Saturday, October 15, 2005

How consciousness works
Yes, of course, but that is Stuart Hameroff's idea not mine. Roger Penrose discusses it in his books. :-)
In my theory there is a giant local quantum hologram wave that couples to those electrons forming a two-way feedback control loop that spontaneously organizes itself adapting to the sensory information passed to those electrons. That giant quantum hologram is our mind - different levels of course not all conscious. The giant quantum wave is immune to the deterioration of heat because of P.W. Anderson's "generalized phase rigidity" that always accompanies the "two-way relation" between all those electron qubits and the giant quantum mind-wave. This permits backward-in-time "presponse" i.e. "signal nonlocality" as defined by A. Valentini of the Perimeter Institute. This effect has been observed by Libet, Radin and Bierman in separate experiments. Hameroff & Penrose discuss these effects. It also explains remote-viewing and all other paranormal phenomena.

Roger Penrose's model is different. He has "collapse" OR of a new kind. I don't need "OR".

On Oct 15, 2005, at 8:14 PM, Russell S Clark wrote:

Dear Dr. Sarfatti,

I read in the Oxford Companion to the Mind that general anesthesia is on account of the physical properties of the aneasthetic gas or vapor, rather than due to its specific chemical properties. Specifically when the concentration of the anaesthetic molecules reaches a concentration in brain lipids of 0.05 molal, general anaesthesia ensues. Could this transition be due to the effect of this concentration upon electron mobility in the tubulin dimers? Say in triggering a switch of the tubulin electron currents from quantum to classical - kind of like unplugging the dimer electrons from interaction with quantum vacuum electromagnetic field fluctuations? You know, like switching the brain's computation from networked to offline computation?

Thanks for any response and references from your writings/postings.

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