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On Tuesday, December 30, 2003, at 02:52 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On Tuesday, December 30, 2003, at 12:53 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On Monday, December 29, 2003, at 01:32 PM, Paul Zielinski wrote:
"The opposite of a profound truth is another profound truth." --
What Rovelli doesn't seem to understand is that this all makes
sense once
you give up strict equivalence and distinguish the background and
physical metrics.
JS: I do not understand this distinction. Please give more details
you mean.
PZ: In that case you don't understand Newtonian physics either, which
makes precisely
this distinction: you don't understand the Newtonian distinction
between "real" and
"fictitious" forces.
But at least you are honest enough to admit it. :-)
JS: What I understand is that "fictitious" or "inertial" forces are
artifacts of the non-geodesic timelike motion of the local frames of
Which, in the absence of gravitational sources, is Newtonian straight line motion,
although of course this inertial motion will *appear* to be curved in accelerated
frames of reference. That's the Newtonian view: the *apparent* curvature is an artifact
of an accelerating frame -- an aberration.
JS: You seem here to confuse curvature of the orbit with tidal curvature. There is a relationship of course since the former is a LOCAL cause of the latter in GR though not in Newton. In GR we have a bundle of local frames in fact two classes of bundles LIFs and LNIFs. LNIFs generalize Newton's accelerating frames.
PZ: The Einsteinian view is that even in this case -- no gravitating sources -- all frames are
physically (and NOT just formally) on a *completely equal footing*, which implies that there is
nothing special about the "straight" appearance of inertial motion in an unaccelerated frame.
Under this interpretation we "produce" or "annihilate" a gravity field simply by changing our
frame of reference, and the physics is thus exactly the same in *any* frame.
JS: Yes, if by "gravity field" you only mean "g-force" at the non-tensor "connection" level for parallel transport not at the "tidal" level of tensor curvature. The dynamical equations are "the same" in the sense of being covariant equations. It is true that the tidal curvature tensor is not zero in an LIF if it is not zero in a COINCIDENT LNIF at same "point event" P. All that EEP, yes only a correspondence principle, asserts, is that under most conditions, one can manage to make the relative tidal acceleration between two timelike geodesic test particles quite small. This approximation breaks down on the approach to a space-time singularity or if one is probing the Planck scale Lp. For practical problems here on Earth the tidal effects are very tiny because, as I recall, radius of curvature of the Earth at its surface is ~ 1 AU ~ 10^13 cm. I need to compute it for Sun at Earth as well.
PZ: This is Einstein's basic extension of the restricted physical principle of relativity to mutually
accelerating frames.
My point here is that the whole "general covariant" formal apparatus of metric tensors,
connection fields, etc. based on
ds^2 = g_uv dx^u dx^v
can be applied just as well under the Newtonian or the Einsteinian inertial models: so far, this general
covariant formulation is completely neutral as to Newton v. Einstein. The difference here is rather
in the *interpretation* of the inertial metric tensor g_uv -- whether it is to be understood as a purely
kinematical quantity (Newtonian), or as an integral aspect of a dynamic unified gravitational-inertial
field (Einsteinian).
JS: Since Newton's gravity is the slow speed weak curvature limit of Einstein's GR
For example in SSS where r > 2GM/c^2
ds^2 = (1 - 2GM/rc^2)(cdt)^2 - (1 - 2GM/rc^2)^-1dr^2 + r^2(dtheta^2 + sin^2theta dphi^2)
U(Newton) = -GM/r per unit test particle
Therefore, one CAN seamlessly interpret Newton's gravity in exactly the same geometrodynamic way that Einstein does. Therefore, there is no necessary difference of interpretation since Einstein's theory eliminating "gravity force" is the covering theory of Newton's using "force acting at a distance". Newton's intepretation is clearly less fundamental and is superceded by Einstein's even in Newton's original domain of relevance.
PZ: I'm not sure this is generally understood.
The second step in Einstein's development is modeling the physical gravitational field as a
metric tensor field based on the "force field" analogy. But that leads straight to Riemann curvature,
a mathematical device that allows non-linear variation of the metric field from point to point,
which is of course absent in pure inertial fields.
The final step is formal fusion of the kinematical metric into the Einstein gravitational metric,
resulting in the unified Einstein tensor "metric field" g_uv.
But we can keep the metric tensor model of the gravity field while discarding the formally doable
but physically misleading fusion of the gravitational field with the inertial metric field, which is based
(in both theories) on the *trivially valid* kinematic definition of the invariant interval.
JS: I do not understand your last paragraph. I do not see that the invariance of the space-time interval ds is "trivially valid"?
PZ: That's the "rubber-rod-and-clock" approach.
JS: I understand Coriolis, centrifugal, standing on a scale in
an elevator as "inertial forces".
PZ: OK. Do you see how these can be associated with a purely kinematical connection field
even in Newtonian theory?
JS: Of course.
PZ: You must also realize that the "force field" that is observed in a rotating frame does not satisfy
physical boundary conditions at infinity. Landau and Lifshitz have a good discussion on this.
I also understand that LOCALLY there
PZ: "APPROXIMATELY". Thank you. In caps, no less. :-)
JS: I have always emphasized that detail.
no way to distinguish the inertial force from a
gravity force or G-force on a SINGLE TEST PARTICLE 1 NOT ON A TIMELIKE
GEODESIC in sense of connection field for parallel transport
(Experiment A), IF one MAKES NO ATTEMPT to measure the relative tidal
GEODESICS with ZERO G-FORCE (Experiment B).
PZ: There is *approximately* no way to locally distinguish the two -- but even then only if we voluntarily
blinker ourselves?
I rest my case: "EEP" =/= "Einstein equivalence"
JS: I do not know what you mean by "Einstein equivalence"? What precise quote of Einstein are you thinking of there and WHEN did he write it?
Einstein changed his mind as his understanding of his own ideas deepened. This is always so. I think the real issue here is how much weight to give to different statements Einstein made at different points on his worldline.
PZ: Yes.
JS: which you ignore in your too abstract formal analysis.
PZ: Classic operationalism is troglodyte.
JS: I think your remark is too ideological and polemical. Operationalism is always a good thing when one can figure out how to use it. Indeed, the Einstein technique of the "Gedankenexperiment" is operationalism in action. It is good philosophy IMHO.
PZ: That is part of the reason Einstein had difficulty in separating
the formal issue of general covariance from the substantive issue of physical relativity, as pointed
out in 1917 by Kretschman.
JS: Is Kretschman's article in English or German?
PZ: For example, his classic 1905 argument about the magnet and the coil, concluding that the laws
of electrodynamics *must* or at least *should* be form-invariant under changes of inertial frame
simply because the observable effect is identical in either frame, is invalid. Einstein's conclusion
simply does not follow from the premises.
It's a *non sequitur*.
JS: Huh? That's a shocker. I think I disagree. You can think of this in analogy to holonomic integrability, i.e. path independent "state functions".
Each frame is a different perspective. The Hermetic Tech-Gnostic Platonic idea of objective reality is that what is real should not depend on the perspective. The perspective is the shadow image on the wall of Plato's Cave Allegory in Book Seven of "The Republic". We seek The Source, the thing in itself, not its "Maya" or "illusion" or "image".
PZ: The proper conclusion here is that the true laws *may or may not be* invariant under such a
transformation, depending entirely on the contingent nature of the physical systems involved.
All we can say *a priori* is that any viable theory must predict the same *effect* in either case
-- which of course Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics did.
JS: It did so because it was already a special-relativistic theory before anyone realized that.
PZ: The error of Einstein's thinking here shows up very clearly in his later development of "general
relativity" as an extended relativity principle. IMHO it is a root Einsteinian fallacy, an artifact of
his early naive "Machian" empiricism.
Once you consider the vacuum itself to be a physical system, the error of Einstein's reasoning
becomes obvious. Whether the true and proper laws of electrodynamics are or are not Lorentz
invariant under speed boosts is contingent on the physical characteristics of the vacuum, the details
of matter-vacuum interaction, and the nature of light propagation. So there is in reality no *a priori*
"principle of relativity" with any deep thinking behind it -- notwithstanding what they try to sell you
in textbooks.
JS: I think you have turned the argument upside down. I think mainstream physicists will force the physical vacuum to obey a certain set of symmetries. You are saying this is a Procrustean Bed. Of course, whether this or that particular symmetry should be forced upon Nature is a delicate matter and is ultimately empirical as in the breakdown of "parity" mirror space symmetry in the weak force of radioactive beta decay.
PZ: As for "Mach's principle", that self-implodes. It bites it own tail. It leads straight back to a physical
medium of propagation (as Einstein later admitted).
JS: Mach's Principle may survive once one admits retro-causation as in John Cramer's transactional quantum interpretation from Costa De Beauregard's "Feynman zig zag" intepretation of quantum nonlocality of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect stemming from Wheeler-Feynman classical action at a distance electrodynamics (Tetrode & Stuckelberg (Vigier's advisor BTW) up to Dick Bierman's "presponse" mind-matter data and Shelly Goldstein's recent advanced micro-causal Bohmian quantum realism.
On Thursday, December 18, 2003, at 03:57 PM, Gary S. Bekkum wrote:
Opposite Arrows of Time Can Reconcile Relativity and Nonlocality
Authors: Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka
Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures; v5: section headlines added
Journal-ref: Classical and Quantum Gravity 20 (2003) 557-564
We present a quantum model for the motion of N point particles, implying
nonlocal (i.e., superluminal) influences of external fields on the
trajectories, that is nonetheless fully relativistic. In contrast to other
models that have been proposed, this one involves no additional space-time
structure as would be provided by a (possibly dynamical) foliation of
space-time. This is achieved through the interplay of opposite microcausal
and macrocausal (i.e., thermodynamic) arrows of time.
PZ: If we are to make real progress in quantum gravity, I think the time has come to face up to all this.
JS: I still do not understand what you want us to face up to? Did you read Goldstein on Bohmian quantum gravity? Does he face up to all this?
Therefore, you end up in a false comparison comparing apples to oranges
so to speak by confounding the essentially different, indeed,
complementary in Bohr's sense of "total experimental arrangements" -
even of macro relevance, Experiments A & B.
PZ: Come on, Jack. I am simply saying that you can locally empirically distinguish a true
gravitational field from an inertial field. You know this is true.
JS: If you mean by "gravitational field" can one, in principle, measure the 4th rank Riemannian curvature tensor quasi-locally using the tidal geodesic deviation of pairs of test particles, each on timelike geodesics, in different orientations, yes that is true. It that all you mean here? That is part of Einstein's GR IMHO. On the other hand if you mean by "gravitational field" the g-force on a single point test particle not on a timelike geodesic, that is not true. Again, your point seems to be based on not being precise and explicit enough in how you use "gravitational field" in different contexts.
PZ: Of course, if you ignore everything but translational effects on a single test particle, then you
can't tell: an apparent translational force is an apparent translational force. That's the real thrust
of Einstein's elevator argument.
JS: That's what I have been saying.
PZ: That's the extent of the analogy. But as soon as you consider
tidal and rotational effects, Einstein's "equivalence principle" is already in serious trouble. Even
"EEP" (MTW) fails to work as advertised.
JS: Huh? The way I use it is same as in MTW (1973).
PZ: And you cannot get rid of Riemann curvature, which is absolute.
JS: Who says different? Not Einstein.
PZ: There is no good reason
to assume that Riemann curvature doesn't directly couple -- locally -- to other fields.
JS: Not sure what you mean without seeing a mathematical example of such a coupling. In any case that is an empirical issue.
PZ: So who is confusing apples and oranges? Einstein is; not me.
JS: No, I see nothing said by Einstein that justified what you just said.
PZ: All this has been pointed out by any number of fully-credentialled "heretics" over the years.
Ohanian and Ruffini wrote an entire textbook on gravitational physics based on this skeptical
approach. Weinberg talks about this.
JS: I think I have Ruffini's book in my office. What pages? I will get a copy of Weinberg's book, been meaning to. What pages? Again if you have quotes send them.
Further, I do not see how you tie that to "strict equivalence", which,
if I understand you, you say is fundamentally wrong in some way?
PZ: Jack, you think it is so wrong you couldn't even believe me that Einstein ever advanced it.
Yet the fact of the matter is that not only did he advance it and take it very seriously, but
this *was* his "theory of general relativity" -- certainly as of 1921.
I gave you the quotes.
JS: Send them again thanks. I will do a close critical reading. Again the dates on the quotes are important. Einstein was struggling between 1912 and 1915.
I do
not understand how you mean "background" and "physical" above. Do you
mean "nondynamical" and "dynamical".
PZ: I mean kinematical vs. dynamical.
Inertial metric = kinematical
Gravitational metric = dynamical
JS: The problem is that you introduce
key terms without enough contextual background to understand what you
mean. In many cases an equation would eliminate the ambiguity.
PZ: No it would not, since the equations are precisely the same, while the interpretation is
different. See above.
If you think seriously about my "Newtonian" inertial metric, you will see what I mean.
You can do the same kind of thing in SR. Still no Einsteinian "general relativity".
JS: Now if you mean by "strict equivalence" that Einstein did not include
"Experiment B" as a matter of principle in his early formulations, then
if indeed, that is historically correct, then he may have made an error
that was later corrected and is completely corrected in MTW (1973),
which I suppose you say "EEP is a correspondence", which is always the
way I viewed it to begin with.
PZ: Which is the correct interpretation of GR IMO. I am simply saying that this interpretation
should be applied *consistently* throughout.
You don't seem to see the deep connection between this and the vacuum stress-energy
issue. Einstein's energy pseudotensor comes right out of this classic Einsteinian "error".
That is why I say that MTW are incoherent: they flip-flop between the "modern" and Einsteinian
models of gravitational-inertial equivalence, and this is why they fall into the error of
thinking with Einstein that the pure inertial field somehow contributes to gravitational vacuum
Face it, they screwed up.
JS: Let's leave this on back burner until I do careful read of MTW on this.
If indeed your history of the evolution
of Einstein's thought on his own theory is correct, I do not know if it
is, then it is a minor footnote only.
PZ: This WAS Einstein's theory of "general relativity".
You agree it's wrong. That's hardly a "footnote".
We cannot understand the unified metric g_uv, or the related issue of vacuum stress-energy,
without squarely addressing these issues, IMHO.
JS: I am sure similar stories exist
in the evolution of all the great theories of physics from Newton on.
No, Jack. This was always Einstein's theory.
There is an interesting story in "Lectures on Gravitation" about how Einstein was horrified at
Kraitchnan's spin-2 field model because it threatened to put Einstein's cherished covariant
geometric model of gravitation into the twilight zone. This happened at Princeton in the
1940s. So Einstein's thinking was still fundamentally chronogeometric even then.
JS: Have you read pp. 112 - 114 that completely demolishes Hal Puthoff's
use of
dr/dt = c' = c/K radial null geodesic
in his "Tables".
PZ: It does no such thing. I would not even characterize pp 112-114
an "argument".
It is simply a sketch of a model in which *everything* is quantized
except the "raw"
JS: It shows no intrinsic meaning to Puthoff's r and t as he means it
in his Tables.
PZ: In Rovelli's approach, almost everything is quantized and time
itself has no fundamental
So, OK, things are VERY different in Rovelli's theory. No argument
He wants to dig down to the raw manifold so he can quantize the
Einsteinian chronogeometric structure of spacetime, replete with its
unified metric,
thinking this may be the real solution to the quantum gravity
I say he has not properly understood the status and meaning of the
unified metric.
He has simply skated over this. He is trying to run before he can walk.
What does he mean by "fluctuations"?
JS: What do you mean by "kinematical g_uv and dynamic gravitational
g_uv" apart from Ruvwl = 0 in the former and not in the latter.
PZ: I mean what it means in Newtonian physics.
JS: Huh? Newton uses forces with action at a distance.
PZ: This is "orthogonal" to the kinematic-dynamic distinction. Immaterial to the argument.
You still have "real" and "apparent" forces in Newtonian theory. You still have kinematics
vs. dynamics.
JS: He never invokes
any geometrodynamical
replacement of forces the way Einstein does. Newton never talks of a
"metric" so what do you mean?
PZ: Of course I didn't say, or imply, that Newton himself "talked of a metric".
I said you can *do* a metric tensor formulation of Newtonian kinematics by defining an
invariant interval ds in terms of a metric g_uv, and allowing g_uv to transform naturally
(as a tensor) under accelerative frame transformations.
This much is mathematically trivial. You even can do this with logarithmic x-y graph paper.
The x-coordinate is scaled non-linearly and this is reflected in the transformations of
g_ik: straight lines *look* curved, curved lines *look* straight. But the expression for the
invariant interval in terms of g_ik is form-invariant, since the g_ik components transform as
a tensor.
JS: Do you simply mean again the distinction between inertial and
non-inertial frames of reference?
PZ: That has nothing to do with the covariance of the metric formulation. It is, rather, a matter of
*interpretation* of this covariant formalism.
Physical relativity is not the same as formal "covariance". The formal "covariance" of
the covariant formulation of Newtonian kinematics in terms of a metric tensor does not
guarantee or imply physical relativity of non-inertial motion.
That's what I mean.
JS: There are no "fictitious" or "inertial forces" in "inertial frames".
PZ: Exactly right. Who says otherwise?
JS: Newton only had implicitly
the idea of a global frame of reference not local frames of reference
on a rigid Euclidean space with a
rigid absolute time
PZ: There is, strictly speaking, no such thing as a "local frame of reference". That's just a
*facon de parler*. A term of art.
JS: Huh? The Space-Shuttle is a local frame for example.
PZ: Frames of reference are inherently global.
JS: I do not think that is true. Basically, a frame of reference is a detector of some sort. Or, more generally, a set of detectors communicating with each other by exchanging real photons or real particles of some other kind and using Doppler radar. The size of this set of detectors must be small compared to the local radii of space-time curvature.
PZ: The "LIF" stands for blinkering our observations so that we can pretend SR works
in a limited region of spacetime in which gravitational fields are present -- in other
words, the "EEP" correspondence model. But the issue of "locality" is a red herring.
You might as well just exclude all observations of tidal forces -- since these do not
really go away in any "neighborhood".
As I see it, the only virtue of the so-called "EEP" as formulated by MTW is that it
*looks* superficially like an Einstein-type equivalence principle, even though it is really
something else entirely -- a rough-and-ready empirical correspondence model. In
other words, it simply offers a plausible answer to the question, "If it's wrong, why
did we ever believe in SR?"
Hardly enough to be dignified by the honorific title "principle".
The point is, inertial and gravitational forces can cancel in free float without our *identifying*
gravitational and inertial phenomena, and without our instituting a unified gravitational-inertial
JS: Einstein in 1905 unified rigid space and rigid time into a rigid
space-time in which space and time separately were no longer rigid.
PZ: But the question was, was this only *apparent*, or was it a direct reflection of the
fundamental structure of a unitary "Minkowski spacetime"?
That is Einstein vs. Lorentz; "chronogeometric", vs. rubber-rod-and-clock.
JS: See Brown & Pooley's article on this Ch 11 of "Physics Meets Philosophy at The Planck Scale."
JS: Special Relativity uses a NONDYNAMICAL "background" RIGID 4D space-time
PZ: Right.
JS: Einstein by 1915 corrects that approximation in General Relativity.
Space-time GEOMETRY is now DYNAMICAL in "TWO WAY RELATION" (Bohm and
PZ: Right. But is the dynamic gravitational g_uv to be interpreted as being "completely physically
equivalent" to the kinematical g_uv, and then formally fused into it? That is the question.
Einstein's classic answer was "yes".
JS: Similarly, nonlocal linear unitary evolving orthodox micro-quantum
theory with "signal locality" has a NON-DYNAMICAL BIT "pilot wave"
relative to its IT "extra-variable". The BIT is of course DYNAMICAL
relative to its ENVIRONMENT via boundary conditions, stochastic pumps,
semi-classical couplings etc. I am only here talking SELF-REFERENTIAL
DYNAMICS of a kind not even recognized in other interpretations of
micro-QM where
IT FROM BIT (Wheeler)
BIT is complete description of micro-quantum reality.
PZ: OK. But if there is a 4D physical vacuum, then it is really no mystery that quantum
particles are capable of interference effects over space and time. This is the key to
the "wave-particle duality" conundrum IMO. That is also the answer (together with
a finite speed of propagation) to the ancient action-at-a-distance problem.
JS: The physical vacuum may have more than four dimensions on the micro-scale. Also one needs to distinguish bosonic c-number dimensions from anti-commuting fermion dimensions required by supersymmetry. See also Connes "non-commutative geometry". Basically spacetime manifolds are extended from spaces over real numbers to hypercomplex matrices.
I disagree there is no mystery regarding interference effects. That's where Bohm's quantum potential comes in in a realist ontology. I do not understand your remark above.
JS: This includes all "collapse" models with the possible exception of
Penrose's "OR" and all many-worlds models from Everett to
Gell-Mann/Hartle to David Deutsch's "multi-verse" and also Cramer's
Shelly Godstein takes a wrong turn IMHO in his Bohmian Quantum Gravity
paper in "Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale" in rejecting a
"source" for the "pilot wave" where it is most important on the vast
scale of the Universe in the FRW limit.
In contrast to micro-quantum theory, MACRO-QUANTUM THEORY is P.W.
Anderson's "More is different" in action IMHO.
PZ: Can you give me a citation for Anderson again?
JS: There are two books, one is titled "More is different", then there is World Scientific collection of his key papers "A Career in Theoretical Physics". There are also at least two op eds in older Physics Todays. The point is that the MACRO-QUANTUM wave is local and in some ways very much like a classical field like an EM field, but still with quantum weirdness on a large scale. Most important is the essential nonlinearity in the Landau-Ginzburg replacement of the linear Schrodinger equation and the breakdown of the Born probability interpretation because of "generalized phase rigidity". The Born probability only works for the random noise "normal fluid" not for the "superfluid" or elastic world crystal analog of the superfluid.
For superfluid LOCAL wave PSI in 3D
v = (h/m)Grad(arg PSI)
For elastic 4D world crystal Planck lattice
du(x) = Lp^2(argPSI),u
du(x) is the dynamical distortion of the world crystal.
,u is ordinary partial derivative relative to x^u
The Einstein curved metric tensor is
guv = (Minkowski metric) + strain tensor
strain tensor = du,v + dv,u
You cannot assume
du,v = dv,u
That integrability breaks down along string phase singularities like vortices in a superfluid.
Kleinert shows there are both curvature strings and torsion strings possible as disclination and dislocation defects in the 4D lattice respectively.
Einstein's general coordinate transformations are essentially LOCAL "gauge" transformations on the Goldstone phase argPSI with dynamical distortion du(x) as the compensating gauge force field - in this case "spin 2" from the symmetric strain tensor.
MACRO-QUANTUM THEORY is local, non-unitary nonlinear with "presponse"
(Dick Bierman) signal nonlocality in the sense of Antony Valentini's
violation of "sub-quantal heat death".
The nonlocal linear micro-quantum Schrodinger equation in the
configuration space of entangled parts of the whole is replaced by a
local nonlinear MACRO-QUANTUM "Landau-Ginzburg" equation coupled to a
residual micro-quantum Schrodinger equation in the sense of the old
"two-fluid model" of Tiza but now generalized. This seems to go against
some of Lenny Susskind's and t'Hooft's ideas and seems to support some
of Hawking's older ideas on information loss in black holes. However, I
am not sure of that. Lenny et-al seems to want to misapply
micro-quantum theory in the MACRO-domain ignoring PW Anderson's "More
is different"? I could be wrong. We shall see.
JS: The phase-transition from an unstable completely random white zero
point noise micro-quantum vacuum to a metastable MACRO-QUANTUM VACUUM
with colored zero point noise controlled by Vacuum Coherence has a
lower q-entropy defined as log of the phase space needed by the vacuum.
Since 2003 with the discovery of both DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER as ~
96% of the "stuff" of The World, we have been forced by the weight of
FACTS to expand our notion of MATTER as MASS-ENERGY to include VIRTUAL
ZERO POINT ENERGY or "EXOTIC VACUA". Zero Point energy has w =
Pressure/Energy Density = -1. Dark energy is exotic vacuum with
negative micro-quantum pressure and dark matter is the same, but with
positive pressure. All lepto-quarks have dark matter "vortex string"
cores which prevent the distributed electric charge of the IT
"extra-variable" from exploding. This is consistent with J.P. Vigier's
notion of "tight atomic states" and it solves the old
Abraham-Becker-Lorentz self-energy of the electron problem from ~ 100
years ago. The smallness of the cosmological constant is not solved by
string theory as Ed Witten admits, but it is, IMHO, solved by
PZ: Fascinating.
JS: I think so. However, few GET IT.
Key prediction: No dark matter detector will "click" with "the right
dark stuff" because all dark stuff is "virtual" not "real".
PZ: What does that mean?
JS: Exactly what it means in SR quantum field theory. Real stuff is "on mass shell", i.e. pole of
Feynman propagator in complex energy plane. The position of the pole E(p) obeys
E^2(p) = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2
Only real particles can cause a detector to "click".
Virtual particles violate the above equation. They can have any energy and any momentum.
Near EM induction fields are made from virtual photons.
For example, the static Coulomb field in rest frame of a point charge is made from virtual photons of all wavelengths but each of zero frequency!
The response function of a material to an EM near field is X(k,f) where wave vector k and frequency f are independent variables!
PZ: Is the entire physical vacuum in the absence of matter itself "virtual, but not real"?
JS: Yes, but in exotic regions there is net zero point energy density that anti-gravitates with negative pressure as "dark energy" , or, alternatively, gravitates with positive pressure. What it does in any region depends on the intensity of the vacuum coherence in that region. The vacuum coherence is the Archimedean Lever for "metric engineering" of Men Like Gods, like "Q" in Star Trek. IMHO the "flying saucers" are evidence that someone has this technology working - but it ain't the USAF. That's the problem here!
PZ: I mean other than virtual particles being "off the mass shell", by definition.
I take it that this "virtual dark matter" gravitates, in your model?
JS: Yes, that's the whole point. And "virtual dark energy" anti-gravitates! It's what Kip Thorne called "exotic matter" and what Herman Bondi and Robert Forward and also Stalin's Spy Master Yacov Terletskii called "negative matter". Little did they know back then that most of the stuff in the universe is "exotic" with real matter only about 4% of the stuff of large-scale universe.
Dark stuff
looks like w ~ 0 at a distance but up close it is w = -1 as one day
interstellar space probes using dark energy weightless warp
(Alcubierre) drives will confirm.
PZ: If your theory works.
JS: It works. Heads up. Look to the skies.
What is interesting about Lenny Susskind's theory however is the
connection between black holes and elementary lepto-quarks and gauge
force bosons as merely a matter of the complexity or bit length of the
"strings" in which "string" has dual meaning as "vibrating strings of
energy" and "strings" of computer theory in the sense of algorithmic
complexity and all that. This is already seen in black hole
thermodynamics where
Area/Lp^2 ~ number of bits
and the world hologram idea.
PZ: Is string theory even empirically refutable? What makes you think strings exist?
JS: Topology of order parameters. See any modern book on "soft condensed matter physics".
Also see Hagen Kleinert's webpage.
Now if you mean superstrings ,then Saul-Paul's latest comment on the EINSTEIN NASA probe is relevant.