in *any* domain -- contrary to to the
taken in some canonical texts. It is just that a certain defined class of
experiments of
limited accuracy is insensitive to the difference in the predictions of GR and
within the domain of validity of SR.
Who needs "true" apart from what you just said?
e.g. MTW. We have already thrashed over this. Let's talk about it privately.
I will argue that the physical part of the field stress-energy (true gravitational
stress-energy) does not vanish anywhere in a so-called "LIF" (Local Inertial
Frame). It is merely compensated (locally) by inertial effects.
Certainly the full curvature tensor Ruvlw does not vanish in an LIF although the non-tensor connection field {uv|l} does vanish, hence the "free float weightlessness" along a timelike geodesic in the weak field limit of small tidal forces of stretch-squeeze.
From my POV, in this respect GR is no different from Newtonian theory.
There is in fact no need for Einstein equivalence -- only "EEP".
I do not understand your distinguishing "Einstein equivalence" from "EEP"?
Since Einstein's concept of "general relativity" required such absolute
identification as a matter of logical necessity, this means that what is now
"general relativity" is not actually general relativity at all, in the sense
by Einstein.
Einstein's "general relativity" is to be sharply distinguished from mere
"general covariance". Einsteinian "general relativity" is a matter of physical
and not simply of formal invariance of the equations under general coordinate
Einstein's GR = local covariance under the Diff(4) group + EEP
No. That is modern GR. Not Einstein GR. Einstein GR involves more.
Einstein's "general relativity" asserts that a pure inertial field *is* a gravitational
field. You cannot get this, logically speaking, out of local general covariance and
and the so-called "EEP" alone.
I do not understand "pure inertial field" and "gravitational field" dangling like that without mathematical tags.
I basically think of them as synonyms for {uv|l} as distinct from "tidal fields" that depend on Ruvwl via the timelike geodesic deviation equation at P.
d^2(x-x')^u/ds^2 = R^uvwl(dx^v/ds)(dx'^w/ds)(x-x')^l
where |x-x'| << radii of curvature at P
compared to
d^x^u/ds^2 = {^u|vw}(dx^v/ds)(dx^w/ds)
Now this all is in Einstein's original GR and it seems adequate to me without the ambiguity of ordinary language.
These local nonlinear partial differential equations all emerge out of the micro-quantum substratum in my theory with coherence of the QED vacuum polarization plasma of virtual electron-positron pairs in the Coulomb attraction instability very much like the BCS superconductor.
The term "EEP", which is supposedly an acronym for "Einstein Equivalence
Pronciple", is not actually the same as Einstein equivalence. This is one of
the many examples of how the terminology adopted in MTW is sloppy and
Although of course this is mathematically true in Einstein GR. I am certainly
not denying that.
"EEP" is merely a correspondence principle. Einstein equivalence involved a
fundamental identification of inertial and gravitational phenomena, whereby inertial
compensation is transmuted into inertial "anihilation" (MTW's "elimination") of the
gravitational field.
It may seem a small point, but I will argue that it has important consequences
with regard to the interpretation of GR.
IMHO MTW's pedagogy is riddled with puns and misnomers, and sloppy
misleading use of phrases like "spacetime curvature".
To me "spacetime curvature" means Ruvwl(P). Where's the problem?
EEP means guv -> nab at a point P, but not in neighborhood of P.
From this POV in GR there is simply no extension of the principle of special
to general coordinate transformations, contrary to what Einstein apparently
GR has two distinct symmetry groups. Lorentz group in the tangent fiber and
Diff(4) in the base manifold. The math works. It's called "fiber bundle
This is not a purely mathematical issue, Jack. Of course I accept this. Yes, of
course the math "works".
Who denies?
Then you say there is a problem of connecting the math to the experimental procedures? Where how? How would it apply to the modern precision cosmology in which real data is understood in terms of the equations I wrote above?
Remember about 5 different experimental methods all converge to the same consistent conclusion
0.73 + 0.23 + 0.04 = 1
in a spatially flat expanding accelerating universe as seen in our past light cone on the cosmic scale > 10 megaparsecs.
This difference of interpretation has concrete consequences, especially with
regard to the definition of the so-called "stress-energy" of the gravitational
and its "elimination" in free fall (which you and I have discussed at some
My understanding of this is simply:
The classical non-exotic vacuum at P is defined as Tuv(P) = 0.
The corresponding Einstein field equation is then
Ruv(P) = 0
If you want to force a large square peg into the small round hole of a globally flat background spacetime nuv Minkowski metric of special relativity you have a spin 2 tensor quantum field huv, it will have a local stress energy density tensor tuv(vac). However, when you do the Feynman non-perturbative trick, equivalent I suspect to my BCS vacuum instability, you get a c-number vacuum equation
Ruv(P) = 0.
The following Stan Deser, as I recall off the top of my head
Ruv(P) = Ruv(P)linear + Ruv(P)nonlinear = 0
in which I would think that
tuv(vac) = (c^4/8piG)Ruv(P)linear
with the nonlinear piece from summing an infinity of a special class of Feynman diagrams for the original flat huv spin 2 tensor field.
The above may *or may not* eventually lead to a marginal revision of the
field equations, as for example in Hussein Yilmaz's work.
Proved wrong I am pretty sure for cosmology because of the new results in
April 2003 Physics Today.
Also proved wrong for elementary particles because
the Yilmaz theory implies lepto-quark exotic vacuum geons grow in size
rather than shrink in size as the resolving power of the quantum scattering
Heisenberg microscope increases. This is a beautiful powerful result showing
how above EEP + Diff(4) covariance agrees with observation both above and
below in the True Alchemy.
I'll have to look at that. Sounds interesting.
If valid, I suppose you loosely describe this as a "refutation of Einstein",
to use
Neville Robbins' aggravated terminology.
All of the experimental tests of the amazing new "precision cosmology"
to ~ 2% agreement of Einstein's theory with data, including the dark
energy/matter /\zpf term of course, really come from solutions to this
field equation independent of informal explanations of the ultimate
meaning of the theory in particular how to think of the "equivalence
principle". (reference April 2003, Physics Today) also my review paper
at http://qedcorp.com/APS/Ukraine.doc
That's fine, and I'm sure any revisions would have to result in tiny
adjustments. But I am old and skeptical enough and know enough history that I appreciate
that the "data" are malleable and the interpretation of experimental outcomes
depends very much on the set of alternative theories that happen to be available when
the experiments are run.
PS Mainly what you are talking about is the perturbative approach
starting with globally flat background and adding a "small" spin 2
tensor quantum field huv(x) with a local stress-energy density tensor
tuv(flat vac) and then what one must do to get the curved spacetime
c-number theory guv(x) as some kind of emergence (summing an infinity
of Feynman diagrams for example as in Feynman's lectures). Bottom line
is that c-no gravity is an emergent non-perturbative phenomenon. The
perturbative tuv(flat vac) is absorbed as the nonlinearity in the
Ruv(curved vac) = 0 Einstein c-no field equation for the equilibrium
vacuum limit /\zpf = 0.
Yes, this actually feeds into one of my additional arguments. This clearly
illustrates the "self-interacting" property of the physical g-field.
The recovery of the full Einstein theory from the "linearized" (weak field)
also enters into my argument.
The key is the self-gravitation of the physical field which of course is
in your
and shows up in the higher terms of the spin-2 perturbation expansion. So this
also strikes at the heart of the logical and interpretive relationships
between the
quantum and classical theories.
The answer to this conundrum may also have important consequences for the
theory of gravitational waves.
You can write:
Ruv(curved vacuum) = Ruv(flat vacuum) + tuv(flat vacuum) = 0 when
/\zpf(x) = 0
EEP is simply the tetrad map formally speaking guv(P) -> nab LOCALLY at
P, but not in neighborhood of P.
Where tuv(curved vacuum) = 0 identically when /\zpf(x) = 0 not
None of this is in dispute, but at the same time it does not alter the fact
that the existence of Riemannian curvature, a characteristic of physical g-fields, is
absolute, both globally and locally, and there is no Riemannian curvature in a pure
inertial field -- even in Einstein's GR.
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:03:09 AM US/Pacific
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net..
�I should have said, "why should we deny it?�
Red Diaper
[In reply to my asking if Red Diaper Baby was a member of Wolfowitz's ad-hoc OSP inside Pentagon, described as a group of neo con extremists intimidating the CIA to include "Iraq WMD" in reports to GWB. Red Diaper Baby calls the CIA "The Chumpany".]
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com is Red Diaper Baby from the Orwellian Neo Con �Foundation Offensive to Democracies.�
Date: Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:46:04 AM US/Pacific
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net
"I will initiate a criminal libel action against the leftist Keating and all who recycled his stuff, including Raimondo (neofascist), White (Nazi), CAIR (Saudis), Herbert (Nazi), Sarrafatto plus his accomplices Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman, and others, include The Savage Weenie as a coconspirator.
Doggydoo will also be named as a stalker for his weird picture taking habits.
The real target is CAIR. Sarrafatto is just a flea hanging off the rectum of the Saudi dog, and Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman are mites in the rectum of the flea. The Savage Weenie is an infection in its own class. But these vermin have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. They seem to actually think that attacking the number one critic of the Saudis in the U.S. (myself) is going to make them popular. They also think they can separate themselves from the general Saudi assault on my character, even as they recycle the same material, which makes them equal coconspirators. BTW, I was
threatened with a suit by a major Saudi figure, who backed off of his threat when confronted with my documentation.
We expect the Saudis to have a serious lawyer, and Raimondo should be able to get a rightwing lawyer to represent him. Keating has some cereal boxtop lawyer with the brain of a snail. The Nazis may have lawyers. Sarrafatto cannot get a lawyer. Burfatti and Dildinski cannot pay a lawyer, even if they find one to represent them. Doggydoo will have similar problems. Fartman, who is obviously mentally ill, thinks he is a lawyer and may be severed from the case for mental incompetence"
Savage Hotsky Totsky Sarfatti story in San Jose Mercury News July 20, 2003
On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 11:53 AM, de la Vina, Mark wrote:
The story on Michael Savage that you've been telling people was "aborted" is
in today's paper. Thought you might like to know.
Mark de la Vina�
Thanks Mark. I though it was aborted because it was months late. I will excerpt in my book: "A Lunatic Mind: The Three Faces of a Neo Con" the unauthorized intellectual biography of Red Diaper. "A Lunatic Mind" was originally going to be a Mel Brooks style self-parody alluding to "A Beautiful Mind" about mathematician John Nash. But then Neo Con Pundit Hotsky Totsky went off the deep end over your story on Savage, the Iraq Invasion happened, the Neo Con takeover of Pentagon and intimidation of CIA happened with the SS-like OSP intelligence fiasco and now a probable murder of a British Scientist made to look like a suicide over the Iraq WMD issue - and so my conception of the book has changed. This is clearly a case for Inspector Clueless and Hinckle's Amazing Bassett Hound Melman, a fact that drives Red Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky, Commander of The Fifth Column in Operation Trojan Horse, completely off the wall reducing him to a raving lunatic crackpot threatening to sue almost everyone. ;-)
Excerpts from:
�The man behind the `Savage Nation'
By Mark de la Vi�a
Mercury News
There's no denying his popularity. His nationally syndicated radio show reaches about 6 million listeners on 310 stations (just behind Limbaugh, Hannity, Howard Stern and Schlesinger). In the liberal Bay Area it's the No. 1 program in the 4-7 p.m. Monday-Friday time slot, attracting 226,000 listeners each week. His book, ``The Savage
Nation: Saving America From the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language and Culture,'' was on the New York Times bestseller list for five months this year.
Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, who wrote about the talk-radio phenomenon in ``Hot Air: All Talk, All the Time,'' says, ``Savage pushes the envelope of acceptable discourse and taps into the grievances of folks who are angry at society. But he also has a cutting sense of humor that saves him from sounding like just another ranter.''
Savage moved to the Bay Area in 1974. He enrolled at the University of California-Berkeley, earning a doctorate in nutritional ethnomedicine in 1978. Through Ferlinghetti, he met many poets and artists in North Beach, the birthplace of the Beats. �
Red Diaper Baby, a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C., and North Beach regular in the '70s, recalls that Savage ``seemed like a BS artist, a person who wanted attention and wanted to be taken very seriously.''
Others remember him then as opinionated, funny and devoted to his children, a man who was accepted by the same counterculture crowd he now disparages.
Whether Savage's current right-wing positions are the product of some epiphany at midlife or just opportunistic showmanship is unclear.
Longtime friend and physicist Jack Sarfatti likens him to Lenny Bruce, saying that much of what Savage says is misunderstood satire. ``Michael's just a smart Jewish kid from New York,'' Sarfatti says. �He's extremely funny much of the time. But he's angry. A lot
of Jewish intellectuals are angry, so Michael has kind of channeled his anger into a high form of art.��
Red Diaper in his Punk Rock period at Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and �Golden Boy� Kim Burrafato, Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and Red Diaper in the early 1990�s outside Caffe Trieste.
Harry Silver and Jack Sarfatti 2000
"The Great Fiji Water Incident�
by Warren Hinckle
Front Page Column 1 written in The San Francisco Independent of June 3, 2003
Sub-headline: �Bulgarian agents. Michael Savage. Wahhabi-Saudi spies.Red-diaper babies. All in court, courtesy of North Beach's latest old-boy war.
'Use your mentality. Wake up to reality.' Cole Porter
For those who view North Beach as a spectator sport, here are the Ice Follies of 2003. Ice is not required for these follies. You just had to be in Room 624 of Superior Court, the Honorable Ann Bouliane presiding.
The case was Jack Sarfatti v. Spleen Killer. Petition for Injunction Against Harassment.
The prime-time players were Sarfatti, the physicist, fabulist, and resident philosopher king of the Caffe Trieste who once immodestly referred to himself as the 'father of God,' and Spleen Killer, lawyer and noted Beacher.
Also onstage was Red Diaper, former North Beach long-hair leftie and troublemaker, who had flown in from a right-wing think tank in the Federal City, where he has morphed into a neocon expert on the 'threat of Islam.'
Offstage but prominent in the arguments in court was conservative talk-radio meister Michael Savage, about whom the fight that led to the legal proceedings was all about.
Also offstage was novelist Herb Gold, who is to bohemia what Tolstoy was to Russia. Further offstage but, well involved by dint of association and name-dropping were Francis Coppola, Allen Ginsberg, Werner Erhard, Jayson Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Donald Rumsfeld, and Adolph Hitler, though not necessarily in that order.
There haven't been so many names involved in a North Beach flap since photographer Mark Green went off his meds in the City Lights basement and ate lots of books.
This all came to court because a case of Fiji water that Spleen Killer, the attorney and researcher of national-security matters for Hotsky Totsky, left for Sarfatti in the North Beach law office where the physicist writes poetry and where, according to testimony, Spleen Killer was an unwelcome visitor.
The Fiji water that angered Sarfatti was left as a cruel joke -- this according to voluminous e-mails full of insults entered into the court record that were sent before the physical violence in the Caffe Trieste that preceded the petition for a restraining order.
The joke was that 'Fiji' sounded like 'Vichy,' and Spleen Killer and Hotsky Totsky were then busily calling Sarfatti a quisling -- that is to say a collaborator -- because he had warned Savage not to talk to a San Jose newspaper reporter who, according to court documents, was preparing a hit piece on Savage inspired by Hotsky Totsky.
That was about when Sarfatti hit Spleen Killer on the side of the head after, he said, Spleen Killer knocked his hat off his head in the Caffe Trieste. The cops came. The police report is also in evidence, along with the voluminous e-mails containing unflattering references of one Beacher to the other as trespassers, war criminals, neo-Nazis, profaners of the names of the dead, the Three Stooges, and more.
Savage was an occasional North Beach drinking companion of the other three Beachers before his radio show went national and made him far more famous than the others. According to Sarfatti, Hotsky Totsky hates Savage because Savage's book The Savage Nation outsells Hotsky Totsky's latest tome, Two Sides of The Shekel by about a jillion copies.
Hotsky Totsky says he dislikes Savage intensely, but for political differences lost in the further reaches of far-right ideology. He wrote in one of the e-mails entered into evidence that 'I stipulate that I despise the Weenie and want him off the air.'
Oh, the Weenie thing.
Apparently Savage, before he was named Savage, had the last name of Weiner, and his North Beach friends nicknamed him Weenie. (Sarfatti said that Savage took the name Savage after a pioneering anthropologist in Fiji -- hence the further significance of the Fiji water bottles -- where the Savage-to-be did his postgraduate study. But we're diverting.)
'I don't see where this is on point.' Judge Bouliane was saying to Sarfatti, who was describing the restraining-order request as a natural thing between 'two North Beach macho males' who want to hit each other when they meet.
Sarfatti was attempting to point out the sinister significance of the e-mails to him from Spleen Killer with a taunting repetitive line: 'Did you or did you not tip the Weenie?' (about not talking to the reporter from San Jose).
'This is North Beach bohemia. Both Hotsky Totsky and I are public figures. He's on Fox News, and I'm on Star Trek,' Sarfatti said.
Sarfatti said he had never called Hotsky Totsky a terrorist or a CIA agent, and Hotsky Totsky denied claims he had called Herb Gold's son a Serbian agent, although it wasn't clear whether he had called Michael Savage Hitler.
Hotsky Totsky complained that Sarfatti had sent deluges of e-mail to lords of the Defense Department, such as Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, and his editor at Doubleday, calling him a CIA agent or a double agent for the KGB.
Sarfatti was clearly relishing his day in court. 'This is prime time.' he said.
The judge by this time had her chin cupped in her hands. She said she would give an opinion at 2pm. She denied the restraining order against North Beach macho behavior but she allowed that Spleen Killer should hand over his key to the office where Sarfatti wrote his poetry and did his math.
Spleen Killer volunteered the key ��
From: Red Diaper Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com
To: Jack Sarfatti
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:25:50 -0800 (PST)
�Brian Lamb's BookNotes website is advertising the Hotsky Totsky interview for the weekend of February 2 on C-SPAN.
I lectured to a synagogue in DC last night as a Sufi, for the first time. It went well, but it was also an ultraliberal and peace-oriented congregation, which would be expected to be open to such a thing. The most interesting question: what did the Sufi Hallaj mean when he said "I am truth [i.e. truth as God]?"
Apparently the NEW YORK PRESS printed some kind of driveby insult against me as a person suffering an "identity crisis." I'm not reading these things.�
Synopsis: �From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experiences it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery once he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over this tragedy, and finally, late in life, received the Nobel Prize.�
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
�A landmark film, based on a true story that heightened public awareness of the multiple personality as a disease entity. The transitions are slightly melodramatic, but Woodward's portrayal of the remarkably distinct changes in Eve's character and appearance earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress.�
The Three Faces of Eve
Who are "The Three Faces of Neo Con Pundit Red Diaper"?
Face 1: Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
�As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?�
Myles Kantor (see below)
Face 2: McCarthy and Cohen yesterday, Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer today.
�Nothing would make me happier than him saving us the trouble of finding a legal venue to expose the whole Sarfatti/Serb/Herbert campaign. He forgets that I have all the documents and commentaries from his little fling into violating the Serbian embargo with the help of the Soviet spy Vigier. Documents, not emails. Evidence, not allegations... let me say this "for the historical record": if I were to beat Sarfatti's brains out, because of his desecrating my father's memory, it is highly doubtful any jurisdiction would charge me with anything but littering.�
Red Diaper April 28, 2003
�Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� Comrade Sheik Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti May 4, 2003
�Retribution is coming, to you as well as Saddam.�
Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti March 18, 2003
�I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene." Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti July 8, 2003
Face 3: Hotsky Totsky's Triumphal Return to Baghdad by the Bay after his "severe program of social hygiene" cleared the "human garbage" out of the Caffe Trieste in North Beach. See here Hotsky Totsky at work writing his great epic Shi-ite poem and New Age self-help book with politically correct unadulterated Trotskyite Socialist Realism "How to Vacuum Human Dust" http://qedcorp.com/Hotsky Totsky/snit.html
�When Hotsky Totsky is not planting evidence against the Saudis, he is busy concocting alibis for proven offenders. He claims, for example, that Khomeinism has been misread by the United States as intolerant and threatening. The Saudis reinforced this misperception, he argues, so as to prevent us from realizing that they -- not the fascists in power in Tehran -- are the true enemies of pluralism. This kind of dirty detective work destroys the author's credibility� Michael Doran, Princeton University (see below)
From: Red Diaper Date: Fri Jan 31, 2003 5:38:22 PM US/Pacific
To: mateens@bigplanet.com
Cc: rradosh@mindspring.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com, p.katel@verizon.net, chitch8003@aol.com, cherkovski@earthlink.net, sarfatti@well.com,
abellow@randomhouse.com, jbottum@weeklystandard.com, pnagy@mindspring.com, msells@haverford.edu
"Still eyes look coldly upon me;
Cold voices whisper and say --
He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia,
They have stolen his wits away."
-- Walter de la Mare
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:18:15 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�It's peculiar but that's how these things are. I deeply offended the Serbs recently and they have already used Weenie to deliver a classic veiled threat, i.e. a threat issued in such a way as not to appear a threat to a normal person.�
The �Weenie� is Hotsky Totsky�s word for Michael Savage. I will use �Hotsky Totskyky� for Hotsky Totsky since it rhymes with �Trotksy.� J
Note I will use italic face only for Hotsky Totsky�s actual words in his writings to me.
From: Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:19:19 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�Keep the PRAVDA comment confidential for now, except for Spleen Killer, and if the SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS guy calls you again be very specific about what Weenie said about the Serbs.�
�Someone pretty high up asked me this morning about these crazy people who harass me on the net, and whether they are all Saudi agents. I said some of them are (we know who). I also said one of them tried to become a Serb agent, i.e. Sarfatti. Whether he did or not is open to discussion -- certainly, he sucks up to The Weenie who promotes the Serbs day and night.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti April 28, 2003
Hotsky Totskyky wrote to Sarfatti on February 9, 2003:
I am offended that anybody would ever suggest anything positive could happen involving me and Weenie. The only positive outcome between me and Weenie would involve me handing him a ticket out of town.
I am most concerned that it is now impossible for the reporter to get the facts from you about Weenie's violent vocabulary re: me and the Serbs. That is what I care about.
And don't try to spin it positively. Weenie mentioning Serbs and me in a context of harm to me is enough.
Otherwise, we can put this behind us. But don't do it again. And it would behoove you to stop trying to turn simple disagreements into operatic performances.
I value your scientific assistance but you should not try to arrange alliances. I can do that very well for myself.�
�When you call yourself my old friend in San Francisco (which you are not) and say I am attacking you, the people you are writing to figure you are an angry commie. Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on May 4, 2003
"I say what nobody else will say, and don't regurgitate some common wisdom borrowed from time wasted in some classroom listening to some timeserver spin his spiel. I say the Saudis are terrorists, in the macro, and I say Sarfatti is a swindler who belongs in jail, in the micro. I do not intend to change. I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene."
E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on July 8, 2003.
"There is nothing immoral in the proletariat finishing off the dying class. This is its right. You are indignant � at the petty terror, which we direct against our class opponents. But be put on notice that in one month at most this terror will assume more frightful forms, on the model of the great revolutionaries of France. Our enemies will face not prison but the guillotine."
Written and spoken by Hotsky Totskyky�s hero and role model, Leon Trotsky, cited by Myles Kantor below.
"As for you, Mosier, what makes you think that this style is acceptable when Sarfatti TRIES AND FAILS at it, but not acceptable when I SUCCEED AT IT? I am the Bohemian, not him. I am the published author, not him. I am the man with access to power, not him. And I, not he, will prevail. Sarfatti is mad at me because he wishes he had my capacity to do what I do and succeed at it. He will never have it and he cannot get it by sucking up to me. He is human dust." Red Diaper, July 8, 2003.
Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
The First Face of Comrade Hotsky Totskyky
"Some do evil in silence. Others flaunt it. � Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, this mass murderer and pioneer of savagery is better known as Leon Trotsky. And among his defenders today is the supposedly conservative author Red Diaper. Hotsky Totsky is a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and has written books on subjects ranging from Kosovo and California to Nicaragua and Spanish Marxism. Author most recently of 'Two Sides of The Shekel: The House of Sa�ud from Tradition to Terror,' he has included himself among 'ex-Trotskyists who moved over to the conservative and patriotic side of the spectrum.' Yet one finds claims such as these in a June 11 article by Hotsky Totsky on National Review Online:
�� Trotsky, a man of moral consistency if nothing else, took responsibility for the crimes of the early Bolshevik regime.�
�It is certainly true that Trotsky's role at Kronstadt was abominable. It is also true that very few people today know or care about Kronstadt, which may or may not be bad.�
Defending the crushing of Kronstadt, denying his role in it, defending the murder of the imperial family � yup, lots of responsibility taken there. And even assuming Trotsky had taken responsibility, how would that diminish his immense criminality as an architect of history�s most monstrous political system?
As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?
Political sympathies are often an affair of the heart as much as the mind, and Hotsky Totsky�s continuing sympathy for Trotsky is a case in point. �I come from the radical left, and in many respects, I haven't changed,� he said in a March interview with The Atlantic Monthly.
Contact Myles Kantor at kantor@FreeEmigration.co
The above indictment of Red Diaper was written not by his favorite incubi, not by a �commie�, or a �wahhabi�, or a �islamo-fascist�, or a �Serb agent�, or a �Saudi agent�, but by an anti-Castro conservative Cuban-American writer Myles B. Kantor on Friday, July 4, 2003 who writes for some of the same media that Hotsky Totsky does. The fast-growing chorus of indignant protest against Hotsky Totsky�s totalitarian rhetoric and bully methods whilst pretending to defend democracy, boasting he is Paul Wolfowitz�s �official biographer�, including falsifying news reports like Jayson Blair, is non-partisan from both the right and the left.
�I defy the Wahhabis and I defy the Sarfattis. I get on TV because I challenge the powerful and strike down those who try to gain power through deceit, like Sarfatti.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti e-mail, July 8, 2003.
�Around 1454 Rabbi Isaac Sarfatti of Adrianople gives substance to this view of Jewish life under Muslim rule in a letter to the German Jews ��
Red Diaper �Two Sides of The Shekel� p. xviii
PRESS RELEASE from The Free America Forum
Free America Forum is a non-partisan spontaneous patriotic grass roots community emerging to expose and stop the vicious Communist Trotskyite Conspiracy that has taken over the Neoconservative faction of the Republican Party with undue influence in the current Bush Administration on Iraqi and Middle East Policy. The leader of this Trojan Horse Fifth Column is Red Diaper now employed at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Given Hotsky Totsky's repeated writings of "a severe program of social hygiene" to rid America of "human dust" and "human garbage", and how his "highly-placed friends" in NYC and DC would "hold" his "coat" and applaud as he "bashed" my "brains in" and kicked my "teeth out" and how they would not care if San Francisco were "nuked". Given these writings, Hotsky Totsky's employment by the above foundation has a distinct Orwellian tinge reminiscent of "1984's" "Ministry of Truth" and "Animal Farm". Hotsky Totsky's pattern of thought is identical to Leon Trotsky's, the Red Butcher of Kronstadt. Hotsky Totsky has assumed the mantle of the "New Trotsky" boasting that he is intimate with James Woolsey, Spleen Killer Perl, Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld and others. If the latter is true, it is a very dangerous development.
Let me state unequivocally that I am not a "Saudi agent." I am not a "Wahhabi agent." I am not an �Al Qaeda agent.� I am not a "commie" or a "weenie." I am not a Milosevic �Serb agent�. I am not an "islamofascist". I am not a "Nazi". I am not a "Mussolini fascist". I am not a homosexual. Kim Burrafato is not my gay lover. Red Diaper and Spleen Killer have charged me, explicitly and implicitly, with all of these things. I am a patriotic American who has been in harm's way aboard US naval ships of war at sea in "Condition Zebra" in the PACE program. I am a member of the National Republican Advisory Business Council set up by Tom Delay and I have contributed substantial funds to the Republican Party. I am not a leftist in any sense of the word.
Red Diaper is a dangerous Red Trotskyite Communist in his deep thought patterns pretending to be a freedom fighter and exploiting 911 and US War on Terror to in fact impose a new Jacobin Reign of Terror on patriotic Americans like Leon Trotsky's role model Robespierre in the French Revolution. The late CIA Station Chief Harold Chipman accused Red Diaper back in mid 1980's of being a KGB "mole" a "deep cover sleeper agent" in the Neoconservative Think Tank Institute for Contemporary Studies briefly led by Donald Rumsfeld. These new developments show that Harold Chipman's assessment of Red Diaper was correct.
Trotsky's ghost wandering the White House (excerpts)
Influence on Bush aides: Bolshevik's writings supported
the idea of pre-emptive war
Jeet Heer
National Post
Saturday, June 07, 2003
�More than a decade after the demise of the Soviet Union, Stalin's war against Trotsky may seem like quaint ancient history. Yet Stalin was right to fear Trotsky's influence. Unlike Stalin, Trotsky was a man of genuine intellectual achievement, a brilliant literary critic and historian as well as a military strategist of genius. Trotsky's movement, although never numerous, attracted many sharp minds. At one time or another, the Fourth International included among its followers the painter Frida Kahlo (who had an affair with Trotsky), the novelist Saul Bellow, the poet Andr� Breton and the Trinidadian polymath C.L.R. James. As evidence of the continuing intellectual influence of Trotsky, consider the curious fact that some of the books about the Middle East crisis that are causing the greatest stir were written by thinkers deeply shaped by the tradition of the
Fourth International. In seeking advice about Iraqi society, members of the Bush administration (notably Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defence, and Dick Cheney, the Vice-President) frequently consulted Kanan Makiya, an Iraqi-American intellectual whose book The Republic of Fear is considered to be the definitive analysis of Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule. As the journalist Christopher Hitchens notes, Makiya is "known to veterans of the Trotskyist movement as a one-time leading
Arab member of the Fourth International." When speaking about Trotskyism, Hitchens has a voice of authority. Like Makiya, Hitchens is a former Trotskyist who is influential in Washington circles as an advocate for a militantly interventionist policy in the Middle East. Despite his leftism, Hitchens has been invited into the White House as an ad hoc
consultant. Other supporters of the Iraq war also have a Trotsky-tinged past. On the left, the historian Paul Berman, author of a new book called Terror and Liberalism, has been a resonant voice among those who want a more muscular struggle against Islamic fundamentalism. Berman counts the Trotskyist C.L.R. James as a major influence. Among neo-conservatives, Berman's counterpart is Red Diaper, a historian whose new book, Two Sides of The Shekel, is a key text among those who want the United States to sever its ties with Saudi Arabia. Hotsky Totsky spent his formative years in a Spanish
Trotskyist group. To this day, Hotsky Totsky speaks of Trotsky affectionately as "the old man" and "L.D." (initials from Trotsky's birth name, Lev Davidovich Bronstein). "To a great extent, I still consider myself to be [one of the] disciples of L.D," he admits, and he observes that in certain Washington circles, the ghost of Trotsky still hovers around. At a party in February celebrating a new book about Iraq, Hotsky Totsky exchanged banter with Wolfowitz about Trotsky, the Moscow Trials and Max Shachtman. "I've talked to Wolfowitz about all of this," Hotsky Totsky notes. "We had this discussion about Shachtman. He knows all that stuff, but was never part of it. He's definitely aware." The yoking together of Paul Wolfowitz and Leon Trotsky sounds odd, but a long and tortuous history explains the link between the Bolshevik left and the Republican right.�
Who are the Neo Cons? What are their ideas? Are they �Tech Gnostics?�
Pfaff accuses the Neo Cons as sanctioning the noble lie to the American people. He says it not me. I am not expert enough in this field to judge this allegation. On the other hand, the lack of WMD in Iraq plus the �yellowcake� uranium intelligence �blunder� in Niger cause us to wonder if we are not seeing the rotten fruits of Leo Strauss�s alleged philosophy among his alleged disciples now in power in the Pentagon? Again, I am just wondering aloud here to you.
The long reach of Leo Strauss (excerpts)
William Pfaff
International Herald Tribune, Thursday, May 15, 2003
�PARIS: The trouble with American conservatism during most of the 20th century was that it was not particularly intelligent. The Republican Party was and is a business party, anti-intellectual and to a considerable degree xenophobic. The radical neoconservatives, who appeared in the 1960s, are the first seriously intelligent movement on the American right since the 19th century. They want to remake the international order under effective U.S. hegemony, destroy America's enemies and cripple or eliminate the United Nations and other institutions making a claim to international jurisdiction. They have a political philosophy, and the arrogance and intolerance of their actions reflect their conviction that they possess a realism and truth others lack. They include Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Abram Shulsky of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, Spleen Killer Perle of the Pentagon advisory board, Elliott Abrams of the National Security Council, and the writers Robert Kagan and William Kristol. The main intellectual influence on the neoconservatives has been the philosopher Leo Strauss, who left Germany in 1938 and taught for many years at the University of Chicago. Several of the neoconservatives studied under him. Wolfowitz and Shulsky took doctorates under him. Something of a cult developed around Strauss during his later years at Chicago, and he and some admirers figure in the Saul Bellow novel, "Ravelstein." The cult is appropriate because Strauss believed that the essential truths about human society and history should be held by an elite, and withheld from others who lack the fortitude to deal with truth. Society,
Strauss thought, needs consoling lies. He held that philosophy is dangerous because it brings into question the conventions on which civil order and the morality of society depend. This risks promoting a destructive nihilism � He believed that Greek classical
philosophy, notably that of Plato, is more true to nature than anything that has
replaced it. Some critics say that his interpretation of Plato is perverse, but he said that he had recovered the "real" Plato, lost by later Neo-Platonic and Christian thinkers. He also argued that Platonic truth is too hard for people to bear, and that the classical appeal to "virtue" as the object of human endeavor is unattainable. Hence it has been necessary to tell lies to people about the nature of political reality. An elite recognizes the truth, however, and keeps it to itself. This gives it insight, and implicitly power that others do not possess. This obviously is an important element in Strauss's appeal to America's
neoconservatives. The ostensibly hidden truth is that expediency works��
And remember that many of them are former Trotskyites, who as small �Red Diaper Babies�, the Red Fifth Column version of the Nazi �Boys From Brazil, were, as small children, brainwashed into totalitarian ways of sensing the world like we see deeply ingrained in Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s mind. This is obvious in his continual use of violent imagery like �social hygiene�, �human garbage�, Trotsky�s term �human dust, �fantasies of mass murder like nuking San Francisco as well as fantasies of personal violence on me like bashing my brains and kicking my teeth out.
Do not forget when you read the next article below from Zielinski that the e-mail record at the end of this book shows, Red Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s continual vilification of the late heroic CIA Chief of Station, Harold Chipman and his calling the CIA �The Chumpany� and his boasting that Rumsfeld has contempt for the CIA.
�Also chump it was the company, or chumpany, that created such problems as do exist. You are out of the loop and will never get in it.�
Comrade Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti on April 24, 2003
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net..
�I should have said, "why should we deny it?�
Red Diaper
[In reply to my asking if Red Diaper Baby was a member of Wolfowitz's ad-hoc OSP inside Pentagon, described as a group of neo con extremists intimidating the CIA to include "Iraq WMD" in reports to GWB. Red Diaper Baby calls the CIA "The Chumpany".]
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com is Red Diaper Baby from the Orwellian Neo Con �Foundation Offensive to Democracies.�
Date: Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:46:04 AM US/Pacific
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net
"I will initiate a criminal libel action against the leftist Keating and all who recycled his stuff, including Raimondo (neofascist), White (Nazi), CAIR (Saudis), Herbert (Nazi), Sarrafatto plus his accomplices Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman, and others, include The Savage Weenie as a coconspirator.
Doggydoo will also be named as a stalker for his weird picture taking habits.
The real target is CAIR. Sarrafatto is just a flea hanging off the rectum of the Saudi dog, and Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman are mites in the rectum of the flea. The Savage Weenie is an infection in its own class. But these vermin have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. They seem to actually think that attacking the number one critic of the Saudis in the U.S. (myself) is going to make them popular. They also think they can separate themselves from the general Saudi assault on my character, even as they recycle the same material, which makes them equal coconspirators. BTW, I was
threatened with a suit by a major Saudi figure, who backed off of his threat when confronted with my documentation.
We expect the Saudis to have a serious lawyer, and Raimondo should be able to get a rightwing lawyer to represent him. Keating has some cereal boxtop lawyer with the brain of a snail. The Nazis may have lawyers. Sarrafatto cannot get a lawyer. Burfatti and Dildinski cannot pay a lawyer, even if they find one to represent them. Doggydoo will have similar problems. Fartman, who is obviously mentally ill, thinks he is a lawyer and may be severed from the case for mental incompetence"
Savage Hotsky Totsky Sarfatti story in San Jose Mercury News July 20, 2003
On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 11:53 AM, de la Vina, Mark wrote:
The story on Michael Savage that you've been telling people was "aborted" is
in today's paper. Thought you might like to know.
Mark de la Vina�
Thanks Mark. I though it was aborted because it was months late. I will excerpt in my book: "A Lunatic Mind: The Three Faces of a Neo Con" the unauthorized intellectual biography of Red Diaper. "A Lunatic Mind" was originally going to be a Mel Brooks style self-parody alluding to "A Beautiful Mind" about mathematician John Nash. But then Neo Con Pundit Hotsky Totsky went off the deep end over your story on Savage, the Iraq Invasion happened, the Neo Con takeover of Pentagon and intimidation of CIA happened with the SS-like OSP intelligence fiasco and now a probable murder of a British Scientist made to look like a suicide over the Iraq WMD issue - and so my conception of the book has changed. This is clearly a case for Inspector Clueless and Hinckle's Amazing Bassett Hound Melman, a fact that drives Red Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky, Commander of The Fifth Column in Operation Trojan Horse, completely off the wall reducing him to a raving lunatic crackpot threatening to sue almost everyone. ;-)
Excerpts from:
�The man behind the `Savage Nation'
By Mark de la Vi�a
Mercury News
There's no denying his popularity. His nationally syndicated radio show reaches about 6 million listeners on 310 stations (just behind Limbaugh, Hannity, Howard Stern and Schlesinger). In the liberal Bay Area it's the No. 1 program in the 4-7 p.m. Monday-Friday time slot, attracting 226,000 listeners each week. His book, ``The Savage
Nation: Saving America From the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language and Culture,'' was on the New York Times bestseller list for five months this year.
Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, who wrote about the talk-radio phenomenon in ``Hot Air: All Talk, All the Time,'' says, ``Savage pushes the envelope of acceptable discourse and taps into the grievances of folks who are angry at society. But he also has a cutting sense of humor that saves him from sounding like just another ranter.''
Savage moved to the Bay Area in 1974. He enrolled at the University of California-Berkeley, earning a doctorate in nutritional ethnomedicine in 1978. Through Ferlinghetti, he met many poets and artists in North Beach, the birthplace of the Beats. �
Red Diaper Baby, a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C., and North Beach regular in the '70s, recalls that Savage ``seemed like a BS artist, a person who wanted attention and wanted to be taken very seriously.''
Others remember him then as opinionated, funny and devoted to his children, a man who was accepted by the same counterculture crowd he now disparages.
Whether Savage's current right-wing positions are the product of some epiphany at midlife or just opportunistic showmanship is unclear.
Longtime friend and physicist Jack Sarfatti likens him to Lenny Bruce, saying that much of what Savage says is misunderstood satire. ``Michael's just a smart Jewish kid from New York,'' Sarfatti says. �He's extremely funny much of the time. But he's angry. A lot
of Jewish intellectuals are angry, so Michael has kind of channeled his anger into a high form of art.��
Red Diaper in his Punk Rock period at Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and �Golden Boy� Kim Burrafato, Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and Red Diaper in the early 1990�s outside Caffe Trieste.
Harry Silver and Jack Sarfatti 2000
"The Great Fiji Water Incident�
by Warren Hinckle
Front Page Column 1 written in The San Francisco Independent of June 3, 2003
Sub-headline: �Bulgarian agents. Michael Savage. Wahhabi-Saudi spies.Red-diaper babies. All in court, courtesy of North Beach's latest old-boy war.
'Use your mentality. Wake up to reality.' Cole Porter
For those who view North Beach as a spectator sport, here are the Ice Follies of 2003. Ice is not required for these follies. You just had to be in Room 624 of Superior Court, the Honorable Ann Bouliane presiding.
The case was Jack Sarfatti v. Spleen Killer. Petition for Injunction Against Harassment.
The prime-time players were Sarfatti, the physicist, fabulist, and resident philosopher king of the Caffe Trieste who once immodestly referred to himself as the 'father of God,' and Spleen Killer, lawyer and noted Beacher.
Also onstage was Red Diaper, former North Beach long-hair leftie and troublemaker, who had flown in from a right-wing think tank in the Federal City, where he has morphed into a neocon expert on the 'threat of Islam.'
Offstage but prominent in the arguments in court was conservative talk-radio meister Michael Savage, about whom the fight that led to the legal proceedings was all about.
Also offstage was novelist Herb Gold, who is to bohemia what Tolstoy was to Russia. Further offstage but, well involved by dint of association and name-dropping were Francis Coppola, Allen Ginsberg, Werner Erhard, Jayson Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Donald Rumsfeld, and Adolph Hitler, though not necessarily in that order.
There haven't been so many names involved in a North Beach flap since photographer Mark Green went off his meds in the City Lights basement and ate lots of books.
This all came to court because a case of Fiji water that Spleen Killer, the attorney and researcher of national-security matters for Hotsky Totsky, left for Sarfatti in the North Beach law office where the physicist writes poetry and where, according to testimony, Spleen Killer was an unwelcome visitor.
The Fiji water that angered Sarfatti was left as a cruel joke -- this according to voluminous e-mails full of insults entered into the court record that were sent before the physical violence in the Caffe Trieste that preceded the petition for a restraining order.
The joke was that 'Fiji' sounded like 'Vichy,' and Spleen Killer and Hotsky Totsky were then busily calling Sarfatti a quisling -- that is to say a collaborator -- because he had warned Savage not to talk to a San Jose newspaper reporter who, according to court documents, was preparing a hit piece on Savage inspired by Hotsky Totsky.
That was about when Sarfatti hit Spleen Killer on the side of the head after, he said, Spleen Killer knocked his hat off his head in the Caffe Trieste. The cops came. The police report is also in evidence, along with the voluminous e-mails containing unflattering references of one Beacher to the other as trespassers, war criminals, neo-Nazis, profaners of the names of the dead, the Three Stooges, and more.
Savage was an occasional North Beach drinking companion of the other three Beachers before his radio show went national and made him far more famous than the others. According to Sarfatti, Hotsky Totsky hates Savage because Savage's book The Savage Nation outsells Hotsky Totsky's latest tome, Two Sides of The Shekel by about a jillion copies.
Hotsky Totsky says he dislikes Savage intensely, but for political differences lost in the further reaches of far-right ideology. He wrote in one of the e-mails entered into evidence that 'I stipulate that I despise the Weenie and want him off the air.'
Oh, the Weenie thing.
Apparently Savage, before he was named Savage, had the last name of Weiner, and his North Beach friends nicknamed him Weenie. (Sarfatti said that Savage took the name Savage after a pioneering anthropologist in Fiji -- hence the further significance of the Fiji water bottles -- where the Savage-to-be did his postgraduate study. But we're diverting.)
'I don't see where this is on point.' Judge Bouliane was saying to Sarfatti, who was describing the restraining-order request as a natural thing between 'two North Beach macho males' who want to hit each other when they meet.
Sarfatti was attempting to point out the sinister significance of the e-mails to him from Spleen Killer with a taunting repetitive line: 'Did you or did you not tip the Weenie?' (about not talking to the reporter from San Jose).
'This is North Beach bohemia. Both Hotsky Totsky and I are public figures. He's on Fox News, and I'm on Star Trek,' Sarfatti said.
Sarfatti said he had never called Hotsky Totsky a terrorist or a CIA agent, and Hotsky Totsky denied claims he had called Herb Gold's son a Serbian agent, although it wasn't clear whether he had called Michael Savage Hitler.
Hotsky Totsky complained that Sarfatti had sent deluges of e-mail to lords of the Defense Department, such as Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, and his editor at Doubleday, calling him a CIA agent or a double agent for the KGB.
Sarfatti was clearly relishing his day in court. 'This is prime time.' he said.
The judge by this time had her chin cupped in her hands. She said she would give an opinion at 2pm. She denied the restraining order against North Beach macho behavior but she allowed that Spleen Killer should hand over his key to the office where Sarfatti wrote his poetry and did his math.
Spleen Killer volunteered the key ��
From: Red Diaper Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com
To: Jack Sarfatti
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:25:50 -0800 (PST)
�Brian Lamb's BookNotes website is advertising the Hotsky Totsky interview for the weekend of February 2 on C-SPAN.
I lectured to a synagogue in DC last night as a Sufi, for the first time. It went well, but it was also an ultraliberal and peace-oriented congregation, which would be expected to be open to such a thing. The most interesting question: what did the Sufi Hallaj mean when he said "I am truth [i.e. truth as God]?"
Apparently the NEW YORK PRESS printed some kind of driveby insult against me as a person suffering an "identity crisis." I'm not reading these things.�
Synopsis: �From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experiences it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery once he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over this tragedy, and finally, late in life, received the Nobel Prize.�
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
�A landmark film, based on a true story that heightened public awareness of the multiple personality as a disease entity. The transitions are slightly melodramatic, but Woodward's portrayal of the remarkably distinct changes in Eve's character and appearance earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress.�
The Three Faces of Eve
Who are "The Three Faces of Neo Con Pundit Red Diaper"?
Face 1: Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
�As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?�
Myles Kantor (see below)
Face 2: McCarthy and Cohen yesterday, Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer today.
�Nothing would make me happier than him saving us the trouble of finding a legal venue to expose the whole Sarfatti/Serb/Herbert campaign. He forgets that I have all the documents and commentaries from his little fling into violating the Serbian embargo with the help of the Soviet spy Vigier. Documents, not emails. Evidence, not allegations... let me say this "for the historical record": if I were to beat Sarfatti's brains out, because of his desecrating my father's memory, it is highly doubtful any jurisdiction would charge me with anything but littering.�
Red Diaper April 28, 2003
�Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� Comrade Sheik Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti May 4, 2003
�Retribution is coming, to you as well as Saddam.�
Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti March 18, 2003
�I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene." Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti July 8, 2003
Face 3: Hotsky Totsky's Triumphal Return to Baghdad by the Bay after his "severe program of social hygiene" cleared the "human garbage" out of the Caffe Trieste in North Beach. See here Hotsky Totsky at work writing his great epic Shi-ite poem and New Age self-help book with politically correct unadulterated Trotskyite Socialist Realism "How to Vacuum Human Dust" http://qedcorp.com/Hotsky Totsky/snit.html
�When Hotsky Totsky is not planting evidence against the Saudis, he is busy concocting alibis for proven offenders. He claims, for example, that Khomeinism has been misread by the United States as intolerant and threatening. The Saudis reinforced this misperception, he argues, so as to prevent us from realizing that they -- not the fascists in power in Tehran -- are the true enemies of pluralism. This kind of dirty detective work destroys the author's credibility� Michael Doran, Princeton University (see below)
From: Red Diaper
To: mateens@bigplanet.com
Cc: rradosh@mindspring.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com, p.katel@verizon.net, chitch8003@aol.com, cherkovski@earthlink.net, sarfatti@well.com,
abellow@randomhouse.com, jbottum@weeklystandard.com, pnagy@mindspring.com, msells@haverford.edu
"Still eyes look coldly upon me;
Cold voices whisper and say --
He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia,
They have stolen his wits away."
-- Walter de la Mare
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:18:15 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�It's peculiar but that's how these things are. I deeply offended the Serbs recently and they have already used Weenie to deliver a classic veiled threat, i.e. a threat issued in such a way as not to appear a threat to a normal person.�
The �Weenie� is Hotsky Totsky�s word for Michael Savage. I will use �Hotsky Totskyky� for Hotsky Totsky since it rhymes with �Trotksy.� J
Note I will use italic face only for Hotsky Totsky�s actual words in his writings to me.
From: Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:19:19 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�Keep the PRAVDA comment confidential for now, except for Spleen Killer, and if the SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS guy calls you again be very specific about what Weenie said about the Serbs.�
�Someone pretty high up asked me this morning about these crazy people who harass me on the net, and whether they are all Saudi agents. I said some of them are (we know who). I also said one of them tried to become a Serb agent, i.e. Sarfatti. Whether he did or not is open to discussion -- certainly, he sucks up to The Weenie who promotes the Serbs day and night.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti April 28, 2003
Hotsky Totskyky wrote to Sarfatti on February 9, 2003:
I am offended that anybody would ever suggest anything positive could happen involving me and Weenie. The only positive outcome between me and Weenie would involve me handing him a ticket out of town.
I am most concerned that it is now impossible for the reporter to get the facts from you about Weenie's violent vocabulary re: me and the Serbs. That is what I care about.
And don't try to spin it positively. Weenie mentioning Serbs and me in a context of harm to me is enough.
Otherwise, we can put this behind us. But don't do it again. And it would behoove you to stop trying to turn simple disagreements into operatic performances.
I value your scientific assistance but you should not try to arrange alliances. I can do that very well for myself.�
�When you call yourself my old friend in San Francisco (which you are not) and say I am attacking you, the people you are writing to figure you are an angry commie. Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on May 4, 2003
"I say what nobody else will say, and don't regurgitate some common wisdom borrowed from time wasted in some classroom listening to some timeserver spin his spiel. I say the Saudis are terrorists, in the macro, and I say Sarfatti is a swindler who belongs in jail, in the micro. I do not intend to change. I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene."
E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on July 8, 2003.
"There is nothing immoral in the proletariat finishing off the dying class. This is its right. You are indignant � at the petty terror, which we direct against our class opponents. But be put on notice that in one month at most this terror will assume more frightful forms, on the model of the great revolutionaries of France. Our enemies will face not prison but the guillotine."
Written and spoken by Hotsky Totskyky�s hero and role model, Leon Trotsky, cited by Myles Kantor below.
"As for you, Mosier, what makes you think that this style is acceptable when Sarfatti TRIES AND FAILS at it, but not acceptable when I SUCCEED AT IT? I am the Bohemian, not him. I am the published author, not him. I am the man with access to power, not him. And I, not he, will prevail. Sarfatti is mad at me because he wishes he had my capacity to do what I do and succeed at it. He will never have it and he cannot get it by sucking up to me. He is human dust." Red Diaper, July 8, 2003.
Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
The First Face of Comrade Hotsky Totskyky
"Some do evil in silence. Others flaunt it. � Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, this mass murderer and pioneer of savagery is better known as Leon Trotsky. And among his defenders today is the supposedly conservative author Red Diaper. Hotsky Totsky is a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and has written books on subjects ranging from Kosovo and California to Nicaragua and Spanish Marxism. Author most recently of 'Two Sides of The Shekel: The House of Sa�ud from Tradition to Terror,' he has included himself among 'ex-Trotskyists who moved over to the conservative and patriotic side of the spectrum.' Yet one finds claims such as these in a June 11 article by Hotsky Totsky on National Review Online:
�� Trotsky, a man of moral consistency if nothing else, took responsibility for the crimes of the early Bolshevik regime.�
�It is certainly true that Trotsky's role at Kronstadt was abominable. It is also true that very few people today know or care about Kronstadt, which may or may not be bad.�
Defending the crushing of Kronstadt, denying his role in it, defending the murder of the imperial family � yup, lots of responsibility taken there. And even assuming Trotsky had taken responsibility, how would that diminish his immense criminality as an architect of history�s most monstrous political system?
As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?
Political sympathies are often an affair of the heart as much as the mind, and Hotsky Totsky�s continuing sympathy for Trotsky is a case in point. �I come from the radical left, and in many respects, I haven't changed,� he said in a March interview with The Atlantic Monthly.
Contact Myles Kantor at kantor@FreeEmigration.co
The above indictment of Red Diaper was written not by his favorite incubi, not by a �commie�, or a �wahhabi�, or a �islamo-fascist�, or a �Serb agent�, or a �Saudi agent�, but by an anti-Castro conservative Cuban-American writer Myles B. Kantor on Friday, July 4, 2003 who writes for some of the same media that Hotsky Totsky does. The fast-growing chorus of indignant protest against Hotsky Totsky�s totalitarian rhetoric and bully methods whilst pretending to defend democracy, boasting he is Paul Wolfowitz�s �official biographer�, including falsifying news reports like Jayson Blair, is non-partisan from both the right and the left.
�I defy the Wahhabis and I defy the Sarfattis. I get on TV because I challenge the powerful and strike down those who try to gain power through deceit, like Sarfatti.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti e-mail, July 8, 2003.
�Around 1454 Rabbi Isaac Sarfatti of Adrianople gives substance to this view of Jewish life under Muslim rule in a letter to the German Jews ��
Red Diaper �Two Sides of The Shekel� p. xviii
PRESS RELEASE from The Free America Forum
Free America Forum is a non-partisan spontaneous patriotic grass roots community emerging to expose and stop the vicious Communist Trotskyite Conspiracy that has taken over the Neoconservative faction of the Republican Party with undue influence in the current Bush Administration on Iraqi and Middle East Policy. The leader of this Trojan Horse Fifth Column is Red Diaper now employed at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Given Hotsky Totsky's repeated writings of "a severe program of social hygiene" to rid America of "human dust" and "human garbage", and how his "highly-placed friends" in NYC and DC would "hold" his "coat" and applaud as he "bashed" my "brains in" and kicked my "teeth out" and how they would not care if San Francisco were "nuked". Given these writings, Hotsky Totsky's employment by the above foundation has a distinct Orwellian tinge reminiscent of "1984's" "Ministry of Truth" and "Animal Farm". Hotsky Totsky's pattern of thought is identical to Leon Trotsky's, the Red Butcher of Kronstadt. Hotsky Totsky has assumed the mantle of the "New Trotsky" boasting that he is intimate with James Woolsey, Spleen Killer Perl, Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld and others. If the latter is true, it is a very dangerous development.
Let me state unequivocally that I am not a "Saudi agent." I am not a "Wahhabi agent." I am not an �Al Qaeda agent.� I am not a "commie" or a "weenie." I am not a Milosevic �Serb agent�. I am not an "islamofascist". I am not a "Nazi". I am not a "Mussolini fascist". I am not a homosexual. Kim Burrafato is not my gay lover. Red Diaper and Spleen Killer have charged me, explicitly and implicitly, with all of these things. I am a patriotic American who has been in harm's way aboard US naval ships of war at sea in "Condition Zebra" in the PACE program. I am a member of the National Republican Advisory Business Council set up by Tom Delay and I have contributed substantial funds to the Republican Party. I am not a leftist in any sense of the word.
Red Diaper is a dangerous Red Trotskyite Communist in his deep thought patterns pretending to be a freedom fighter and exploiting 911 and US War on Terror to in fact impose a new Jacobin Reign of Terror on patriotic Americans like Leon Trotsky's role model Robespierre in the French Revolution. The late CIA Station Chief Harold Chipman accused Red Diaper back in mid 1980's of being a KGB "mole" a "deep cover sleeper agent" in the Neoconservative Think Tank Institute for Contemporary Studies briefly led by Donald Rumsfeld. These new developments show that Harold Chipman's assessment of Red Diaper was correct.
Trotsky's ghost wandering the White House (excerpts)
Influence on Bush aides: Bolshevik's writings supported
the idea of pre-emptive war
Jeet Heer
National Post
Saturday, June 07, 2003
�More than a decade after the demise of the Soviet Union, Stalin's war against Trotsky may seem like quaint ancient history. Yet Stalin was right to fear Trotsky's influence. Unlike Stalin, Trotsky was a man of genuine intellectual achievement, a brilliant literary critic and historian as well as a military strategist of genius. Trotsky's movement, although never numerous, attracted many sharp minds. At one time or another, the Fourth International included among its followers the painter Frida Kahlo (who had an affair with Trotsky), the novelist Saul Bellow, the poet Andr� Breton and the Trinidadian polymath C.L.R. James. As evidence of the continuing intellectual influence of Trotsky, consider the curious fact that some of the books about the Middle East crisis that are causing the greatest stir were written by thinkers deeply shaped by the tradition of the
Fourth International. In seeking advice about Iraqi society, members of the Bush administration (notably Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defence, and Dick Cheney, the Vice-President) frequently consulted Kanan Makiya, an Iraqi-American intellectual whose book The Republic of Fear is considered to be the definitive analysis of Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule. As the journalist Christopher Hitchens notes, Makiya is "known to veterans of the Trotskyist movement as a one-time leading
Arab member of the Fourth International." When speaking about Trotskyism, Hitchens has a voice of authority. Like Makiya, Hitchens is a former Trotskyist who is influential in Washington circles as an advocate for a militantly interventionist policy in the Middle East. Despite his leftism, Hitchens has been invited into the White House as an ad hoc
consultant. Other supporters of the Iraq war also have a Trotsky-tinged past. On the left, the historian Paul Berman, author of a new book called Terror and Liberalism, has been a resonant voice among those who want a more muscular struggle against Islamic fundamentalism. Berman counts the Trotskyist C.L.R. James as a major influence. Among neo-conservatives, Berman's counterpart is Red Diaper, a historian whose new book, Two Sides of The Shekel, is a key text among those who want the United States to sever its ties with Saudi Arabia. Hotsky Totsky spent his formative years in a Spanish
Trotskyist group. To this day, Hotsky Totsky speaks of Trotsky affectionately as "the old man" and "L.D." (initials from Trotsky's birth name, Lev Davidovich Bronstein). "To a great extent, I still consider myself to be [one of the] disciples of L.D," he admits, and he observes that in certain Washington circles, the ghost of Trotsky still hovers around. At a party in February celebrating a new book about Iraq, Hotsky Totsky exchanged banter with Wolfowitz about Trotsky, the Moscow Trials and Max Shachtman. "I've talked to Wolfowitz about all of this," Hotsky Totsky notes. "We had this discussion about Shachtman. He knows all that stuff, but was never part of it. He's definitely aware." The yoking together of Paul Wolfowitz and Leon Trotsky sounds odd, but a long and tortuous history explains the link between the Bolshevik left and the Republican right.�
Who are the Neo Cons? What are their ideas? Are they �Tech Gnostics?�
Pfaff accuses the Neo Cons as sanctioning the noble lie to the American people. He says it not me. I am not expert enough in this field to judge this allegation. On the other hand, the lack of WMD in Iraq plus the �yellowcake� uranium intelligence �blunder� in Niger cause us to wonder if we are not seeing the rotten fruits of Leo Strauss�s alleged philosophy among his alleged disciples now in power in the Pentagon? Again, I am just wondering aloud here to you.
The long reach of Leo Strauss (excerpts)
William Pfaff
International Herald Tribune, Thursday, May 15, 2003
�PARIS: The trouble with American conservatism during most of the 20th century was that it was not particularly intelligent. The Republican Party was and is a business party, anti-intellectual and to a considerable degree xenophobic. The radical neoconservatives, who appeared in the 1960s, are the first seriously intelligent movement on the American right since the 19th century. They want to remake the international order under effective U.S. hegemony, destroy America's enemies and cripple or eliminate the United Nations and other institutions making a claim to international jurisdiction. They have a political philosophy, and the arrogance and intolerance of their actions reflect their conviction that they possess a realism and truth others lack. They include Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Abram Shulsky of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, Spleen Killer Perle of the Pentagon advisory board, Elliott Abrams of the National Security Council, and the writers Robert Kagan and William Kristol. The main intellectual influence on the neoconservatives has been the philosopher Leo Strauss, who left Germany in 1938 and taught for many years at the University of Chicago. Several of the neoconservatives studied under him. Wolfowitz and Shulsky took doctorates under him. Something of a cult developed around Strauss during his later years at Chicago, and he and some admirers figure in the Saul Bellow novel, "Ravelstein." The cult is appropriate because Strauss believed that the essential truths about human society and history should be held by an elite, and withheld from others who lack the fortitude to deal with truth. Society,
Strauss thought, needs consoling lies. He held that philosophy is dangerous because it brings into question the conventions on which civil order and the morality of society depend. This risks promoting a destructive nihilism � He believed that Greek classical
philosophy, notably that of Plato, is more true to nature than anything that has
replaced it. Some critics say that his interpretation of Plato is perverse, but he said that he had recovered the "real" Plato, lost by later Neo-Platonic and Christian thinkers. He also argued that Platonic truth is too hard for people to bear, and that the classical appeal to "virtue" as the object of human endeavor is unattainable. Hence it has been necessary to tell lies to people about the nature of political reality. An elite recognizes the truth, however, and keeps it to itself. This gives it insight, and implicitly power that others do not possess. This obviously is an important element in Strauss's appeal to America's
neoconservatives. The ostensibly hidden truth is that expediency works��
And remember that many of them are former Trotskyites, who as small �Red Diaper Babies�, the Red Fifth Column version of the Nazi �Boys From Brazil, were, as small children, brainwashed into totalitarian ways of sensing the world like we see deeply ingrained in Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s mind. This is obvious in his continual use of violent imagery like �social hygiene�, �human garbage�, Trotsky�s term �human dust, �fantasies of mass murder like nuking San Francisco as well as fantasies of personal violence on me like bashing my brains and kicking my teeth out.
Do not forget when you read the next article below from Zielinski that the e-mail record at the end of this book shows, Red Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s continual vilification of the late heroic CIA Chief of Station, Harold Chipman and his calling the CIA �The Chumpany� and his boasting that Rumsfeld has contempt for the CIA.
�Also chump it was the company, or chumpany, that created such problems as do exist. You are out of the loop and will never get in it.�
Comrade Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti on April 24, 2003
Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:03:09 AM US/Pacific
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net..
�I should have said, "why should we deny it?�
Red Diaper
[In reply to my asking if Red Diaper Baby was a member of Wolfowitz's ad-hoc OSP inside Pentagon, described as a group of neo con extremists intimidating the CIA to include "Iraq WMD" in reports to GWB. Red Diaper Baby calls the CIA "The Chumpany".]
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com is Red Diaper Baby from the Orwellian Neo Con �Foundation Offensive to Democracies.�
Date: Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:46:04 AM US/Pacific
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net
"I will initiate a criminal libel action against the leftist Keating and all who recycled his stuff, including Raimondo (neofascist), White (Nazi), CAIR (Saudis), Herbert (Nazi), Sarrafatto plus his accomplices Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman, and others, include The Savage Weenie as a coconspirator.
Doggydoo will also be named as a stalker for his weird picture taking habits.
The real target is CAIR. Sarrafatto is just a flea hanging off the rectum of the Saudi dog, and Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman are mites in the rectum of the flea. The Savage Weenie is an infection in its own class. But these vermin have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. They seem to actually think that attacking the number one critic of the Saudis in the U.S. (myself) is going to make them popular. They also think they can separate themselves from the general Saudi assault on my character, even as they recycle the same material, which makes them equal coconspirators. BTW, I was
threatened with a suit by a major Saudi figure, who backed off of his threat when confronted with my documentation.
We expect the Saudis to have a serious lawyer, and Raimondo should be able to get a rightwing lawyer to represent him. Keating has some cereal boxtop lawyer with the brain of a snail. The Nazis may have lawyers. Sarrafatto cannot get a lawyer. Burfatti and Dildinski cannot pay a lawyer, even if they find one to represent them. Doggydoo will have similar problems. Fartman, who is obviously mentally ill, thinks he is a lawyer and may be severed from the case for mental incompetence"
Savage Hotsky Totsky Sarfatti story in San Jose Mercury News July 20, 2003
On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 11:53 AM, de la Vina, Mark wrote:
The story on Michael Savage that you've been telling people was "aborted" is
in today's paper. Thought you might like to know.
Mark de la Vina�
Thanks Mark. I though it was aborted because it was months late. I will excerpt in my book: "A Lunatic Mind: The Three Faces of a Neo Con" the unauthorized intellectual biography of Red Diaper. "A Lunatic Mind" was originally going to be a Mel Brooks style self-parody alluding to "A Beautiful Mind" about mathematician John Nash. But then Neo Con Pundit Hotsky Totsky went off the deep end over your story on Savage, the Iraq Invasion happened, the Neo Con takeover of Pentagon and intimidation of CIA happened with the SS-like OSP intelligence fiasco and now a probable murder of a British Scientist made to look like a suicide over the Iraq WMD issue - and so my conception of the book has changed. This is clearly a case for Inspector Clueless and Hinckle's Amazing Bassett Hound Melman, a fact that drives Red Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky, Commander of The Fifth Column in Operation Trojan Horse, completely off the wall reducing him to a raving lunatic crackpot threatening to sue almost everyone. ;-)
Excerpts from:
�The man behind the `Savage Nation'
By Mark de la Vi�a
Mercury News
There's no denying his popularity. His nationally syndicated radio show reaches about 6 million listeners on 310 stations (just behind Limbaugh, Hannity, Howard Stern and Schlesinger). In the liberal Bay Area it's the No. 1 program in the 4-7 p.m. Monday-Friday time slot, attracting 226,000 listeners each week. His book, ``The Savage
Nation: Saving America From the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language and Culture,'' was on the New York Times bestseller list for five months this year.
Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, who wrote about the talk-radio phenomenon in ``Hot Air: All Talk, All the Time,'' says, ``Savage pushes the envelope of acceptable discourse and taps into the grievances of folks who are angry at society. But he also has a cutting sense of humor that saves him from sounding like just another ranter.''
Savage moved to the Bay Area in 1974. He enrolled at the University of California-Berkeley, earning a doctorate in nutritional ethnomedicine in 1978. Through Ferlinghetti, he met many poets and artists in North Beach, the birthplace of the Beats. �
Red Diaper Baby, a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C., and North Beach regular in the '70s, recalls that Savage ``seemed like a BS artist, a person who wanted attention and wanted to be taken very seriously.''
Others remember him then as opinionated, funny and devoted to his children, a man who was accepted by the same counterculture crowd he now disparages.
Whether Savage's current right-wing positions are the product of some epiphany at midlife or just opportunistic showmanship is unclear.
Longtime friend and physicist Jack Sarfatti likens him to Lenny Bruce, saying that much of what Savage says is misunderstood satire. ``Michael's just a smart Jewish kid from New York,'' Sarfatti says. �He's extremely funny much of the time. But he's angry. A lot
of Jewish intellectuals are angry, so Michael has kind of channeled his anger into a high form of art.��
Red Diaper in his Punk Rock period at Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and �Golden Boy� Kim Burrafato, Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and Red Diaper in the early 1990�s outside Caffe Trieste.
Harry Silver and Jack Sarfatti 2000
"The Great Fiji Water Incident�
by Warren Hinckle
Front Page Column 1 written in The San Francisco Independent of June 3, 2003
Sub-headline: �Bulgarian agents. Michael Savage. Wahhabi-Saudi spies.Red-diaper babies. All in court, courtesy of North Beach's latest old-boy war.
'Use your mentality. Wake up to reality.' Cole Porter
For those who view North Beach as a spectator sport, here are the Ice Follies of 2003. Ice is not required for these follies. You just had to be in Room 624 of Superior Court, the Honorable Ann Bouliane presiding.
The case was Jack Sarfatti v. Spleen Killer. Petition for Injunction Against Harassment.
The prime-time players were Sarfatti, the physicist, fabulist, and resident philosopher king of the Caffe Trieste who once immodestly referred to himself as the 'father of God,' and Spleen Killer, lawyer and noted Beacher.
Also onstage was Red Diaper, former North Beach long-hair leftie and troublemaker, who had flown in from a right-wing think tank in the Federal City, where he has morphed into a neocon expert on the 'threat of Islam.'
Offstage but prominent in the arguments in court was conservative talk-radio meister Michael Savage, about whom the fight that led to the legal proceedings was all about.
Also offstage was novelist Herb Gold, who is to bohemia what Tolstoy was to Russia. Further offstage but, well involved by dint of association and name-dropping were Francis Coppola, Allen Ginsberg, Werner Erhard, Jayson Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Donald Rumsfeld, and Adolph Hitler, though not necessarily in that order.
There haven't been so many names involved in a North Beach flap since photographer Mark Green went off his meds in the City Lights basement and ate lots of books.
This all came to court because a case of Fiji water that Spleen Killer, the attorney and researcher of national-security matters for Hotsky Totsky, left for Sarfatti in the North Beach law office where the physicist writes poetry and where, according to testimony, Spleen Killer was an unwelcome visitor.
The Fiji water that angered Sarfatti was left as a cruel joke -- this according to voluminous e-mails full of insults entered into the court record that were sent before the physical violence in the Caffe Trieste that preceded the petition for a restraining order.
The joke was that 'Fiji' sounded like 'Vichy,' and Spleen Killer and Hotsky Totsky were then busily calling Sarfatti a quisling -- that is to say a collaborator -- because he had warned Savage not to talk to a San Jose newspaper reporter who, according to court documents, was preparing a hit piece on Savage inspired by Hotsky Totsky.
That was about when Sarfatti hit Spleen Killer on the side of the head after, he said, Spleen Killer knocked his hat off his head in the Caffe Trieste. The cops came. The police report is also in evidence, along with the voluminous e-mails containing unflattering references of one Beacher to the other as trespassers, war criminals, neo-Nazis, profaners of the names of the dead, the Three Stooges, and more.
Savage was an occasional North Beach drinking companion of the other three Beachers before his radio show went national and made him far more famous than the others. According to Sarfatti, Hotsky Totsky hates Savage because Savage's book The Savage Nation outsells Hotsky Totsky's latest tome, Two Sides of The Shekel by about a jillion copies.
Hotsky Totsky says he dislikes Savage intensely, but for political differences lost in the further reaches of far-right ideology. He wrote in one of the e-mails entered into evidence that 'I stipulate that I despise the Weenie and want him off the air.'
Oh, the Weenie thing.
Apparently Savage, before he was named Savage, had the last name of Weiner, and his North Beach friends nicknamed him Weenie. (Sarfatti said that Savage took the name Savage after a pioneering anthropologist in Fiji -- hence the further significance of the Fiji water bottles -- where the Savage-to-be did his postgraduate study. But we're diverting.)
'I don't see where this is on point.' Judge Bouliane was saying to Sarfatti, who was describing the restraining-order request as a natural thing between 'two North Beach macho males' who want to hit each other when they meet.
Sarfatti was attempting to point out the sinister significance of the e-mails to him from Spleen Killer with a taunting repetitive line: 'Did you or did you not tip the Weenie?' (about not talking to the reporter from San Jose).
'This is North Beach bohemia. Both Hotsky Totsky and I are public figures. He's on Fox News, and I'm on Star Trek,' Sarfatti said.
Sarfatti said he had never called Hotsky Totsky a terrorist or a CIA agent, and Hotsky Totsky denied claims he had called Herb Gold's son a Serbian agent, although it wasn't clear whether he had called Michael Savage Hitler.
Hotsky Totsky complained that Sarfatti had sent deluges of e-mail to lords of the Defense Department, such as Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, and his editor at Doubleday, calling him a CIA agent or a double agent for the KGB.
Sarfatti was clearly relishing his day in court. 'This is prime time.' he said.
The judge by this time had her chin cupped in her hands. She said she would give an opinion at 2pm. She denied the restraining order against North Beach macho behavior but she allowed that Spleen Killer should hand over his key to the office where Sarfatti wrote his poetry and did his math.
Spleen Killer volunteered the key ��
From: Red Diaper Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com
To: Jack Sarfatti
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:25:50 -0800 (PST)
�Brian Lamb's BookNotes website is advertising the Hotsky Totsky interview for the weekend of February 2 on C-SPAN.
I lectured to a synagogue in DC last night as a Sufi, for the first time. It went well, but it was also an ultraliberal and peace-oriented congregation, which would be expected to be open to such a thing. The most interesting question: what did the Sufi Hallaj mean when he said "I am truth [i.e. truth as God]?"
Apparently the NEW YORK PRESS printed some kind of driveby insult against me as a person suffering an "identity crisis." I'm not reading these things.�
Synopsis: �From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experiences it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery once he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over this tragedy, and finally, late in life, received the Nobel Prize.�
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
�A landmark film, based on a true story that heightened public awareness of the multiple personality as a disease entity. The transitions are slightly melodramatic, but Woodward's portrayal of the remarkably distinct changes in Eve's character and appearance earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress.�
The Three Faces of Eve
Who are "The Three Faces of Neo Con Pundit Red Diaper"?
Face 1: Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
�As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?�
Myles Kantor (see below)
Face 2: McCarthy and Cohen yesterday, Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer today.
�Nothing would make me happier than him saving us the trouble of finding a legal venue to expose the whole Sarfatti/Serb/Herbert campaign. He forgets that I have all the documents and commentaries from his little fling into violating the Serbian embargo with the help of the Soviet spy Vigier. Documents, not emails. Evidence, not allegations... let me say this "for the historical record": if I were to beat Sarfatti's brains out, because of his desecrating my father's memory, it is highly doubtful any jurisdiction would charge me with anything but littering.�
Red Diaper April 28, 2003
�Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� Comrade Sheik Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti May 4, 2003
�Retribution is coming, to you as well as Saddam.�
Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti March 18, 2003
�I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene." Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti July 8, 2003
Face 3: Hotsky Totsky's Triumphal Return to Baghdad by the Bay after his "severe program of social hygiene" cleared the "human garbage" out of the Caffe Trieste in North Beach. See here Hotsky Totsky at work writing his great epic Shi-ite poem and New Age self-help book with politically correct unadulterated Trotskyite Socialist Realism "How to Vacuum Human Dust" http://qedcorp.com/Hotsky Totsky/snit.html
�When Hotsky Totsky is not planting evidence against the Saudis, he is busy concocting alibis for proven offenders. He claims, for example, that Khomeinism has been misread by the United States as intolerant and threatening. The Saudis reinforced this misperception, he argues, so as to prevent us from realizing that they -- not the fascists in power in Tehran -- are the true enemies of pluralism. This kind of dirty detective work destroys the author's credibility� Michael Doran, Princeton University (see below)
From: Red Diaper Date: Fri Jan 31, 2003 5:38:22 PM US/Pacific
To: mateens@bigplanet.com
Cc: rradosh@mindspring.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com, p.katel@verizon.net, chitch8003@aol.com, cherkovski@earthlink.net, sarfatti@well.com,
abellow@randomhouse.com, jbottum@weeklystandard.com, pnagy@mindspring.com, msells@haverford.edu
"Still eyes look coldly upon me;
Cold voices whisper and say --
He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia,
They have stolen his wits away."
-- Walter de la Mare
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:18:15 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�It's peculiar but that's how these things are. I deeply offended the Serbs recently and they have already used Weenie to deliver a classic veiled threat, i.e. a threat issued in such a way as not to appear a threat to a normal person.�
The �Weenie� is Hotsky Totsky�s word for Michael Savage. I will use �Hotsky Totskyky� for Hotsky Totsky since it rhymes with �Trotksy.� J
Note I will use italic face only for Hotsky Totsky�s actual words in his writings to me.
From: Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:19:19 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�Keep the PRAVDA comment confidential for now, except for Spleen Killer, and if the SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS guy calls you again be very specific about what Weenie said about the Serbs.�
�Someone pretty high up asked me this morning about these crazy people who harass me on the net, and whether they are all Saudi agents. I said some of them are (we know who). I also said one of them tried to become a Serb agent, i.e. Sarfatti. Whether he did or not is open to discussion -- certainly, he sucks up to The Weenie who promotes the Serbs day and night.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti April 28, 2003
Hotsky Totskyky wrote to Sarfatti on February 9, 2003:
I am offended that anybody would ever suggest anything positive could happen involving me and Weenie. The only positive outcome between me and Weenie would involve me handing him a ticket out of town.
I am most concerned that it is now impossible for the reporter to get the facts from you about Weenie's violent vocabulary re: me and the Serbs. That is what I care about.
And don't try to spin it positively. Weenie mentioning Serbs and me in a context of harm to me is enough.
Otherwise, we can put this behind us. But don't do it again. And it would behoove you to stop trying to turn simple disagreements into operatic performances.
I value your scientific assistance but you should not try to arrange alliances. I can do that very well for myself.�
�When you call yourself my old friend in San Francisco (which you are not) and say I am attacking you, the people you are writing to figure you are an angry commie. Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on May 4, 2003
"I say what nobody else will say, and don't regurgitate some common wisdom borrowed from time wasted in some classroom listening to some timeserver spin his spiel. I say the Saudis are terrorists, in the macro, and I say Sarfatti is a swindler who belongs in jail, in the micro. I do not intend to change. I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene."
E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on July 8, 2003.
"There is nothing immoral in the proletariat finishing off the dying class. This is its right. You are indignant � at the petty terror, which we direct against our class opponents. But be put on notice that in one month at most this terror will assume more frightful forms, on the model of the great revolutionaries of France. Our enemies will face not prison but the guillotine."
Written and spoken by Hotsky Totskyky�s hero and role model, Leon Trotsky, cited by Myles Kantor below.
"As for you, Mosier, what makes you think that this style is acceptable when Sarfatti TRIES AND FAILS at it, but not acceptable when I SUCCEED AT IT? I am the Bohemian, not him. I am the published author, not him. I am the man with access to power, not him. And I, not he, will prevail. Sarfatti is mad at me because he wishes he had my capacity to do what I do and succeed at it. He will never have it and he cannot get it by sucking up to me. He is human dust." Red Diaper, July 8, 2003.
Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
The First Face of Comrade Hotsky Totskyky
"Some do evil in silence. Others flaunt it. � Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, this mass murderer and pioneer of savagery is better known as Leon Trotsky. And among his defenders today is the supposedly conservative author Red Diaper. Hotsky Totsky is a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and has written books on subjects ranging from Kosovo and California to Nicaragua and Spanish Marxism. Author most recently of 'Two Sides of The Shekel: The House of Sa�ud from Tradition to Terror,' he has included himself among 'ex-Trotskyists who moved over to the conservative and patriotic side of the spectrum.' Yet one finds claims such as these in a June 11 article by Hotsky Totsky on National Review Online:
�� Trotsky, a man of moral consistency if nothing else, took responsibility for the crimes of the early Bolshevik regime.�
�It is certainly true that Trotsky's role at Kronstadt was abominable. It is also true that very few people today know or care about Kronstadt, which may or may not be bad.�
Defending the crushing of Kronstadt, denying his role in it, defending the murder of the imperial family � yup, lots of responsibility taken there. And even assuming Trotsky had taken responsibility, how would that diminish his immense criminality as an architect of history�s most monstrous political system?
As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?
Political sympathies are often an affair of the heart as much as the mind, and Hotsky Totsky�s continuing sympathy for Trotsky is a case in point. �I come from the radical left, and in many respects, I haven't changed,� he said in a March interview with The Atlantic Monthly.
Contact Myles Kantor at kantor@FreeEmigration.co
The above indictment of Red Diaper was written not by his favorite incubi, not by a �commie�, or a �wahhabi�, or a �islamo-fascist�, or a �Serb agent�, or a �Saudi agent�, but by an anti-Castro conservative Cuban-American writer Myles B. Kantor on Friday, July 4, 2003 who writes for some of the same media that Hotsky Totsky does. The fast-growing chorus of indignant protest against Hotsky Totsky�s totalitarian rhetoric and bully methods whilst pretending to defend democracy, boasting he is Paul Wolfowitz�s �official biographer�, including falsifying news reports like Jayson Blair, is non-partisan from both the right and the left.
�I defy the Wahhabis and I defy the Sarfattis. I get on TV because I challenge the powerful and strike down those who try to gain power through deceit, like Sarfatti.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti e-mail, July 8, 2003.
�Around 1454 Rabbi Isaac Sarfatti of Adrianople gives substance to this view of Jewish life under Muslim rule in a letter to the German Jews ��
Red Diaper �Two Sides of The Shekel� p. xviii
PRESS RELEASE from The Free America Forum
Free America Forum is a non-partisan spontaneous patriotic grass roots community emerging to expose and stop the vicious Communist Trotskyite Conspiracy that has taken over the Neoconservative faction of the Republican Party with undue influence in the current Bush Administration on Iraqi and Middle East Policy. The leader of this Trojan Horse Fifth Column is Red Diaper now employed at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Given Hotsky Totsky's repeated writings of "a severe program of social hygiene" to rid America of "human dust" and "human garbage", and how his "highly-placed friends" in NYC and DC would "hold" his "coat" and applaud as he "bashed" my "brains in" and kicked my "teeth out" and how they would not care if San Francisco were "nuked". Given these writings, Hotsky Totsky's employment by the above foundation has a distinct Orwellian tinge reminiscent of "1984's" "Ministry of Truth" and "Animal Farm". Hotsky Totsky's pattern of thought is identical to Leon Trotsky's, the Red Butcher of Kronstadt. Hotsky Totsky has assumed the mantle of the "New Trotsky" boasting that he is intimate with James Woolsey, Spleen Killer Perl, Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld and others. If the latter is true, it is a very dangerous development.
Let me state unequivocally that I am not a "Saudi agent." I am not a "Wahhabi agent." I am not an �Al Qaeda agent.� I am not a "commie" or a "weenie." I am not a Milosevic �Serb agent�. I am not an "islamofascist". I am not a "Nazi". I am not a "Mussolini fascist". I am not a homosexual. Kim Burrafato is not my gay lover. Red Diaper and Spleen Killer have charged me, explicitly and implicitly, with all of these things. I am a patriotic American who has been in harm's way aboard US naval ships of war at sea in "Condition Zebra" in the PACE program. I am a member of the National Republican Advisory Business Council set up by Tom Delay and I have contributed substantial funds to the Republican Party. I am not a leftist in any sense of the word.
Red Diaper is a dangerous Red Trotskyite Communist in his deep thought patterns pretending to be a freedom fighter and exploiting 911 and US War on Terror to in fact impose a new Jacobin Reign of Terror on patriotic Americans like Leon Trotsky's role model Robespierre in the French Revolution. The late CIA Station Chief Harold Chipman accused Red Diaper back in mid 1980's of being a KGB "mole" a "deep cover sleeper agent" in the Neoconservative Think Tank Institute for Contemporary Studies briefly led by Donald Rumsfeld. These new developments show that Harold Chipman's assessment of Red Diaper was correct.
Trotsky's ghost wandering the White House (excerpts)
Influence on Bush aides: Bolshevik's writings supported
the idea of pre-emptive war
Jeet Heer
National Post
Saturday, June 07, 2003
�More than a decade after the demise of the Soviet Union, Stalin's war against Trotsky may seem like quaint ancient history. Yet Stalin was right to fear Trotsky's influence. Unlike Stalin, Trotsky was a man of genuine intellectual achievement, a brilliant literary critic and historian as well as a military strategist of genius. Trotsky's movement, although never numerous, attracted many sharp minds. At one time or another, the Fourth International included among its followers the painter Frida Kahlo (who had an affair with Trotsky), the novelist Saul Bellow, the poet Andr� Breton and the Trinidadian polymath C.L.R. James. As evidence of the continuing intellectual influence of Trotsky, consider the curious fact that some of the books about the Middle East crisis that are causing the greatest stir were written by thinkers deeply shaped by the tradition of the
Fourth International. In seeking advice about Iraqi society, members of the Bush administration (notably Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defence, and Dick Cheney, the Vice-President) frequently consulted Kanan Makiya, an Iraqi-American intellectual whose book The Republic of Fear is considered to be the definitive analysis of Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule. As the journalist Christopher Hitchens notes, Makiya is "known to veterans of the Trotskyist movement as a one-time leading
Arab member of the Fourth International." When speaking about Trotskyism, Hitchens has a voice of authority. Like Makiya, Hitchens is a former Trotskyist who is influential in Washington circles as an advocate for a militantly interventionist policy in the Middle East. Despite his leftism, Hitchens has been invited into the White House as an ad hoc
consultant. Other supporters of the Iraq war also have a Trotsky-tinged past. On the left, the historian Paul Berman, author of a new book called Terror and Liberalism, has been a resonant voice among those who want a more muscular struggle against Islamic fundamentalism. Berman counts the Trotskyist C.L.R. James as a major influence. Among neo-conservatives, Berman's counterpart is Red Diaper, a historian whose new book, Two Sides of The Shekel, is a key text among those who want the United States to sever its ties with Saudi Arabia. Hotsky Totsky spent his formative years in a Spanish
Trotskyist group. To this day, Hotsky Totsky speaks of Trotsky affectionately as "the old man" and "L.D." (initials from Trotsky's birth name, Lev Davidovich Bronstein). "To a great extent, I still consider myself to be [one of the] disciples of L.D," he admits, and he observes that in certain Washington circles, the ghost of Trotsky still hovers around. At a party in February celebrating a new book about Iraq, Hotsky Totsky exchanged banter with Wolfowitz about Trotsky, the Moscow Trials and Max Shachtman. "I've talked to Wolfowitz about all of this," Hotsky Totsky notes. "We had this discussion about Shachtman. He knows all that stuff, but was never part of it. He's definitely aware." The yoking together of Paul Wolfowitz and Leon Trotsky sounds odd, but a long and tortuous history explains the link between the Bolshevik left and the Republican right.�
Who are the Neo Cons? What are their ideas? Are they �Tech Gnostics?�
Pfaff accuses the Neo Cons as sanctioning the noble lie to the American people. He says it not me. I am not expert enough in this field to judge this allegation. On the other hand, the lack of WMD in Iraq plus the �yellowcake� uranium intelligence �blunder� in Niger cause us to wonder if we are not seeing the rotten fruits of Leo Strauss�s alleged philosophy among his alleged disciples now in power in the Pentagon? Again, I am just wondering aloud here to you.
The long reach of Leo Strauss (excerpts)
William Pfaff
International Herald Tribune, Thursday, May 15, 2003
�PARIS: The trouble with American conservatism during most of the 20th century was that it was not particularly intelligent. The Republican Party was and is a business party, anti-intellectual and to a considerable degree xenophobic. The radical neoconservatives, who appeared in the 1960s, are the first seriously intelligent movement on the American right since the 19th century. They want to remake the international order under effective U.S. hegemony, destroy America's enemies and cripple or eliminate the United Nations and other institutions making a claim to international jurisdiction. They have a political philosophy, and the arrogance and intolerance of their actions reflect their conviction that they possess a realism and truth others lack. They include Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Abram Shulsky of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, Spleen Killer Perle of the Pentagon advisory board, Elliott Abrams of the National Security Council, and the writers Robert Kagan and William Kristol. The main intellectual influence on the neoconservatives has been the philosopher Leo Strauss, who left Germany in 1938 and taught for many years at the University of Chicago. Several of the neoconservatives studied under him. Wolfowitz and Shulsky took doctorates under him. Something of a cult developed around Strauss during his later years at Chicago, and he and some admirers figure in the Saul Bellow novel, "Ravelstein." The cult is appropriate because Strauss believed that the essential truths about human society and history should be held by an elite, and withheld from others who lack the fortitude to deal with truth. Society,
Strauss thought, needs consoling lies. He held that philosophy is dangerous because it brings into question the conventions on which civil order and the morality of society depend. This risks promoting a destructive nihilism � He believed that Greek classical
philosophy, notably that of Plato, is more true to nature than anything that has
replaced it. Some critics say that his interpretation of Plato is perverse, but he said that he had recovered the "real" Plato, lost by later Neo-Platonic and Christian thinkers. He also argued that Platonic truth is too hard for people to bear, and that the classical appeal to "virtue" as the object of human endeavor is unattainable. Hence it has been necessary to tell lies to people about the nature of political reality. An elite recognizes the truth, however, and keeps it to itself. This gives it insight, and implicitly power that others do not possess. This obviously is an important element in Strauss's appeal to America's
neoconservatives. The ostensibly hidden truth is that expediency works��
And remember that many of them are former Trotskyites, who as small �Red Diaper Babies�, the Red Fifth Column version of the Nazi �Boys From Brazil, were, as small children, brainwashed into totalitarian ways of sensing the world like we see deeply ingrained in Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s mind. This is obvious in his continual use of violent imagery like �social hygiene�, �human garbage�, Trotsky�s term �human dust, �fantasies of mass murder like nuking San Francisco as well as fantasies of personal violence on me like bashing my brains and kicking my teeth out.
Do not forget when you read the next article below from Zielinski that the e-mail record at the end of this book shows, Red Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s continual vilification of the late heroic CIA Chief of Station, Harold Chipman and his calling the CIA �The Chumpany� and his boasting that Rumsfeld has contempt for the CIA.
�Also chump it was the company, or chumpany, that created such problems as do exist. You are out of the loop and will never get in it.�
Comrade Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti on April 24, 2003
Date: Thu Jul 17, 2003 8:03:48 AM US/Pacific
To: Paul Zielinski Subject: Re: SCANDAL REACHES WOLFOWITZ
On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 06:51 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
�07/16/03: (Information Clearing House ) WASHINGTON, D.C--A Pentagon committee led by Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, advised President Bush to include a reference in his January State of the Union address about Iraq trying to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger to bolster the case for war in Iraq, despite the fact that the CIA warned Wolfowitz�s committee that the information was unreliable, according to a CIA intelligence official and four members of the Senate�s intelligence committee who have been investigating the issue.
The Senators and the CIA official said they could be forced out of government and brought up on criminal charges for leaking the information to this reporter and as a result requested anonymity. The Senators said they plan to question CIA Director George Tenet Wednesday morning in a closed-door hearing to find out whether Wolfowitz and members of a committee he headed misled Bush and if the President knew about the erroneous information prior to his State of the Union address.
Spokespeople for Wolfowitz and Tenet vehemently denied the accusations. Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director, would not return repeated calls for comment.
The revelations by the CIA official and the senators, if true, would prove that Tenet, who last week said he erred by allowing the uranium reference to be included in the State of the Union address, took the blame for an intelligence failure that he was not responsible for. The lawmakers said it could also lead to a widespread probe of prewar intelligence.
At issue is a secret committee set up in 2001 by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called the Office of Special Plans, which was headed by Wolfowitz, Abrum Shulsky and Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, to probe allegations links between Iraq and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda and whether the country was stockpiling a cache of weapons of mass destruction. The Special Plans committee disbanded in March after the start of the war in Iraq.
The committee�s job, according to published reports, was to gather intelligence information on the Iraqi threat that the CIA and FBI could not uncover and present it to the White House to build a case for war in Iraq. The committee relied heavily on information provided by Iraqi defector Ahmad Chalabi, who has provided the White House with reams of intelligence on Saddam Hussein�s weapons programs that has been disputed. Chalabi heads the Iraqi National Congress, a group of Iraqi exiles who have pushed for regime change in Iraq.
The Office of Special Plans, according to the CIA official and the senators, routinely
provided Bush, Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser
Condoleeza Rice with questionable intelligence information on the Iraqi threat, much of which was included in various speeches by Bush and Cheney and some of which was called into question by the CIA.
In the months leading up to the war in Iraq, Rumsfeld became increasingly frustrated that the CIA could not find any evidence of Iraq�s chemical, biological and nuclear weapons program, evidence that would have helped the White House build a solid case for war in Iraq.
In an article in the New York Times last October, the paper reported that Rumsfeld had
ordered the Office of Special Plans to "to search for information on Iraq�s hostile intentions or links to terrorists" that might have been overlooked by the CIA.
The CIA official and the senators said that�s when Wolfowitz and his committee instructed the White House to have Bush use the now disputed line about Iraq�s attempts to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger in a speech the President was set to give in Cincinnati. But Tenet quickly intervened and informed Red Diaper Baby Hadley, an aide to National Security Adviser Rice, that the information was unreliable.
Patrick Lang, a former director of Middle East analysis at the Defense Intelligence Agency, said in an interview with the New Yorker magazine in May that the Office of Special Plans "started picking out things that supported their thesis and stringing them into arguments that they could use with the President. It�s not intelligence. It�s political propaganda."
Lang said the CIA and Office of Special Plans often clashed on the accuracy of intelligence information provided to the White House by Wolfowitz.
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, the author of a May New Yorker story on the Office of Special Plans, reported, "former CIA officers and analysts described the agency as increasingly demoralized. George knows he�s being beaten up," one former officer said of George Tenet, the CIA director. "And his analysts are terrified. George used to protect his people, but he�s been forced to do things their way." Because the CIA�s analysts are now on the defensive, "they write reports justifying their intelligence rather than saying what�s going on. The Defense Department and the Office of the Vice-President write their own pieces, based on their own ideology. We collect so much stuff that you can find anything you want."
"They see themselves as outsiders, " a former C.I.A. expert who spent the past decade
immersed in Iraqi-exile affairs said of the Special Plans people, told Hersh. He added,
"There�s a high degree of paranoia. They�ve convinced themselves that they�re on the side of angels, and everybody else in the government is a fool."
By last fall, the White House had virtually dismissed all of the intelligence on Iraq provided by the CIA, which failed to find any evidence of Iraq�s weapons programs, in favor of the more critical information provided to the Bush administration by the Office of Special Plans
Hersh reported that the Special Plans Office "developed a close working relationship with the (Iraqi National Congress), and this strengthened its position in disputes with the C.I.A. and gave the Pentagon�s pro-war leadership added leverage in its constant disputes with the State Department. Special Plans also became a conduit for intelligence reports from the I.N.C. to officials in the White House."
In a rare Pentagon briefing recently, Office of Special Plans co-director Douglas Feith, said the committee was not an "intelligence project," but rather an group of 18 people that looked at intelligence information from a different point of view.
Feith said when the group had new "thoughts" on intelligence information it was given; they shared it with CIA director Tenet.
"It was a matter of digesting other people's intelligence," Feith said of the main duties of his group. "Its job was to review this intelligence to help digest it for me and other policy makers, to help us develop Defense Department strategy for the war on terrorism."
Is Red Diaper a member of this committee? Do they listen to him?
�Here we are about to attack Saddam, an effort to which Spleen Killer has made a major contribution, and all Jack Sarfatti cares about is his vanity press book. He's not one of us.� Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti March 16, 2003
Red Diaper Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com wrote to Jack Sarfatti on March 24, 2003:
�A decision has made not to include Jack Sarfatti in a working group on Iraqi and Serbian special weapons research, in which Spleen Killer will be a consultant on legal issues, and which will produce a major document. This decision was made on the basis of Sarfatti's campaign of deranged public smears, constantly increasing in abusive tone and extremity, against Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer.
It is unwise to call people "red diaper doper babies," Stalinists, incompetent lawyers, etc. when they are gatekeepers to your possible involvement in serious work. It is especially unwise to do this in repetitive emails directed to the chief gatekeeper's collaborators.
North Beach is not the world.�
Apparently it is. J Is Comrade Hotsky Totskyky boasting and lying here or telling the truth? Did Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer help shape the �Iraq WMD� phony intelligence inside the Wolfowitz special Pentagon group thumbing their noses at, and intimidating the CIA as Red Comrade Hotsky Totskyky did with his �Chumpany� slur? Spleen Killer produce a �major document�? That�s a joke!
�Bottom line: I just got a request -- five minutes ago -- for an analysis of a paper in nuclear physics, dealing with the very fields you specialize in. It's a significant national security matter. Because of your behavior in the past weeks � I obviously can't ask you to do this. I'll have to go elsewhere. So there you go. You have screwed yourself and made yourself an obstacle to efficient work by me. � The inquiry on the physics research, research done by a very, very bad person, was handled in DC with one phone call and no Jackshit required.�
Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti on March 27, 2003, boldface in original.
On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 02:07 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
' "Most of the people they had in that office were off the
books, on personal services contracts. At one time, there
were over 100 of them," said an intelligence source. The
contracts allow a department to hire individuals, without
specifying a job description.'
As I suspected! This makes it more likely Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer were in OSP! Did we have idiots running the show in a virtual Trotskyite Coup d� Etat with The President a Puppet Dancing on Trotsky�s Neo Con Strings? Hotsky Totskyky boasted to me in January 2003 that he was palsy walsy with Newt Gingrich, for example. The Neo Con OSP reminds me of the Nazi SS with CIA as the Wehrmacht General Staff in which a group of arrogant megalomaniacal incompetent extremist ideologue fanatics, like Red Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky and his minion Spleen Killer, usurped the function of competent professionals deriding them as "The Chumpany" leading to the present mess in Iraq. Don't get me wrong, I agree with Bush and Blair that deposing Saddam needed to be done, but the Neo Con incompetence in OSP is tantamount to sabotage IMHO.
'As John Pike, a defense analyst at the think tank GlobalSecurity.org, put it, the contracts "are basically a way they could pack the room with their little friends".'
Like Hotsky Totskyky and Spleen Killer?
Excerpts from
Thursday July 17, 2003
The Guardian
�The spies who pushed for war
Julian Borger reports on the shadow rightwing intelligence network set up in Washington to second-guess the CIA and deliver a justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force
As the CIA director, George Tenet, arrived at the Senate yesterday to give secret testimony on the Niger uranium affair, it was becoming increasingly clear in Washington that the scandal was only a small, well-documented symptom of a complete breakdown in US intelligence that helped steer America into war.
It represents the Bush administration's second catastrophic intelligence failure. But the CIA and FBI's inability to prevent the September 11 attacks was largely due to internal institutional weaknesses.
This time the implications are far more damaging for the White House, which stands accused of politicizing and contaminating its own source of intelligence.
According to former Bush officials, all defence and intelligence sources, senior administration figures created a shadow agency of Pentagon analysts staffed mainly by ideological amateurs to compete with the CIA and its military counterpart, the Defence
Intelligence Agency.
The agency, called the Office of Special Plans (OSP), was set up by the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, to second-guess CIA information and operated under the patronage of hardline conservatives in the top rungs of the administration, the Pentagon and at the White House, including Vice-President Dick Cheney.
The ideologically driven network functioned like a shadow government, much of it off the official payroll and beyond congressional oversight. But it proved powerful enough to prevail in a struggle with the State Department and the CIA by establishing a justification for war.
Mr Tenet has officially taken responsibility for the president's unsubstantiated claim in January that Saddam Hussein's regime had been trying to buy uranium in Africa, but he also said his agency was under pressure to justify a war that the administration had already decided on.
� As more Americans die in Iraq and the reasons for the war are revealed, his victory in 2004 no longer looks like a foregone conclusion.
The OSP itself had less than 10 full-time staff, so to help deal with the load, the
office hired scores of temporary "consultants". They included lawyers, congressional staffers, and policy wonks from the numerous rightwing thinktanks in Washington. Few had experience in intelligence.
"Most of the people they had in that office were off the books, on personal services contracts. At one time, there were over 100 of them," said an intelligence source. The contracts allow a department to hire individuals, without specifying a job description.
As John Pike, a defence analyst at the thinktank GlobalSecurity.org, put it, the contracts "are basically a way they could pack the room with their little friends".
"They surveyed data and picked out what they liked," said Gregory Thielmann, a senior official in the state department's intelligence bureau until his retirement in September. "The whole thing was bizarre. The secretary of defence had this huge defence intelligence agency, and he went around it."
In fact, the OSP's activities were a complete mystery to the DIA and the Pentagon.
"The iceberg analogy is a good one," said a senior officer who left the Pentagon during the planning of the Iraq war. "No one from the military staff heard, saw or discussed anything with them."
The civilian agencies had the same impression of the OSP sleuths. "They were a pretty shadowy presence," Mr Thielmann said. "Normally when you compile an intelligence document, all the agencies get together to discuss it. The OSP was never present at any of the meetings I attended."
On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 04:06 PM, �Harry Nelson� wrote:
..likely Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer were in it! (i.e. OSP in Pentagon)
�Are you being facetious? If not, you are wildly overestimating the significance of a bloated mediocrity like Hotsky Totsky.
The men at the top use bozos like "Suleyman Ahmad" for window-dressing; the big fish aren't moronic enough to take Hotsky Totsky seriously. They aren't complete idiots, you know. Hotsky Totsky isn't an intelligence analyst, he's a hack propagandist, and an unconvincing one at that. Don't give the fool more credit than he deserves.�
Kevin Keating
"Credit"? You mean "discredit" don't you? ;-)
"Oh, until this moment I did not know "Harry Nelson" and "Kevin Keating" were one and the same!"
Inspector Clueless to Melman, Hinckle's Bassett Hound.
Well Keating or Nelson or Mrs Calabash where ever and who ever you are, I hope you are right on this one. I will sleep easier. However, there is circumstantial evidence to the contrary. For example, although Hotsky Totskyky may be lying, he wrote to me on July 18, 2003
In a message dated 7/18/2003 11:00:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
So admit it, you and Spleen Killer were in that OSP Pentagon ad-hoc group that
mucked up. Spleen Killer's "major document" was the muck up- do you deny it?
�How can we deny it?�
Red Diaper
BTW According to Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky our e-mail exchange is high treason a conspiracy like the Neo Con Cabal, however since they now allegedly control The Pentagon and have the CIA quaking in their boots like The Policemen in "Pirates of Penzance" you and I will be soon executed before a firing squad. That is Comrade Hotsky Totskyky's "Brave New World" Defending Democracy down on Animal Farm.
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net..
�I should have said, "why should we deny it?�
Red Diaper
[In reply to my asking if Red Diaper Baby was a member of Wolfowitz's ad-hoc OSP inside Pentagon, described as a group of neo con extremists intimidating the CIA to include "Iraq WMD" in reports to GWB. Red Diaper Baby calls the CIA "The Chumpany".]
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com is Red Diaper Baby from the Orwellian Neo Con �Foundation Offensive to Democracies.�
Date: Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:46:04 AM US/Pacific
To: jsarfatti@earthlink.net
"I will initiate a criminal libel action against the leftist Keating and all who recycled his stuff, including Raimondo (neofascist), White (Nazi), CAIR (Saudis), Herbert (Nazi), Sarrafatto plus his accomplices Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman, and others, include The Savage Weenie as a coconspirator.
Doggydoo will also be named as a stalker for his weird picture taking habits.
The real target is CAIR. Sarrafatto is just a flea hanging off the rectum of the Saudi dog, and Burfatti, Doggydoo, Dildinski, and Fartman are mites in the rectum of the flea. The Savage Weenie is an infection in its own class. But these vermin have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. They seem to actually think that attacking the number one critic of the Saudis in the U.S. (myself) is going to make them popular. They also think they can separate themselves from the general Saudi assault on my character, even as they recycle the same material, which makes them equal coconspirators. BTW, I was
threatened with a suit by a major Saudi figure, who backed off of his threat when confronted with my documentation.
We expect the Saudis to have a serious lawyer, and Raimondo should be able to get a rightwing lawyer to represent him. Keating has some cereal boxtop lawyer with the brain of a snail. The Nazis may have lawyers. Sarrafatto cannot get a lawyer. Burfatti and Dildinski cannot pay a lawyer, even if they find one to represent them. Doggydoo will have similar problems. Fartman, who is obviously mentally ill, thinks he is a lawyer and may be severed from the case for mental incompetence"
Savage Hotsky Totsky Sarfatti story in San Jose Mercury News July 20, 2003
On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 11:53 AM, de la Vina, Mark wrote:
The story on Michael Savage that you've been telling people was "aborted" is
in today's paper. Thought you might like to know.
Mark de la Vina�
Thanks Mark. I though it was aborted because it was months late. I will excerpt in my book: "A Lunatic Mind: The Three Faces of a Neo Con" the unauthorized intellectual biography of Red Diaper. "A Lunatic Mind" was originally going to be a Mel Brooks style self-parody alluding to "A Beautiful Mind" about mathematician John Nash. But then Neo Con Pundit Hotsky Totsky went off the deep end over your story on Savage, the Iraq Invasion happened, the Neo Con takeover of Pentagon and intimidation of CIA happened with the SS-like OSP intelligence fiasco and now a probable murder of a British Scientist made to look like a suicide over the Iraq WMD issue - and so my conception of the book has changed. This is clearly a case for Inspector Clueless and Hinckle's Amazing Bassett Hound Melman, a fact that drives Red Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky, Commander of The Fifth Column in Operation Trojan Horse, completely off the wall reducing him to a raving lunatic crackpot threatening to sue almost everyone. ;-)
Excerpts from:
�The man behind the `Savage Nation'
By Mark de la Vi�a
Mercury News
There's no denying his popularity. His nationally syndicated radio show reaches about 6 million listeners on 310 stations (just behind Limbaugh, Hannity, Howard Stern and Schlesinger). In the liberal Bay Area it's the No. 1 program in the 4-7 p.m. Monday-Friday time slot, attracting 226,000 listeners each week. His book, ``The Savage
Nation: Saving America From the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language and Culture,'' was on the New York Times bestseller list for five months this year.
Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, who wrote about the talk-radio phenomenon in ``Hot Air: All Talk, All the Time,'' says, ``Savage pushes the envelope of acceptable discourse and taps into the grievances of folks who are angry at society. But he also has a cutting sense of humor that saves him from sounding like just another ranter.''
Savage moved to the Bay Area in 1974. He enrolled at the University of California-Berkeley, earning a doctorate in nutritional ethnomedicine in 1978. Through Ferlinghetti, he met many poets and artists in North Beach, the birthplace of the Beats. �
Red Diaper Baby, a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C., and North Beach regular in the '70s, recalls that Savage ``seemed like a BS artist, a person who wanted attention and wanted to be taken very seriously.''
Others remember him then as opinionated, funny and devoted to his children, a man who was accepted by the same counterculture crowd he now disparages.
Whether Savage's current right-wing positions are the product of some epiphany at midlife or just opportunistic showmanship is unclear.
Longtime friend and physicist Jack Sarfatti likens him to Lenny Bruce, saying that much of what Savage says is misunderstood satire. ``Michael's just a smart Jewish kid from New York,'' Sarfatti says. �He's extremely funny much of the time. But he's angry. A lot
of Jewish intellectuals are angry, so Michael has kind of channeled his anger into a high form of art.��
Red Diaper in his Punk Rock period at Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and �Golden Boy� Kim Burrafato, Savoy-Tivoli late 1970�s.
Photo by Norman Quebedeau
Jack Sarfatti and Red Diaper in the early 1990�s outside Caffe Trieste.
Harry Silver and Jack Sarfatti 2000
"The Great Fiji Water Incident�
by Warren Hinckle
Front Page Column 1 written in The San Francisco Independent of June 3, 2003
Sub-headline: �Bulgarian agents. Michael Savage. Wahhabi-Saudi spies.Red-diaper babies. All in court, courtesy of North Beach's latest old-boy war.
'Use your mentality. Wake up to reality.' Cole Porter
For those who view North Beach as a spectator sport, here are the Ice Follies of 2003. Ice is not required for these follies. You just had to be in Room 624 of Superior Court, the Honorable Ann Bouliane presiding.
The case was Jack Sarfatti v. Spleen Killer. Petition for Injunction Against Harassment.
The prime-time players were Sarfatti, the physicist, fabulist, and resident philosopher king of the Caffe Trieste who once immodestly referred to himself as the 'father of God,' and Spleen Killer, lawyer and noted Beacher.
Also onstage was Red Diaper, former North Beach long-hair leftie and troublemaker, who had flown in from a right-wing think tank in the Federal City, where he has morphed into a neocon expert on the 'threat of Islam.'
Offstage but prominent in the arguments in court was conservative talk-radio meister Michael Savage, about whom the fight that led to the legal proceedings was all about.
Also offstage was novelist Herb Gold, who is to bohemia what Tolstoy was to Russia. Further offstage but, well involved by dint of association and name-dropping were Francis Coppola, Allen Ginsberg, Werner Erhard, Jayson Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Donald Rumsfeld, and Adolph Hitler, though not necessarily in that order.
There haven't been so many names involved in a North Beach flap since photographer Mark Green went off his meds in the City Lights basement and ate lots of books.
This all came to court because a case of Fiji water that Spleen Killer, the attorney and researcher of national-security matters for Hotsky Totsky, left for Sarfatti in the North Beach law office where the physicist writes poetry and where, according to testimony, Spleen Killer was an unwelcome visitor.
The Fiji water that angered Sarfatti was left as a cruel joke -- this according to voluminous e-mails full of insults entered into the court record that were sent before the physical violence in the Caffe Trieste that preceded the petition for a restraining order.
The joke was that 'Fiji' sounded like 'Vichy,' and Spleen Killer and Hotsky Totsky were then busily calling Sarfatti a quisling -- that is to say a collaborator -- because he had warned Savage not to talk to a San Jose newspaper reporter who, according to court documents, was preparing a hit piece on Savage inspired by Hotsky Totsky.
That was about when Sarfatti hit Spleen Killer on the side of the head after, he said, Spleen Killer knocked his hat off his head in the Caffe Trieste. The cops came. The police report is also in evidence, along with the voluminous e-mails containing unflattering references of one Beacher to the other as trespassers, war criminals, neo-Nazis, profaners of the names of the dead, the Three Stooges, and more.
Savage was an occasional North Beach drinking companion of the other three Beachers before his radio show went national and made him far more famous than the others. According to Sarfatti, Hotsky Totsky hates Savage because Savage's book The Savage Nation outsells Hotsky Totsky's latest tome, Two Sides of The Shekel by about a jillion copies.
Hotsky Totsky says he dislikes Savage intensely, but for political differences lost in the further reaches of far-right ideology. He wrote in one of the e-mails entered into evidence that 'I stipulate that I despise the Weenie and want him off the air.'
Oh, the Weenie thing.
Apparently Savage, before he was named Savage, had the last name of Weiner, and his North Beach friends nicknamed him Weenie. (Sarfatti said that Savage took the name Savage after a pioneering anthropologist in Fiji -- hence the further significance of the Fiji water bottles -- where the Savage-to-be did his postgraduate study. But we're diverting.)
'I don't see where this is on point.' Judge Bouliane was saying to Sarfatti, who was describing the restraining-order request as a natural thing between 'two North Beach macho males' who want to hit each other when they meet.
Sarfatti was attempting to point out the sinister significance of the e-mails to him from Spleen Killer with a taunting repetitive line: 'Did you or did you not tip the Weenie?' (about not talking to the reporter from San Jose).
'This is North Beach bohemia. Both Hotsky Totsky and I are public figures. He's on Fox News, and I'm on Star Trek,' Sarfatti said.
Sarfatti said he had never called Hotsky Totsky a terrorist or a CIA agent, and Hotsky Totsky denied claims he had called Herb Gold's son a Serbian agent, although it wasn't clear whether he had called Michael Savage Hitler.
Hotsky Totsky complained that Sarfatti had sent deluges of e-mail to lords of the Defense Department, such as Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, and his editor at Doubleday, calling him a CIA agent or a double agent for the KGB.
Sarfatti was clearly relishing his day in court. 'This is prime time.' he said.
The judge by this time had her chin cupped in her hands. She said she would give an opinion at 2pm. She denied the restraining order against North Beach macho behavior but she allowed that Spleen Killer should hand over his key to the office where Sarfatti wrote his poetry and did his math.
Spleen Killer volunteered the key ��
From: Red Diaper Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com
To: Jack Sarfatti
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:25:50 -0800 (PST)
�Brian Lamb's BookNotes website is advertising the Hotsky Totsky interview for the weekend of February 2 on C-SPAN.
I lectured to a synagogue in DC last night as a Sufi, for the first time. It went well, but it was also an ultraliberal and peace-oriented congregation, which would be expected to be open to such a thing. The most interesting question: what did the Sufi Hallaj mean when he said "I am truth [i.e. truth as God]?"
Apparently the NEW YORK PRESS printed some kind of driveby insult against me as a person suffering an "identity crisis." I'm not reading these things.�
Synopsis: �From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experiences it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery once he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over this tragedy, and finally, late in life, received the Nobel Prize.�
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
�A landmark film, based on a true story that heightened public awareness of the multiple personality as a disease entity. The transitions are slightly melodramatic, but Woodward's portrayal of the remarkably distinct changes in Eve's character and appearance earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress.�
The Three Faces of Eve
Who are "The Three Faces of Neo Con Pundit Red Diaper"?
Face 1: Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
�As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?�
Myles Kantor (see below)
Face 2: McCarthy and Cohen yesterday, Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer today.
�Nothing would make me happier than him saving us the trouble of finding a legal venue to expose the whole Sarfatti/Serb/Herbert campaign. He forgets that I have all the documents and commentaries from his little fling into violating the Serbian embargo with the help of the Soviet spy Vigier. Documents, not emails. Evidence, not allegations... let me say this "for the historical record": if I were to beat Sarfatti's brains out, because of his desecrating my father's memory, it is highly doubtful any jurisdiction would charge me with anything but littering.�
Red Diaper April 28, 2003
�Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� Comrade Sheik Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti May 4, 2003
�Retribution is coming, to you as well as Saddam.�
Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti March 18, 2003
�I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene." Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti July 8, 2003
Face 3: Hotsky Totsky's Triumphal Return to Baghdad by the Bay after his "severe program of social hygiene" cleared the "human garbage" out of the Caffe Trieste in North Beach. See here Hotsky Totsky at work writing his great epic Shi-ite poem and New Age self-help book with politically correct unadulterated Trotskyite Socialist Realism "How to Vacuum Human Dust" http://qedcorp.com/Hotsky Totsky/snit.html
�When Hotsky Totsky is not planting evidence against the Saudis, he is busy concocting alibis for proven offenders. He claims, for example, that Khomeinism has been misread by the United States as intolerant and threatening. The Saudis reinforced this misperception, he argues, so as to prevent us from realizing that they -- not the fascists in power in Tehran -- are the true enemies of pluralism. This kind of dirty detective work destroys the author's credibility� Michael Doran, Princeton University (see below)
From: Red Diaper
To: mateens@bigplanet.com
Cc: rradosh@mindspring.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com, p.katel@verizon.net, chitch8003@aol.com, cherkovski@earthlink.net, sarfatti@well.com,
abellow@randomhouse.com, jbottum@weeklystandard.com, pnagy@mindspring.com, msells@haverford.edu
"Still eyes look coldly upon me;
Cold voices whisper and say --
He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia,
They have stolen his wits away."
-- Walter de la Mare
Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:18:15 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com, richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�It's peculiar but that's how these things are. I deeply offended the Serbs recently and they have already used Weenie to deliver a classic veiled threat, i.e. a threat issued in such a way as not to appear a threat to a normal person.�
The �Weenie� is Hotsky Totsky�s word for Michael Savage. I will use �Hotsky Totskyky� for Hotsky Totsky since it rhymes with �Trotksy.� J
Note I will use italic face only for Hotsky Totsky�s actual words in his writings to me.
From: Horse Manure Lover Fats@aol.com
Date: Thu Feb 6, 2003 9:19:19 PM US/Pacific
To: sarfatti@well.com
Cc: richSpleen Killer@attbi.com
�Keep the PRAVDA comment confidential for now, except for Spleen Killer, and if the SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS guy calls you again be very specific about what Weenie said about the Serbs.�
�Someone pretty high up asked me this morning about these crazy people who harass me on the net, and whether they are all Saudi agents. I said some of them are (we know who). I also said one of them tried to become a Serb agent, i.e. Sarfatti. Whether he did or not is open to discussion -- certainly, he sucks up to The Weenie who promotes the Serbs day and night.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti April 28, 2003
Hotsky Totskyky wrote to Sarfatti on February 9, 2003:
I am offended that anybody would ever suggest anything positive could happen involving me and Weenie. The only positive outcome between me and Weenie would involve me handing him a ticket out of town.
I am most concerned that it is now impossible for the reporter to get the facts from you about Weenie's violent vocabulary re: me and the Serbs. That is what I care about.
And don't try to spin it positively. Weenie mentioning Serbs and me in a context of harm to me is enough.
Otherwise, we can put this behind us. But don't do it again. And it would behoove you to stop trying to turn simple disagreements into operatic performances.
I value your scientific assistance but you should not try to arrange alliances. I can do that very well for myself.�
�When you call yourself my old friend in San Francisco (which you are not) and say I am attacking you, the people you are writing to figure you are an angry commie. Most of my friends in DC would like to nuke San Francisco, with people like you included.� E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on May 4, 2003
"I say what nobody else will say, and don't regurgitate some common wisdom borrowed from time wasted in some classroom listening to some timeserver spin his spiel. I say the Saudis are terrorists, in the macro, and I say Sarfatti is a swindler who belongs in jail, in the micro. I do not intend to change. I will go to my grave telling poseurs and swindlers, whether they are Commies, Wahhabis, or Sarfattis, that they are human garbage deserving of a severe program of social hygiene."
E-mail written by Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti on July 8, 2003.
"There is nothing immoral in the proletariat finishing off the dying class. This is its right. You are indignant � at the petty terror, which we direct against our class opponents. But be put on notice that in one month at most this terror will assume more frightful forms, on the model of the great revolutionaries of France. Our enemies will face not prison but the guillotine."
Written and spoken by Hotsky Totskyky�s hero and role model, Leon Trotsky, cited by Myles Kantor below.
"As for you, Mosier, what makes you think that this style is acceptable when Sarfatti TRIES AND FAILS at it, but not acceptable when I SUCCEED AT IT? I am the Bohemian, not him. I am the published author, not him. I am the man with access to power, not him. And I, not he, will prevail. Sarfatti is mad at me because he wishes he had my capacity to do what I do and succeed at it. He will never have it and he cannot get it by sucking up to me. He is human dust." Red Diaper, July 8, 2003.
Leon Trotsky, The Butcher of Kronstadt
The First Face of Comrade Hotsky Totskyky
"Some do evil in silence. Others flaunt it. � Born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, this mass murderer and pioneer of savagery is better known as Leon Trotsky. And among his defenders today is the supposedly conservative author Red Diaper. Hotsky Totsky is a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and has written books on subjects ranging from Kosovo and California to Nicaragua and Spanish Marxism. Author most recently of 'Two Sides of The Shekel: The House of Sa�ud from Tradition to Terror,' he has included himself among 'ex-Trotskyists who moved over to the conservative and patriotic side of the spectrum.' Yet one finds claims such as these in a June 11 article by Hotsky Totsky on National Review Online:
�� Trotsky, a man of moral consistency if nothing else, took responsibility for the crimes of the early Bolshevik regime.�
�It is certainly true that Trotsky's role at Kronstadt was abominable. It is also true that very few people today know or care about Kronstadt, which may or may not be bad.�
Defending the crushing of Kronstadt, denying his role in it, defending the murder of the imperial family � yup, lots of responsibility taken there. And even assuming Trotsky had taken responsibility, how would that diminish his immense criminality as an architect of history�s most monstrous political system?
As for Hotsky Totsky�s claim that general ignorance of Kronstadt �may or may not be bad,� would he write the same of the Nazis� bombing of Guernica in 1937 or Stalin�s 1940 Katyn Forest massacre? Or was the body count of those murdered and sent to concentration camps at Kronstadt insufficiently high to deserve remembrance?
Political sympathies are often an affair of the heart as much as the mind, and Hotsky Totsky�s continuing sympathy for Trotsky is a case in point. �I come from the radical left, and in many respects, I haven't changed,� he said in a March interview with The Atlantic Monthly.
Contact Myles Kantor at kantor@FreeEmigration.co
The above indictment of Red Diaper was written not by his favorite incubi, not by a �commie�, or a �wahhabi�, or a �islamo-fascist�, or a �Serb agent�, or a �Saudi agent�, but by an anti-Castro conservative Cuban-American writer Myles B. Kantor on Friday, July 4, 2003 who writes for some of the same media that Hotsky Totsky does. The fast-growing chorus of indignant protest against Hotsky Totsky�s totalitarian rhetoric and bully methods whilst pretending to defend democracy, boasting he is Paul Wolfowitz�s �official biographer�, including falsifying news reports like Jayson Blair, is non-partisan from both the right and the left.
�I defy the Wahhabis and I defy the Sarfattis. I get on TV because I challenge the powerful and strike down those who try to gain power through deceit, like Sarfatti.� Red Diaper to Jack Sarfatti e-mail, July 8, 2003.
�Around 1454 Rabbi Isaac Sarfatti of Adrianople gives substance to this view of Jewish life under Muslim rule in a letter to the German Jews ��
Red Diaper �Two Sides of The Shekel� p. xviii
PRESS RELEASE from The Free America Forum
Free America Forum is a non-partisan spontaneous patriotic grass roots community emerging to expose and stop the vicious Communist Trotskyite Conspiracy that has taken over the Neoconservative faction of the Republican Party with undue influence in the current Bush Administration on Iraqi and Middle East Policy. The leader of this Trojan Horse Fifth Column is Red Diaper now employed at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Given Hotsky Totsky's repeated writings of "a severe program of social hygiene" to rid America of "human dust" and "human garbage", and how his "highly-placed friends" in NYC and DC would "hold" his "coat" and applaud as he "bashed" my "brains in" and kicked my "teeth out" and how they would not care if San Francisco were "nuked". Given these writings, Hotsky Totsky's employment by the above foundation has a distinct Orwellian tinge reminiscent of "1984's" "Ministry of Truth" and "Animal Farm". Hotsky Totsky's pattern of thought is identical to Leon Trotsky's, the Red Butcher of Kronstadt. Hotsky Totsky has assumed the mantle of the "New Trotsky" boasting that he is intimate with James Woolsey, Spleen Killer Perl, Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld and others. If the latter is true, it is a very dangerous development.
Let me state unequivocally that I am not a "Saudi agent." I am not a "Wahhabi agent." I am not an �Al Qaeda agent.� I am not a "commie" or a "weenie." I am not a Milosevic �Serb agent�. I am not an "islamofascist". I am not a "Nazi". I am not a "Mussolini fascist". I am not a homosexual. Kim Burrafato is not my gay lover. Red Diaper and Spleen Killer have charged me, explicitly and implicitly, with all of these things. I am a patriotic American who has been in harm's way aboard US naval ships of war at sea in "Condition Zebra" in the PACE program. I am a member of the National Republican Advisory Business Council set up by Tom Delay and I have contributed substantial funds to the Republican Party. I am not a leftist in any sense of the word.
Red Diaper is a dangerous Red Trotskyite Communist in his deep thought patterns pretending to be a freedom fighter and exploiting 911 and US War on Terror to in fact impose a new Jacobin Reign of Terror on patriotic Americans like Leon Trotsky's role model Robespierre in the French Revolution. The late CIA Station Chief Harold Chipman accused Red Diaper back in mid 1980's of being a KGB "mole" a "deep cover sleeper agent" in the Neoconservative Think Tank Institute for Contemporary Studies briefly led by Donald Rumsfeld. These new developments show that Harold Chipman's assessment of Red Diaper was correct.
Trotsky's ghost wandering the White House (excerpts)
Influence on Bush aides: Bolshevik's writings supported
the idea of pre-emptive war
Jeet Heer
National Post
Saturday, June 07, 2003
�More than a decade after the demise of the Soviet Union, Stalin's war against Trotsky may seem like quaint ancient history. Yet Stalin was right to fear Trotsky's influence. Unlike Stalin, Trotsky was a man of genuine intellectual achievement, a brilliant literary critic and historian as well as a military strategist of genius. Trotsky's movement, although never numerous, attracted many sharp minds. At one time or another, the Fourth International included among its followers the painter Frida Kahlo (who had an affair with Trotsky), the novelist Saul Bellow, the poet Andr� Breton and the Trinidadian polymath C.L.R. James. As evidence of the continuing intellectual influence of Trotsky, consider the curious fact that some of the books about the Middle East crisis that are causing the greatest stir were written by thinkers deeply shaped by the tradition of the
Fourth International. In seeking advice about Iraqi society, members of the Bush administration (notably Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defence, and Dick Cheney, the Vice-President) frequently consulted Kanan Makiya, an Iraqi-American intellectual whose book The Republic of Fear is considered to be the definitive analysis of Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule. As the journalist Christopher Hitchens notes, Makiya is "known to veterans of the Trotskyist movement as a one-time leading
Arab member of the Fourth International." When speaking about Trotskyism, Hitchens has a voice of authority. Like Makiya, Hitchens is a former Trotskyist who is influential in Washington circles as an advocate for a militantly interventionist policy in the Middle East. Despite his leftism, Hitchens has been invited into the White House as an ad hoc
consultant. Other supporters of the Iraq war also have a Trotsky-tinged past. On the left, the historian Paul Berman, author of a new book called Terror and Liberalism, has been a resonant voice among those who want a more muscular struggle against Islamic fundamentalism. Berman counts the Trotskyist C.L.R. James as a major influence. Among neo-conservatives, Berman's counterpart is Red Diaper, a historian whose new book, Two Sides of The Shekel, is a key text among those who want the United States to sever its ties with Saudi Arabia. Hotsky Totsky spent his formative years in a Spanish
Trotskyist group. To this day, Hotsky Totsky speaks of Trotsky affectionately as "the old man" and "L.D." (initials from Trotsky's birth name, Lev Davidovich Bronstein). "To a great extent, I still consider myself to be [one of the] disciples of L.D," he admits, and he observes that in certain Washington circles, the ghost of Trotsky still hovers around. At a party in February celebrating a new book about Iraq, Hotsky Totsky exchanged banter with Wolfowitz about Trotsky, the Moscow Trials and Max Shachtman. "I've talked to Wolfowitz about all of this," Hotsky Totsky notes. "We had this discussion about Shachtman. He knows all that stuff, but was never part of it. He's definitely aware." The yoking together of Paul Wolfowitz and Leon Trotsky sounds odd, but a long and tortuous history explains the link between the Bolshevik left and the Republican right.�
Who are the Neo Cons? What are their ideas? Are they �Tech Gnostics?�
Pfaff accuses the Neo Cons as sanctioning the noble lie to the American people. He says it not me. I am not expert enough in this field to judge this allegation. On the other hand, the lack of WMD in Iraq plus the �yellowcake� uranium intelligence �blunder� in Niger cause us to wonder if we are not seeing the rotten fruits of Leo Strauss�s alleged philosophy among his alleged disciples now in power in the Pentagon? Again, I am just wondering aloud here to you.
The long reach of Leo Strauss (excerpts)
William Pfaff
International Herald Tribune, Thursday, May 15, 2003
�PARIS: The trouble with American conservatism during most of the 20th century was that it was not particularly intelligent. The Republican Party was and is a business party, anti-intellectual and to a considerable degree xenophobic. The radical neoconservatives, who appeared in the 1960s, are the first seriously intelligent movement on the American right since the 19th century. They want to remake the international order under effective U.S. hegemony, destroy America's enemies and cripple or eliminate the United Nations and other institutions making a claim to international jurisdiction. They have a political philosophy, and the arrogance and intolerance of their actions reflect their conviction that they possess a realism and truth others lack. They include Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Abram Shulsky of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, Spleen Killer Perle of the Pentagon advisory board, Elliott Abrams of the National Security Council, and the writers Robert Kagan and William Kristol. The main intellectual influence on the neoconservatives has been the philosopher Leo Strauss, who left Germany in 1938 and taught for many years at the University of Chicago. Several of the neoconservatives studied under him. Wolfowitz and Shulsky took doctorates under him. Something of a cult developed around Strauss during his later years at Chicago, and he and some admirers figure in the Saul Bellow novel, "Ravelstein." The cult is appropriate because Strauss believed that the essential truths about human society and history should be held by an elite, and withheld from others who lack the fortitude to deal with truth. Society,
Strauss thought, needs consoling lies. He held that philosophy is dangerous because it brings into question the conventions on which civil order and the morality of society depend. This risks promoting a destructive nihilism � He believed that Greek classical
philosophy, notably that of Plato, is more true to nature than anything that has
replaced it. Some critics say that his interpretation of Plato is perverse, but he said that he had recovered the "real" Plato, lost by later Neo-Platonic and Christian thinkers. He also argued that Platonic truth is too hard for people to bear, and that the classical appeal to "virtue" as the object of human endeavor is unattainable. Hence it has been necessary to tell lies to people about the nature of political reality. An elite recognizes the truth, however, and keeps it to itself. This gives it insight, and implicitly power that others do not possess. This obviously is an important element in Strauss's appeal to America's
neoconservatives. The ostensibly hidden truth is that expediency works��
And remember that many of them are former Trotskyites, who as small �Red Diaper Babies�, the Red Fifth Column version of the Nazi �Boys From Brazil, were, as small children, brainwashed into totalitarian ways of sensing the world like we see deeply ingrained in Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s mind. This is obvious in his continual use of violent imagery like �social hygiene�, �human garbage�, Trotsky�s term �human dust, �fantasies of mass murder like nuking San Francisco as well as fantasies of personal violence on me like bashing my brains and kicking my teeth out.
Do not forget when you read the next article below from Zielinski that the e-mail record at the end of this book shows, Red Comrade Hotsky Totskyky�s continual vilification of the late heroic CIA Chief of Station, Harold Chipman and his calling the CIA �The Chumpany� and his boasting that Rumsfeld has contempt for the CIA.
�Also chump it was the company, or chumpany, that created such problems as do exist. You are out of the loop and will never get in it.�
Comrade Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti on April 24, 2003
Date: Thu Jul 17, 2003 8:03:48 AM US/Pacific
To: Paul Zielinski
On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 06:51 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
�07/16/03: (Information Clearing House ) WASHINGTON, D.C--A Pentagon committee led by Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, advised President Bush to include a reference in his January State of the Union address about Iraq trying to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger to bolster the case for war in Iraq, despite the fact that the CIA warned Wolfowitz�s committee that the information was unreliable, according to a CIA intelligence official and four members of the Senate�s intelligence committee who have been investigating the issue.
The Senators and the CIA official said they could be forced out of government and brought up on criminal charges for leaking the information to this reporter and as a result requested anonymity. The Senators said they plan to question CIA Director George Tenet Wednesday morning in a closed-door hearing to find out whether Wolfowitz and members of a committee he headed misled Bush and if the President knew about the erroneous information prior to his State of the Union address.
Spokespeople for Wolfowitz and Tenet vehemently denied the accusations. Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director, would not return repeated calls for comment.
The revelations by the CIA official and the senators, if true, would prove that Tenet, who last week said he erred by allowing the uranium reference to be included in the State of the Union address, took the blame for an intelligence failure that he was not responsible for. The lawmakers said it could also lead to a widespread probe of prewar intelligence.
At issue is a secret committee set up in 2001 by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called the Office of Special Plans, which was headed by Wolfowitz, Abrum Shulsky and Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, to probe allegations links between Iraq and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda and whether the country was stockpiling a cache of weapons of mass destruction. The Special Plans committee disbanded in March after the start of the war in Iraq.
The committee�s job, according to published reports, was to gather intelligence information on the Iraqi threat that the CIA and FBI could not uncover and present it to the White House to build a case for war in Iraq. The committee relied heavily on information provided by Iraqi defector Ahmad Chalabi, who has provided the White House with reams of intelligence on Saddam Hussein�s weapons programs that has been disputed. Chalabi heads the Iraqi National Congress, a group of Iraqi exiles who have pushed for regime change in Iraq.
The Office of Special Plans, according to the CIA official and the senators, routinely
provided Bush, Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser
Condoleeza Rice with questionable intelligence information on the Iraqi threat, much of which was included in various speeches by Bush and Cheney and some of which was called into question by the CIA.
In the months leading up to the war in Iraq, Rumsfeld became increasingly frustrated that the CIA could not find any evidence of Iraq�s chemical, biological and nuclear weapons program, evidence that would have helped the White House build a solid case for war in Iraq.
In an article in the New York Times last October, the paper reported that Rumsfeld had
ordered the Office of Special Plans to "to search for information on Iraq�s hostile intentions or links to terrorists" that might have been overlooked by the CIA.
The CIA official and the senators said that�s when Wolfowitz and his committee instructed the White House to have Bush use the now disputed line about Iraq�s attempts to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger in a speech the President was set to give in Cincinnati. But Tenet quickly intervened and informed Red Diaper Baby Hadley, an aide to National Security Adviser Rice, that the information was unreliable.
Patrick Lang, a former director of Middle East analysis at the Defense Intelligence Agency, said in an interview with the New Yorker magazine in May that the Office of Special Plans "started picking out things that supported their thesis and stringing them into arguments that they could use with the President. It�s not intelligence. It�s political propaganda."
Lang said the CIA and Office of Special Plans often clashed on the accuracy of intelligence information provided to the White House by Wolfowitz.
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, the author of a May New Yorker story on the Office of Special Plans, reported, "former CIA officers and analysts described the agency as increasingly demoralized. George knows he�s being beaten up," one former officer said of George Tenet, the CIA director. "And his analysts are terrified. George used to protect his people, but he�s been forced to do things their way." Because the CIA�s analysts are now on the defensive, "they write reports justifying their intelligence rather than saying what�s going on. The Defense Department and the Office of the Vice-President write their own pieces, based on their own ideology. We collect so much stuff that you can find anything you want."
"They see themselves as outsiders, " a former C.I.A. expert who spent the past decade
immersed in Iraqi-exile affairs said of the Special Plans people, told Hersh. He added,
"There�s a high degree of paranoia. They�ve convinced themselves that they�re on the side of angels, and everybody else in the government is a fool."
By last fall, the White House had virtually dismissed all of the intelligence on Iraq provided by the CIA, which failed to find any evidence of Iraq�s weapons programs, in favor of the more critical information provided to the Bush administration by the Office of Special Plans
Hersh reported that the Special Plans Office "developed a close working relationship with the (Iraqi National Congress), and this strengthened its position in disputes with the C.I.A. and gave the Pentagon�s pro-war leadership added leverage in its constant disputes with the State Department. Special Plans also became a conduit for intelligence reports from the I.N.C. to officials in the White House."
In a rare Pentagon briefing recently, Office of Special Plans co-director Douglas Feith, said the committee was not an "intelligence project," but rather an group of 18 people that looked at intelligence information from a different point of view.
Feith said when the group had new "thoughts" on intelligence information it was given; they shared it with CIA director Tenet.
"It was a matter of digesting other people's intelligence," Feith said of the main duties of his group. "Its job was to review this intelligence to help digest it for me and other policy makers, to help us develop Defense Department strategy for the war on terrorism."
Is Red Diaper a member of this committee? Do they listen to him?
�Here we are about to attack Saddam, an effort to which Spleen Killer has made a major contribution, and all Jack Sarfatti cares about is his vanity press book. He's not one of us.� Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti March 16, 2003
Red Diaper Horse Manure Lover Fatsn@yahoo.com wrote to Jack Sarfatti on March 24, 2003:
�A decision has made not to include Jack Sarfatti in a working group on Iraqi and Serbian special weapons research, in which Spleen Killer will be a consultant on legal issues, and which will produce a major document. This decision was made on the basis of Sarfatti's campaign of deranged public smears, constantly increasing in abusive tone and extremity, against Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer.
It is unwise to call people "red diaper doper babies," Stalinists, incompetent lawyers, etc. when they are gatekeepers to your possible involvement in serious work. It is especially unwise to do this in repetitive emails directed to the chief gatekeeper's collaborators.
North Beach is not the world.�
Apparently it is. J Is Comrade Hotsky Totskyky boasting and lying here or telling the truth? Did Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer help shape the �Iraq WMD� phony intelligence inside the Wolfowitz special Pentagon group thumbing their noses at, and intimidating the CIA as Red Comrade Hotsky Totskyky did with his �Chumpany� slur? Spleen Killer produce a �major document�? That�s a joke!
�Bottom line: I just got a request -- five minutes ago -- for an analysis of a paper in nuclear physics, dealing with the very fields you specialize in. It's a significant national security matter. Because of your behavior in the past weeks � I obviously can't ask you to do this. I'll have to go elsewhere. So there you go. You have screwed yourself and made yourself an obstacle to efficient work by me. � The inquiry on the physics research, research done by a very, very bad person, was handled in DC with one phone call and no Jackshit required.�
Hotsky Totskyky to Sarfatti on March 27, 2003, boldface in original.
On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 02:07 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
' "Most of the people they had in that office were off the
books, on personal services contracts. At one time, there
were over 100 of them," said an intelligence source. The
contracts allow a department to hire individuals, without
specifying a job description.'
As I suspected! This makes it more likely Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer were in OSP! Did we have idiots running the show in a virtual Trotskyite Coup d� Etat with The President a Puppet Dancing on Trotsky�s Neo Con Strings? Hotsky Totskyky boasted to me in January 2003 that he was palsy walsy with Newt Gingrich, for example. The Neo Con OSP reminds me of the Nazi SS with CIA as the Wehrmacht General Staff in which a group of arrogant megalomaniacal incompetent extremist ideologue fanatics, like Red Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky and his minion Spleen Killer, usurped the function of competent professionals deriding them as "The Chumpany" leading to the present mess in Iraq. Don't get me wrong, I agree with Bush and Blair that deposing Saddam needed to be done, but the Neo Con incompetence in OSP is tantamount to sabotage IMHO.
'As John Pike, a defense analyst at the think tank GlobalSecurity.org, put it, the contracts "are basically a way they could pack the room with their little friends".'
Like Hotsky Totskyky and Spleen Killer?
Excerpts from
Thursday July 17, 2003
The Guardian
�The spies who pushed for war
Julian Borger reports on the shadow rightwing intelligence network set up in Washington to second-guess the CIA and deliver a justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force
As the CIA director, George Tenet, arrived at the Senate yesterday to give secret testimony on the Niger uranium affair, it was becoming increasingly clear in Washington that the scandal was only a small, well-documented symptom of a complete breakdown in US intelligence that helped steer America into war.
It represents the Bush administration's second catastrophic intelligence failure. But the CIA and FBI's inability to prevent the September 11 attacks was largely due to internal institutional weaknesses.
This time the implications are far more damaging for the White House, which stands accused of politicizing and contaminating its own source of intelligence.
According to former Bush officials, all defence and intelligence sources, senior administration figures created a shadow agency of Pentagon analysts staffed mainly by ideological amateurs to compete with the CIA and its military counterpart, the Defence
Intelligence Agency.
The agency, called the Office of Special Plans (OSP), was set up by the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, to second-guess CIA information and operated under the patronage of hardline conservatives in the top rungs of the administration, the Pentagon and at the White House, including Vice-President Dick Cheney.
The ideologically driven network functioned like a shadow government, much of it off the official payroll and beyond congressional oversight. But it proved powerful enough to prevail in a struggle with the State Department and the CIA by establishing a justification for war.
Mr Tenet has officially taken responsibility for the president's unsubstantiated claim in January that Saddam Hussein's regime had been trying to buy uranium in Africa, but he also said his agency was under pressure to justify a war that the administration had already decided on.
� As more Americans die in Iraq and the reasons for the war are revealed, his victory in 2004 no longer looks like a foregone conclusion.
The OSP itself had less than 10 full-time staff, so to help deal with the load, the
office hired scores of temporary "consultants". They included lawyers, congressional staffers, and policy wonks from the numerous rightwing thinktanks in Washington. Few had experience in intelligence.
"Most of the people they had in that office were off the books, on personal services contracts. At one time, there were over 100 of them," said an intelligence source. The contracts allow a department to hire individuals, without specifying a job description.
As John Pike, a defence analyst at the thinktank GlobalSecurity.org, put it, the contracts "are basically a way they could pack the room with their little friends".
"They surveyed data and picked out what they liked," said Gregory Thielmann, a senior official in the state department's intelligence bureau until his retirement in September. "The whole thing was bizarre. The secretary of defence had this huge defence intelligence agency, and he went around it."
In fact, the OSP's activities were a complete mystery to the DIA and the Pentagon.
"The iceberg analogy is a good one," said a senior officer who left the Pentagon during the planning of the Iraq war. "No one from the military staff heard, saw or discussed anything with them."
The civilian agencies had the same impression of the OSP sleuths. "They were a pretty shadowy presence," Mr Thielmann said. "Normally when you compile an intelligence document, all the agencies get together to discuss it. The OSP was never present at any of the meetings I attended."
On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 04:06 PM, �Harry Nelson� wrote:
..likely Hotsky Totsky and Spleen Killer were in it! (i.e. OSP in Pentagon)
�Are you being facetious? If not, you are wildly overestimating the significance of a bloated mediocrity like Hotsky Totsky.
The men at the top use bozos like "Suleyman Ahmad" for window-dressing; the big fish aren't moronic enough to take Hotsky Totsky seriously. They aren't complete idiots, you know. Hotsky Totsky isn't an intelligence analyst, he's a hack propagandist, and an unconvincing one at that. Don't give the fool more credit than he deserves.�
Kevin Keating
"Credit"? You mean "discredit" don't you? ;-)
"Oh, until this moment I did not know "Harry Nelson" and "Kevin Keating" were one and the same!"
Inspector Clueless to Melman, Hinckle's Bassett Hound.
Well Keating or Nelson or Mrs Calabash where ever and who ever you are, I hope you are right on this one. I will sleep easier. However, there is circumstantial evidence to the contrary. For example, although Hotsky Totskyky may be lying, he wrote to me on July 18, 2003
In a message dated 7/18/2003 11:00:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, sarfatti@pacbell.net writes:
So admit it, you and Spleen Killer were in that OSP Pentagon ad-hoc group that
mucked up. Spleen Killer's "major document" was the muck up- do you deny it?
�How can we deny it?�
Red Diaper
BTW According to Comrade Robespierre Hotsky Totskyky our e-mail exchange is high treason a conspiracy like the Neo Con Cabal, however since they now allegedly control The Pentagon and have the CIA quaking in their boots like The Policemen in "Pirates of Penzance" you and I will be soon executed before a firing squad. That is Comrade Hotsky Totskyky's "Brave New World" Defending Democracy down on Animal Farm.
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